Blackie Ko Shou-Liang

Blackie Ko Shou-Liang

Рождение : 1953-02-22, Yushan Island, Chekiang Province, China

Смерть : 2003-12-09


Blackie Ko was a Taiwanese film director, producer, stuntman, singer and actor. Blackie was considered as the greatest automotive stunt choreographer in Asia.


Blackie Ko Shou-Liang


Zheng Ge
Brothers aka Fidelity is a Hong Kong Crime movie starring Alex Man
Papa Loves You
Ying is a single parent who's having a tough time disciplining his wild teenage daughter Ellen.
Life Express
Foreign - A child dying of leukemia needs a bone marrow transplant immediately. With only 24 hours, the doctors must fight the usual red tape bureaucracy and political obstacles in order to retrieve the marrow and carry out the transplant before time runs out.
Life Express
Ng Sung-Yung
Foreign - A child dying of leukemia needs a bone marrow transplant immediately. With only 24 hours, the doctors must fight the usual red tape bureaucracy and political obstacles in order to retrieve the marrow and carry out the transplant before time runs out.
Черная маска 2: Город масок
Никто не видел его лица. Никто не знает его настоящего имени, известно лишь прозвище, которое с проклятиями и страхом произносят преступники всех мастей — Черная маска. Супергерой с модифицированными генами, он обладает феноменальной реакцией, необыкновенной силой и полным равнодушием к боли. Неустрашимый борец со злом, черная маска — единственная преграда на пути глобального терроризма, пытающегося ввергнуть мир в хаос. Лишь ему под силу остановить банду безумцев, готовых привести в действие страшное генетическое оружие, способное вызвать на Земле волну чудовищных мутаций, и Черная Маска принимает бой…
Her Name Is Cat 2: Journey To Death
as Shou Liang Ko
Foreign - Samantha is on a mission to Thailand to transport a microchip that contains secret Russian military information before it falls into the hands of Chaipon, a ruthless Thai general. When Sam falls for the man carrying the chip, she must save the day.
Hero of City
Gordon / "Romeo"
Gordon puts together a team of criminals to execute the bold robbery of a jewelry store. Before the team can get away, alarms go off and the police arrive. An intense gun battle turns into a deadly encounter. The survivors escape, only to begin questioning how the police knew about the robbery. Suspecting an undercover operative in their midst, they begin turning on each other.
City of Desire
Uncle Cat
Sandra (Sandra Ng) is in for a serious dose of culture shock when she returns from her studies abroad to her home in Macau, where her father is the head of a major network of underground gambling, prostitution, and other assorted super-vices. Sandra's father is putting on the pressure for her to inherit his morally-corrupt throne, but her morals dictate that she have nothing to do with it. However, Sandra's childhood friend Josie (Josie Ho) has gotten herself into serious debt and desperately needs any help Sandra can offer. Will Sandra help her friend at the cost of her own morals? It's now up to her to decide between upholding her own beliefs and making serious ethical sacrifices for the sake of her friend.
Gangs 2001
The new wave of drug problems arising between youngsters in Hong Kong
For Bad Boys Only
Dark Tung
The Bad Boy Squad, a variety of private detective agency, is composed of King (Ekin Cheng Yi-kin), Queen (Kristy Yeung), and Jack (Louis Koo Tin-lok), whose primary source of business is the reuniting of clientèle with their first flames, and when the trio of young operatives returns to Hong Kong from an assignment in Thailand and the Squad's next three customers supply photographs of lost loves, the women in the pictures appear to be the same individual.
An Eye for an Eye
Officer Chan
A rapist in a fishermans hat and childs Halloween mask is stalking the pretty young girls of Hong Kong. In a scene lifted from John Schlesingers 1990 American Film of the same name, a mother (Angie Cheung) hears her daughter being victimized over her cell phone. This traumatic experience causes Cheungs daughter to take her own life. Shaken and stirred by her loss, mama vows vengeance. She begins some Travis Bickle-esque training and transforms herself into a super sexy, lean, mean, pervert killing machine.
Return to Dark
Return to Dark is a Hong Kong Crime movie starring Anthony Wong
Рождённый королём
Wong Dog Dog
«Рождённый королём» — это шестая часть из серии фильмов под общим названием «Молодые и опасные», рассказывающей о буднях китайских триад и конкретно о ребятах из банды «Хун Хинг». На этот раз действие больше сосредоточено на «Цыплёнке», который женится на японке, дочери босса японской банды «Ямада» Итиро Кусакари. В общем-то, он доволен ей, несмотря на то, что это была практически свадьба «вслепую» — он не знал свою жену до церемонии. Однако он не один, кому нравится дочка Итиро — в бешенстве от неразделённой любви её насилует Акира, приёмный сын Итиро, после чего он уходит к тайваньским триадам, представитель которых, Лиу начинает агрессивный захват власти, намереваясь снести со своего пути наших героев. Начинаются покушения на лидеров триад. Назревает война между бандами…
Легенда о скорости
Black Tone
Избалованный деньгами матери гонщик Скай не боится ничего и никого — он привык получать все, что хочет, не встречая при этом серьезного сопротивления. Получив вызов от очередного претендента на звание Короля Скорости, он предлагает тому поставить на кон ногу и, выиграв, ломает ее без всякого сомненья. Вышедший на свободу после долгих лет тюрьмы брат несчастного — Тан Фун — назначает ответную гоночную дуэль, в которой погибает девушка Ская, Келли, а он сам становится беглецом от правосудия. Теперь Скай должен собраться со всеми силами, чтобы вновь сесть за руль.
The Masked Prosecutor
Wan Bing-guy
Two cops, one young and tough, the other nearing retirement, are after a ruthless vigilante who kidnaps and tortures acquitted criminals.
Top Gear
Taiwanese movie
Cop Abula
Cop Abula arrests a pregnant illegal immigrant, Xiao Qing, who came from mainland China to look for the father of her baby. Upon arrest, Xiao Qing gives birth to a baby girl in the police station, causing disorder in the place. Abula takes care of her and even helps to search for the father. On the other hand, Abula has to face other worries, like the problem between him and his son, Ah Yi. In addition, there is the Mafia who makes life difficult for Abula as he refuses to accept bribery. In the end, Abula resorts to the improper way of solving the problem, resulting in a hilarious ending to the story.
Cop is a crime movie starring Jordan Chan
Chivalrous Legend
Liao's Master
After Japanese soldiers kill 12-year-old Ten-din's (Shiao Sheih Long) mother during an invasion, Ten-din must hide in order to save his own life. He takes refuge with a Peking opera company, where he perfects his fighting skills and turns into a kung fu expert. He later uses his skills to help those in need, by robbing the rich to help the poor. When Ten-din's actions are discovered, a group is sent out to intercept him and his friend Ying.
Мокрая псина
Whorehouse Proprietor
Бывший якудза Юдзи живет на самом дне тайваньского преступного мира. Неожиданно одна из бывших любовниц привозит к нему предполагаемого сына и бесследно исчезает. Теперь Юдзи приходится поставить свое мастерство киллера на службу воспитанию сына.
Черная роза 2
Suen Mooi-Tong
Разносчик еды Мо (Ян Лам) влюбляется в девушку, которую видит в окне танцевальной студии и однажды он знакомится с ней – правда, при неприятных обстоятельствах. Его и девушку приперли какие-то бандиты, но красавица справилась с ними одной левой – и скрылась. А в следующий раз, когда Мо встретил ее, сделала вид, что видит его в первый раз в жизни. Как ни удивлялся Мо, а она оказалась права – оказывается, в первый раз с ним под видом его тайной любви была знаменитая Черная Роза (Нэнси Сит), и теперь, когда ее обман раскрылся, она сажает Мо в свою темницу, где уже томится ее давний возлюбленный (Спенсер Лам), сидящий в плену у Черной Розы вот уже как 30 лет.
Mahjong Dragon
North Quick Hands, a gambler, killed a gang in revenge for his friend, for which he was sentenced to prison. South Tin-lone waited for Quick Hand's release, so that he might be recruited into the gang. But Quick Hands refused. Meanwhile, Sau Tin, a Hong Kong policewoman addicted to gambling, went to Dongguan to seek a husband. She helped Quick Hands to leave China by arranging a fake marriage, as he promised to teach her some gambling tricks. South Tin-lone and his gang followed Quick Hands to Hong Kong and a series of fights ensued...
Best of the Best
Tung Tung just graduated from the police academy, encountering a Vietnamnese assassin on his first day on work. Tung in order to break through obstacle in his mind decides to join SDU. Among the teammates, Coolman feels resentment toward Tung, which he doesn't understand. Later he discovers Coolman is actually his step brother. Tung actively tries to get close to Coolman, but is rejected. When training reaches its last stage, Coolman and Tung's team reencounters the Vietnamnese assassin on a deserted island.
Young and Dangerous 3
Koh Chi Wah
Chan Ho Nam and Chicken are back again in Young and Dangerous 3, this time taking on the rival "Tung Sing" triad, who is attempting to usurp Hung Hing influence in Hong Kong by having Tung Sing member "Crow" (Roy Cheung) frame Ho Nam for the murder of Hung Hing Chairman Chiang Tin Sang (Simon Yam). On the plus side, Chicken finds a new love interest in Wasabi (Karen Mok), the daughter of the comedic priest, Father "Lethal Weapon" Lam.
Молодые и опасные 2
Цыпленок уезжал на Тайвань на год, откуда возвращается уже влиятельным человеком. Теперь он дает своему другу, Но Нам деньги на открытие бара и рассказывает, как там продвигался вверх, начав работать на тайваньские триады. Нам, пытаясь занять место своего босса, неожиданно сталкивается с достойным противником и конкурентом в лице Тай-Фаи, посягающего на его территории. Однако, рано или поздно, за все приходится расплачиваться. Невеста Нам в больнице, а на молодых триадовцев обрушивается новая напасть — люди с Тайваня под предводительством влиятельного политика, планирующие отхватить у них лакомый кусочек в виде казино в Макау. Но и это лишь пол беды — ребята и не знают, что опасаться больше всего им надо совсем не этих людей, а того, кто находится рядом с ними…
Тайный агент
Кунг Вей — самый засекреченный в Китае. Даже его семья не знает, что их простоватый на вид глава — бесстрашный суперагент, работающий под прикрытием. Его цель — выслеживать и ловить самых опасных преступников, чьи власть и богатство не позволяют закону дотянуться до них обычным образом. Но это не значит, что сам Кунг Вей застрахован от беды. Однажды, когда герой выдавал себя за бандита, входя в доверие к боссу мафии Гонконга, из-за досадной случайности над ним нависла угроза разоблачения. Если «легенда» лопнет, он окажется один на один с армией гангстеров. И тогда даже такой великолепной боевой машине как он, срочно понадобится помощь…
Modern Republic
The lives of three young Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles.
Modern Republic
The lives of three young Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles.
Бог игроков 2
Hoi On
Ко Чун после событий первой части ушел из мира карточных игр и последние четыре года жил во Франции, где и познакомился со своей нынешней женой, как две капли воды похожей на его девушку из первой части. У них должен родиться ребенок, но из тюрьмы выходит Чау Сиу Линг, карточный игрок, претендующий на благотворительный фонд в 16 миллиардов долларов, который должен перейти во власть того, кто станет Королем Азартных игр. Сиу Линг убивает жену Ко Чуна, и перед смертью она берет с Ко обещание не играть и не раскрывать, кто он есть на самом деле, в течение одного года. Ко этот год проводит в путешествиях, но буквально за две недели до истечения срока обещания, знакомится с главой игорного дома в Тайване, который пытается прибрать к рукам как раз Чау Сиу Линг. Ко решает помочь им, но пока он не может раскрыть свою личность, он берет себе в подручные двух мошенников от карт…
Chez n' Ham
Cheese and Ham are two men with nothing better to do in their lives. Until they meet a man dying of throat cancer who will pay the two men a large sum of money to kill a woman, whom he wants dead. The problem? She is the hottest chick, the two men have ever seen, and they are having a very difficult time trying to kill her.
Chez n' Ham
Cheese and Ham are two men with nothing better to do in their lives. Until they meet a man dying of throat cancer who will pay the two men a large sum of money to kill a woman, whom he wants dead. The problem? She is the hottest chick, the two men have ever seen, and they are having a very difficult time trying to kill her.
Chez n' Ham
Cheese and Ham are two men with nothing better to do in their lives. Until they meet a man dying of throat cancer who will pay the two men a large sum of money to kill a woman, whom he wants dead. The problem? She is the hottest chick, the two men have ever seen, and they are having a very difficult time trying to kill her.
Криминальная история
Captain Ko
Криминальный триллер, основанный на реальных событиях, о похищении людей и коррупции в полиции Гонкога. Инспектор, заданием которого является защита известного магната. Но бизнесмена все-таки похищают…
Hero - Beyond the Boundary of Time
Action Director
Wai Siu-Bo travels to the future on a mission to cure the emperor's illness.
Hero - Beyond the Boundary of Time
Martial Arts Choreographer
Wai Siu-Bo travels to the future on a mission to cure the emperor's illness.
Hero - Beyond the Boundary of Time
Stunt Coordinator
Wai Siu-Bo travels to the future on a mission to cure the emperor's illness.
Hero - Beyond the Boundary of Time
Wai Siu-Bo travels to the future on a mission to cure the emperor's illness.
Come Fly the Dragon
Come Fly the Dragon is a Hong Kong Action Comedy starring Andy Lau and Tony Leung
A weakling joins the French Foreign Legion and fights bad guys and corruption along the way. Billy Blanks is evil.
A weakling joins the French Foreign Legion and fights bad guys and corruption along the way. Billy Blanks is evil.
Big Mouth
A young Taiwanese man after being released from prison starts his life as a gangster. He goes to Hong Kong to do some business with the Triads.
The Days of Being Dumb
Two losers who'll do anything to try and be successful in the Triad world, but all they've accomplished is having a bad luck reputation.
Dust of Angels
A-Guo and A-Dou are two teenagers living in an industrial town in Taiwan, who fight, loaf, and cause trouble all day and hang out with Jie, a young gangster. When Jie's gangland patron is gunned down, the trio set out to revenge the killing. As a result, the two teens are forced into hiding.
Fight Back to School 2
Hood interrogated by Wah
Star Chow is an officer in the Royal Hong Kong Police's elite Special Duties Unit (SDU). During a meeting with his senior officer, Inspector Yip, Star jokingly suggests he wishes to be reassigned to the traffic unit. Star immediately finds himself demoted to Constable engaging in traffic duty on the streets of Hong Kong. After being made the scapegoat for a failed high school terrorist investigation, Star hastily resigns from the police. He decides to enroll at the high school to launch his own private investigation. But Star realises the investigation won't be easy when he discovers that the bumbling, incompetent CID detective Tat is also undercover at the high school.
Rhythm of Destiny
Two brothers Ah B and Dee live in two different worlds. Ah B decided to quit his smuggling business for a new life. He opens a nightclub to put his younger brother's singing talent in the limelight. Confrontation and fighting in the club at a singing contest unfolds drug deals of partners of Ah B. Innocently involved in the smuggling case Ah B is sentenced for a long-term jail. Misunderstandings override love of the siblings. As time goes by, in the name of love can the two brothers live under the same sky?
Queen of Underworld
Crazy Kwong
Popular Hong Kong actress Amy Yip plays Sister Har -- a seminal figure in 1960s and '70s Hong Kong nightlife -- in this biographical film that follows the scenester's rise and fall from the upper echelons of society to the glamour and excess of Hong Kong's teeming underworld. A truly fascinating portrait of the allure and excess that were part of the fabric of Asia's favorite playground.
Alan and Eric: Between Hello and Goodbye
Alan and Eric are childhood friends who are separated when Eric moves to America. They are reunited in Hong Kong when Eric finds Alan at the cafe where the latter is working as a waiter and singer. Together they forge a business which is destroyed in a storm. Meanwhile, both have met a lady named Olive, and both strive for her affection.
Рыцарь игроков
Black Panther, Hussein's man
Wong Jing's sequel to All for the Winner and spin-off to God of Gamblers finds Chow Sing Cho looking up to Michael "Dagger" Chan in order to become Ko Chun's next disciple, but the two must put aside their differences when they discover that a gang boss is bent on ruining the God of Gamblers' name.
The Dragon from Russia
Stunt Coordinator
A former member of a band of criminals known as the 'Eight-Hundred Dragons' is living in fear in Manchuria as the clan does not allow people to leave alive. However, he is eventually tracked down, and kidnapped along with a young Manchurian, Yao - whose memory is erased so that he can be trained in martial arts. Yao's work as an assassin becomes more complicated, however, when he sees his old lover again and his real memories come flooding back.
Kawashima Yoshiko
This film is based on the life of Kawashima Yoshiko, originally Manchu princess who was the 14th daughter of Emperor Xu, later brought up as a Japanese and served as a spy in the service of the Japanese Kwantung Army and Manchukuo during the Second World War.
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Stunt Driver
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
Family Honor
Arms supplier
Norman Law directed this Hong Kong gangster film about siblings joined by a common enemy. Tao is a ruthless loan shark, whose brother, Fu Sai Hang, is the captain of the local police. When the mob guns down Tao, his brother becomes a vigilante out for revenge. Aided by his capable girlfriend, Hor-Yee, the captain brings down the villains in an explosive finale.
Curry and Pepper
Two cops--both best friends and partners--both become the subject of a beautiful news reporter's documentary. The two soon find themselves competing for screen time as well as the love of the reporter while after a murderous arms dealer.
Curry and Pepper
Two cops--both best friends and partners--both become the subject of a beautiful news reporter's documentary. The two soon find themselves competing for screen time as well as the love of the reporter while after a murderous arms dealer.
Код удачи
Hideki Saijo
Set in China during the Japanese occupation. A young man breaks out of a POW camp to marry his sweetheart, but finds she is now a spy for the resistance, code-named "Number 3". With the help of "Number 2" he returns to the camp to find "Fortune", an agent who possesses the pass-code to a Swiss bank account with $500 billion intended for the Chinese army.
It Takes Two to Mingle
A tough-as-nail-cop becomes irrate when he learns that his sister is dating the son of a powerful triad leader.
City Cops
Kent's taxi driver buddy
Cindy is an American FBI agent who is currently in Hong Kong seeking arch-criminal Kent Tong. In order to bring down Tong and his criminal organization, she teams up with local HK cops David and Johnny.
Whampoa Blues
Chung and Kin grow up together at Rennie Mill Area with quite different characters. They were admitted into the Whampoa Military Training School at Taiwan. On the way to School, Kin and Chung met with other schoolmates in a train - Cheng, Lin and Wu. The mischievous kin got into trouble with other schoolmates and was punished on the first day of their arrival. The Training Officer, Lam was so strike with his training programme that everyone suffered. Under the mutual care and help, everyone got promoted. However, Cheng was advised not to take part in the field practice for his feebleness. Cheng insisted on trying. At the field practice, Wu, Chung, Kin and Cheng incidentally discovered an ammunition smuggling, this led them to fatal attack.
City Kids 1989
Stunt Coordinator
The pressures of the gang-ridden Hong Kong streets threaten to tear two teenage friends apart. A provocative look at misunderstood youth and juvenile delinquency on the urban streets of Hong Kong.
City Kids 1989
The pressures of the gang-ridden Hong Kong streets threaten to tear two teenage friends apart. A provocative look at misunderstood youth and juvenile delinquency on the urban streets of Hong Kong.
Mr. Sunshine
Shop assistant in the electronics store, May Bao (Kent Cheng) - good-natured fat man, always ready to help those who need it. Therefore, he decides to help the new store employee, a fat Shan (Maria Cordero), which the evil boss (Richard Ng) forced to jump on the trampoline to the delight of visitors. His plan fails miserably, and Mai Bao, along with Shan, is fired-but the cheerful Mai Bao is accustomed to seeing positive in absolutely any situation.
Fatal Bet
Stunt Driver
Sam Rogers and Crab are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with Japanese gangsters, how far will their friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.
News Attack
Joseph's thug
News Attack is a 1989 Hong Kong action thriller drama film co-written and directed by Samson Chiu and starring Andy Lau, Michael Miu and Wilson Lam.
Burning Sensation
Taxi driver
A firefighter salvages a spiritual shrine from an old burning building, which releases the gentle ghost of a Chinese opera singer, killed in a stage fire 30 years before. Grateful for saving her, the ghost falls for the firefighter and will stop at nothing to ensure his safety from the evils that lurk ahead. At the same time, the firefighter doesn't realize he is dating a ghost.
Little Cop
Yi's henchman
Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer. He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu. During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice. The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.
Runaway Blues
Triad in Race
Before he was crowned one of the "Four Heavenly Kings", Andy Lau starred in the 1989 gangster film Runaway Blues. He plays Lam, a Taiwan gangster who flees to Hong Kong after killing a rival gangster. Hiding at his uncle gang boss Lip's place, he gets embroiled in more gang conflicts and is forced to be an informant for the police. Lam runs away to Guangzhou and Macau with Lip's mistress, causing an enraged Lip to be hot on his trail.
Hero of Tomorrow
When Lee Sam, a ten-year veteran of the Hong Kong underworld, is released from prison, he dispatches two enemies and goes into hiding in Taipei where his old friend Billy is a boss. Billy is a hothead whose rivalries with other gangs put Sam at risk. After bailing Billy out a couple of times, Sam tries to get out of the Mob life. He retires to the coastal town of Tainam, works as a fishmonger, and falls in love with the sister of Crow, a 20-year-old who wants to work for Billy. Can Sam quit violence for good, start a family, and protect Crow?
The Dragon Family
Driver of red car rescuing Wah
Rival Triad gangs go to war...
Легенда о золотой жемчужине
Martial Arts Choreographer
«Индиана Джонс» по-гонконгски представляет главного героя – писателя Вайсли, который попадает в многочисленные передряги. В сюжете будут автомобильные аварии, погони на лошадях, украденные древние реликвии… Антагониста Вайсли и его бывшего друга сыграет режиссер фильма – Тедди Робин.
Легенда о золотой жемчужине
The Two Headed Snake
«Индиана Джонс» по-гонконгски представляет главного героя – писателя Вайсли, который попадает в многочисленные передряги. В сюжете будут автомобильные аварии, погони на лошадях, украденные древние реликвии… Антагониста Вайсли и его бывшего друга сыграет режиссер фильма – Тедди Робин.
The Final Test
Austin Wai plays Sum, a secret agent posing as the security chief of a remote mining colony where several employees have disappeared without a trace. At first Sum is impressed by the almost superhuman efficiency of the mine's workers, but soon becomes suspicious of the zombie-like manner in which the miners perform their duty. His worst fears are finally confirmed by the colony's resident physician (Deborah Sims), who has been forced to mix a powerful drug into the miners' meals that increases their strength while making them mental slaves of the company. Sum and the doctor prepare to expose the deadly secret, but with every other member of the colony out to get them, they may not live long enough to tell it.
На ресторан, в котором работает Брендон наезжают бандиты во главе с Рэкетиром. Получив жесткий отпор, мафия приводит в действие чудовищный план, цель которого — надолго упрятать за решетку строптивого Брендона.
Светлое будущее
Stunt Coordinator
Еще недавно близкие друзья Хо и Марк были большими авторитетами в гонконгской мафии, жили по понятиям, с каким-никаким кодексом правил. Но первый попал на три года в тюрьму и, освободившись, решил завязать, а второй, покалеченный во время перестрелки, теперь побирается. Новый босс преступной группировки, беспредельщик, выбившийся из шестерок-лизоблюдов, с садистским удовольствием пытается отыграться на друзьях за прежние унижения, а, кроме того, хочет втянуть в свои грязные дела младшего брата Хо, инспектора полиции…
Королевские воины
Stunt Coordinator
Обычный рейс самолета по маршруту Токио - Гонконг превращается в трагедию. Именно этот рейс выбрали террористы, они требуют изменить маршрут. Оказавшиеся среди пассажиров два спецагента пытаются мирно разрешить конфликт, но в возникшей суматохе происходит перестрелка, преступников арестовывают, а их главаря убивают. Кажется, конфликт исчерпан, но бандиты долгов не забывают...
Jeep driver who beat red traffic-light
Hsia and Lei Kung are two bumbling cops assigned to protect the gorgeous Rosa, girlfriend to a missing informer named Lee. But Rosa's wanted by more than just the law - the bad guys want her for leverage, and Lei Kung just wants her to be his girlfriend! Meanwhile, Hsia attempts to romance Lei Kung's sister, and the bad guys prepare for a final blow-out fight sequence!
It's a Drink! It's a Bomb!
Security guard
An illegal dealing of a soda-canned bomb between a crooked Hong Kong cop and two Japanese traffickers goes bad after an associate decides to go against their plans...
Да, мадам!
Stunt Driver
В Гонконг приезжает коррумпированный британский агент Ричард Нордон, целью которого является продажа боссу мафии микрофильма, изобличающего его преступные махинации. Но Нордон не сходится с ним в цене, и Тьен подсылает к нему убийцу, который убивает англичанина, но микрофильм так и не находит.Пленка хранится в паспорте Нордона, который прихватили с собой воришки Стрепсилс и Аспирин. Не зная, что у них на руках, существенная улика, они ведут свой обычный образ жизни, ноу них на хвосте сидят две девушки-полицейские…
Сердце Дракона
Stunt Driver
Молодой полицейский Тед, поступивший в спецподразделение полиции, получает первое задание. Во время расследования Тед узнает, что его братец Денни, непутевый толстяк и недотепа, оказался замешанным в торговле краденым. Спасение единственного родного человека становится главным заданием Теда.
Сердце Дракона
Kim's thug
Молодой полицейский Тед, поступивший в спецподразделение полиции, получает первое задание. Во время расследования Тед узнает, что его братец Денни, непутевый толстяк и недотепа, оказался замешанным в торговле краденым. Спасение единственного родного человека становится главным заданием Теда.
Shyly Joker
Shyly Joker is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Eric Tsang.
Филин и Слонёнок
Sammo and George Lam are partners in crime and they scam some triad big shot out of a load of money and decide to retire. Three years later they both receive letters from Stanley Fung, in which he informs them that he has proof of all their criminal activity and unless they do exactly what he says–he will turn it over to the cops. Fung is an ex-cop himself and is trying to get the goods on the same triad leader that Sammo and George scammed.
Закусочная на колесах
Motorcycle Punk Leader (uncredited)
Два энергичных китайца организовали в Барселоне передвижную харчевню. Их желтый фургончик дарит людям вкусную еду и очаровательный китайско — испанский сервис. Но однажды всю их выручку похищает хитрая Синьорита Сильвия.Масса самых забавных ситуаций, сумасшедшие гонки на автокухне, виртуозные сцены рукопашных поединков и, как всегда, полный задора и отточенности в движениях Джеки Чан!
The Longest Night
Taiwanese war film based on a small-scale battle between the invading People's Liberation Army and the resisting Republic of China Armed Forces on a few small islands (including Dadan Island) in the Taiwan Strait in late July 1950.
Black and White
Taiwanese war film.
I Shall Return
Martial Arts Choreographer
I Shall Return
Seven Knights
Can't Stop the War
In 1945, Japan had surrendered but the news did not reach a small village in China. The local guerrilla force still put up a hilarious fight with the Japanese command.
Aces Go Places
Stunt Driver
King Kong, a clever thief who steals a cache of diamonds from some gangsters, frames another thief called White Glove for the crime. That's when the bald detective Albert Au, who has been chasing King Kong for quite some time, pairs with the volatile female Superintendent Ho to bring him to justice. King Kong ends up joining the good guys to defeat White Glove and another bad guy dubbed Mad Max, and recover the diamonds from the hiding place where they were left by King Kong's dead accomplice.
Pink Force Commando
Thug in Black Leather Jacket
In a world where cowboys coexist with Chinese thugs, Arab swordsmen, Nazi troops, Klansmen and spandex-bearing superheroines. Brigette Lin is the "Jackal", a renegade mercenary who betrayed her gang to his Nazi Commander lover and stealing a cache of gold. A year later reunited her gang led by "Cat", a golden sword costumed woman. They are trying to trace the location of the gold cache, but it seems like a small western resort has been built just where the Jackal and her lover. They confront the Jackal over her betrayal. With debt in the trunk, cut by her arm in repayment. Jackal convinces the team to join her lover gang as they try to steal the legendary Sun Diamond.
Devil Killer
Robert Tai's first film as a director; uses footage from Best and Worst (1974). A ruthless rapist and jewel thief and his gang are brought to justice by a cop and a young avenger.
Master Killers
Two brothers who've been separated for many years find each other again and vow to avenge their father's death.
Mission Kiss and Kill
Set in the early days of the Chinese Republic, this tale of kung fu kingpins and masters features beautiful women in gorgeous costumes, exotic backgrounds and a tricky plot filled with martial arts magic.
Bachelor's Delight
Young man Po Wen is in hot soup when writing a love story which involves a film star. Po Wen accidentally mails his own photographs to the publishers. As a result, he gets girlfriend Mei Chu quite jealous and demands an explanation. But Po Wen is to find that it's going to be a long explanation as a crisis crop up!
Shaolin Ex-Monk
Martial Arts Choreographer
Kung fu master Ling Chu-Fei (John Liu) must perfect and employ his devastating "Seven Immovable Limbs" technique if he is to defeat a renegade monk who has begun using Shaolin skills for evil. The threat becomes frighteningly personal when the ex-monk focuses his fury upon Master Ling's young orphan disciple, Small Mud Fish. Feet fly, blood spills and bones shatter all the way up to a gripping climactic duel in this 1978 action explosion.
Shaolin Ex-Monk
Chow Li-Chin / Mudfish
Kung fu master Ling Chu-Fei (John Liu) must perfect and employ his devastating "Seven Immovable Limbs" technique if he is to defeat a renegade monk who has begun using Shaolin skills for evil. The threat becomes frighteningly personal when the ex-monk focuses his fury upon Master Ling's young orphan disciple, Small Mud Fish. Feet fly, blood spills and bones shatter all the way up to a gripping climactic duel in this 1978 action explosion.
The Red Phoenix
Two fearless martial arts experts investigate a series of mysterious murders, committed by a unknown fighter called the "RED PHOENIX", who kills his victims with an unknown but very deadly technique.
Robber, Pros & Money
Martial Arts Choreographer
To free his girlfriend from her contract with a greedy madam, Shang Li (Don Wong) teams up with a cold-blooded thief called the Sparrow (Chiang-lung Wen) to hijack a large shipment of silver. But when the heist suddenly goes bad, Shang Li finds himself with blood on his hands and a price on his head. Martial arts superstars Angela Mao and Lieh Lo also star in this kung fu classic from writer-director Pao-Shu Kao.
The Boxer's Adventure
Martial Arts Choreographer
The Boxer's Adventure
Lin Tien Kuen
Return of the Chinese Boxer
Thai Boxer
In wake of the First Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895, a group of Japanese warlords calculate that the best way to prepare an invasion of the rest of China from their southern Manchuria staging ground.
Invincible Swordswoman
Evil Ming dynasty eunuch bullies the emperor and forms a group of invincible kung fu fighters to defeat any competition.
The Secret Rivals 2
The twin brother of the Silver Fox attempts to avenge his brother's death and get a hidden treasure using the 8 Diagram. It is up to one hero from the original and the brother of the 2nd original hero to stop him.
General Stone
Kung fu fans know well the legends of the 18 Bronze Men and the 108 Wooden Men of Shaolin, and in this fast-paced martial arts adventure, a whole new myth comes to the screen with the completely original tale of the 18 Stone Warriors. After the famous General Stone is stricken down in battle under mysterious circumstances, his talented son Flash Legs (Tan Tao Liang) vows to investigate the strange death and get to the truth of the matter.
Pai Yu Ching
Qing Long Hall Master
A theft of a scroll from a kung fu-society leads to Pai Yu-Cheng getting accused for the theft and most avoid many attacks from heroes trying to regain the scroll.
Secret of Chinese Kung Fu
Thai fighter
Two sisters on their way home from a fishing trip spot a mysterious man in the water. After rescuing him from drowning, they learn he's a martial arts master -- a good thing, since a gang of vicious thugs is ravaging the girls' village. Out of gratitude, the man agrees to train the sisters for the fight of their lives in this kung fu adventure from Sung Ting Mei co-starring Byong Yo and Sha Ling Ling.
Shaolin Invincibles
Black ghost with long tongue
Judy Lee (Chia Ling) is out to avenge the massacre of her family by the Emperor's men and is assisted by another young woman, played by Lung Chun Erh. The two infiltrate the Emperor's court by posing as maids. Carter Wong plays a kung fu fighter sent to help Judy by the monastery where she was raised.
The Magic Ring
Taiwanese martial arts movie by Karen Yang Chia-Yun
The Double Double Cross
Jimmy Wang Wu plays an outsider caught between two gangs.
Big Brother
Wu Min Chan and Kuang La Lung are subordinates of Commander of Northern Province, gunning for the post of Garrison Commander. On Wu's side are Shi Wen, and Sha Chung, while Kuang was assisted by Pei Chiang, Si Ma, and Niu Chung. Soon Shi gained power and sent Niu to kill Wu with Lui Yan's dagger, causing Lui Yan to commit suicide before the Commander. Niu became possessed with self-reproach, and was jailed for being drunk. Shi sent Pai Siow Lan, Niu's sweetheart to poison Niu. Pai drank the poisoned drink, and begged Niu to escape. Realizing Shi's true character, Niu went to seek Shi. In the end, Niu committed suicide after killing Shi.
Best and Worst
Blackie Ko is framed for murder and rape by a corrupt mayor who wants to protect his wayward son, who was the real culprit of the crime. Enter undercover cop Tong Lung, who discovers the truth about the frame up. He, then frees Blackie and together they wage war on the mayor and his army of fighters.
The Cantonese
Barry Chan plays the Canton kid a kung fu fanatic who takes on three vicious kung fu thugs who after being released from jail have come to Canton looking to cause a lot of trouble and to settle old scores.
Gambling For Gold
During the Japanese invasion of China, a shipment of gold bullion is intercepted by the Japanese invaders. No one knows who is behind the assault, but the rebels consider it a great opportunity to get gold, so they send a man to find out the whereabouts of the missing shipment and try to recover it for the revolution.
Win Them All
Filial daughter seeks revenge on father's killer. She must associate with dishonest people to finance her mission.
Seven Indignant
The Righteous Club of Chinese martial artists meet to drive out the evil Japanese invaders but first they must overcome their own personal differences.
The Iron Hero
A police inspector goes to war with a Hong Kong drug cartel, who then kidnaps his son.
Tiger Tiger Tiger
By refusing to give up his ranch, Zhi Ping ends up being killed by the three tigers. His wife, Mrs. Sung (Hsiao-Chuang Kuo), is a good woman of quarrel who wants to avenge her husband. A wrestler named Dragon (Si Wai), who had his sister raped and killed by these criminals, also wants revenge, and to end them, he decides to infiltrate the gang, and in this, he ends up meeting Lily (Doris Lung) a spoiled girl who is the sister of the chief of the three tigers.
A Girl Called Tigress
Here's a foxy tale of love, pigtails and slapped faces with a spitfire heroine that fights Yasuaki Kurata and his bully gang in old china town.
The Dark Alley
Set against the backdrop of Thai International Boxing, what starts out as a happy love story between Wong, a champion boxer, and his beloved, develops into a violent and explosive saga of blood and guts. 'The Dark Alley' lights up in a furor of incredible kung fu fighting and ruthless revenge that will leave you breathless'
Tough Duel
Two people, who were taught by the same Kung Fu teacher, meet again after 10 years. Toe has become a policeman and has to investigate which ruthless gang has been terrorizing the railway. Tjeu has become a gang leader. After a while Toe finds out Tjeu is the man behind the robberies. This can only lead to one thing: a tough duel.
Однорукий боксер
Thai Bronze Foot Mi Su
Члены банды «Крюка» настолько распоясались, что стали нагло задирать горожан. Остановить мерзавцев решает Тен Лун — лучшей ученик школы мастера Хан Туи. В результате потасовка вылилась в противостояние двух школ кун-фу. Школа мастера Хан Туи побеждают школу мастера Чао. Но мастер Чао, давно вставший на бандитский путь, клянется отомстить. Для этого он нанимает лучших бойцов: тайские боксеры, каратисты с Окинавы, тибетские ламы, индийский йога, эксперты по дзюдо и тхэквандо. Наемники с легкостью перебивают учеников школы Хан Туи. Чудом оставшегося в живых, но с одной рукой, Тен Луна подбирает врач с дочерью…
The Eight Dragon Swords
Kong Ban plays a young swordsman who is tricked into stealing the Fire Dragon Magic Ball from Carefree Mansion's Master Hua. Chen Hung Lieh is the villain of the story, playing a masked killer who seeks the magic ball for his own profit. In the end fight, Kong Ban has to master the eight dragon swords to save the daughter of Master Hua.