Craig Chester

Craig Chester

Рождение : 1965-11-08, West Covina, California, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Craig Chester (born November 8, 1965 in West Covina, California) is an American actor and screenwriter. He is best known for his performances in independent films in the 1990s, starting with his debut in Swoon (1992), which earned him an Independent Spirit Award nomination. After appearing in several more independent films, he took a break from acting and wrote the autobiographical Why the Long Face?: The Adventures of a Truly Independent Actor (2003). The title refers to the congenital disorder long face syndrome, which Craig was diagnosed with when he was eleven years old and required years of surgery to correct. Chester's most recent projects are the 2007 film Save Me, for which he co-wrote the screenplay, and the 2005 film Adam & Steve, which he directed, wrote, and co-starred in. He is openly gay. Description above from the Wikipedia article Craig Chester, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Craig Chester


Call Your Father
On Josh and Greg's first date, they quickly realize that the generational divide between them is the least of their worries.
Убей своих любимых
Убийство в 1944 г. сводит воедино великих поэтов поколения битников: Аллена Гинзберга, Джека Керуака и Уильяма Берроуза.
All Star
13 short films and videos by internationally acclaimed underground filmmaker Todd Verow spanning the years 1989-2005.
Save Me
A sex and drug addicted young man who is forced into a Christian-run ministry in an attempt to cure him of his "gay affliction", where instead he is faced with the truth in his heart and spirit.
Адам и Стив
Фильм рассказывает о двух парнях-геях из Нью-Йорка. Адам и Стив встретились еще в 1987 году в одном гей-клубе. Один просто пришел туда оторваться, второй танцевал стриптиз на сцене. А домой они пошли уже вместе.Прошло 17 лет и вот они снова встретились.
Адам и Стив
Adam Bernstein
Фильм рассказывает о двух парнях-геях из Нью-Йорка. Адам и Стив встретились еще в 1987 году в одном гей-клубе. Один просто пришел туда оторваться, второй танцевал стриптиз на сцене. А домой они пошли уже вместе.Прошло 17 лет и вот они снова встретились.
Адам и Стив
Фильм рассказывает о двух парнях-геях из Нью-Йорка. Адам и Стив встретились еще в 1987 году в одном гей-клубе. Один просто пришел туда оторваться, второй танцевал стриптиз на сцене. А домой они пошли уже вместе.Прошло 17 лет и вот они снова встретились.
A man finds himself homeless after a fight with his significant other.
An ex-junkie, ex-stripper, demolition derby driving bartender who has finally settled down, tries to get her on the run girlfriend to stay with her. An East Coast woman who's marriage of 34 years has abruptly ended, goes to Hollywood to try to reconcile with her estranged daughter and her own abandoned dreams. Two guys celebrate their ten year anniversary by imagining ways they might have met and how they might eventually break up. A washed-up B-movie extra, who's star on the walk of fame has been somehow 'misplaced' years ago, befriends a punk rock girl whose boyfriend has just ditched her and his guitar.
Bumping Heads
Craig is an older, average-looking man who isn't handling aging well. Gary is a hot, blond young stud at the center of attention. They literally bump heads one night, and become best friends. But Craig wants to be boyfriends, while Gary has other issues. They work things out (somewhat) during a night in the emergency room.
White Party Customer
The hunky John is a closeted small-town cop who moves to L.A., where he is quickly seduced into the gay life of workouts and dusk-to-dawn parties. With actual circuit party footage and mounds of glistening and chiseled flesh, the pulsating Circuit is bound to get your juices flowing.
Party Guest
Когда писатель Джо и его жена — актриса Салли устроили вечеринку в честь шестилетней годовщины их непростого брака, гости и хозяева начали говорить друг другу то, чего они никогда не слышали в Голливуде — правду.
Just One Time
When the fiancé of a fireman reluctantly agrees to participate in a ménage à trois with another woman, she does so on the condition that he reciprocate the favor with another man, which ultimately puts their impending marriage in jeopardy.
The Misadventures of Margaret
Richard Lane
A timid, insecure popular author with an overly-attentive professor husband decide to write an erotic novel. With encouragement from her sister and a bi-sexual friend, she goes to France with the intent of doing research at an inn where a diary she had been using documented erotic encounters. Instead she finds the inn is now a cloister for singing nuns. However, a young, divorced sound engineer is also there taping the nuns. While attracted, she mostly succumbs only to new fantasies until he follows her home to New York.
Shucking the Curve
Suzanne Fountain moves to NYC and plummets headlong into a twisted wonderland.
Kiss Me, Guido
When he discovers his girlfriend having sex with his brother, Frankie decides to head to Manhattan, leaving his Bronx pizza shop forever for the fame and fortune of show business. But before stardom, he needs a place to stay. Looking in the personals, he notices GWM. And thinking it "Guy with Money," he heads to the Village and the apartment of gay actor Warren, who's in desperate need of this month's rent.
David Searching
Mercedes Guy
The story of a young gay man's search to find himself. David is a young, gay aspiring documentary filmmaker and takes his first tentative steps towards his adult life. His roommate, Gwen, after ending a mysterious marriage, is looking for stability. Together they try to manoeuvre their way through New York on a search for happiness. Instead, they find bad dates, worse job interviews and bizarre sexual encounters.
Я стреляла в Энди Уорхола
Fred Hughes
Несмотря на то, что на свет регулярно появляются дети, отношения между полами оставляют желать лучшего. Исторически сложилось так, что у женщин больше оснований предъявлять претензии к мужчинам, но зато природа дала им то, без чего мужчины не только жить не могут, но и ради чего многие только и живут. Для того, чтобы получать то, ради чего живут, мужчины научились охотиться, воевать, делать деньги и т. д. и т. п. В последнее столетие, когда техника позволила женщинам делать мужские дела не только не хуже, но часто и лучше, чем «самцы», «слабый» пол повел настоящую войну за свои законные права. Фильм рассказывает экстремальную историю одной из таких воительниц, лесбиянки Вэлери Соланас, покушавшейся на авангардного деятеля искусства Энди Уорхола за то, что он утерял рукопись ее пьесы. Фильм основан на реальных событиях.
A first person narrative of a gay serial killer explores violence, sexuality, and imagination.
Out of Darkness
Diana Ross dramatizes multiple personality disorder.
A campy chronicle of the lusts and loves of the men and women who work on a low-rent TV show called, "The Love Judge."
Nathan Leopold Jr.
Фильм рассказывает о нашумевшем убийстве, совершенном в 1924 году Леопольдом и Лёбом.