Yasuo Furuhata

Yasuo Furuhata

Рождение : 1934-08-19, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan

Смерть : 2019-05-20


Yasuo Furuhata was a Japanese film director. He was a director of Toei film company and he often worked with Ken Takakura in such films as Eki and Shin Abashiri Bangaichi. He won the 2000 Japan Academy Prize for Director of the Year and 31st International Film Festival of India for Poppoya. He died 20 May 2019.


Yasuo Furuhata


Three childhood friends reunite over a murder case.
Мальчик по прозвищу «Эйч»
История повествует о мальчике по имени Хайме Сенох, прозвище «Ха». Его отец, Морио, владелец ателье. С началом Второй мировой войны для их семьи наступают трудные времена…
Для тебя
Ейдзи работает тюремным служащим в Хокурику. В 53 года он теряет свою жену, которую очень сильно любил. Вскоре Ейдзи получает письмо от покойной с просьбой развеять ее прах над морем рядом с ее родным городом. Это кажется странным Ейдзи, потому что она никогда не говорила ни о чем таком при жизни, и он отправляется на родину жены, в Нагасаки, чтобы выяснить ее истинные намерения.
The Haunted Samurai
A lowly but academically diligent warrior named Bessho Hikoshiro finds himself unable to move up in the world due to the stifling caste system of the Bakumatsu era. After being expelled from the household into which he was adopted through marriage and separated from his wife and son, he moves in with his disapproving elder brother and his wife. He meets his old class rival Enomoto Takeaki, now a commander of a naval ship, and is later told by a kindly noodle shop owner that Enomoto's rise in social status came about after he prayed at a shrine in Mukojima. Stumbling home drunk one night, Hikoshiro falls down a riverbank and comes across a small run-down shrine which he is convinced is affiliated to the one in Mukojima. Pressing his hands together in prayer, he unwittingly invites the unwanted attentions of the gods of poverty, pestilence and death..
Красная луна
Семья Морита переехала с Хоккайдо в Маньчжурию, завоёванную японской армией, и открыла в Муданьцзяне крупное предприятие по производству сакэ. Успеху дела способствует поддержка японской армии. Но в Маньчжурию входят советские войска, война близится к трагической развязке, и людям приходится выбирать между спасением чести и спасением жизни.
Красная луна
Семья Морита переехала с Хоккайдо в Маньчжурию, завоёванную японской армией, и открыла в Муданьцзяне крупное предприятие по производству сакэ. Успеху дела способствует поддержка японской армии. Но в Маньчжурию входят советские войска, война близится к трагической развязке, и людям приходится выбирать между спасением чести и спасением жизни.
The Firefly
Japanese film icon Ken Takakura, who has starred in over 100 films, stars in this elegiac look at war and remembrance. Hideji Yamaoka (Takakura) was a suicide pilot during the war who somehow survived Japan's surrender. After decades of working as a fisherman in Kumamoto, a provincial seaside city in southern Kyushu, Yamaoka remains reluctant to discuss his wartime experiences with anyone, much less an intrusive reporter looking for a feature story. Then a series of events shake Yamaoka to the core, forcing him to re-evaluate his past.
The Firefly
Japanese film icon Ken Takakura, who has starred in over 100 films, stars in this elegiac look at war and remembrance. Hideji Yamaoka (Takakura) was a suicide pilot during the war who somehow survived Japan's surrender. After decades of working as a fisherman in Kumamoto, a provincial seaside city in southern Kyushu, Yamaoka remains reluctant to discuss his wartime experiences with anyone, much less an intrusive reporter looking for a feature story. Then a series of events shake Yamaoka to the core, forcing him to re-evaluate his past.
Railroad Man
A railway stationmaster at a dying end-of-the-line village in Hokkaido is haunted by memories of his dead wife and daughter. When the railroad line is scheduled to be closed, he is offered a job at a hotel, but he is emotionally unable to part with his career as a railroader. His life takes a turn when he meets a young woman with an interest in trains who resembles his daughter.
Gendai ninkyoden
Хозяйка винокурни
По одноименному роману Томико Мияо (1926 - 2014). Рэцу родилась в семье, владеющей известной винокурней, наследников мужского пола у хозяина нет, а у Рэцу проблемы со зрением. Несмотря на свой недуг, она мечтает продолжить отцовское дело.
Date Masamune: The One-Eyed Dragon's Love and Ambition
The live of the daimyo Date Masamune
Yakuza Ladies Revisited: Love is Hell
The seventh movie of the series “Yakuza Ladies” focuses on a wife of a small Osaka family. She risks her life to protect her husband’s family and its members against much larger, more established organizations.
Midwinter Camellia
Yasuo Furuhata directs this romantic yakuza flick based on a book by popular romance novelist Tomiko Miyao. Set in 1932, the film centers on Peony (Yoko Minamino), a geisha who was forced into the business at a young age by her dissipated father.
Estate Inheritance
The unexpected death of Fujishima Motoharu, president of a medium-sized firm, triggers a fierce battle over his estate inheritance among family members.
Tasmania Story
Eiji Kawano (Kunie Tanaka) has recently broken from the Japanese company he used to work for. As an immigrant to Tasmania, he has been won over by the island's immense natural beauty, and he is conscience-bound to oppose his former employer's ecologically unsound practices. He is also estranged from his grown son, who still resides in Japan. When his son comes to Tasmania for a visit, he must face the challenge of renewing their relationship.
Кадокура и Мидзута вместе служили в армии и стали неразлучными друзьями. Только Мидзута потом женился на прекрасной Тами и воспитывает прелестную дочку, а Кадокура живет с нелюбимой женой и бездетен. Зато он красив и богат. Он не только во всем помогает другу, но холит и лелеет его жену и дочь. Что это, обычная галантность или любовь?
Yakuza Ladies 3
Upon the passing of the Sakanishi Clan’s boss, a fierce battle between his wife Hazuki and his disciple Terada breaks out. Will Hazuki be able to assume her husband’s position as the head of the established yakuza clan?
Тень повелителя
Иэмицу, третий сёгун эпохи Токугава, ненавидит своего старшего сына Такэтиё. Однажды он приказывает ему отправиться в Эдо в сопровождении верного Хотты Масамори и семи самураев. Хотта подозревает неладное, но не может не подчиниться приказу, а ночью на путешественников нападает армия сёгуна.
Reason For Not Divorcing
Yoshiko Mita and Masahiko Tsugawa enthusiastically perform a couple who know each other’s affairs and affairs and still do not part with each other even after various emotional conflicts. A work that is highly supported by women.
Действие фильма происходит в небольшой рыбацкой деревушке. Жизнь в деревне неспешно идёт своим чередом — мужчины на своих катерах выходят в море и ловят рыбу, женщины её солят и сушат. Среди мужчин особенно выделяется рыбак Сюдзи, по характеру он настоящий лидер, и все жители деревни идут к нему со своими проблемами, Сюдзи не кому не отказывает в помощи. Но у него есть своя тайна — он постоянно ходит в застёгнутой на все пуговицы одежде и никогда не снимает рубашку. Дело в том, что в прошлом Сюдзи был известным на всю Осаку якудза, а его спину украшает татуировка, на которой изображён демон Яша. Никто в деревне даже не догадывается о прошлом Сюдзи. Но впереди главных героев ждут не лёгкие перемены, в деревню приезжает молодая женщина по имени Кэйко и открывает пивную, которая тут же становится любимым местом времяпровождения для местных рыбаков, к всеобщему недовольству их жён. А следом за Кэйко из Осаки приезжает её бой-френд, якудза-наркоман Ядзима.
Moment of Demon
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
Закусочная Тёдзи
Эйдзи Фудзино оставил карьеру служащего и открыл дешевую закусочную «Тёдзи», теперь все его зовут Тёдзи. Трудно понять, откуда у этого бывшего спортсмена так много терпения, выдержки и смирения. Многие годы он хранит в сердце тайну.
Три эпизода из жизни полицейского Эйдзи Миками. Кажется, что нас ожидает захватывающий боевик с драками и погоней, однако, каждый эпизод называется именем женщины, при этом Миками — волк-одиночка. С кем из них у него сложатся прочные отношения, не знает никто. Что изменилось в его душе за 20 лет службы в полиции, где он закончит свою жизнь, на заснеженных улицах Саппоро или на родном острове, где его ждет престарелая мать, теряющая рассудок?
Shikake-nin Baian
Waga seishun no eleven
Soccer movie.
The Fixer
Political fixer Homei Yamaoka's misdeeds come to light, throwing Japanese politics into deadly confusion. But he's not going down without a fight.
Зимний цветок
Кано — якудза. Он должен убить Мацуоку, который предал их босса. Кано знал, что у Мацуоки была трёхлетняя дочь, поэтому прежде, чем сдаться полиции, он попросил, чтобы его человек, которому он доверял, заботился о ней. В тюрьме Кано продолжал посылать письма девочке, маскируясь под дядю из Бразилии. 15 лет спустя Кано выходит из тюрьмы. Бывший якузда настроен жить, не нарушая закон, однако жизнь вносит свои коррективы.
A Blood Stained Love Affair
Emika has been raised by her aunt Ineko, who runs a high-class club in Akasaka. Ineko is backed by Ohashi, a political mastermind, but at the same time, she gives money to Riki, a young aspiring photographer, and has a relationship with him. Riki gets to know Emika and falls in love with her at first sight. When Riki asks Ineko for money to buy a car, Ineko sells Emika's virginity to Ohashi.
New Abashiri Prison Story: Honor and Humanity, Ammunition That Attracts the Storm
Organized Crime: Killer's Glory
A professional lone-wolf hitman comes to his blood brother's aid when his boss is brutally murdered by an unknown yakuza faction.
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Snowbound Deserter
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Snowbound Deserter
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stormy Cape
Former inmate Katsuji gets involved in the horse gambling business while lending a helping hand to a ranch operator.
Patience Has An End
Young coal miner Takeda leaves Kyushu in search of a better job in Tokyo, only to fall into the lucrative yet dangerous life of a yakuza.
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stray Wolf in Snow
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: High Stakes at Abashiri
Prisoner Katsuji must fend for himself and his prison mates in the fierce battle involving a family feud.
Rise and Fall of Chivalry
A reformed gangster agrees to help a former yakuza member.
Brave Red Flower of the North
An exciting tale of action on the distant northern island of Hokkaido around the beginning of the 20th Century starring two of the biggest names in Yakuza film history, Fuji Junko and Takakura Ken. Since the death of death of her father, Yuki who has traveled from her home in the southernmost part of Japan must fight corrupt local officials seeking to fill her late father's post. As her life is in danger a mysterious rifleman, played by Takakura Ken watches from the shadows. Can she finish the work her dear departed father started in an untamed land?
A Hoodlum At The Risk Of His Life
A reporter is framed for murder while investigating organized crime. Upon being released from prison the plan for his revenge unravels.
New Prison Walls of Abashiri 2
Suehiro Katsuji, a prisoner of Abashiri, is sent to Shikoku to work at a dock where a fierce turf battle takes place between a local gang and the dock operator.
A Modern Yakuza: Humanity and Justice of the Outlaw
Back after four years, Goro learns his younger brother's been thrown out of the gang and his girlfriend's married another man. It's payback time.
A Modern Yakuza: The Code of The Lawless
Just released on parole, one young man hurtles towards a face-off with the gangsters controlling Shinjuku and its lucrative prostitutes.
The Cheating Underworld
Gangsters are robbed of five hundred million yens.
Prison Boss
Rival gangs fight over ownership of bicycle race track.
Three men vs. gangsters in a fight involving smuggled gold.
Three men vs. gangsters in a fight involving smuggled gold.
King of the Gang
The 11th and final film in the Gang series. Most of the films had different directors and cast, and were only connected by the title and Toei's marketing department. Unlike the early entries, which were jazzy capers, this final entry is a prototype jitsuroku yakuza film. Just back from the war, Noboru Ando leads a gang of war vets turned gangster in the US occupied streets of Tokyo. They get into a conflict with a Chinese gang as well as the military police. Tetsuro Tamba appears as a police chief trying to bring peace to the streets; 1st wave pinky violence star Masumi Tachibana is a girl grieving his dead gangster father.
Glorious Fights
A young leader of the Yamazaki family of Nagasaki, Takida (Ken Takakura) is an A-bomb survivor. He fiercely battles violent elements in southern Japan like there is no tomorrow.
Pretty Devil Yoko
Easily bored, but still innocent and naive countryside girl (Mako Midori) discovers partying in Tokyo is a ton of fun. Yakuza-to-be (Ichiro Araki) is an acquaintance who tries to rape her, and the typically bland but very-good-here (Hayato Tani) the first boyfriend. Director Yasuo Furuhata (his first picture) lets his camera roll in trendy clubs amongst partying youngsters in a way that could've been out of 60s England or a Nikkatsu film if it wasn't shadowed by dated 60s Toei conservatism.The resulting film is a bit confused, either a rebellious youth tale chained by moral concerns, or something conceived as a morality tale trying to break free from its chains.
A Circus Girl
Assistant Director
Japanese drama film.
Brutal Tales of Chivalry
Assistant Director
After World War II, their town was a pile of rubble. Gennosuke, the second-generation boss of the Kamizu Group was upholding yakuza chivalry by keeping black-market and illegal items out of their open-air market. Taking advantage of the mess, Iwasa and his gang take hold of goods from the US military, black-market and controlled items in order to become the most powerful group in the Enko area. Iwasa has Gennosuke assassinated but before he dies, he names Shinji Terajima as his successor and makes him swear to carry on the family business and not seek revenge or use violence. Shinji tries to make his family’s marketplace a success, but with constant interruption and attacks from Iwasa’s gang, he can no longer keep his word to his former boss.
Love on the Rainbow
Assistant Director
A seamstress seeks the love of her life while helping a troubled couple.
Tale of Army Brutality
Assistant Director
Director Jun'ya Satô's debut film focuses on the inhuman training of recruits, the brutal drill system that reigned in the Japanese army during World War II, where in the first two years of training, ordinary people were turned into inhuman killers. For his first film, the director was awarded the Blue Ribbon Awards in the Debutant of the Year nomination.
An adaptation of Akira Yoshimura's original suspense novel starring Rentaro Mikuni. 4th year of the Taishō era. About 15 families who moved in search of agricultural land to the land of the pioneers in Hokkaido led a peaceful life. One day, one of the pioneers, Mikio Shimakawa's wife Yura, and her child Taichi are attacked and killed by a bear that cannot hibernate. To resolve the situation, Shimakawa goes against all odds and turns to Ginshiro, the most hated hunter in the village, for help. While Shimakawa was away from the village, Yura and his friends were holding a funeral, the bear attacked again...