Bruno Vanden Broecke

Bruno Vanden Broecke

Рождение : 1974-01-01, Belgium, EU


Bruno Vanden Broecke is an Actor from Belgium.


Bruno Vanden Broecke


The Enemy
Prominent politician Louis Durieux is accused of having murdered his wife, found dead in their hotel room. The case blows up into an intense media storm. Is he guilty or innocent? Nobody knows. Perhaps not even him...
Sinterklaas en Koning Kabberdas
Riko/ Koning Kabberdas
Riko Tik used to be bullied as a kid, now he want revenge. He falsifies the book of the Sint so that it looks like all the kids have been naughty this year. Disguised as king Kabberdas he goes to the house of the Sint to fool the holy man with the wrong book.
Dr. Frank
The year is 2040. Large parts of the Netherlands have been flooded and millions of people have sought refuge in Limburg; the last refuge where everyone hopes for a new life as they knew it. But nothing is left to chance in this sanctuary. Doctor Frank (Bruno Vanden Broecke), the gene doctor, helps you find the ideal child with the best genes and brains. And Alecto (Angela Schijf), an all-controlling, self-learning artificial intelligence, is always helpful in all decisions. From lunch to love, it's best to leave your affairs to Alecto. This new world offers the perfect relationship with a partner exactly as we dream of him or her, and even the sex is better in virtual rooms. But how do you find your own way when everything is based on data, coincidence no longer exists and the role of humans seems to be becoming less and less important?
Rain Anyway
Born as a human magnet, Lucien has a simple but harsh life. He secretly dreams of a life as an artist but his father doesn’t allow him to show off his magic talent. On the run and away from home, he meets a small traveling circus. There he grows up to be an artist and a man as he falls deeply in love with Gervaise, the daughter of the circus director. But when the old life calls him back, he returns home disappointed to notice that nothing is as before. He loses his talent and his taste for life. He no longer fits this world, as the world no longer fits him.
The Art of Lying
A couple tries to lie to an insurance agent and steal money from their theft insurance. But the broker is determined to expose their lies.
Каждый из нас
История четырёх больным раком людей, которые проходят групповую терапию у психолога без опыта.
A nurse. A strange kind of hospital. If the treatment is succesful it should seem as if nothing even happened at all. As if this entire area remains untouched by man.
Melanie is obsessed with the life of her possible donor father. Is she looking for a future or a past with him?
Wim, a loner who prefers to stay in and binge watch TV on his birthday, is offered a surprise by his half brother Gert: an hour with Angelique, a sophisticated prostitute.
Wim, a loner who prefers to stay in and binge watch TV on his birthday, is offered a surprise by his half brother Gert: an hour with Angelique, a sophisticated prostitute.
Wim, a loner who prefers to stay in and binge watch TV on his birthday, is offered a surprise by his half brother Gert: an hour with Angelique, a sophisticated prostitute.
A successful but dejected ventriloquist decides to break with his bold-as-brass, out-of-control dummy — only to find going his own way easier said than done.
Crimi Clowns 2.0: Scum
The Tersago family isn't your average family business: clowns by day, thieves by night. They get arrested following a robbery homicide in a villa in Brasschaat, but let off for lack of evidence, except for son Wesley. Wesley's sister Amber decides to finish Wesley's wacky reality movie herself. Father Ronny wants to get out of organized crime and launder the stolen money with the production of a musical. Ronny and his companion Lou get approached by two police inspectors entirely convinced of their involvement with the robbery homicide. The stolen money is rumored to belong to a powerful Russian drug lord. The Tersago's now realize their lives are in danger. An armed man slips into the theater during the premiere of the musical while son Wesley plans an escape from prison.
Safety First - The Movie
Dirk Porrez
Based on an insanely popular sitcom in Belgium about four incompetent security guards, Safety First: The Movie builds on this premise and ratchets up the crazy. In the film, the four security guards are going to work at the world-famous dance festival Tomorrowland. While there, Luc discovers that Dirk has feelings for... a man. But no one believes him (Ingrid promised Dirk she would keep his secret many years ago and Smos is busy trying to launch his own dance hit). Luc, however, is determined to prove that Dirk is gay. Let the madness begin!
Madonna's Pig
Traveling salesman Tony Roozen and his newest gadget, Porky (a robotic pig) end up stranded in the tiny hamlet of Madonna where deep and lasting political conflicts have disrupted village life. Tony can t wait to leave this godforsaken place but the young village teacher Maria Glorie needs his help. Who knows, maybe Porky can lend a hand?
A mosaic film about a group of people in the city of Rotterdam, The Netherlands strugging with loneliness, hope and love.
Luke and Lucy: The Texas Rangers
Sherrif Cooper
Право на Садо Мазо
D.A. Blechtert
Фильм основан на реальных события. В 1997 году бельгийская общественность была в шоке, когда судья Эрик А. был осужден за садо мазо с женой. Приговор и шум в СМИ, оборвали профессиональную карьеру и хорошие отношения с дочерью. И хотя их профессиональной и личной жизни пришел конец, Эрик и его жена Магда остаются вместе и сегодня. Этот фильм, история о темных сторонах сексуальности и истинной любви, рассказанная с единственной точки зрения самих влюбленных.
Luc Seynaeve
Пятеро женатых старых друзей договорились вместе снять лофт для своих развлечений на стороне. Только какую цену им придется за это заплатить?
Moment de gloire
A man has a unique plan to achieve eternal fame.
Any Way the Wind Blows
Antwerp, at the beginning of June. On a sunny Friday, eight people dream of having a different life. There's wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and fighting. There's an old virus, an astrayed frisbee, a dead horse, and a mysterious person called Windman. In the evening there's a party …
A young mother called Maria is returning home after a long abscence. Her kids have created their own fantasies as to why their mother has been away for such a long time.