Craig Gardner

Рождение : 1950-10-01, Santa Monica, California, USA


My Father's War
In this unique and riveting film, a troubled man has a series of dreams in which he finds himself thrown back to a time before his birth, into the Angolan Border War, as a combat soldier. There he meets his father as a young man, when he was a member of the Special Forces. As they go through combat together, the son gets to know his father in a way he never has, giving him insight and compassion, and he is able to let go of lifelong feelings of abandonment, resentment and anger. This leads to forgiveness and a real-life reconciliation, which drives home the underlying message of this film restoring the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
Mrs Mandela
Senator Edward Kennedy
How Winnie Mandela went from innocent country girl to a fighter against apartheid.
Critical Assignment
The President of an African country decrees that the Arms budget will be diverted in to the "Water For All", project. The journalist, Michael Power, discovers a Coup set by the arms dealers.
The Deadly Look of Love
A young woman meets the man of her dreams, only to find out that he's about to marry another woman. Her obsession with him leads her from intrigue to murder.
Hidden Agenda
Jurgen Feld
A young medical student travels to Berlin to investigate the apparent death of his brother and discovers a secret life of espionage, betrayal and murder at the highest levels.
Невероятные приключения янки в Африке
Шалости друзей — мальчишек, белого африканера и черного зулу — сделали бы честь даже легендарному Кевину из комедии «Один дома». Жизнь надолго разлучает их, но встретившись через 25 лет, они вспоминают детство — похищают полмиллиона долларов и, преобразившись в гримерной телевидения белый в черного, а черный в белого, скрываются от преследователей.
Thieves of Fortune
A beautiful woman must perform feats of bravery in order to inherit a $28 million fortune and win the man she loves.
Короткое замыкание 2
Art Lover
Бен Джарви, по происхождению индиец, а по профессии — изобретатель-конструктор роботов, вынужден работать уличным торговцем. В первом фильме его отстранили от работы после инцидента с созданным им роботом Номер пять. Теперь Бен оказался на мели, он вынужден жить в фургончике и делать игрушечных роботов для продажи на улице. Эти роботы все, как один, похожи на Номера пять, но только дизайном….. Номер пять обрел личность благодаря короткому замыканию, а эти малыши — всего лишь бездушные игрушки.
The Wars
Robert Ross (Brent Carver) lives a protected adolescence in a well-off Toronto suburb. Secretive and withdrawn, he shares his thoughts only with his sister Rowena (Anne-Marie MacDonald) who is mentally disabled. He feels compassion for his weak and conventional father. He avoids any confrontation with his mother (Martha Henry), a dominating woman whose despondency at having given birth to a handicapped child has turned to bitterness. Rowena occupies a central position in Robert's existence of daydreams and make-believe. When she dies, Robert clashes openly with his family, and decides to take himself in hand. It's 1914. He enrolls in the Canadian army, and, after training in Alberta and Montreal, he finds himself in England and France. The war becomes another way for him to resolve his conflicts, his dramas, his passions--his wars.
The Demon
Dean Turner
Random people are terrorized by a malevolent man who brings their worst fears to life.