Duane Clark


Duane Clark is an American director, screenwriter, and producer.


Real Estate Man
It sounds like a budding writer's dream: a bestselling first novel, a luxurious house in Malibu, and a trophy wife... But it all unravels when writer's block and a failed marriage send Richard McMurray out into the streets.
Gilda Radner: It's Always Something
Biopic about the late "Saturday Night Live" star Gilda Radner. Gilda tells her own story, beginning with her childhood as a chubby girl who loved to perform with her dad, and her early years at Second City in Toronto. There she honed her comedic chops along with John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray, all four of whom eventually left for New York to become part of the Not Ready For Primetime Players on "Sautrday Night Live." The movie also chronicles Gilda's lifelong quest to find true love, which she eventually found with Gene Wilder, and how she used her comic genius to inspire women in their fight against cancer. The actress died in 1989 of ovarian cancer at age 42.
Kiss My Act
A modern retelling of the Cyrano de Bergerac story among stand-up comics, with a bartender helping her much better-looking friend seem smart.
Семейное дерево
Игнорируемый своим отцом бизнесменом и не находящий общего языка со своими сверстниками одинокий мальчик находит себе друга в лице старого, величественного дуба. Когда его отец решает избавиться от дерева, чтобы освободить место для нового завода, мальчик находит в себе смелость, воспротивившись воле отца встать на защиту своего друга…
Valentine's Day
Detective Jack Valentine is reinstated from his desk job to go back onto the streets. His first assignment ends with the death of a mobster who was about to turn states evidence. The killing came as the mobster was with his girlfriend Alma. Jack suspects Alma of being involved - even more so when he finds her involved with one of the mob family, Michael. However he begins to fall for her himself and finds himself involved in the deadly game where not everything is what it seems.
Radio Voice (voice)
In Judgement County, Texas, a rookie cop gets the ultimate test when an APB for a child killer fits the general description of a man he stops for speeding.
Горькая жатва
Воспитанный в религиозной семье простоватый парень после смерти отца унаследовал дом и дорогую коллекцию монет, настоящей цены которой он не знает. На его участке появляется очаровательная блондинка, которая остается у него жить, потом к нему в койку прыгает еще одна белокурая красавица, собиравшаяся купить его дом. В городе происходит одно ограбление банка за другим, а потом, оказывается, что девицы (а он уже живет сразу с обеими) имеют к этому самое непосредственное отношение. Рейтинг фильма
Shaking the Tree
A crowd of guys in their 20's spend most of their time hanging out. It's Christmas time in the early 1990's and the guys all begin to think it's about time they went about their lives without the comfort of the diner.
Shaking the Tree
A crowd of guys in their 20's spend most of their time hanging out. It's Christmas time in the early 1990's and the guys all begin to think it's about time they went about their lives without the comfort of the diner.