Roland Winters

Roland Winters

Рождение : 1904-11-22, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1989-10-22


Roland Winters (born Roland Winternitz) was an American actor who played many character parts in films and television but today is best remembered for portraying Charlie Chan in six films in the late 1940s. Monogram Pictures eventually selected Winters to replace Sidney Toler in the Charlie Chan film series. Winters was 44 when he made the first of his six Chan films, The Chinese Ring in 1947 and ending with Charlie Chan and the Sky Dragon (also known as Sky Dragon) in 1949. His other Chan films were "Docks of New Orleans", "Shanghai Chest", "The Golden Eye" and "The Feathered Serpent". He also had character roles in three other feature films while he worked on the Chan series. Yunte Huang, in Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and His Rendezvous with American History, noted differences in the actors' appearances, especially that Winters' "tall nose simply could not be made to look Chinese." Huang also cited the actor's age, writing, "at the age of forty-four, he also looked too young to resemble a seasoned Chinese sage." In contrast to Huang, Ken Hanke wrote in his book, Charlie Chan at the Movies: History, Filmography, and Criticism, "Roland Winters has never received his due ... Winters brought with him a badly needed breath of fresh air to the series." He cited "the richness of the approach and the verve with which the series was being tackled" during the Winters era." Similarly, Howard M. Berlin, in his book, Charlie Chan's Words of Wisdom, commented that "Winters brought a much needed breath of fresh air to the flagging film series with his self-mocking, semi-satirical interpretation of Charlie, which is very close to the Charlie Chan in Biggers' novels." After the series finished, Winters continued to work in film and television until 1982. He was in the movies So Big and Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff, played Elvis' father in Blue Hawaii and a judge in the Elvis film Follow That Dream. He made appearances as the boss on the early TV series Meet Millie as the boss and the courtroom drama Perry Mason. In one episode of the Bewitched TV series, he played the normally unseen McMann of McMann and Tate. He also portrayed Mr. Gimbel in Miracle on 34th Street in 1973.


Roland Winters


You Can't Go Home Again
Judge Bland
An adaptation of Thomas Wolfe's literary classic, telling of the struggles of a young writer determined to be a success in New York's literary world of the 1920s, his married lover, and the brilliant editor who sees him as a blossoming genius. The story parallels the life of Wolfe himself and his affair with stage designer Aline Bernstein.
Miracle on 34th Street
Mr. Gimbel
A department store Santa tries to convince a little girl who doesn't believe in Santa Claus that he is Santa Claus, and winds up going on trial to prove who he is.
Brooks Wilson is in crisis. He is torn between his wife Selma and two daughters and his mistress Grace, and also between his career as a successful illustrator and his feeling that he might still produce something worthwhile.
An aging doctor in a small town decides to pack up his little black bag, but when a young doctor assumes his practice, the older practitioner can't resist butting in with comic results.
Big Deal in Laredo
Henry Drummond
A timid man with money problems gets into a big card game with some high-rollers.
Следуй за мечтой
Семья Квимперов путешествует на автомобиле по Флориде, и на одном из шоссе у них кончается бензин. Не долго думая, глава семейства решает поселиться прямо у дороги, основав в этих живописных местах небольшую общину.
Everything's Ducky
Capt. Bollinger
Everything's Ducky is a 1961 film directed by Don Taylor and starring Buddy Hackett, Mickey Rooney, and Jackie Cooper. Two sailors sneak a talking duck aboard their ship. Complications ensue. The duck waddles all over the ship until he escapes.
Голубые Гавайи
Fred Gates
Чед Гейтс увольняется из армии и возвращается на родные гавайские пляжи к друзьям и девушке. Его отец хочет, чтобы сын устроился работать в компанию, занимающуюся продажей фруктов, но Чеду больше нравится веселиться, и скучная работа ему совсем не по душе.
A String of Beads
An ordinary girl's life is radically changed by the mistaken receipt of a $60,000 strand of pearls.
The Iceman Cometh
The General (Piet Wetjoen)
Theodore Hickman, a hardware salesman, makes by-yearly visits to Harry Hope's 1910-era waterfront bar for his periodical drinking binges. But on this visit he has decided to try to save the bar's patrons from their "lying pipe dreams."
Кэш МакКолл
Gen. Andrew Danvers
Кэш МакКолл - молодой и ловкий бизнесмен, который скупает предприятия, находящиеся на грани банкротства, и перепродаёт их. Компания «Остин Пластикс» является ещё более желанной для него, так как Кэш делает ставку на красивую дочь Гранта Остина, хозяина компании, - Лори. Эта сделка оказывается для Кэша и семьи Остин самым трудным испытанием.
Never Steal Anything Small
Director Charles Lederer's 1959 musical stars James Cagney as an unscrupulous longshoreman who'll resort to every dirty trick in the book to win his union's presidency.
Пилот реактивного самолета
Col. Sokolov
Судьба сводит американского полковника Шэннон с советской лётчицей Анной, нежданно-негаданно приземлившейся на территории США. Поначалу полковник рассматривает её как возможную шпионку, но вскоре очарование Анны берёт своё, и вот Шэннон уже готов жениться на девушке и даже отправиться с ней в СССР…
Top Secret Affair
Sen. Burdick
A publisher uses her magazine and charm to derail a general on the Washington fast track.
Больше, чем жизнь
Dr. Ruric
Школьный учитель Эд Эйвери, страдающий от приступов острой боли, госпитализирован с редкой формой заболевания артерий. Услышав от докторов, что ему, вероятно, осталось жить считанные месяцы, Эд соглашается на экспериментальное лечение "кортизоном".
So Big
Klaas Pool
After the death of her father and the loss of his fortune, Selina takes a job teaching school in the Dutch community of New Holland. She stays with the Pools and teaches young Roelf piano. He has a crush on her, but it is Pervus she marries. Dirk is their only child. After a few years Pervus dies. With a young child and only the farm, Selina begins her quest to grow high quality vegetables. She wants more for Dirk and guides his life until he graduates from college as an architect. As her vegetable label prospers, she sees Paula control Dirk's life as he moves away from creating and into sales, which is not where he wants to go.
She's Working Her Way Through College
Fred Copeland
Shapely burlesque dancer Hot Garters Gertie aka Angela Gardner meets her future drama professor. Her new landlady proves to be the professor's wife. Angela helps breath life into the annual school stage show...but someone has discovered her secret past.
Follow the Sun
Dr. Graham
A biographical film of Ben Hogan, from his start as a golf caddy to being considered one of golf's greatest players.
Raton Pass
Sheriff Perigord
Raton Pass is a curious western based on the rules of Community Property. Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal portray a recently married husband and wife, each of whom owns half of a huge cattle ranch. Neal is a tad more ambitious than her husband, and with the help of a little legal chicanery she tries to obtain Morgan's half of the spread. He balks, so she hires a few gunslingers to press the issue. In a 1951 western, the greedy party usually came to a sorry end; Raton Pass adheres strictly to tradition.
Inside Straight
Alexander Tomson
A tycoon rises to the top in 19th-century San Francisco through greed and corruption.
Sierra Passage
Sam Cooper
When young Johnny York witnesses the murder of his father, he joins a travelling variety troupe and trains up as a sharpshooter so he might one day get his revenge.
Вест-поинтская история
Harry Eberhart
Продюсер-неудачник Элвин Биксби не от хорошей жизни вынужден взяться за необычное задание. Требуется помочь курсантам Вест-Пойнтской военной Академии поставить музыкальное шоу и заодно постараться убедить талантливого молодого кадета, племянника влиятельного дядюшки из шоу-бизнеса, оставить военную службу. В самый разгар «операции» одна из бывших протеже Элвина Джен Вильсон смешивает все карты. События приобретают критический оборот, появляются самые невероятные действующие лица, включая премьер-министра Франции.
Порадовать женщину
Dwight Barrington
Регина — популярная журналистка, обозреватель и радио-ведущая, которая пишет язвительные и резкие статьи на злободневные темы. Ее бояться, потому что она может разрушить и карьеру и бизнес любого человека, которого она считает недостойным. Ее последней жертвой стал Майк — водитель болида, участвующий в гонках. Она пытается у него взять интервью перед гонками, но он отказывается, а поскольку он стал участником нескольких аварий, произошедших на трассе, она посчитала возможным для себя взяться за эту тему и, походя, уничтожить его карьеру…
Between Midnight and Dawn
Leo Cusick
Rocky and Dan, war buddies, are prowl car cops on night duty. Dan is a cynic who views all lawbreakers as scum; Rocky feels more lenient. Both are attracted to the radio voice of communicator Kate Mallory; but in person, Kate proves reluctant to get involved with men who just might stop a bullet. By lucky chance, Rocky and Dan cause big trouble for murderous racketeer Ritchie Garris; but when he swears vengeance, Kate's fears may prove justified.
Vernon Bradley, Attorney
A prison warden fights to prove one of his inmates was wrongly convicted.
The Underworld Story
Stanley Becker
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
Killer Shark
Jeffrey White
A college student takes a break and goes out to sea with his father, the captain of a shark-hunting boat. When his inexperience results in an accident in which his father and a crewman are badly injured, he tries to make up for it by rounding up another crew and going back out on the hunt. However, things don't turn out quite the way he planned.
Captain Carey, U.S.A.
Manfredo Acuto
Near the end of World War II, a secret American raid on an enemy transportation hub goes very wrong when a turncoat warns the enemy. Led by Capt. Webster Carey (Alan Ladd), the mission causes the deaths of many bystanders -- among them, Carey believes, his Italian girlfriend, Giulia de Graffi (Wanda Hendrix). Back home, Carey stumbles across evidence that might uncover the identity of the informant. But, when he returns to Italy to get even, Carey is stunned by what he finds.
Guilty of Treason
Soviet Comissar Belov
The story of Cardinal Josef Mindzhenty, a Roman Catholic cardinal from Hungary who spoke out against both the Nazi occupation of his country during World War II and the Communist regime that replaced it after the war.
Bruno Gruber
В январе 1942 года репортер Джон Ройер (Джеймс Стюарт) возвращается в Соединенные Штаты. Он встречается со своим другом издателем Джоном Манчестером (Лайонел Бэрримор), чтобы обсудить схему кражи у японцев жизненно необходимой технологии получения резины. Сначала Манчестер не проявляет интереса к плану Ройера, но после встречи с некоторыми представителями правительства план был одобрен. Но Ройеру нужна помощь старого друга - контрабандиста Карнахана (Спенсер Трэйси), которого выпускают из тюрмы при условии, что он поможет Ройеру. Джон Ройер и Карнахан тайком проникают в оккупированную японцами Малайю и контактируют с партнером Карнахана “Голландцем“ (Сидни Гринстрит), который для проведения операции вербует команду головорезов. Карнахан также возобновляет свой роман с певицей из салона “Голландца“, итальянкой Луаной (Валентина Кортезе).
A Dangerous Profession
Jerry McKay
A cop-turned-bail bondsman gets involved in a murder investigation.
Once More, My Darling
Col. Head
An actor is recalled to active duty with the Army's C.I.D. to find the thief who stole historical jewels in occupied Germany and the trail leads to the boyfriend of a young debutante from Bel Air.
Эбботт и Костелло встречают убийцу Бориса Карлоффа
T. Hanley Brooks
В отеле, где работают Эбботт и Костелло, совершается убийство. Все улики указывают на Костелло, который решает провести собственное расследование и доказать властям свою невиновность.
Sky Dragon
Charlie Chan
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
Tuna Clipper
E.J. Ransom
Hoping to become a lawyer, Alec (Roddy McDowall) becomes a tuna fisherman in order to pay a debt. This turn of events puts Alec on the outs with his taciturn family. Eventually, the lad proves himself on all fronts, and is welcomed back into the family fold.
The Feathered Serpent
Charlie Chan
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
Capt. Hoseason
In Scotland in 1752, seventeen-year-old David Balfour is cheated out of his birthright by his evil uncle Ebenezer.
The Return of October
Colonel Wood
A wholesome girl believes her new racehorse, October, is the reincarnation of her favorite uncle, Willie.
Cry of the City
Petty crook and cop-killer Martin Rome, in bad shape from wounds in the hospital prison ward, still refuses to help slimy lawyer Niles clear his client by confessing to another crime. Police Lt. Candella must check Niles' allegation; a friend of the Rome family, he walks a tightrope between sentiment and cynicism. When Martin fears Candella will implicate his girlfriend Teena, he'll do anything to protect her. How many others will he drag down to disaster with him?
The Golden Eye
Charlie Chan
A gold mine in Arizona, that was formerly losing a lot of money, suddenly turns into a veritable money-making machine. However, the owner, instead of being happy about his now profitable business, insists to Charlie that something is fishy and that someone is out to murder him. Charlie and his "crew" travel to the mine, pretending to be tourists staying at a nearby dude ranch so as not to arouse suspicion, and discover that the owner may well be right--it looks like the mine is being used as a cover for criminal activities, and that someone is indeed out to murder him.
Shanghai Chest
Charlie Chan
Charlie attempts to solve a triple murder in which a dead man's finger prints show up at all three murder sites, and all three victims were connected with the conviction and execution of an evidently innocent man.
Docks of New Orleans
Charlie Chan
Detective Charlie Chan springs into action when top officials of a New Orleans chemical company begin dropping like flies.
The Chinese Ring
Charlie Chan
Soon after a Chinese princess comes to the US to buy planes for her people, she is murdered by a poison dart fired by an air rifle.
Гражданин Кейн
Newspaperman at Trenton Town Hall (uncredited)
Фильм об истории репортера, которому поручено выяснить подробности биографии недавно умершего газетного магната Кейна.