Jeff Rawle

Jeff Rawle

Рождение : 1951-07-20, Birmingham, England, UK


Jeff Rawle


Alexander Pope: Rediscovering a Genius
Dr Johnson
Docudrama that recounts the astonishing life story of a forgotten genius, English poet Alexander Pope, who lived from 1688 to 1744.
Максимиллиан де Уинтер недавно потерял жену Ребекку. Он приезжает в Монте-Карло, где встречает миссис Ван Хоппер и её юную компаньонку. Постепенно Максимиллиан так увлекается молодой особой, что в конце концов женится на ней. Он и новоиспеченная миссис де Уинтер возвращаются в Мэндэрли, владение семьи де Уинтер в Корнуэлле. Там девушку начинает преследовать и подавлять присутствие Ребекки, которое она находит абсолютно во всем.
Истории из хижины в лесу
Пятеро старых друзей собираются на выходные в хижине в лесу, чтобы наконец развеять прах своего друга Джонси, который 3 года назад утопился в озере. Вечер проходит за жуткими историями об убийствах и зомби. Но позже буквально у героев на глазах разыгрывается еще одна, и самая пугающая история - на этот раз невыдуманная.
National Theatre Live: Allelujah!
Alan Bennett’s sharp and hilarious new play is ‘just what the doctor ordered’ (Daily Telegraph). Filmed live at London’s Bridge Theatre during its limited run, don’t miss this acclaimed production full of ‘singalongs and stinging wit’ (Guardian). The Beth, an old fashioned cradle-to-grave hospital serving a town in Yorkshire, is threatened with closure as part of an efficiency drive. A documentary crew, eager to capture its fight for survival, follows the daily struggle to find beds on the Dusty Springfield Geriatric Ward, and the triumphs of the old people’s choir. One of Britain’s most celebrated writers, Alan Bennett’s plays include The History Boys, The Lady in the Van and The Madness of George III, all of which were also seen on film. Allelujah! is his tenth collaboration with award-winning director Nicholas Hytner.
Magistrate Rev Hay
1815 год. После Битвы при Ватерлоо солдат Джозеф возвращается в родной Манчестер. Парень ещё толком не оправился от войны, а уже новая напасть угрожает его семье - экономический спад ведёт к безработице и голоду. Народное недовольство растёт, и всё большую популярность получают идеи Генри Ханта - искусного оратора, который поддерживает рабочий класс и выступает за всеобщее избирательное право.
Chubby Funny
Oscar thinks he's special. He isn't. He thinks it's everyone else's fault. It's not. Moving to London, he gives himself a year to break into showbiz, but ends up waylaid by the same old problems: friendships, flings, and finding ultimate fulfillment. Say what you like, but it's tough being Chubby Funny.
Девушку из пиар-отдела обвиняют в утечке конфиденциальной информации военно-промышленной компании, в которой она работает. Спасаясь от солдат, она находит приют у своего брата, который связан с таинственной группировкой хакеров. Теперь ей предстоит сделать нелегкий выбор между своей прошлой шикарной жизнью и Редистрибьюторами....
Приключение в пространстве и времени
Mervyn Pinfield
Фильм расскажет о ранней истории создания сериала «Доктор Кто». История о становлении Доктора в зависимости от таланта актера Уильяма Хартнела и о невероятных стечениях обстоятельств, которые преследуют сериал.
Dangerous Liaisons
Dominic Sylvester
When detectives investigate a seemingly natural death of an old man, they discover a disturbing tape in his possession which alongside old family memories also features the murder of a woman. After tracking down the dead man's ex-wife and his estranged son they try to discover a link between the mans death and the horrific videotape.
Гарри Поттер и кубок огня
Amos Diggory
Гарри Поттер, Рон и Гермиона возвращаются на четвёртый курс школы чародейства и волшебства «Хогвартс». При таинственных обстоятельствах Гарри отобран в число участников опасного соревнования — Турнира Трёх Волшебников, однако проблема в том, что все его соперники — намного старше и сильнее. К тому же, знаки указывают на возвращение Лорда Волдеморта. Вскоре Гарри предстоит побороться не только за победу в соревновании, но и, прежде всего, за свою жизнь...
Graham Hammond
Боб - заместитель премьер-министра, человек из народа - самоуверенный, принципиальный и прагматичный. Окруженный неэффективными, высоко сексуальными личными секретарями, осаждённой Боб стремится, к тому чтобы защитить свою репутацию, свою карьеру и свою совесть, когда он пытается перехитрить своих противников в разрез их упорного мира в Вестминстере.
Черный шар
B старой доброй Англии игра в шары - спорт джентльменов, посему бесшабашный Клифф Старки - сущий позор для уважаемой команды городка Торкей. Этот лохматый дерзкий юнец бросает вызов за вызовом 23-кратному чемпиону Рэю Спейту и тайком встречается с его очаровательной дочкой. К сожалению, даже прирожденный талант гениального игрока в шары не может спасти его от 15-летней дисквалификации. Но мир в Торкее вновь нарушается, когда заезжий агент из Штатов мигом превращает Клиффа в суперзвезду, а местная команда получает шанс сразиться в суперматче с грозными австралийцами. Только Клифф может подарить им победу, но удастся ли чопорным провинциалам вернуть себе изгнанного гения, не уронив при этом свое достоинство?
Mrs. Meitlemeihr
Hitler escapes the war to London, where he lives as Mrs. Meitlemeihr, in this what-if black comedy from commercial director Graham Rose.
Take a Girl Like You
Mr. Charlton
Set in the 1950s, it follows the progress of twenty year old Jenny Bunn, as she moves from her family home in the North of England to a London suburb to teach primary school children. Jenny is a traditional Northern working-class girl whose striking good looks are in sharp contrast to her prosaic upbringing, and to her strong belief that a girl should preserve her virginity until her wedding night. Because of her attractiveness, Jenny's views on virginity and marriage cause conflicts. The film centres on the (increasingly desperate and cruel) attempts of Patrick Standish, a 30 year old schoolmaster at the local grammar school, to seduce Jenny, against a backdrop of his skirmishes with his school authorities and with the shabby, suburban middle class milieu in which the film is set.
Neville's Island
Comedy about 4 middle aged businessmen on a team building exercise in the lake district
Lord of Misrule
Comedy drama. Retired Lord Chancellor Bill Webster decides to sell his memoirs to a tabloid newspaper in order to save his crumbling Cornish house. The Prime Minister wants to stop him as he believes the government will fall if his book is published. One of Bill's old girlfriends, now the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, is sent to try and stop him, but also on his trail is a tabloid journalist who senses a scoop.
The Young Poisoner's Handbook
Graham Young is a teenage misfit living in suburban London in the 1960s. He hates his stepmother but loves chemistry, and the two impulses unite in a wicked plot to slowly poison her. After she dies, he's found guilty and sent to a psychiatric hospital, where an idealistic doctor thinks he can be cured.
Amnesty International's Big 30
George Dent
In the tradition of the acclaimed series of British concerts known as The Secret Policemen's Ball, Amnesty International celebrates its 50th Anniversary live at Radio City Music Hall.
Run for the Lifeboat
Problems of a Welsh coastal village where the lifeboat crew is the main focus.
The Doctor and the Devils
In Victorian England, two grave robbers supply a wealthy doctor with bodies to research anatomy on, but greed causes them to look for a more simple way to get the job done.
TV Crew
A farmer becomes an unintentional celebrity when, because of a strike, he has to walk his 5000 geese 100 miles to market.
The Case of Marcel Duchamp
A witty, feature-length drama-documentary in which Marcel Duchamp, who once compared his own mind to that of a master criminal, is investigated by Sherlock Holmes. Holmes comes out of retirement, and with the assistance of Dr. Watson, proceeds to delve into the mystery of Duchamp’s major work, the once-notorious Large Glass (The Bride Stripped Bare by the Bachelors, even) 1915-23.
Doctor Who: Frontios
"Frontios buries its own dead", or so the saying goes. The Doctor, Turlough and Tegan are forced into landing on the remote planet of Frontios, a human colony where deaths go unaccounted for. What lies beneath the surface, dragging its victims down?
Crystal Gazing
Experimental drama set in London during the Thatcher administration involving four characters: Neil, a science-fiction illustrator, who is accidentally killed in Mexico City; Kim, a woman rock musician; Vermilion, an analyst of satellite photography; and Julian, an old friend of the illustrator who has just finished his Ph.D thesis on the fairy-tales of Charles Perrault. Their four lives are closely interlinked as events happen to each of them.
Rating Notman
A BAFTA award nominated drama about a British POW's collaboration with the Nazis during WWII.
Home Before Midnight
Johnny McGee
A successful rock lyricist becomes romantically involved with a girl he picks up hitchhiking only to learn that she is only fourteen. Her parents take action against him.
An aged art connoisseur (Beaumont) and his young female neighbour (Coles), who has a job posing naked in a club, meet and exist in fantasy and reality. Although this raises certain much-discussed questions about the nature of representation, and about the construction of narrative and daydreams in films, 'Phoelix' tends to treat these as just pretty and pertinent issues, opting instead for a mannered concentration on detail.
Correction, Please: or, How We Got into the Pictures
Experimental essay in film history, associating very early archive material (circa 1909) and studio shot footage in an attempt to provide insights into the way in which "film language" developed during the silent era, with emphasis on the process by which spectators came to be increasingly "contained" with the space time of narrative.
A Hitch in Time
Sniffy Kemp
Two children help an eccentric professor test his new time machine.
Oh What A Lovely Report
A humorous look at the preparation and writing of reports. Details the essential elements of good report writing. Intended for management in industry, commerce and public service. This film features Jeff Rawle as the young employee and Arthur Lowe as his boss (and some other characters as well).
The Death of a Young Young Man
Billy gets a job on a farm while suspended from school. The fields offer an escape from his tower block, but his friends think he's daft. Billy can see a different kind of life ahead, doing a job he could really enjoy-but events conspire against him.
State of the Union
älterer Ehemann
Beyond The Pale
The Man
Milly and her friends have been going on holiday together ever since they've known each other. This summer they return to one of their favourite haunts, a beautiful Irish country hotel. It's a place full of fond memories for all of them, but on this occasion their sense of ease and comfort is destroyed when a terrible secret is revealed.