Stig Bergqvist

Stig Bergqvist


Stig Bergqvist


Captain Sabertooth
Captain Sabertooth's menacing ship, the Dark Lady, is the only one Tiny, the world's youngest priate has ever known. He dreams that one of these days Captain Sabertooth will come to see that Tiny is a real pirate and a brave one too! But Captain Sabertooth has only one thing on his mind, to discover the long lost, legendary treasure trove of Gory Gabriel. Tiny is mesmerized by the beautiful Veronica, a local girl from Luna Bay. Their destinies entwine and together they must fight fate, legend - and Captain Sabertooth.
Карапузы в Париже
Приключения продолжаются! Наши любимые карапузы решили взять приступом город Париж! Берегись Франция: самые отчаянные малыши на свете решили осчастливить тебя своим внезапным визитом. Земля древних галлов доживает свои последние спокойные часы перед тем, как на нее ступит нога карапуза…
An experimental short film based on repetitive movement. The main intention was to create a film much in the same way as you would create a piece of music; themes that build and develop rather than a traditional narrative.
Åke is trapped in a theme park with no chance to escape, unless he's having a great time.
Åke is trapped in a theme park with no chance to escape, unless he's having a great time.
The Man Who Thought with His Hat
The wind takes hold of President Noll's hat and nothing is the same in his country.
The Man Who Thought with His Hat
The wind takes hold of President Noll's hat and nothing is the same in his country.
A little boy wakes up before dawn. As he walks out in the suburb on his own, he finds out that nothing is like it used to be.