George Costigan

George Costigan

Рождение : , Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK


Born in Portsmouth in 1947, Costigan grew up in Salford and joined the esteemed Liverpool Everyman theatre company in 1974. He has been a regular on our screens since 1978


George Costigan


Foster Father
Три параллельные и вскоре пересекающиеся истории о людях, познавших смерть. Французская журналистка, пережившая цунами в 2004 году, и наркоманка, потерявшая в автокатастрофе одного из десятилетних сыновей-близнецов, обращаются к умеющему разговаривать с мертвыми человеку в поисках ответов и утешения.
The Arbor
Jimmy 'The Wig'
Portrayal of the late Bradford playwright Andrea Dunbar. Andrea Dunbar wrote honestly and unflinchingly about her upbringing on the notorious Buttershaw Estate in Bradford and was described as ‘a genius straight from the slums.’ When she died tragically at the age of 29 in 1990, Lorraine was just ten years old. The Arbor revisits the Buttershaw Estate where Dunbar grew up, thirty years on from her original play, telling the powerful true story of the playwright and her daughter Lorraine. Also aged 29, Lorraine had become ostracised from her mother’s family and was in prison undergoing rehab. Re-introduced to her mother’s plays and letters, the film follows Lorraine’s personal journey as she reflects on her own life and begins to understand the struggles her mother faced.
Mr. Tanner
Эта ностальгическая драма о любовном треугольнике и одном роковом лете любви и дружбы — одна из самых громких шотландских картин последнего времени.
Hancock & Joan
Drama which tells the story of comedian Tony Hancock's love affair with his friend's wife, and her fight to save the man and his career.
Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned
Max Capricorn
When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?
Более 20-ти лет Джози работает уборщиком на заправочной станции маленького ирландского городка. Одинокий человек, мишень для постоянных насмешек соседей, он тем не менее всегда находится в хорошем настроении, добродушен и по-своему счастлив, так как у него есть свое, пусть и небольшое, место на этой земле. Не хватает только найти родственную душу и найти друзей…
P.C. Pike
It's two years since the mysterious disappearance of Kath Swarbrick's older sister Annie, but Kath remains haunted by a need to know what happened. When police investigations wind down, Kath continues the search herself. She gets nowhere until she steals some CCTV footage of her sister on her final day. Visiting the spot where Annie was filmed, Kath becomes convinced she has found a portal to another reality and from this portal Kath is trying to say something.
Девочки из календаря
Хелен Миррен и Джули Уолтерс в потрясающей кинокомедии «Девочки из календаря»! Двенадцать простых членов женского клуба собирают средства на новую благотворительную акцию. Чтобы компания стала эффективной, они решают придать традиционному ежегодному календарю клуба нетрадиционный вид и на обычных фотографиях с пирожками, соковарками и букетами появляются не просто женщины, а совершенно обнаженные дамы!
Love or Money
Two young people, Daniel and Samantha, are selected in a television show to marry. They have never seen each other ever. After the wedding ceremony took place on television, then married life really starts. To collect the price money of one million pounds, they have to stay together for at least six months.
Girls' Night
Steve Wilkinson
Two British best friends and in-laws Dawn and Jackie work together at a factory. When Dawn is diagnosed with a brain tumor Jackie shares $100,000 she's got from her secret lover with Dawn to fulfil her dream - a visit to Las Vegas. They buy two tickets and fly there...
The Tribe
Property developer Jamie has to evict some weird, post-modern hippies from a building. But they slowly drag him into their dark underworld of bizarre rituals and dangerous liaisons.
Sin Bin
A male nurse in a mental hospital witnesses one patient killing another, but struggles with his loyalties and his conscience to come forward.
The Hawk
Stephen Marsh
Housewife Annie Marsh suspects her husband might be The Hawk, a brutal serial killer. Complicating matters is the fact that she once was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital. When she discovers she does not have the happy marriage she always believed and begins to piece together the times and dates of her husband's frequent absences, her fears begin to take hold, and her sanity deteriorates.
Antonia Bird's first feature length film; "Safe" from 1993, focused on the plight of the homeless in London.
Director: Alan Clarke
Documentary - Alan Clarke's films exposed a real, raw world as no other films have. Works such as "Scum," "Made in Britain," "The Firm," "Rita, Sue and Bob Too" and "Elephant" inspired a generation of British actors, writers and directors that changed cinema forever. This documentary features rare behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with friends and colleagues of Clarke, including Tim Roth, Danny Boyle, Stephen Frears, Ray Winstone and Phil Daniels. -
Ширли Валентайн
Ширли Валентайн — совершенно непредсказуемая домохозяйка, которая с легкостью доказывает, что никогда не поздно воплотить в жизнь самую смелую мечту. Устав от жизни в провинциальном Ливерпуле, вдоволь наговорившись со стенами своей кухни (поскольку говорить больше было не с кем), Ширли решила тряхнуть стариной и совершить авантюрное путешествие в Грецию. В одно мгновение она с легкостью забывает о своих проблемах и с головой бросается в романтический омут, повстречав обаятельного грека по имени Костас. Дама с удивлением обнаруживает, что «есть еще порох в пороховницах», и все ещё, возможно, только начинается…
Rita, Sue and Bob Too
Rita and Sue are two teenagers living on a run-down council estate in Bradford, who both share a job babysitting for Bob and Michelle's children. Whilst giving them a lift home one night, Bob decides to take Rita and Sue up to a deserted, country-side landscape. Clearly knowing what he has in mind, Rita and Sue are only too happy to oblige and both have a sexual encounter with him that becomes a regular occurrence.
The Life and Death of King John
Philip - the Bastard
The reign of England's King John is threatened by Philip of France who demands that John's nephew Arthur be placed on the throne. Pragmatic and decisive, King John moves to plactate the French, but there are others who seek disputre his authority.
Красный монарх
Великий вождь Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин и его ближайший подручный Лаврентий Берия - парочка настоящих супер-монстров, которая может "уделать" абсолютно всех. Пока Сталин подписывает смертные приговоры, Берия не пропускает ни одной балерины, актрисы, спортсменки, а также любой молодой и привлекательной особы женского пола. Приехавшие в Кремль взять интервью американская журналистка с удивлением обнаруживает, что Сталин обожает голливудские вестерны, а во время государственного визита Мао Цзе-Дуна два диктатора всю ночь пьянствуют и борются на руках...
Under the Skin
"When you get to a man in the case, they're like as a row of pins - For the colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skins." - Kipling. Polly writes for a magazine producing glamorous makeovers for young women. Befriending a member of the women's movement prompts her to re-examine her own feminist values.
Happy Since I Met You
A play by Victoria Wood. Frances is 28, single and happy, despite ritual interrogation from her family as to why she's not married. Then she meets Jim, and finds she has decisions to make.
Bloody Kids
School Masters 2
The slender premise springs from the actions of two listless 11-year-old boys, the cold, manipulative Leo, and his weaker, more impressionable friend, Mike. Contemptuous of the fallible police force (Mike has already filched a police hat from an accident scene), the boys arrange a staged knife fight outside a football stadium with the aid of a bag of stage blood and a real blade.