Naoki Yamazaki


Yo-Yo Girl Cop
Executive Producer
Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.
Fireflies: River of Light
After finally passing his teacher's exam, Miwa (Yukiyoshi Ozawa) devoted himself to teaching in a rustic primary school. He struggles to get through to his students, until he creates a class project to raise fireflies to fly over it once again. All students, even the reserved girl Hikari (Risako Sugaya), become passionately involved in the project. However, it brings them into conflict with parents and the school, one problem after another stands in his way.
Youth Bakachin Cooking School
Hitomi Kogure, has decided to drop out of high school. Deciding to tell her e-mail penpal "Ayumi-chan", her online friend reveals she is joining a cooking class. In order to meet her friend, Hitomi decides to join as well. What happens when she realizes "Ayumi-chan" is not who Hitomi had in mind?
Tokutaro Ikeda
Япония XIX век. После прибытия «черных кораблей» командора Перри страну охватывает смута. Спустя несколько лет небольшой отряд ронинов направляется в Киото, чтобы поступить на службу к сегунату. В центре истории - Исами Кондо, смелый воин, возглавивший патриотически настроенную группу ронинов из которых правительством было сформировано подразделение, призванное сохранять порядок в столице - синсэнгуми (новое ополчение). Но в самом синсэнгуми некоторые понимают сохранение порядка по-своему.