Alyy Khan

Alyy Khan

Рождение : 1968-12-06, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan


Alyy Khan is a Pakistani actor and host who has worked in Hollywood, Bollywood and Lollywood films, and television series. He is known for his roles in the films A Mighty Heart, Traitor, Don 2, 3 Bahadur, Actor in Law and Mogul Mowgli, and also played a parallel lead in the telefilm Anjuman


Alyy Khan


Taxali Gate
Malik Yaqoob
When two young people are killed, the people around them seek to find their murderers and the motives.
The Archies
Set in 1960s India, Archie and the gang navigate romance, friendship and the future of Riverdale as developers threaten to destroy a beloved park.
Откуда ты родом?
Карьера нью-йоркского рэпера Зеда наконец-то пошла в гору, и накануне долгожданного тура он отправляется в родной Лондон навестить свою пакистанскую семью. Как назло, там его настигает странное аутоиммунное заболевание, которое вызывает сильные галлюцинации и ставит под угрозу карьеру музыканта. Зеду не остается ничего, кроме как обратить эту неравную борьбу в творчество.
The Valley
Devastated by his daughter's suicide, an immigrant entrepreneur working in high-tech seeks answers to his lingering questions.
Tick Tock
The story evolves into a fun-filled adventure as they meet the greatest heroes from the Pakistani history and how our heroes overcome all the negative forces to keep the timeline intact.
Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hay
It's the story of a young couple struggling with challenges of life. Both are aggressive and follow their own thoughts which affect their relationship. Their reunion becomes complicated gradually.
Actor in Law
Muddasir Sultan
An aspiring actor succumbs to pressure from his father and takes up the role of lawyer.
Mah e Mir
Nawab Sahab
A modern poet Jamal who is against the traditional Urdu Poetry reads the biography of Mir Taqi Mir,one of the greatest poets of the 18th century. And sees Mir's reflection on his personality.
A Muslim fundamentalist in New York kidnaps a liberal Muslim scholar with intent to kill. A closeted lesbian in New Delhi kidnaps her activist bisexual lover with intent to marry. The resulting torture and violence evokes a brutal struggle of identities against unfreedom.
3 Braves
Young Mangu
Three Braves is the story of three extraordinary children who rise from the most unlikeliest of places and save their town from the evils plague it. Equipped with courage and super powers,11 year old Amna, Saadi and Kamil battle against the odds and stand up to injustice to restore peace and harmony in their once thriving community And live a very happy life.
Little tribal boy runs off on a long journey to the big city to watch the Ramayana that his friends saw but he missed, unaware that his little village is being forced to give up its land for bauxite mining.
The film is a tragedy based on a courtesan 'Anjuman', who born from a rich noble father and a courtesan mother. After her father's death she and her mother was abandoned by her paternal family. Her mother works as a courtesan to bring her up and wishes oneday her daughter will join the same business like her.
Kingdom of Dust
In a basement, somewhere in war torn Baghdad, hostage Adam Smith is waiting to die. With no time, no chance, and no hope, he must look into the abyss of his own personal hell and it is here, 'in the valley of the shadow of death' that something divine is awaiting him.
Дон. Главарь мафии 2
J.K. Diwan
Дону уже принадлежит вся Азия. Однако ему этого мало: он задумал покорить Европу и решил начать с Берлина. Как обычно на его пути стоит спецотряд полиции и многочисленные конкуренты.
Jo Hum Chahein
Vikram Khurana
In his bid to quickly boost his career, a man alienates himself from his family, friends, and true love.
Sam Sharma
A Secret Agent must race against time to stop terrorists about to unleash an unknown strain of the Ebola Virus.
Everywhere And Nowhere
Ahmed Khan
Ash is a man torn between two worlds, that of his family and friends and the other, of his dreams. This is his story set across London with it's fast paced nightlife and run ins with the law all caught on camera from the Director of Kidulthood.
A desperate drug-pusher must avoid police, and find money to pay-off a huge debt.
Крестовые походы
Направляясь домой после долгих лет ожесточенных боев, отряд крестоносцев находит священную реликвию, которую намеревается доставить Папе Римскому. Не подозревая о наложенном на нее проклятии, рыцари освобождают смертоносного демона, готового на все, чтобы уничтожить святыню…
Шанс на удачу
«Шанс на удачу» — история двух мечтателей, Викрама и Соны, приехавших покорять индийскую фабрику грез. Они молоды, честолюбивы и талантливы. И у каждого из них своя дорога к желанной вершине. Сона довольно быстро находит продюсера, который соглашается устроить ей громкий дебют, а в ожидании этого счастливого события снимается в эпизодических ролях. Викрам рассчитывает только на себя и активно старается оказаться в нужном месте в нужное время. Кому же из них улыбнется удача?
Fareed Mansour
Агент ФБР Рой Клэйтон ведет расследование опасного международного заговора и обнаруживает, что все нити ведут к офицеру США отдела Специальных Операций Самиру Хорну. Мистическая фигура со связями в террористических организациях, Хорн умеет появляться как раз во время окончания основной операции. Разгадки ведут к побегу из тюрьмы в Йемене, взрыву бомбы в Ницце и налете в Лондоне — все это путает Роя Клэйтона, задающегося вопросом — кто же Хорн…
Её сердце
Sheikh Omar/Bashir
23 января 2002 года жизнь журналистки Марианы Перл резко изменилась. Ее муж Дэниел Перл, руководитель южно-азиатского бюро нью-йоркского издания Wall Street Journal, занимавшийся в Пакистане поиском материала для статьи о террористе Ричарде Риде, бесследно исчез.Находившаяся на шестом месяце беременности, Мариана отчаянно пыталась его разыскать. Однако вскоре выяснилось, что он был захвачен боевиками, объявлен израильским шпионом и обезглавлен. Видеозапись казни бандиты передали в СМИ…
Одна ночь с королем
Юная и необычайно красивая девушка, выросшая в семье рабов, попадает волею случая во дворец к Королю. Она еще не знает, какую важную роль ей предстоит сыграть в жизни всего королевства.
Dr. Tarun Khanna
Bombay Police are baffled when several bar girls and prostitutes are found brutally murdered by a scalpel.
Kiss Kis Ko
In the background of a lot interest being shown in music groups, a group of young Indian men, calling themselves "Band of Boys", decide to perform publicly, to share their talents India-wide, as well as to make a career for themselves. They run into problems - it seems the public is only interested seeing a group of sexy young girls perform. This group must now compromise to include a young, sexy girl to be included in their band.
Inspector Akash Rathod
After her sister is brutally murdered, bubbly younger sibling Mahek (Tanisha) withdraws from her friends and family into a protective shell. The only boy she's remotely drawn to is a college student who's much like Mahek is now -- shy and introverted. Things seem to be proceeding smoothly between the two, until one day when Mahek is attacked by a man in a joker's mask who seems intent on murdering her.
В тупике
Major Raghav
Raghav Seth, a young army officer, shifts to Delhi with his wife Reema to "Happy Home Society". They soon realize that the society is home to many cricket fans.
Escape From Taliban
Sushmita and Jaanbaz live in India, and they are in love. They intend to marry, but Sushmita's family is strongly opposed to the marriage, since Jaanbaz is a Muslim and they are Hindus. But Sushmita and Jaanbaz do get married, and Jaanbaz takes her with him to his country--Afghanistan. On the way there, Sushmita is horrified to see mutilated corpses, bomb explosions, and armed militants. She is terrified and asks Jaanbaz to take her back, but Jaanbaz takes her to his home.
Jeetu, Om's brother
A jobless married man falls for a multinational company's offer to provide his family a life of luxury for the rest of their lives in exchange for body organs
Private Detective: Two Plus Two Plus One
An urban contemporary film about adultery, murder and betrayal in the film noir style. A simple story to which the director imparts a feeling of unrest and disquiet, catching the city in its various moods. The film breaks generic conventions, notably in the presentation of the private detective through his deglamourised life and his process of discovery of 'who did it'. It is not constructed through his point of view at all. In fact the policeman and the detective, the fact finders, are in the dark about the crime, to the very end.
Iqbal: The Forgotten Story
Zaman Khan
A twelve year old boy was shot because of raising voice against child labor mafia. This is a forgotten story.