Sarunyu Wongkrachang

Sarunyu Wongkrachang

Рождение : 1960-10-17,


Sarunyu Wongkrachang


Тутси и фальшивка
Win's Father
Гасу порядком устала от проблем в личной жизни. Она окончательно запуталась в себе, из-за чего вот-вот опустит руки. Гольф и Ким все те же ребята, которые массу времени посвящают развлечениям и во многом ведут беззаботный образ жизни. Натти будто бы невольно притягивает к себе многочисленные конфузы. Что есть общего у главных героев? Все они не сидят без дела и пытаются решать жизненные, наболевшие проблемы. При этом ребята не зацикливаются на испытаниях, которые подкидывает им судьба. Они стараются оставаться позитивными людьми, верящими, что вот-вот наступит светлая полоса.
Во время выполнения очередного задания профессиональный киллер получает пулю в голову, но остается в живых, пусть и с неприятными последствиями. Из-за травмы мозга киллер отныне видит окружающий мир вверх ногами. Две трети картины – это флэшбек к роковому выстрелу. История семи лет жизни человека, который был честным копом из агентства по борьбе с наркотиками, но однажды пошел против системы, был подставлен, предан, отсидел в тюрьме три года, после чего оказался наемным убийцей в подпольной организации тайных ницшеанцев и борцов с преступностью.
Kon Khon
The story of love, revenge and friendship between an orphaned protagonist, his teacher and the woman of his dreams, set in an elite classical dance school.
Онг Бак 3
Rajasena Lord
Тиан снова сражается со своим противником — жестоким королем. Воины владыки до полусмерти избивают его и забирают в плен. Но ни пытки, ни душевные муки не сломили сопротивление доблестного воина. Король, не в силах справиться с пленником, решает убить Тиана. В день казни его чудом спасают жители родной деревни. Восстановив свои силы с помощью медитации, Тиан готов к решающей битве со злым черным колдуном.
Онг Бак 2: Непревзойденный
Rajasena Lord
В 1974 году по Буддийскому календарю и в 1421 году от рождества христова влияние королевского двора Аюттаия, времен правления короля Рама II, который сам был родом из этих мест стало более могущественным, чем Сукхотаи. И оно росло с каждым днем, расширяя свои владения на восток. Армия Аюттаия покорила Город Ангелов за 7 месяцев. Год и 3 месяца спустя городской глава Ратчасена, который долгое время вынашивал планы захвата трона начал уничтожать неугодных ему военноначальников. Одним из таких и стал генерал Сингхадачо, сын которого Тиан чудом остался жив и попал в деревню повстанцев Пха Пик Крут, где командир Чер Нан воспитал его, как родного сына. Прошли годы. Но Тиан, который возмужал и стал прекрасным бойцом так и не обрел покоя, омрачая каждый прожитый день черными мыслями о мести жестокому тирану Ратчасене. И день настал…
Headless Family
TV Host
An accident during a holiday trip leaves an entire family decapitated, and yet they continue to live their lives, although under the curious eyes of their nosy neighbors.
Pirate of the Lost Sea
Captain Rith
Swept by the ocean waves, nine kids find themselves on a remote island where they meet one-eyed pirate who owns the island and promises to bring them back to their family. On the journey in the sea, the ship of one-eyed pirate is attacked by bad pirate Nipon, so the kids want to help one-eyed pirate redeeming his prestige and defeating pirate Nipon. But, the most challenging thing is they're in quest for the treasure island where mythical creatures, such as giant turtle, giant crab, and giant octopus are guarding the treasures.
Великий завоеватель
King Mahachakraphat
Фильм рассказывает о жизни короля-воина Наресуана, освободившего сиамцев от бирманского ига, за что до сих пор считается национальным героем. Маленьким мальчиком он, принц Сиама, был взят в заложники королем Бирмы и жил в плену до 16 лет. Там в нем и зародилась идея борьбы за независимость своего народа...
The Passion
One night at a cinema in town, after the last movie of the night, Praew, a beautiful young girl is struggling to escape from Chai, a stranger who attempts to rape her in the restroom. In reality, Chai is the owner of the cinema who has been passionately watching her from his security monitors. Luckily, Koa, an usher of the cinema comes to save her in time. Then Chai commands his guards to close the cinema and hunt her down.
The Passion
One night at a cinema in town, after the last movie of the night, Praew, a beautiful young girl is struggling to escape from Chai, a stranger who attempts to rape her in the restroom. In reality, Chai is the owner of the cinema who has been passionately watching her from his security monitors. Luckily, Koa, an usher of the cinema comes to save her in time. Then Chai commands his guards to close the cinema and hunt her down.
The Passion
One night at a cinema in town, after the last movie of the night, Praew, a beautiful young girl is struggling to escape from Chai, a stranger who attempts to rape her in the restroom. In reality, Chai is the owner of the cinema who has been passionately watching her from his security monitors. Luckily, Koa, an usher of the cinema comes to save her in time. Then Chai commands his guards to close the cinema and hunt her down.
У Пучита, можно сказать, худший день в жизни. Он расстался с девушкой, потерял работу и у него серьёзные долги. Но всё изменится, как только раздастся загадочный телефонный звонок, а голос на другом конце предложит заманчивую сделку. Пучит должен выполнить 13 заданий, после чего он получит кругленькую сумму. Первые задания выглядят относительно безобидно, но вскоре становятся всё более и более изощрёнными и опасными…
12 Begin
The story is about a group of high school boys with Tay, Mick, Bae and their new friends. Come join the Bird group, who came to tell a strange story to the 3 of them that last night, while on MSN, it turned out that "Kie" appeared to greet him. Even though everyone knows that Kie, an old friend in the group during the second year of high school, has been intertwined between disappearance or death for a long time.
Hit Man File
Tantai, a smart hit man is hired to silence some powerful godfathers who are linked to a business case. One of the major targets is Lheemeng, a big drug agent who's feuding with village chief Baum. Also involved a misled soldier named Sompong, who is an old enemy of Tantai. Meanwhile, Detective Chat is secretly watching it all, waiting for his time to clean up the outlaws.
In the Name of Godfather
A young man named Chob, is caught in bed with In-tu-orn, the daughter of a powerful and wealthy landowner who owns almost ever acre in northern Thailand by her father. He asks Chob to prove his love towards his daughter by taking a seven-day trip upcountry, attempting to quarrel with anyone he meets along the way. If Chob can complete this unusual mission he will grant his daughter’s hand in marriage, along with half of his property. One of the first people Chob meets is a northern girl, Nalin, who is unlucky in love and wants to go home to cure her heartbreak but can't afford to travel.
Girl's Friends
Tim's father
Four teenage schoolgirls - Bee, Tum, Nui and Tim - have been friends for a long time, and have sworn to be true to one another forever. Their relationship is as colorful and lively as they are, and they feel nothing can tear them apart. This proves to be not so permanent when one day, Tum meets a teenage boy called Daeng. As Tum's puppy love develops into something more serious and she and Daeng spend more and more time with each other, the relationship with her three friends simultaneously takes a turn for the worse. They resent her and feel she's neglecting them. Meanwhile, despite family crisis, Tim becomes the only person among them who could see that something has to be done to get everyone back on track. Only love, devotion and forgiveness could, together, be the solution for them.
The Legend of Suriyothai
King Mahachakrepat
During the 16th century, as Thailand contends with both a civil war and Burmese invasion, a beautiful princess rises up to help protect the glory of the Kingdom of Ayothaya. Based on the life of Queen Suriyothai.
Just after World War II ends a train carrying freshly minted banknotes in wooden cases leaves Hat Yai for Bangkok. Soon after it leaves the station the officer in charge of the detail with his friends kill those guarding it and steal all of it. However in the ensuing confusion they lose it and others hide it. However even they cannot find it later until many years after they begin a new search. The officer who planned the entire scam hears about it and follows them. Who will get the money?
Ruen mayura
Crazy Flight
It all happens in the flight to Europe. An incident occurs during tumultuous trip with various passengers and also many stories friends flight attendants. A funny story from well-known Thai director.
Miracle of Love
The story of chaotic love story And involved with people of twelve people When the destruction brought them to meet in Chiang Mai And each person must find different love only he and she has to overcome the tests that will prove that they understand and know the words of love.
Blackbirds at Bangpleng
An entire village meets a bizarre fate when all of its female inhabitants become pregnant at the same time, impregnated seemingly by an unknown force.
A Time Between Time  ท่านขุนน้อยน้อยแห่งสยาม
Len Kub Fai
4 Colors Heart
Wiphawee gets a job as a nanny to Watchara’s kids. Pongnarin, her best friend, doesn’t want her work this job since they have to be separated but they promise they will send a letter to each other. When Wiphawee starts her job, she realizes Watchara’s family problem and his kids doesn't want any nanny. Without recognizing, the proximity between Wiphawee and Watchara becomes the love. In the last, who does Wiphawee choose between Pongnarin who’s willing to do everything for her and Watchara, the widower who she feels good to him?