Seiji Hoshikawa

Рождение : 1921-10-27, Taito, Tokyo, Japan

Смерть : 2008-07-25


Lowly Ronin 5: The Teenage Orphan Girl
When the 'Lowly Ronin' helps an orphaned teenage girl avoid being turned into a prostitute, she then claims he is her father and they start a farm as father and daughter until fate steps in and he must draw his sword.
Easy Money
An action-comedy about three men who try to bilk money out of gambling dens.
Naked Ambition
Wicked woman Ogin is a concubine of a powerful feudal lord Tayu. At first Ogin gains power by poisoning lawful wife of Tayu. To gain more power Ogin let her lover Isogai Iori, kill whoever interrupts her. Film it is based on Jun'ichirō Tanizaki's novel "Kyofu Jidai".
Gambler's Dilemma
The love story between a traveling guest and a geisha who inadvertently becomes the leader of her father's yakuza clan, after his death.
Umi wa furimukanai
代紋 地獄の盃
Sleepy Eyes of Death 11: In the Spider's Lair
The titular "tarantula" is a murderous woman who, along with the brother who is in love with her, kill without warrant because they are wealthy & above the law. Kyoshiro the homeless masterless wandering samurai has nothing to lose, & no scruples anyway, so can reproach even the powerful with ease. He is thus, for all that he has broad streaks of villainy all his own, a champion of the people by default.
Dice and Swords
The year is 1926. It has been three years since the Great Kanto earthquake hit Tokyo. Everything is being rebuilt from the ground up. Odera crime syndicate saw this as an opportunity to expand its territory. The Odera boss arranges marriage between his daughter Orin (Ruriko Asaoka) and the son of notorious Gyotoku clan, but Orin’s heart belonged to Shinjiro (Yujiro Ishihara), a member of her father’s clan.
Lost Love
Shimamura is a young man whose family went broke and lost their house. One day, as he returns to his former house to get a camellia blooming from the garden, he sees a beautiful schoolgirl who lives there. After they coincidentally meet again they fall for each other, but she is already engaged.
The Betrayal
A naively honorable samurai (played by Raizo) comes to the bitter realization that his devotion to moral samurai principles makes him an oddity among his peers, and a very vulnerable oddity in consequence. He takes the blame for the misdeeds of others, with the understanding that he will be exiled for one year and restored to the clan's good graces after the political situation dies down. As betrayal begins to heap upon betrayal, he realizes he'll have to live out his life as a master-less ronin, if not hunted down and killed.
Школа разведчиков в Накано
Лето 1938 года. Лучшие выпускники Военной академии получили предложение стать бойцами невидимого фронта и не смогли отказаться. Теперь они ученики разведшколы в Накано, их дни заполнены изучением иностранных языков, химии, дзюдо, актерского мастерства, визитов в тир и элитный бордель. Для родных и близких они пропали без вести. Юкико, невеста одного офицеров, давших согласие, не смирилась с потерей, и устроилась машинисткой в Генштаб. Вскоре вместе с известием о гибели жениха к ней поступает предложение о сотрудничестве с английской разведкой.
By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him
Also known as "History of a Man’s Face" and "By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him" . Immigrant gangs terrorize a Japanese town with their threats, loud jazz, and tasteless fashion sense, and only the tough but suave Dr. Amamiya (Ando) can stop them, as long as he gets rid of his silly peace-loving ideals.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 7: The Mask of the Princess
The masked daughter of the Shogun wants to kill a samurai who has seen her scarred face. She sends waves of ninja warriors to kill the samurai and plots diabolical schemes / ambushes without much success.
Меч демона
Рожденный от неизвестного отца и благородной матери, он получил презрительное имя — Ханпэй (Пёсий сын). Поступив на службу сёгуну в качестве садовника, он долгое время наблюдал за тренировками одного мастера клинка и перенял его мастерство. Сёгун постепенно сходит с ума. В город проникают шпионы, а внутри клана начинаются распри.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 6: Sword of Satan
Sixth film in the series. A little boy who just wants to be a carpenter is at the center of a plot that might topple -- or save -- a mighty Clan, and while the swords of some angry samurai may not cause Kyoshiro much trouble, the deadly wiles of two women may be more difficult to survive!
Sleepy Eyes of Death 6: Sword of Satan
Original Story
Sixth film in the series. A little boy who just wants to be a carpenter is at the center of a plot that might topple -- or save -- a mighty Clan, and while the swords of some angry samurai may not cause Kyoshiro much trouble, the deadly wiles of two women may be more difficult to survive!
Sleepy Eyes of Death 5: Sword of Fire
Fifth film in the series. When Kyoshiro, in a moment of weakness, saves the life of a woman being attacked on the road, he quickly finds himself entangled in a conspiracy involving a corrupt chamberlain, a wily merchant, the survivors of a pirate gang, and a missing treasure trove.
Сражайся, Затоичи
Затойчи при помощи поломников избегает стычки с шайкой наемных убийц, но во время охоты на него погибает женщина. Ее ребенок жив и он обещает отвести его к отцу. Однако, когда он приводит ребенка к отцу, тот от него отказывается и вместе с наемниками старается убить героя.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 4: Sword of Seduction
A fugitive christian "saint" (female, of course!) and a sadistic drug-addled princess both have their eye on Kyoshiro. The fact that a bunch of ruthless smugglers also want him dead is the least of his problems!
Бездомный скиталец
На перевале Сагато происходит ограбление группы самураев, перевозивших золото. Погибают пятеро самураев и якудза Гэнсити, ставший свидетелем нападения. Труп шестого самурая, Куроки Ханбэя, не обнаруживают, решая что именно он и украл золото. Спустя несколько лет, пересекаются дороги двух молодых людей, разыскивающих Куроки. Один из них — сын убитого якудзы, ищет пропавшего самурая с целью мести. Другой — сын Куроки, желающий снять обвинения со своего отца. Данный фильм результат еще одного плодотворного сотрудничества режиссера Мисуми и актера Итикава. На этот раз, помимо традиционных элементов самурайского кино, режиссер добавил немного детектива и неожиданных поворотов сюжета.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 3: Full Circle Killing
A decapitation at the hands of the shogun's monstrous misbegotten son kicks off the action and draws nomadic Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) into more sword-fighting adventures when he's blamed for the beheading. Meanwhile, the head-chopper's mother is busy knocking off the shogun's lawful heirs to secure the shogunate for her son.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 2: Sword of Adventure
Wandering samurai Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) finds a bulls-eye on his back after befriending the shogunate's tightfisted financial adviser, Asahina, who's earned the wrath of the shogun's self-indulgent daughter for cutting off her allowance. The enraged princess promptly hatches a scheme to have Asahina bumped off -- along with his protector, Kyoshiro. Shiho Fujimura also stars in this installment of the enormously popular film series.
Lips of Ruin
Industrial espionage in the pharmaceutical industry.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 1: The Chinese Jade
Nemuri Kyoshiro, a youthful and cynical ronin with unparalleled skill, is approached by both sides in a game of corruption, ambition, and double crosses. The leader of the Kaga clan, who thinks he has killed his smuggling partner, fears that the shogunate will discover his illegal activities. He learns of evidence that will prove his guilt. Meanwhile, his partner is not dead, and, assisted by a master of Shorenji boxing, is looking for revenge and for his loot. The Kaga leader sends the beautiful Chisa to enlist Nemuri's aid. The unexpected happens: the hard-bitten Nemuri falls in love. Can he protect her, topple the criminals, and avoid the boxer's deadly skill?
Затоичи в изгнании
Слепой меченосец Затоiчи соглашается помериться силами с головорезами из местной якудзы. Не рассчитав последствий, он побеждает одного за другим. Пора уносить ноги. Но тут выясняется, что в той же деревне находится Танэ — когда-то потерянная возлюбленная Затоiчи, ныне ставшая подругой одного из самураев. Это травматическое известие нарушает планы сурового воина, и он остается в деревне. Тем временем жажда мщения толкает побежденных нечестивцев на решительные меры.
The Third Shadow Warrior
In the mountain regions of Hida, the dreams of a peasant named Kyonosuke, who longed to be a samurai, come true when he becomes one of three doubles, of shadows, of Lord Yasutaka. After months of intense and cruel training, he faces his destiny when the Lord and the other two shadows are killed in battle and he must take on the role of Lord Yasutaka....
Shinsengumi Chronicles
As winds of change sweep Japan, an honest man joins the Shinsenhumi out of admiration for its leader and because he wants to live and die as a samurai. However, as his involvement grows, reality and idealism come into deadly conflict.
The Man From the Sea
Japanese action film.
Ningen Gari
A detective sets out on a manhunt to catch a murderer before the crime's statue of limitations runs out.
Ningen Gari
Original Story
A detective sets out on a manhunt to catch a murderer before the crime's statue of limitations runs out.
Mekishiko mushuku
I'll End in Hell
Joji Dan tries to find the heir of a prosperous Japanese millionaire who died in Mexico. However, the bandits want to take over the inheritance and Joji has to use his skills as a fast and accurate shooter!
Nosappu no jū
Все катится в пропасть
Дзиро Сугита растет без отца, его воспитывают мать и женатый любовник матери, Намбара. Ситуация раздражает молодого человека, тем более, что отец его погиб на войне, а Намбара работает в компании «Мицубиси», делавшей танки для войны. Дзиро прожигает жизнь с такими же, как он, молодыми бездельниками, промышляющими кражей машин. В этой компании царят свободные сексуальные нравы, и забеременевшая от своего дружка Эцуко думает лишь о том, где бы достать деньги на аборт. Другая девушка, Тосими, сочувствует ей и хочет помочь. Она симпатизирует Дзиро, но он ведет себя с ней низко и относится как к проститутке. Намбара в разговоре с Дзиро добивается, чтобы юноша признал факт его близких отношений с матерью. В результате Намбара попадает в ловушку: Эцуко заманивает его на пляж, чтобы соблазнить и получить деньги для аборта, а Дзиро приводит мать, чтобы продемонстрировать ей неверность любовника.
The Devil's Sigh
Japanese crime film
The Fugitive
An action drama similar to Wyler's "The Desperate Hours", adapted by Seiji Hoshikawa of "Tasogare no Tokyo Tower" based on Shinji Fujiwara's original work. Jiro, who had been unable to rehabilitate because of the stigma of having criminal record, stopped by at his favorite bar. There, Shimamoto was waiting for him, and Jiro was offered a job to carry certain things. Jiro was attracted by the large amount of reward and finally accepted the task. The car driven by Jiro was investigated by a police officer on the way, but Shimamoto shooted the police officer and orders to help Jiro escape at full speed...