Matti Bye


The Year I Started Masturbating
Original Music Composer
Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.
The young girl, an insomniac. The mother, an artist. The dog, named Marcel. The little girl loves her mother immensely, but her mother loves Marcel more than anything else. Will an unpredictable event allow those circles of love to reconnect?
Day by Day
Five people embark on a motorhome road trip through Europe to fulfill an elderly man's last wish. "Day by Day" is a life-affirming comedy with a lot of humor and some seriousness. Friendships develop, love arises and life-changing decisions are made, a story that it is never too late to rethink in life.
Prejudice and Pride: Swedish Film Queer
A journey through Swedish film history by the depictions of the dykes, gays and transgender people for 100 years. From Stiller via Bergman and Zetterling to the present day, they queer their rightful place.
Corona Film Club
Original Music Composer
Documentary about filmmaker and film lover Stig Björkman during the pandemic year of 2020 when he stay in touch with his friends over his laptop.
Original Music Composer
История жизни и творчества создательницы муми-троллей Туве Янссон. После войны молодая художница окунулась в атмосферу творческой и социальной свободы. Она шокировала общество свободными отношениями с женатым политиком, но куда больший ажиотаж вызвала любовная связь с театральным режиссером Вивикой Бэндлер, которая дала Туве настоящий толчок в творчестве.
Musician at the bar
История жизни и творчества создательницы муми-троллей Туве Янссон. После войны молодая художница окунулась в атмосферу творческой и социальной свободы. Она шокировала общество свободными отношениями с женатым политиком, но куда больший ажиотаж вызвала любовная связь с театральным режиссером Вивикой Бэндлер, которая дала Туве настоящий толчок в творчестве.
Life After Death
Nisse’s wife Leila has just died but he feels he’s done enough mourning. Friends and family are overrun by Nisse who just wants the funeral to be over and done with. No fuss and no mourning here! Nisse demands to be left alone. So, there he is, with the only thing remaining – the sorrow. Nisse grows to understand that even a deep loss is no excuse to eliminate everyone and everything.
Моя дорогая мама
Original Music Composer
«Моя дорогая мама» рассказывает о 15-летней девочке Даше, которая живет в приюте в маленьком городке в России. Мы следим за ней в течение пяти лет, во всех ее мыслях о взрослении в детских домах. Она задается вопросом, почему ее мать бросила ее. Пока ее бабушка не умерла, она жила с бабушкой и дедушкой, которые были русскими саамами. Отец Даши сидит в тюрьме, а мать была наркоманкой. Даша хотела бы иметь контакт со своими корнями, и она хочет сохранить свою саамскую идентичность.
The Undefeated Femininity
"The Undefeated Femininity" - a film about Gun Grut Bergman. In September 1949 Ingmar Bergman left his wife and five children, and escaped to Paris with a new woman, Gun Grut. It was the beginning of a passionate love affair, an enduring jealousy drama and a new theme in Bergman's films. Now their son, Ingmar Bergman Jr, walks in his parents' footsteps, from Paris to the home on Grev Turegatan 69 in Stockholm.
One Last Deal
Olavi, an aged and shabby art dealer, is planning to retire. Accidentally he finds an old painting that he suspects being much more valuable than his colleagues have priced it. He decides to try to prove for the last time for himself, his colleagues and his estranged family that he can make it.
Interbeing is based on documentation of social structures and their different approaches to trust and fear. The material is presented through a thermal camera, the optics of which do not register what is visible to the eye but render shades of temperature; a perspective granting all living beings the same conditions of representation.
Стооднолетний старик, который не заплатил и исчез
101-летний мужчина Аллан Карлссон отправляется в Европу в поисках рецепта русской соды, который он потерял в начале 70-х. К сожалению, он не единственный, кто это ищет.
A Serious Game
In the 1910s, journalist Arvid Stjärnblom and painter's daughter Lydia Stille fall in love with each other.
Original Music Composer
A documentary from within the Swedish Migration Board's locked repository where people are in custody awaiting forced deportation. Prisoner and guard are in close proximity around the clock. Converses during sleepless nights and playing football during hot summer days. We follow Sophie, 29, who loves her job at the repository, Sami, 20, the young rebel who is locked up but free inside, and Aina, 47, who were separated from her children and kept locked up while the police are stepping up efforts to enforce their expulsion order.
Столетний старик, который вылез в окно и исчез
В день своего столетнего юбилея, главный герой этой приключенческой комедии покидает через окно дом престарелых, где он провёл уже немало лет. Он не хочет влачить здесь бесцельное существование, ведь вся его жизнь была полна увлекательных приключений. Судьба сводила его со множеством людей оказавших сильно влияние на судьбы целых народов в 20-м веке – Труменом, Сталиным, Франко. Да и сам он, надо сказать, очень сильно повлиял на ход истории, хотя, конечно, и не осознал этого.
Den girige
Filmed stage production of Molière's comedic play The Miser about the dangers of greed.
Troell Behind the Camera
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Jan Troell's 2008 film "Everlasting Moments."
Незабываемые моменты
Швеция, 1907 год. Мария влюбляется в Зигфрида и становится его женой. Свое раздражение и недовольство жизнью грубый и агрессивный Зигфрид предпочитает вымещать на жене и детях. Тяжелая и монотонная жизнь Марии изменяется, когда у женщины появляется маленькая тайна: в благотворительной лотерее она выигрывает диковину — аппарат для фотографических снимков. Увлекшись фотографией и научившись снимать, Мария понимает, что помимо бесконечных домашних проблем существует и другой мир. Ее снимки — особенные. Горожане все чаще обращаются к ней с просьбой сделать семейные фотографии. Постепенно выясняется, что у Марии Ларссон настоящий талант фотографа! Но это совсем не нравится вернувшемуся с войны мужу…
Adult Behavior
Original Music Composer
Frank leads a respectable yuppie life working at a noted Stockholm law firm. He has also been married for eight years to his beautiful wife Nenne, who runs an upscale boutique. Yet Frank is deeply bored with his life and is supremely randy. He even fantasizes about the marriage counselor that he and Nenne visit weekly. Eventually, Frank shacks up with a young fetching art student named Sofia, though the experience wracks Frank with guilt. Meanwhile, Nenne's friend and co-worker Rosie suspects that Frank is having an affair, though she does not have the nerve to tell her. Little does Rosie suspect, however, that her friend is sleeping with her lover Georg, an uptight journalist with an ego the size of Finland. Soon wires get crossed, and all hell breaks loose.
The Last Gasp
Original Music Composer
A fictional meeting at the headquarter of the Swedish Film Industry between the former director Georg af Klercker and the business man behind SF (Svensk film): Director Charles Magnusson. A drunk and bitter Klercker baffles on about old movies, shared memories from their time together in Lidingö. Can he get a chance to make a new movie?
Duo jag
The second son
Gösta Ekman and Kent Andersson play two men, living together for a long time. One a small, skinny and unknown poet - the other a large, famous and celebrated actor.