Robert Emhardt

Robert Emhardt

Рождение : 1914-07-24, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Смерть : 1994-12-26


Robert Emhardt


Вынужденная месть
Carl Gerlich
В этом боевике Чак Норрис сражается с гонконгской мафией. Ветеран Вьетнама Джош Рэндалл работает вышибалой и собирателем долгов у владельца казино в Гонконге. Когда мафия убивает как босса, так и его подружку, Рэндалл отправляется в одиночку уничтожать мафию.
Aunt Mary
The true-life drama about a handicapped Baltimore woman living on welfare who organized a sandlot baseball team and ended up coaching more than 50,000 boys and girls over nearly 40 years.
Institute for Revenge
A sophisticated computer named IFR (the film's title is its nickname) supervises an organization dedicated to correcting wrongs against the defenseless and assigns human operatives to track down the evildoers and bring them to justice non-violently.
Pleasure Cove
Fat Man at Bar
The story of a posh seaside vacation resort, and the lives and adventures of its guests and staff.
Die Sister, Die!
A man hires a nurse to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her.
The Story of Noah
A man of God follows his faith to populate a new world in 'The Story of Noah', a powerful story of devotion, courage and triumph.
The Seniors
The Bishop
Four college seniors open a bogus sex clinic, which unexpectedly mushrooms into a multi-million dollar business. Featuring a young Dennis Quaid in one of his earliest roles and Alan Reed (the original voice of Fred Flintstone) in his final film appearance.
It Happened One Christmas
It's Christmas Eve 1944 in the small town of Bedford Falls, New York. A despondent and suicidal Mary Bailey Hatch is praying for guidance on what to do about an incident no fault of her own which threatens her name and the community standing of her longtime family business, the Bailey Building and Loan, which she took over after the passing of her father. What Mary does not know is that most in town, including her husband George Hatch and their children, are also praying for her. All the prayers are heard by Joseph, God's gatekeeper of prayers. As there are no other angels available on such a busy day, Joseph assigns Clara Oddbody, angel second class (i.e. she has yet to receive her wings), to Mary's case, which he reluctantly does as Clara has never been assigned a case on her own in the two hundred years she's been in heaven for good reason.
Fraternity Row
Brother Abernathy
Zac is an idealistic student who, after arriving at college, decides to pledge the Gamma Nu Pi fraternity. Unhappy with what he sees as the bigotry and abusiveness of the hazing process, he tries to reform the system, even though his steady girl, Jennifer, doesn't approve. Zac eventually finds an ally in his pledgemaster, but the head of the fraternity proves cruelly inflexible about preserving the uglier rituals.
The Chopped Liver Brothers
Tom and Jay are best friends. Tom is married to Sally and Jay is single. Tom and Jay are also stand-up comedians and their mishaps as they seek stardom as headliners are related.
Alex & the Gypsy
Judge Ehrlinger
A bail bondsman falls in love with one of his "customers" — a gypsy girl, who's been accused of attempted murder.
Demon, Demon
An executive falls in love with and marries his secretary. However, he soon begins to suspect that she may be a demon who is after possession of his soul.
Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love
Pilot for a proposed television anthology series with stories about love, either dramatic or comedic. In this pilot, there were three different segments: in the first, a computer falls in love with its programmer; in the second, a World War II vet falls in love with a murderer; in the third, a woman falls in love with a penniless painter.
Оно живо
The Executive
Во время родов жены, счастливый отец ожидал в приемной, но вместо сияющего врача с ребёнком на руках он увидел, как из двери родильной палаты вывалился доктор в окровавленном халате и упал без дыхания. Когда Френк и несколько врачей вбежали в палату, то их взору предстало кошмарное зрелище — вся комната была усеяна трупами эскулапов, и лишь роженица в истерике кричала про исчезнувшее дитя.
Night Games
Judge Ambrose
A Harvard-educated, big-city lawyer moves to a small Arizona town to set up practice. His first case is defending a beautiful socialite accused of murdering her husband. This is the pilot TV movie for what would become the Petrocelli TV series.
Хладнокровный убийца
Fussy Man
Серия событий, кажущихся не связанными между собой, приводит к раскрытию крупнейшего преступления. Сумасшедший главарь мафии одержим местью за убийство своих коллег, совершенное 40 лет назад. Бронсон противостоит ему в желании осуществить вендетту.
The Lie
An Ingmar Bergman script. Produced for Swedish Television as "Reservatet" (1970) and for BBC as "The Lie" (1971). An American couple is trapped in their marriage and way of life. Locked up in their bourgeois inferno.
Man in Hotel
Американский шпион Джеральд Кросс для выполнения грязной работы прибегает к помощи молодого и напористого француза Жана Лорье, считая его своим учеником и другом. Наступает момент, когда Кросс решает выйти из «Управления» и завязать. Боссы не желают отпустить его, и он вынужден бежать из страны. Но он не предусмотрел одного: чтобы найти и убрать его, руководители «Управления» сами обращаются к Жану, ведь он лучше всех знает своего учителя, и лишь он один в состоянии разыскать его. В случае успеха Жан займет место Кросса. Но события принимают неожиданный оборот…
Lock, Stock and Barrel
A young frontier couple elope, are chased by the girl's father and brothers, join up with an escaped convict and get mixed up with a charlatan preacher.
Представитель закона
Находясь в Бэннеке, заправила из соседнего городка Сэббэта Винсент Бронсон и пьяные ковбои с его ранчо нечаянно убивают местного старика. Все знают, что это случайность. Все, кроме маршала Бэннека, Джереда Мэддокса. Непреклонный, жесткий законник, Мэддокс твердо намерен предать убийц правосудию. Выследив их, Мэддокс клянется, что не отступит, пока не арестует или не убьет преступников. И когда Бронсон пытается уладить дело мирно, несговорчивый Мэддокс не готов поступиться своими принципами, и Бронсон вынужден отправить своих молодчиков разобраться с ним. Но Джеред Мэддокс не отступит от своего... он доставит этих отчаянных убийц обратно в Бэннек. Живыми или мертвыми.
The Boy Who Stole the Elephant
Cy Brown
A frontier huckster, Colonel Ryder, and a young orphan, Davey, operate a travelling tent show. They are loaned an elephant by an old friend, Molly, who is also a rival circus owner. Davey trains the elephant and the two soon become inseparable. When the Colonel loses the elephant in gambling, Davey steals the elephant and begins a 20-mile search for Molly, the rightful owner.
Перемени обличие
The Banker
Три будущие монахини готовятся принести последнюю присягу верности своему ордену, и в качестве решающей проверки отправляются в один из буйных кварталов города, притворяясь миссионерами, помогающими доктору Джону Карпентеру в его частной клинике. Одна из девушек влюбляется в доктора и теперь ей придется выбирать между замужней мирской жизнью и монашеским долгом…
A comedy filled with tenderness as a baby raccoon snuggles his way into the life of a lonely boy. He becomes the boy's only companion during his father's frequent absences. Because of Rascal, both father and son realize their responsibility to each other
Operation Heartbeat
Lawsuits fly when a widow believes a gifted surgeon allowed her husband to die so his heart could be transplanted into the doctor's ailing mentor and friend. Operation Heartbeat was the pilot movie for the TV series Medical Center.
Hostile Guns
R. C. Crawford
US Marshal Gid McCool leads a wagon train of convicted felons to Huntsville prison. The only female among the crooks is the dancehall girl Laura Mannon, McCool's former flame. When McCool cannot be swayed from completing his lawful duty, Laura tries to endear herself to shotgun rider Mike Reno in hopes he will set her free.
Noon Wine
A dark tragedy about a farmer's futile act of homicide that takes place on a small dairy farm in southern Texas during the 1890s. Sam Peckinpah directed this original adaptation of the Katherine Anne Porter novel for ABC, and the project became an hour-long presentation for ABC Stage 67, premiering on Nov. 23, 1966.
Mr. Andrews
1933 год. Восемь молодых женщин, друзья и члены группы высшего сословия в частной школе для девушек, готовятся к выпуску и началу собственной жизни. Фильм рассказывает о том, что с ними произошло в годы между окончанием школы и началом Второй Мировой. Они влюбляются и выходят замуж, строят свои карьеры ищут смысл жизни...
Mr. Wick
A young boy discovers the existence of a group called the Mooncussers - a gang of pirates that work at night and sends out false homing signals to ships at sea. The ships then crash on the shore, where they are looted by the gang.
Малыш Галахад
Бывший солдат Уолтер Гулик возвращается на родину в Нью-Йорк. Не сумев устроиться механиком, Уолтер начинает работать спарринг-партнёром в боксёрской школе, и вскоре окружающие начинают замечать в нём серьёзный спортивный потенциал.
The Intruder
Verne Shipman
A man in a gleaming white suit comes to a small Southern town on the eve of integration. He calls himself a social reformer. But what he does is stir up trouble--trouble he soon finds he can't control.
Другой мир США
Earl Connors
Четырнадцатилетний Толли Девлин видит, как четверо неизвестных до смерти избивают его отца. Спустя двадцать лет он решает отомстить. Но к тому времени эти четверо уже стали лидерами криминальной группировки…
Wake Me When It's Over
Joab Matinson
The war may be over, but that doesn't keep the hapless Gus Brubaker from being drafted and posted on a forgotten little Japanese Island...and that's just the beginning of this wacky Air Force adventure!
The Badlanders
Two men are released from the Arizona Territorial Prison at Yuma in 1898. One, the Dutchman, is out to get both gold and revenge from the people of a small mining town who had him imprisoned unjustly. The other, McBain, is just trying to go straight, but that is easier said than done once the Dutchman involves him in his gold theft scheme.
В 3:10 на Юму
Mr. Butterfield, Stage Line Owner
Известный грабитель Бен Вейд и его банда нападают на перевозивший золото дилижанс. Захватив добычу, Вейд велит переходить границу поодиночке; банда разъезжается, но сам он задерживается в городе и его арестовывают. Необходимо срочно перевезти Вейда в более надежное место. Доставить его до поезда, отходящего в 3:10 на Юму, вызывается обыкновенный фермер Дэн Эванс. У него есть несколько часов форы, прежде чем банда соберется вновь и попытается отбить своего главаря.
Tragedy in a Temporary Town
Matt Fisher
Fifteen-year-old girl Dotty Fisher is assaulted at a construction camp. In the wake of this incident, the construction workers form a vigilante group led by the hot-headed Frank Doran in order to find the person responsible for the attack. After the group erroneously assume that innocent Puerto Rican Raphael Infante is guilty of the crime, only one lone man named Alec Beggs dares to stand up to the angry mob
The Big Knife
Bit Part
Movie star Charlie Castle draws the ire of Hollywood producer Stanley Hoff when he refuses to sign a new seven-year contract. Castle is sick of the low quality of the studio's films and wants to start a new life. While his estranged wife supports him in the decision, Castle's talent agent urges him to reconsider. When Castle continues to be uncooperative, Hoff resorts to blackmail in order to get his way.
No Time for Sergeants
Will Stockdale is a country bumpkin drafted into the Air Force and too dumb to realize he's driving everyone around him crazy -- no one more than Sgt. King.
The Iron Mistress
Gen. Cuny
In this biopic, Jim Bowie goes to New Orleans, where he falls for Judalon and befriends her brother, Narcisse. Soon, Jim is forced to avenge Narcisse's murder, but Judalon takes up with another man. Jim eventually has another romantic interlude with Judalon and is forced to kill one of her suitors in self-defense. Jim leaves town, and falls for the daughter of a Texas politician, but his entanglement with Judalon continues to bedevil him.
The Man Who Had Influence
Joe Phelps
Business mogul's son David Grant uses his father's power to extricate himself from problems - until implication in a woman's death tests David's willingness to avoid responsibility.