Asin Thottumkal

Asin Thottumkal

Рождение : 1985-10-26, Cochin, Kerala, India


Asin Thottumkal known mononymously as Asin, is an Indian actress and trained Bharathanatyam dancer. She has received three Filmfare Awards. She began her acting career in the South Indian film industry, but now appears predominantly in Bollywood films.She speaks eight languages, and dubs her own films.


Asin Thottumkal


Pandavas, after completing the 12 years of exile in the forest along with their wife Draupadi, choosing their disguised avatars for the remaining 1 year of incognito life until the Vijaya Dasami festival. If caught, they will have to repeat another exile of 13 years if anyone spotted their real identities.
Всё хорошо
Nimmi Bhalla
Эта история рассказывает о семье, которая уже много лет вынуждена переезжать с места на место, скрываясь от погони, устроенной убийцами. Между ними то и дело происходят стычки, которые можно объяснить накалённой атмосферой, царящей в семье. Но общее горе способно объединить их надолго. Постепенно они начинают узнавать друг друга с разных сторон. Вскоре к каждому из членов семьи приходит понимание, что они могут справиться со своими многолетними проблемами, лишь полностью объединив свои усилия в борьбе со злом.
Игрок 786
Indu Tendulkar
Сын владельца брачного бюро Мансукх проваливал все дела с тех пор, как он вырос и стал помогать своему отцу в семейном бизнесе. Все союзы, которые он пытался скрепить, разваливались ещё до вступления в брак. Чтобы доказать отцу свою ценность незаменимого работника, он принимает на себя необычную задачу - сосватать Инду, сестру главы мафии ТТТ, и Бахаттара из Пенджаба, все члены семьи которого страстно верят в нумерологию и даже носят порядковые номера. В округе они пользуются дурной славой, поэтому Бахаттар не может себе найти жену. Другие члены семьи импортировали себе жён из за рубежа: из Южной Африки, Канады и Китая. Но брачный агент Мансукх верит в успех, а на самом деле только добавляет проблем...
Sania Ali / Sania Bachchan / Apeksha
«Ложь может помочь в настоящем, но у нее нет будущего», но когда человек лжет королю акхады Ранакпура Притхвираджу Рагхуванши, это гарантия, что у этого человека не будет будущего. Молодой парень из Дели Аббас Али утонул в своих финансовых проблемах, которые приводят его в Ранакпур, чтобы получить работу и заботиться о себе и своей сестре Сании. Аббас случайно становится жертвой недоразумения, которое заставляет его лгать о своем имени. Этот инцидент приводит к очень важному повороту в жизни Аббаса. Он получает работу у Притхвираджа Рагхуванши. Судьба вынуждает Аббаса постоянно лгать своему боссу, ненавистнику лжи. Страх быть уличенным во лжи своим боссом в конце концов превращает Аббаса в абсолютного обманщика.
Полный дом 2
Это история четырех отцов, четырех дочерей и четырех претендентов стать зятьями и, как предполагает вторая половина названия, они все и являются грязной дюжиной. Каждый из этих отцов хочет, чтобы его дочь вышла замуж за самого богатого наследника. Каждая дочь думает, что она выходит замуж за сына самого богатого человека. Каждый сын притворяется самым богатым наследником. Тем не менее, все эти люди терпеть не могут друг друга, но все они находятся под одной крышей, в одном доме.
Всегда готов!
Sanjana Singh
Прем живёт со своей семье в Бангкоке. Прем еще холостяк и до вступления в брак хочет насладиться жизнью по полной. И это всячески поощряется… даже не его отцом, а дядюшками, которые «стоят горой» за Према и заботятся о нём, как если бы Прем был их собственным сыном. Он помогает соединиться влюбленным, воруя со свадьбы невест, чем рассердил свою семью. И они решили женить его на Пудже. Но когда Прем вместе с дядей встречают в аэропорту девушку и привозят её домой, то выясняется, что это совсем не Пуджа...
Meera Muthuramalingam
Bhoominathan aka Bhoomi is introduced to us as a person who gets into many local fights. Worried about his future, his family sends him to Muthuramalingam (Raj Kiran), a much respected personality in his place Semmanur, to put Bhoomi's life on the right track. But things don't go as planned. Muthuramalingam's adversary threatens to kill his daughter Meera (Asin) as a revenge against his own daughter's fate. So Bhoomi is given the job of Meera's bodyguard at college. Meera goes to college with her friend Madhu but is irritated by Bhoomi's presence everywhere. So she devises a plan.
Лондонские мечты
Они были друзьями детства. У них была связь не только семейная, их объединяла музыка. В то время как жизнь Арджуна была словно вечный двигатель и он ступил на сцену, понимая, что это нереализованная мечта его дедушки, Манну проявлял небольшой интерес к музыке, учась на инструменте своего отца, без слишком высоких амбиции, а просто наслаждался хорошими вещами в жизни. Они ожидали, что музыка усилит их дружбу, но это привело к катастрофическим результатам…
Kalpana Shetty
Санджай Сингхания — один из самых успешных предпринимателей страны. Калпана — модель, снимающаяся в дешевой рекламе. Вероятность их встречи была равна нулю. Тем не менее, пути их пересеклись, и родилась любовь, которой не суждено было расцвести. Однажды Калпана вступает в конфликт с преступником Гаджини; ценой своей жизни она спасает невинных девочек от гибели. В попытке спасти саму Калпану Санджай получает тяжелейшую травму. Спустя время он ищет преступника, чтобы отомстить. Ситуация осложняется тем, что Санджай теперь страдает амнезией и помнит лишь то, что происходило с ним в последние 15 минут.
Kodhai Radha / Andal
Bio-technologist Govind K Somaiyya sets about on a precarious journey to India to retrieve a vial containing a deadly virus and prevent it from reaching the wrong hands of an ex-CIA agent and deadly assassins.
Two sons that are separated as children grow up in drastically different environments.
Tamil is a killer for hire, and will accept any contract provided the amount is right. The Police want him for questioning, while the underworld needs him to silence their opponents. No one really knows this assassin's background. It is only Tamil who knows his real identity and he has no intention of sharing it with anyone.
Aalwar is a traditional priest. He is devoted to his mother and sister. But the villainous elements Lal, Vincent Asokan, kill the sister and mother. Aalwar, with revenge ringing in his mind, ends up as Shiva the killer, even while working as a ward boy in a hospital. Shiva is out to make a statement against the venal forces. He sees himself as some kind of avatar — in fact, he bumps off the baddies under the get-up's of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. In climax, Shiva turns up as Lord Narasimha and bumps off the last villain by placing him on his thighs and ripping apart his bowels and chest with his sharp claws.
Annavaram (Pawan Kalyan) has a lot of attachment with his sister Varam (Sandhya). He wants to see his sister trouble free even after marriage and hence wanted to get her married to a city guy who has all the facilities like mixie, grinder, gas stove, running water and such facilities. True to his taste, Annavaram marries Varam to a guy (Shiva Balaji) who stays in Hyderabad. In order to leave her at her husband's place, Annavaram drops Varam in Hyderabad. Aishwarya (Asin Thottumkal) is the neighbour of Varam's husband who is chirpy and moves very close with everyone without any inhibition. During his stay, Annavaram finds that the city is full of goons and his brother-in-law pacifies him not to take everything to head and one should have the adjustment mentality to stay in the city.
Shiva, the ageing business tycoon, bound to his wheelchair, sharing a strong bonding with his son Vishnu. Indulgent, while Vishnu whiles away his time with his cronies taking life easy. But then suddenly Vishnu starts behaving out of character, his drunken bouts and acts causing the father much shame and embarrassment. And when Vishnu professes to remember nothing of what he had done, the father takes him to a psychiatrist.
Seetha Lakshmi
Govindan (Manivannan) is a thief who has two children. Aadhi (Pasupathy) and Mathi ('Chiyaan' Vikram). Years go by and the two, Aadhi and Madhi, decide to stop stealing and mend their ways and lead a hardworking life along with their father. They migrate to neighboring village and meet a retired agricultural officer, Chidambaram (Vijaya Kumar) who is in deep debts and is under pressure from the village's landlord, Kalingarayar (Murali) to clear his debts. In efforts to help Chidambaran, Mathi confronts Seetha Lakshmi (Asin), Kalingarayar's daughter, who comes to collect the money Chidambaram owes her father. Seetha Lakshmi starts to acquire a liking for Mathi but keeps it hidden due to her father's atrocious temper. In an attempt to teach Kalingarayar a lesson, Mathi forcibly ties the mangalsutram around Seetha's neck. Kalingarayar, realizing his daughter's love for Mathi...
Muthappa is forced to leave his house at a young age for a crime that his older brother, Udayappa, committed. When he returns home, he learns about his brother's antics and decides to punish him.
After being hit by an iron rod, Sanjay Ramaswamy, a business tycoon, suffers from anterograde amnesia. He is unable to remember anything beyond fifteen minutes. Under such circumstances, he sets out on a quest to find the people who were responsible for his lover Kalpana's murder.
Ullam Ketkumae
A friendship between college friends Shyam, Priya and Pooja suffers when Shyam confesses his love for Priya, leaving Pooja, who also loves him, heartbroken.
Чакрам, молодой и успешный доктор, который делает блестящую карьеру за границей. Но однажды он решает вернуться на родину в Индию, чтобы там, в родных местах построить госпиталь для бедных. Приехав в родные места он, так же, собирается жениться на Лакшми, своей двоюродной сестре. Уже назначен день свадьбы, но неожиданно для всех Чакрам бежит со своей свадьбы… Чакрам скрывается в небольшом селении. Здесь он помогает людям справиться с их многочисленными проблемами.
M. Kumaran S/O Mahalakshmi
Kumaran's life is all about his mother Mahalakshmi, who is separated from her husband Eshwar. Kumaran is passionate about kickboxing and he shares a very special relationship with his mother. In between, Kumaran falls in love with Malabar. But his life is destroyed after his mother's death. On the deathbed she tells her son to meet his father, a kick boxing champion, who lives in Malaysia. Kumaran goes to Malaysia to meet him and he comes...
Rama Chandra (played by Daggubati Venkatesh) is the Deputy Commissioner of Police of Hyderabad City. His upbringing as an orphan, and the special nature of his job as a policeman, have left him reluctant to form relationships with women. He doesn't have much faith in the judicial system and seeks to 'eliminate' the criminals in the town through encounters.
Lakshmi Narasimha
Lakshmi Narasimha is a strict police officer who does not mind making his own rules to bring justice to the public. Once, he was indirectly affected by the goon Dharma Bhiksham which costs him his sister and lots of properties of his native village. But Dharma Bhiksham does not know that it was Lakshmi Narasimha who got affected by him. After a few months, Lakshmi Narasimha is transferred to Vijayawada. Dharma Bhiksham rules the mafia world from Vijayawada. Though, a strict police officer - he compromises with Dharma Bhiksham and takes bribes to the tune of one and half crores. He takes the bribes and then invests all the money into rehabilitating his native village affected by Dharma Bhiksham. Dharma Bhiksham comes to know about it and rebels against Lakshmi Narasimha. The rest of the story is all about how Lakshmi Narasimha puts an end to the life of Dharma Bhiksham using illegal methods.
Laxmi Narasimha
Lakshmi Narasimha (Balakrishna) is a strict police officer who does not mind making his own rules to bring justice to the public. Once, he was indirectly affected by the goon Dharma Bhiksham (Prakash Rai) which costs him his sister and lots of properties of his native village. But Dharma Bhiksham does not know that it was Lakshmi Narasimha who got affected by him. After a few months, Lakshmi Narasimha is transferred to Vijayawada. Dharma Bhiksham rules the mafia world from Vijayawada. Though, a strict police officer - he compromises with Dharma Bhiksham and takes bribes to the tune of one and half crores. He takes the bribes and then invests all the money into rehabilitating his native village affected by Dharma Bhiksham. Dharma Bhiksham comes to know about it and rebels against Lakshmi Narasimha. The rest of the story is all about how Lakshmi Narasimha puts an end to the life of Dharma Bhiksham using illegal methods.
Shivamani (Nagarjuna) is a honest cop in Vizag. He falls in love with Vasantha (Asin), a beautiful lady who aspires to become a singer. There is a mafia guy called Dutt (Prakash Raj), whom Shivamani troubles a lot. Incidentally Vasantha is distantly related to Dutt and both of them belongs to Kerala. In the meantime, Shivamani's mother (Sangeeta) gets paralyzed. Shivamani and Vasantha take her to Kerala to get the treatment of Kerala's Ayurveda specialists. In the process, Dutt gets back to Kerala and he is on the mission to weaken Shivamani by getting Vasantha away from him. The rest of the story is all about how he gets back Vasantha with the help of a newspaper's editor Pallavi (Rakshita).
Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi
Mugaambigaambaal / Chennai
Chandu is very passionate about kickboxing and his life revolves around his mother and his girlfriend. His life is shattered when his dying mother asks him to meet his estranged father Raghuveer.
Narendran Makan Jayakanthan Vaka
The story follows Jayakanthan, son of Narendran, who comes from Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu to his parent's village Paruthippara in Kannur district, Kerala to reclaim his father's property.