Volkmar Kleinert

Volkmar Kleinert

Рождение : 1938-09-20, Dresden, Germany


Volkmar Kleinert
Volkmar Kleinert
Volkmar Kleinert


Prof. Reinhoffer
Ларе только что исполнилось шестьдесят. В этот особенный день её сын дает важнейший концерт. Лара потратила очень много сил на то, чтобы сделать из сына музыканта, но последние несколько недель Виктор перестал подходить к телефону и прекратил все контакты с матерью. Поскольку Лара не из тех, кто готов смириться с таким положением вещей, она решает скупить все оставшиеся билеты и раздать их совершенно случайным людям. Чем больше мама старается взять ситуацию под свой контроль, тем больше хаоса производит вокруг себя.
Boxhagener Platz
Dr. Klemm
Feature adaptation of adaptation of Torsten Schulz's novel set in East Berlin in 1968.
Berlin-Buenos Aires
Between Berlin and Buenos Aires. between love, life and family.
Der fremde Gast
Fred Lenowsky
Жизнь других
Albert Jerska
Восточный Берлин, ноябрь 1984 года. За пять лет до своего низвержения восточно-германское правительство обеспечивает свои притязания на власть беспощадной системой контроля и сыска. Преданный партиец капитан Герд Вислер надеется подняться по служебной лестнице, выполняя работу по сбору улик против драматурга Георга Дрaймана и его подруги - знаменитой театральной актрисы Кристы-Марии Зиланд. Однако он не ожидал, что погружение в мир объекта наблюдения меняет и самого сыскного агента. Погружение в жизнь других - в любовь, литературу, свободу мысли и слова - приводит Вислера к острому осознанию скудости его собственного существования и открывает ему совершенно новый образ жизни, противостоять которому становится всё сложнее. Но когда система уже запущена, она не может быть остановлена. Опасная игра началась…
All Men Are Suspects
Der Stich des Skorpion
Major Fink
Heroes Like Us
A young man from an early age falls in love with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. His father however is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself.
Joseph Ludowski
Der Clown
Joseph Ludowski
Der unsichtbare Freund
Nathan der Weise
Otto – The Alien from East Frisia
Van Devil
Otto is the only one who is able to save his Frisian fatherland; but he needs the help of his brother, who is abroad. But his brother does not want to fulfill what he has sworn as a child. So it takes Otto a while to convince him while time is running low for his plans to save East-Frisia.
Die ehrbaren Fünf
Rabbit Heart
The thirteen year old Janni is depressed, because she's still a little behind in her physical development. This leads to bullying remarks from her classmates. One day, a film crew comes to her school to find a candidate for the role of a Prince in a movie. They choose Janni, who they think is a boy. She takes on the role. At school, she tells her classmates she plays a Princess. When the moment of truth approaches she must find the self-confidence to invite the class to the premiere.
Freischütz in Berlin
Johann Strauss: The King Without a Crown
A biopic about Austrian composer Johann Strauß.
Jan on the Barge
1934, Germany. Jan is a 13 year old boy, who is raised without a mother. His father, a communist, is accused of a political murder, and predicted to be shot by the police when he was on the run. Jan lives with his aunt and finds a friend, Max, who wants to help him to find out what really with his father happened. During a conspirative gathering Max is shot by SA (Nazi paramilitary) and Jan succeed to escape in a barge. Erika, the daughter of the captain of the barge, and a boatman hide him. They try to help Jan to escape from police and find his father, who really survived.
Jorinde und Joringel
Paul Schulte
В браке актера Поля Шульте и его супруги Барбары дела обстоят не лучшим образом. Пока Пауль, страдающий сердечным заболеванием, курсирует на Балтийском море, сопровождающая его Барбара вместе со своим возлюбленным Клаусом Груновым планирует кражу произведений искусства в церкви недалеко от курорта. В санатории живет и ее бывший муж Фриц Крюгер. Пол, который хочет предотвратить набег Барбары и дальнейшие встречи между ней и Крюгером, найден мертвым немного позже. Лейтенант Ленц и капитан Хербст начинают расследование.
Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe
Rolf Nowack
Die Schöne und das Tier
Heinrich Groß
История происходит в конце Второй мировой войны. 9-летний мальчик Андреас Гросс по прозвищу «Лопушок» живет в Берлине со своим отцом, коммунистом. Однажды после бомбардировки их предупреждают, что придет полиция, и они убегают в загородный поселок. Еврей Элиас Шмакстеин, которому принадлежит садовый домик, где они прячутся, просит их приглядеть за еврейской девочкой Рахель. Они берут ее к себе и выдают за двоюродную сестру Лопушка.
Летающая мельница
По одноименной повести Г. Фоистеля. О невероятных приключениях школьницы Оли, собаки Пинкуса и хвастливого коня Александра, которые похозяйничав в лаборатории Профессора, наполнили реактор топливом и взлетев в космос, побывали на трех загадочных планетах. Для девочки фантастическое путешествие стало уроком жизни.
Der Leutnant Yorck von Wartenburg
Gevatter Tod
Verlobung in Hullerbusch
Professor Tarantoga und sein seltsamer Gast
Die Verführbaren
Rechtsanwalt Bäuerlein
The Faithful Robot
GDR TV play based on a story by Stanislaw Lem.
The Flight
When Dr. Schmith's proposal for international research on infant mortality is rejected, he decides to leave East Germany and strikes a deal with an escape agency that promises him a leading position at a children's hospital in West Germany. But then the decision is reversed: the project is approved and his international colleagues want Dr. Schmith to head the GDR section. Moreover, he falls in love with his new colleague, Katharina. Schmith initially tries to ignore the arrangements he made with the escape agency, but they blackmail him. Things soon turn deadly...
Phillip the Small
Musiklehrer Breitkreuz
Philipp is a small boy, who other guys pick on, because he's not as large as them. But when a musician gives him a magical flute, he can make objects bigger or smaller.
The Light on the Gallows
Europe in 1793. For years, England and France have been at war with each other. Now, France sends three men to the British colony of Jamaica to organize a slave revolt. The envoys are Debuisson, the grandson of a Jamaican rum manufacturer, who knows the island very well, his old friend Sasportas, and the sailor Galloudec. After having established contact with the fragmented rebel groups, they receive the surprising news of Napoleon′s takeover in France. Whereas Debuisson, who by now has gotten used to his role as a rich heir, wants to wait for new instructions from home, his companions are determined to press ahead with the revolt. When a slave kills a British guard, the situation escalates.
Am Ende der Welt
Film by Hans K.
Why Can't I Be Good?
Herr Hoppe
Adventures of a young boy who always gets into various troubles.
The Elective Affinities
Eduard and Charlotte live an isolated and idyllic life together. But soon Eduard feels that something is missing and he invites his friend Otto to come stay. Charlotte, meanwhile, decides that her foster daughter Ottilie should come live with them. Complex and passionate relationships between the four people begin. Based on Goethe's novel of the same title.
Despite It All!
October 1918: Karl Liebknecht is released from prison and Berlin workers celebrate his release. Although WWI is almost over, the German Kaiserreich in vain sends its last reserves to the slaughter. The working class is in a rebellious mood; the uprising of Kiel’s sailors against war and militarism sets off a call for revolution led by Liebknecht. On November 9, Liebknecht declares the Free Socialist Republic of Germany. But pro-Kaiser military and right wing Social Democrats oppose him.
Zeit der Störche
Susanne and Christian get to know each other during a wonderful week in summer - and fall in love. This, however, leads to conflicts: up to now, Susanne has been living with Wolfgang, a biologist. This shared life was harmonious and based on mutual trust. Wolfgang is not only resolute and in full command of social situations; he has also always been the stabilizing force in the relationship. This is precisely why Susanne now feels drawn to the unsettled, unsteady and frivolous Christian, the complete opposite of the calm, well-balanced Wolfgang. And Christian, working as a shift boss on a natural gas derrick, has become more aware of his personal and social responsibilities as a result of loving Susanne.
KLK calling PTZ – The Red Orchestra
East German film about the history of Red Orchestra, a real life German pro-Soviet spy ring created after the rise of Hitler that turned into a resistance movement led by a leftist Nazi officer, Harro Schulze-Boysen, and Arvid Harnack.
Artur Becker
Im Spannungsfeld
Willy Wendrin
Electronic data processing is an absolute must in the Information Age. Karl Hoppe, the director of a large plant, is aware of this need for modernization and hires mathematician Dr. Jochen Bernhardt to install computerized systems which are supposed to calculate ways in which the plant could be run more effectively. Dr. Bernhardt is so focused on efficiency that he forgets about the human side of work, causing his girlfriend to leave him and several dissatisfied employees to quit their jobs.
Long Roads - Secret Love
Long-haul driver Hannes (Manfred Krug) picks up a young hitchhiker, Herb (Jaecki Schwarz), who had a falling-out with his parents after dropping out of college and now travels around doing odd jobs. After a series of adventures, they are joined by Johanna (Jutta Hoffmann) and her child, who missed their bus and need a ride to Berlin. Johanna has left her husband so that he can reflect on their broken relationship and both men gradually begin to fall in love with her.
Die Toten bleiben jung
A depiction of class conflicts in Germany between 1918 and 1945. The Spartacist Erwin is shot by officers in 1918, and his pregant working-class bride Marie begins a new relationship with social democrat Geschke. Erwin's son Hans grows up to be a communist like his father, leading to bitter hatred between him and his Nazi step-brother, while Geschke becomes increasingly resigned to the political situation in Germany. The three aristocratic officers who shot Erwin many years ago meet again during the Kapp Putsch, but their support for the Third Reich eventually leads each to their deaths.
Leben zu zweit
Karin, who is in her mid-thirties, works as registrar but has been divorced for several years. Together with her 16-year old daughter Nora, she leads a happy and independent life. Then, she finds a new partner in the mathematician Peter, but does not tell her daughter about him. When Peter proposes marriage, Karin always comes up with new excuses why such a step is still too early for her. She mainly fears that Nora would not be able to cope with another marriage of her mother. But when Peter cannot be dissuaded anymore by her excuses and finally wants to marry her, Karin comes up with a bizarre plan.
Die Jagdgesellschaft
Entlassen auf Bewährung
Hugo Borke
After causing a deadly hit-and-run motorcycle accident, Conny Schenk spends two years in prison, where he is able to complete a printing apprenticeship and is released early for good behavior. While he is still on probation, money is stolen at the company where he works and everyone is quick to suspect Conny. Can he overcome his past mistakes and start fresh, or will the mistrust of his colleagues and friends become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Приключения Вернера Хольта
1943 год, во Второй мировой войне наступает решительный перелом, Италия капитулирует, авиация наносит сокрушительные бомбовые удары по немецким городам. Школьные друзья, 17-летние Вернер Хольт и Гильберт Вольцов, призываются в гитлеровскую армию. Гильберт становится типичным фанатичным солдатом. А Вернер начинает понимать бессмысленность войны.
Verwirrung der Liebe
The film tells the love story of two young couples. According to their social ranks, construction worker Edy is dating employee Siegi, while medical student Dieter is dating art school student Sonja. Rather unintentionally, they exchange partners. During a carnival ball, Dieter makes out with Siegi because he falls for her her fresh and happy girlish manner. Sonja coolly observes this game and sees this intermezzo as a test for their relationship. While Siegi and Dieter vacation at the sea, Sonja falls in love with Edy. Now the die seems to be cast for new constellations. But when both couples stand in front of the registrar’s office, they finally come to their senses.