Dicky Cheung Wai-Kin

Dicky Cheung Wai-Kin

Рождение : 1965-02-08, Hong Kong


Dicky Cheung Wai-Kin
Dicky Cheung Wai-Kin


The Big Four World Tour 2013
Summer Love
The story begins with three men from different walks of life who lead very ordinary lives in Hong Kong but all have something in common - single and desperate for love. They decide to travel to Hainan, China, in search of love. On their adventure, they suffer plenty of bad luck, one after another, but love may just be around the corner.
72 Tenants of Prosperity
Kung (Eric Tsang) and Kin's (Jacky Cheung) rivalry goes way back to the seventies when they fought over the same girl, who eventually became Kung's wife (Anita Yuen). Now they run competing phone stores right across from each other on Mongkok's busiest street, and stretch their minds trying to outdo each other with crazy promotions. There's absolutely no mixing with the enemy in these parts - until Kung and Kin's kids fall for each other! Further chaos breaks out when the landlord triples the rent of all the shop owners to force them out for redevelopment.
Cheung Fung
Set in 1930s China, the film details the trials of a group of athletes who desire to compete in the Olympic Games. There’s a snag, however. The full amount required to send them abroad for the games is 600,000 dollars, and the government is only sponsoring half. It falls to the athletes to raise the rest themselves, and they start by saving every last penny they earn. They also attempt to raise the money through a variety of fund-raising activities, including street performances, networking for donations, and probably a bake sale, too. After deciding to fund their own way to the games, the athletes take to the streets to perform all manner of athletic demonstrations and martial arts moves in an energetic and impromptu street fair.
Golden Chicken 2
Dr. Ko Shui Man
The year is 2046 and 82 year old Golden Chicken Kum, spots a heartbroken man planning to take memory loss-pills. Claiming that Hong Kong people have a way of forgetting, she begins to recap part of her life story, starting in 2003 during a time where she was desperately looking for a husband and the SARS outbreak happened.
Double Tap
Rick Pang, an IPSC champion who is also a gun expert who tinkers with his pistols to perfect his technique known as 'double tap' which is the terminology where a shooter can place two exact shots in the same spot to maximize marksmanship.
Shaolin Popey II: Messy Temple
Yellow Lemon
Fun-loving young Shaolin initiates get the better of two bungling assassins hired to chop off the right hand of their crochety master, who commands magical kung-fu powers.
Hero of Hong Kong 1949
In 1949, Gong Chan Dang domain the mainland China and many people moved to Hong Kong during this period, especially the soldier of Guo Min Dang. Hong King Shan, general to embarrass leading his guides escaped to Hong Kong to lived at Tiu Kan Lan, but they were repelled by the other residents. After that, he know Fan, the head of Tsing Pong and a female doctor Sheung Tse Tin. Hon and Sheung fell in love but objected by Sheung’s brother. Fan convinced Hon and his followers to kill the head of black society, Simon, and re-build up the reputation the Tsing Pong ……
Bloody Brothers
Shiu Chi Hung
While visiting Shanghai, handsome young developer Hong meets the beautiful Kwun. Together they embark on a search for his friends from home, a brother and sister, who have become the targets of a ruthless gang leader, Keung. Now embroiled in a brutal criminal war with gambling and a seductive nightclub singer at the center, the innocents must fight to survive as the stakes rise to include their own lives!
The Kung Fu Scholar
Lun Man Chui
Kung Fu Scholar is a comedy action starring Dicky Cheung. He wants to learn kung-fu, but his mother wants him to go to school. After losing a game with his mother, he's forced to attend school. Liu Sin-Hoi (Aaron Kwok) also attends the same school. The school's headmaster (Mau Tat) has a niece Ching Ching (Chow Wai Man) who's also been dropped off at the school by her parents. School has many regulations: One being you cannot court a woman. But guess what, it's love at first sight for Man Chui (Dicky Cheung) when he sees Ching Ching. There's a band of henchmen after prince eight, and Man Chui and Sin-Hoi gets entangled in their affairs.
Воины Черного Гепарда
Robert Parkinson
Черная Пантера получает заказ выкрасть из полицейского управления шкатулку, содержимое которой, очень волнует его заказчика. Для этого дела, он собирает команду — лучших из лучших. Например, герой Тони Леунга, хоть и отъявленный бабник — непревзойденный стрелок, а в руках Саймона Яма, колода карт превращается в смертоносное оружие. Есть ещё компьютерный гений, который соображает только с соской в зубах, если же её вытащить, он становится невменяемым.
The Prince of Portland Street
Yam plays Brother Pao, a respected gang leader whose rep as a street fighter is one of the best. But Pao injures his head in a fight, which reduces his mental ability to that of a ten year-old. Rendered childlike, he has to count on best pal Kao Chao (Dicky Cheung) and girlfriend Yao Yao (Anita Yuen) to get by. But with a big rumble looming, will Pao's childlike status spell doom for them all?
Chez n' Ham
Cheese and Ham are two men with nothing better to do in their lives. Until they meet a man dying of throat cancer who will pay the two men a large sum of money to kill a woman, whom he wants dead. The problem? She is the hottest chick, the two men have ever seen, and they are having a very difficult time trying to kill her.
Vampire Family
A young man marries into a very crazy and bizarre family full of Vampires. The eldest Vampires were married by Jesus Christ himself during the Roman Empire Era.
Полиция будущего
Chan Tai Hung / Yu Ti Hung
В 2043 году готовится суд над Генералом, могущественным боссом преступного мира. Его должен судить непреклонный судья Ю Ти Хунг, который, конечно, вынесет суровый приговор. Поскольку судья очень надежно охраняется, слуги Генерала — Кент, Тай Кинг и Тойота отправляются на 50 лет назад, в 1993 год, когда 28-летний будущий судья всё еще учился в школе.
Hero - Beyond the Boundary of Time
Wai Siu-Bo travels to the future on a mission to cure the emperor's illness.
Священное оружие
Ng Tung
Японский воин по имени Супермеч (Саймон Ям) вторгся на китайские земли и остановить его смог только Мо Каке (Дамиан Лау), да и то лишь после того, как Призрачный Колдун (Нг Ман-Тат) усилил его тело опаснейшим ядом. Мо победил, но яд заставил его сойти с ума, а Супермеч обещал вернуться через три года для повторной схватки. Время уже кончается, а у Мо Каке никаких улучшений, и единственный шанс противостоять Супермечу – найти семь девственниц, которые изучат сложный, но могущественный боевой стиль.
Стальные когти
Добившись славы и всеобщего уважения, знаменитый мастер кунг-фу Вонг ищет для своей школы новое помещение. Приняв выгодное предложение, он слишком поздно узнает, что его ученики обосновались по соседству с борделем, и это ещё не самое страшное! Оказывается, местные бандиты прямо у них под носом похищают женщин и продают их в рабство, наживаясь на чужом горе и страданиях. Не в силах мириться с варварством и жестокостью, бесстрашные знатоки боевых искусств решают наказать работорговцев. Но когда выясняется, что в торговле «живым товаром» замешаны власти и буддийские монахи, Вонг понимает, что только невероятная сила и поразительные способности помогут ему спасти несчастных женщин и отстоять честь знаменитой школы.
My Hero II
Comic artist Cheung befriends Tat, who he believes is a triad godfather. Tat provides useful information for Cheung's new comic strip, but the joke is on Cheung when the cops start solving cases with clues from his comic strip.
To Miss with Love
Chang Yi Chien
When a new teacher (Sharla Cheung) arrives, she finds herself caught up in the affairs of the students from her class. Jimmy Lin is harbouring an unrequited crush on childhood friend Athena Chu. However, he is too shy to reveal his feeling to her when he discovers that she has fallen for the cool kid in class, Nicky Wu. Meanwhile, another student Dicky Cheung has gotten himself into trouble with the triads after failing to pay a debt owed to them. With so much going on, how will Sharla Cheung find a way to solve the troubles of her students and get them to study hard to pass their exams?
The Thief of Time
A journey through time, featuring an all-star cast.
Lucky Stars
The Last Duel
Tit Muk-Chuen
Suen makes a living by selling fish-balls and being a nice likeable guy. One day he accidentally gets caught up in a police chase where a pregnant woman gets killed. A dirty cop frames Suen for the death and he gets sent to jail. When he is released from jail he goes to live with his brother. The next door neighbour is a pretty woman (Rosamund Kwan) who Suen starts to like. Unfortunately it turns out that she has a boyfriend and guess who it is? Yes, it is the dirty cop that framed Suen! Their conflict keep escalating until it starts to turn deadly and it all ends in a last duel!
The Good, The Bad & The Beauty
Director-actor Frankie Chan does multiple duty in the action comedy vehicle The Good, The Bad & The Beauty. Frankie Chan is Inspector Hor Sun Chun, a tough cop investigating a smuggling operation in which airline stewardess Ko Sau Ping (sultry Cherie Chung) is possibly involved. Realizing that she may be in danger, Sau Ping feigns amnesia, and uses Sun Chun's smitten partner Tang Tat Kit (Kent Cheng) as a possible smokescreen. Meanwhile there's action, and plenty of it! A seasoned director, actor, composer and action director, Frankie Chan uses his myriad talents to the nth degree as he combines gunplay, stunts, and laugh-a-minute hijinks in true Hong Kong Cinema action-comedy style!
Puppy Love
Story is about a couple of girls named Ching (Lam San San) and An An (Pak Wan Yin) who have been rivals ever since they were little kids. The main gist of the story, besides trying to go one up on each other, deals with the girls’ hot pursuit of super jock, Paul (Chan Chun Kwok). Ching is the first one to gain Paul’s attention while An An is busy toying with geeky looking Michael’s (Dicky Cheung) love for her. Eventually, Paul gets tired of Ching and Michael wakes up and realizes that An An is playing him and to rub salt in their wounds, Paul decides that An An is the one for him! Next thing you, kiddy hijinks ensue as Michael and Ching feign suicide to make Paul and An An feel guilty, but when the latter believes that the suicide is for real, they too (half heartedly) decide to take their own lives. Michael and Ching must rush to save them from death, but during the whole near explosive melee, they come to the conclusion that they were made for each other.
Young Cops
A typical Hong Kong comedy about young inexperienced cops that get into a lot of silly antics. The film is notable for featuring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai and Anita Mui in early roles.
Crazy Games
In order to get a job as a ghostbuster, Loletta Lee poses as a mannamed Joe. Later on, her young co-workers see a beautiful young girl around town and decide to see who can win her heart first. Little do they know that beautiful girl is actually Joe.
The Dare Devils
A Hong Kong action film about stuntmen