Пожилая женщина Кунико живёт с внучкой Нагисой в доме, где вместе со своим покойным мужем когда-то растила детей. Утром, на сорок девятый день кончины мужа, внезапно умирает золотая рыбка. Похоронив её под кустом камелии, Кунико проводит день в размышлениях о прошлом, предаваясь воспоминаниям, разбираясь с бытовыми мелочами. Финансовые затраты на содержание дома и сада становятся для неё непомерными и логичным решением стала бы продажа фамильного гнезда…
Honami Uesugi
История вращается вокруг необычной семьи во главе с богатой вдовой миссис Хондо, которая останавливается в роскошном отеле Сугуро в префектуре Вагаяма. Она будет вести себя как тиран со своими детьми, которые боялись её и были на её побегушках, или, можно сказать, под её контролем. К сожалению, во время отдыха на семью Хондо обрушивается трагедия. Миссис Хондо, которая должна была отдыхать по пути к святыне, обнаружена мертвой. Кавахара Дайсаку, начальник местного полицейского участка просит Сугуро Такеру помочь в расследовании этого дела.
Follows the daily lives of 8 women with different backgrounds through what they eat and whom they date.
Hirai Sachiko
Yoneda Katsumi (Nishida Toshiyuki) is a police sergeant who exudes little presence.One day, Yoneda happens to come across an article on a cafe called Kohaku in a booklet at his regular cafe. Then he abruptly takes leave and heads to Kohaku which is located in Uozu, Toyama Prefecture by bullet train. For some reason, he has documents on an unsolved arson cum murder case which took place in Kichijoji 25 years ago.The owner of Kohaku is Arai Toshio (Terao Akira) who has seemingly sad eyes. They spend time together with his only regular customer, Hirai Sachiko (Suzuki Kyoka), a married woman who works at the port’s fisheries cooperative. Their interactions gradually start to deepen even as they sense the darkness in each other. What is the fate that awaits them?
Kyoko Yasugi
In Tokyo, 1974, a young African American is found dead in a lift. A knife is stuck deep into his chest and a streak of tear is running down his cheek. A policeman, Munesue starts to investigate the case. On the same day, there is a grand reception party held on the top floor by Kyoko, a popular beautician adored by everyone as an ideal wife and mother. The investigation reveals the victim was raised in a ghetto in NY, was able to speak a little Japanese, and his dying words was “su to u ha.” Startling connection between him and Kyoko is to be revealed…
Mikosembei Store owner
Master Shinkome asks Shinden to find a former disciple, Shintoto, from his rakugoka (comic storytelling) family. Shinden visits ex-disciples in his search for Shintoto.
Mitsu Tamura (Kyoka Suzuki) is the mother of 7 sons. Her sons are sent to the battlefield and 6 of her sons die on the battlefield. To mend her broken heart, she talks to 7 paulownia trees which she planted whenever one of her sons left for the battlefield.
Drama depicting the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011 from the perspective of a female doctor. Takako Kawashima works as head anesthesiologist at the Sendai Medical Center. She balances her married life with help from her husband Teiichi, who runs a private clinic, but their lives are upturned by the disaster.
Haruka Kizawa
A major advertising festival is held each year to determine the best television commercial in the world. A rookie ad man at a big advertising company named Otan is selected as a judge on the festival jury. Meanwhile, a coworker also named Ota (although the Japanese characters are slightly different) poses as his wife so that he can attend an open party which is held nightly. Knowing that he’ll get fired if his company doesn’t win the Grand Prix, he’s forced to resort to a variety of desperate tactics.
After the forced suicide of Nobunaga Oda at the Incident at Honnō-ji, powerful figures Katsuie Shibata, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nagahide Niwa and Tsuneoki Ikeda meet to decide on a successor. The conference would become Japan's first group made political decision. The meeting was known as the Kiyosu Kaigi.
Rui Nakamura
45-year-old Rui Nakamura is a highly successful publisher. During the course of work, she encounters a 28-year-old married man named Kou Suzuki who aggressively pursues her. Unexpectedly, Rui Nakamura starts to fall in love with the younger married man Set 5 years after the ending of the NHK drama series “Second Virgin,” Rui Nakamura is transferred to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia while still taking care of Marie Suzuki.
Dr. Sakashita
In a small rural town, a brother and sister goes missing and there's also a serial killer case involving woman as the victims. Mayu Misono (Aya Omasa) is a sophomore high school student in the town. She is called "Ma-chang". When Mayu Misono was young, she was also kidnapped and locked up. Since that time she has been traumatized and has become indifferent to everything around her. One day, in front Mayu's mansion, her childhood friend Mii-kun (Shota Sometani), who was kidnapped with Mayu, suddenly appears. Ma-chang hugs Mii-kun. Up until now, she has waited for Mii-kun. Mayu has lived in the mansion alone, until a week ago, when she kidnapped two elementary school aged kids and has kept them locked in her mansion. To hide Mayu's crime, the four of them will live together in the mansion. The truth of what happened 10 years ago becomes slowly revealed. The reason Mi-kun tries to protect Mayu, even puts his life at risk, all connects to an unexpected real criminal.
Фильм охватывает жизни шести женщин, чья жизнь показана в течение трех поколений (начиная от 30-х годов и до сегодняшнего дня). Женщины разных поколений думают о ценностях брака, счастье семейной жизни, ответственности за своих детей, профессиональной самореализации. От решения каждой из них зависят жизни их близких. В фильме они переживают и разочарование, и потерю, и дискриминацию, и одиночество, и любовь, и радость материнства.
Mayuko Tanka
A struggling writer and his engaged buddy hit the road for California wine country. Remake of the 2004 film 'Sideways'.
Ritsuko Onchi
Onchi was exiled to posts around Asia and Africa due to his work as head of a labor union for National Air Line. He is ordered to return to head office after ten years, and continues to struggle. When a National Air Line plane is involved in the worst air disaster in Japanese history, he is assigned to console and provide restitution to the families of the victims.
Okita Kotomi
Taishi lives with his father Kazushi. His mother left home when Taishi was very young and he barely has any memories of her. He believes that his mother left home to study in Paris. His favorite moments come once a week when he receives a letter from his mother. But one day, during Taishi's summer vacation, he learns that his mother isn't in Paris but in Shodoshima, Japan. Taishi then decides to take his pet dog with him and bicycle from his hometown of Yokohama all the way to Shodoshima. On his 500 kilometers trip to Shodoshima, Taishi meets various peoples and touches their hearts, while leaving behind small miracles. What Taishi doesn't know about his mother is that she suffers from memory loss and that's why she lives apart from her family. Taishi's father Kazushi soon learns that his son has left for Shodoshima and he sets out to find his son.
Rieko Okuno
On the outset, the Okunos seem like a normal happy family with father Tadashi and his two bright sons, genetics researcher Izumi and artsy Haru. When a series of arson attacks strike the neighborhood, clues left at the crime scenes seem to be somehow related to the Okunos. Izumi and Haru try to get to the bottom of mystery, slowly unveiling a tragic family secret that has come back to haunt them.
Jirocho (Kiichi Nakai), a fledgling bakuto who left his wife, goes on a year-long training with his minions: right-hand man and military master Ohmasa (Kishibe Ittoku); stinky priest Daigoro (Takashi Sasano); well-known stranger Ishimatsu Mori (Yoichi Nukumizu); beautiful Masagoro Oiwake (Kazuki Kitamura); and others. As Jirocho's fame spreads, he gains more enemies. Among them are Katsuzo Kurokoma (Koichi Sato), who is one of the most powerful in Koshu, and the villain who is also Ishimatsu's nemesis, Masaru Mima (Riki Takeuchi). A traitor also emerges from the family, Yoshikazu Ebisu (Yoshikazu Ebisu). Meanwhile, Jirocho's wife falls ill and other terrible situations occur. Jirocho falls into a pinch of absolute despair. What on earth will he do? What is the fate of his minions? The Jirocho family will face a fierce battle...
A hustler who gets in trouble with a gang boss in the port town of Sukago agrees to make good with the don by putting him in contact with a mysterious hitman — an assassin the hustler has no idea how to contact. Instead, he hires an actor to play the role, though the thespian has no idea what he's getting into.
At a crucial point in his business life, executive Gondo learns that his son has been kidnapped and that the ransom demanded is near the amount Gondo has raised for a critical business deal. Gondo is prepared to pay the ransom - that is, until he learns that the kidnappers have mistakenly abducted not Gondo's son, but the child of Gondo's chauffeur. Now Gondo must decide whether the other man's child is equally worth saving.
After the death of her dearest mother, her serious-minded father goes missing, leaving their only daughter Mitsuko. Six months later, it turns out that he is at Yuri's house, who is rumored to be an eccentric and is commonly known as Argentine hag.
Kaoru, a wealthy woman whose youth is fading, abandons the hustle and bustle of the city to live a peaceful life in a house on the coast. There she takes care of an old deaf, dumb and blind man as if he were an insect, a child or a pet. He can’t do anything for himself, so she feeds him and accompanies him on his walks. This strong mutual dependency offers Kaoru an escape from society and allows her to free herself from restrictions imposed by common sense.
Mari Fujimoto
Kosuke is 31, and tired of his hometown where nothing happens. On a whim, he departs for New York with dreams of making it big. 6 months later, he straggles home... defeated, and saddled with debt. Awaiting him are his old friends, a caring sister, a disgruntled father ...and a bowl of noodles. Namely, "udon" noodles. The town is built around udon, sustained by udon, nationally famous for udon.
Lian Son is a Taiwanese assassin hiding in Okinawa. Yukiko works at a lunch box shop, but she has a painful past. Saya works at a public swimming pool, but is bored with her life. The solitary lives of these three people slowly intersect with each other under the bright sunshine of Okinawa.
Four strangers (a verbose romantic, a human lie detector, an expert pickpocket, and a woman with a preternaturally precise sense of time) are brought together by chance when they inadvertently team up to thwart a bank robbery. Recognizing the potential of their combined talents, they decide to form a bank-robbing gang themselves, just for the fun and romance of it. Their heists are played out swiftly and coolly, less like robberies than performance art. Eventually, the foursome's good-natured crime streak is interrupted when a man from one of their pasts creates a whirlwind of extortion and double crossing.
Ninya (Voice)
Эта странная история произошла в выдуманном мире Иблард. Мальчик по имени Нона брел по пустыне, когда встретил странную женщину по имени Ниня. Она приютила его на своей ферме, где Нона стал помогать по хозяйству. Однажды, когда Нона вез овощи на рынок для продажи, его тележка сломалась, и он не смог довести товар. Ему повезло: он обменял овощи на загадочное семя звезды. Вернувшись домой, он посадил семечко в самый обычный горшок. Вот только вместо растения у него выросла целая планета. Короткометражка создана для демонстрации исключительно в музее студии Гибли.
Макико Учида прибывает в порт Южной Японии в надежде найти судно, которое может отвезти её к месту, где 60 лет назад обрёл покой корабль Императорских Военно-Морских Сил Японии — «Ямато». Дело в том, что она — дочь офицера, который служил на этом корабле. Неожиданно встретив армейского товарища своего отца, девушка узнаёт историю о сражении за Окинаву.
Rei Kanzaki
В результате строго засекреченного эксперимента с электромагнитным полем группа солдат была случайно заброшена в прошлое, в 1549 год.
Five different directors adapt the works of Japanese author Otsuichi in this collection of unconventional live-action and animated shorts. A woman is murdered under odd circumstances in the title film, "Zoo"; twin sisters are treated differently in "Kazari and Yoko"; two siblings find themselves trapped in "Seven Rooms"; a survivor learns about life and death in "When the Sun Shines"; and parents lose the ability to see each other in "So Far."
Yong-hee Lee
В начале 20-х годов из Кореи в Японию вместе с эмигрантами в поисках лучшей жизни отправляется совсем ещё молодой парень Ким Шунпеи. Но новая земля принимает чужака неласково. Пытаясь сохранить традиции, культуру своей страны, он ожесточается. Под градом жизненных неудач любовь превращается в ненависть. В бессильной ярости Ким Шунпеи ломает жизни своих детей. До глубокой старости, до последнего вздоха он пытается показать им, что значит быть настоящим мужчиной. А они страстно мечтают быть сиротами…
Kana Asano
Огромной ошибкой стала идея учителя и простого семьянина Синъити одеться супергероем Зебраменом, пытаясь спастись от скучной жизни. Телесериал о подвигах этого супергероя был прекращен после шестой серии, но Синъити продолжал действовать в мире своих фантазий в самодельном костюме зебры. Он получил больше, чем мог желать, но, похоже, что именно его одетое в черно-белый костюм альтер-эго стоит между абсолютным злом и счастливым концом.
TV remake of Ozu's 'Late Spring'
Guitarist Ko-chanis a mess of sexual repression after a childhood at the mercy of two elder sisters eager to use him as a guinea pig for their make-up skills. Bassist Gaku-chan keeps a bucket in the wings for whenever his nerves get the better of him, and drummer Momo-chan is doomed to forever carrying the botched childhood attempts at self-tattooing. It's not until this foursome is forced to look for an additional guitar player after Jin's dad burns his Stratocaster, that attitude and musical ability enter into the equation. Leather-clad, shade-wearing Tani (Tamaki), inseparable from his black Les Paul, is introduced as the king of R'n'R cool and Jinnai keeps him firmly seated on his throne throughout the film, retroactively proclaiming the guitarist, rather than himself, as the band's true hero.
Private detective Mike takes on an assignment to return a girl, who is set to marry into a prestigious family, from a mysterious commune in the forest.
A closed-room mystery where five women gathered in memory of a mysteriously dead female writer to unravel the mystery behind her death. Based on the novel of the same name by Riku Onda, directed by Tetsuo Shinohara.
Four years ago, an actress/novelist died of overdose. Since then, five women who were her friends gather around once every year to recollect her memories. However this year, they receive flowers with a strange message which insinuates that her death could have been a murder.
Film about Sakamoto Ryōma. The focus is on Oryo, the maid who became Ryoma’s wife and lived with him for one year before his death.
Yukari-san (Voice)
Фильм иронично рассказывает о жизни сотрудников вымышленной анимационной студии "Гибли", которые подозрительно похожи на работников одной реальной известной студии. Главным героем является Нонака-кун, его приключения изложены в шести коротких новеллах, каждая из которых нарисована в различном стиле. Несмотря на то, что облик персонажей намеренно представлен сильно искажённым, знакомые с творчеством студии зрители без труда узнают в них их реальные прототипы.
Сукэроку – забавный и добродушный герой этого фильма, который считает себя странствующим якудзой. Правда, он ненавидит оружие и кровь, и меч, который он никогда не вынимает из ножен, совершенно заржавел без дела. Парадоксально, но на жизнь Сукэроку зарабатывает тем, что помогает родственникам жертв отомстить убийцам их близких, и делает это виртуозно избегая кровопролития. Однажды он получает особенно щедрую награду за труды, и решает вернуться в родные края, жениться и остепениться. Однако оказалось, что и в безмятежной родной деревушке назревает кровная месть, и Сукэроку снова придётся с головой окунуться в драматические события. Причём на этот раз, неведомо для него, они будут иметь к нему прямое отношение...
Yoko Komatsu
A young, good-hearted doctor Kenichi suffers from a rare syndrome whereby his feelings cannot be hidden. Such people are known as "satorare" and their well-being come under special government protection.
Director Jun Ichikawa spins this affectionate portrait of the people who populate Shimokitazawa, a bohemian corner of Tokyo filled with small theater companies and smoky coffeehouses.
After his girlfriend commits suicide, a man becomes embroiled in gang warfare attempting to obtain a gun in hopes to kill himself.
Kafuka Ogawa
The psychiatric evaluation of a young actor arrested for a brutal double murder concludes he may be unfit for trial. Further investigation, however, reveals the crime was a well-planned statement against the section of Japan's criminal code granting diminished responsibility to the mentally impaired.
Miyako Suzuki
A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.
Attending the funeral of one of his friends, Satoru sees a woman who looks exactly like his deceased wife Shizuko. The film mixes reality with death and parting, when the ghost of the deceased wife chases her husband.
Starring Ken Takakura, this TV special depicts a detective (Akira Hayasaka) who lives in a harsh life with pride and conviction. Minoru Akiba, Chief of the Investigation Division 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department, is a veteran detective who has passed through the shrine in numerous incidents. His wife was killed by a criminal he caught 13 years ago as revenge. There is a report that his former subordinate, Constable Murasawa, was stabbed to death under Akiba... Suzuki Kyoka plays his daughter.
Eight love stories start and end in an amusement park.
Momoko Hibino
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
As an engaged couple, Shinichi Kida and Mari Egawa spend a romantic night on a premarital trip to the southern island, but Shinichi suddenly disappears the next morning. Mari searches for her classmates Yu Sawamoto and Shinichi who happened to meet again, but a large amount of insurance money was paid to Shinichi...
Ayumi Nagai
Ayumi Nagai
A romantic tale from the team of Fujio F. Fujiko and director Yoshimitsu Morita. The two heroines are played by Shizuka Kudo and Misa Shimizu, and it co-stars Motoya Izumi, David Ito, Toshiaki Karasawa, Isao Hashizume, Kyoka Suzuki, et al. The soundtrack is packed with hit songs incouding Wham's "Last Christmas", Earth, Wind & Fire's "Let's Groove", Kome Kome Club's "Roman Hikou," Saki Kubota's "Ihoujin" among others.
Super X2 Operator
Гениальный ученый Шурагами создал супер организм Биорант, используя для этого радиоактивные клетки Годзиллы, за которыми охотится международная мафия. А в это время извержение вулкана возродило спящего на дне Токийского залива Годзиллу к жизни. Жители Япония в панике — встреча двух монстров неизбежна и выживет только один из них. И на этот случай силы обороны приготовили своё новое оружие «Супер Икс-2», с помощью которого они готовы уничтожить уцелевшего монстра.
Keiko Sakagi
Nagashima is a playboy who refuses to be tied down by marriage. Suffering from insomnia recently, he is eager to find a glamorous girl who can make him fall asleep. He leaves his tiresome girlfriend Mari, and soon finds himself trapped in dangerous triple liaisons involving two nightclub hostesses and a dewy-eyed girl. When all three of them start pestering him about marriage, Nagashima makes up his mind to flee…