Mr. Brady
История жизни простого ирландского парня Редмонда Барри. Будучи еще совсем молодым, он убил на дуэли офицера английской армии. Чтобы не попасть в руки полиции, ему пришлось покинуть родной дом и отправиться странствовать по Ирландии. Но странствия его были недолгими. Отдав грабителям все деньги, коня и оружие, он вынужден был записаться в ряды английской армии. Попав на войну и насмотревшись всех ее ужасов, он решает дезертировать. Украв офицерскую форму, Барри отправляется в расположение союзников, надеясь оттуда тайком перебраться в Ирландию. Но и здесь его ожидает неудача: его разоблачает капитан прусской армии, заставляя вступить в ее ряды. По окончании войны Барри смог, наконец, вернуться в свою страну.
Senator Doogan
Friel contrasts Gar's cloistered emotional life with his gregarious social persona by portraying him as two distinct characters, a public self (Donal McCann) and a private self (Des Cave).
After 18 years as a friar, Peter is no longer sure of his vocation. It is a happy life, maybe too much so, and now he has met Clare. Will his doubts run away with him? Runaway friars are officially "fugitives" who must be persuaded back to their order. Author Sean Walsh fled the Franciscan order to become first a journalist, then a playwright and is now a radio drama producer in Ireland.
Charles Menton
When an aging ex-IRA man is found dead, a Garda inspector suspects the involvement of his old comrade, now a powerful politician and industrialist. But pursuing the case is likely to have consequences for both the policeman and his family.
Horowitz in Dublin (1973) - A forgotton curio filled with time capsule footage of the Irish capital, seemingly a pilot for a Brannigan-style series starring Harvey Lembeck a world away from either Bilko or Beach Party as a New York cop in Dublin, with Sinead and Cyril Cusack plus Al lettieri and Cesare Danova, plus the likes of Liam Redmond, Martin Dempsey and Tom Hickey. Seeing Lembeck surronded by Jacob's biscuit products is certainly a sight. Future Fair City regular Clive Geraghty plays the heroic sidekick. Was there an Irish Sunday Express in real life?
The life of young newlywed, Fern O'Neil, is turned upside-down when her husband is called home to visit his dying father in Ireland. When she fails to receive a phone call from her husband, she contacts the airline and discovers he was not on the plane. Further investigation reveals that her husband is not who she thought he was. Her search ultimately takes her all the way to Ireland, where her sanity and, of course, her story come into question.
Mr. Quinion
A made for TV movie of the Charles Dickens' classic novel, turns Dickens' picaresque tale into an extended flashback, with David Copperfield Robin Phillips as a young man, brooding on a deserted beach, recalling his youth. The characters are all trotted out in choppy flashbacks as David remembers his life as a young orphan, brought to London and passed around from relatives, to guardians, to boarding school.
Mike's Father
The film version of 'Till Death Do Us Part' tells the story of Alf Garnett, his wife Else, and their newborn daughter Rita, living through the London Blitz and beyond.
Mr. Lovejoy
Competition between rival inventors endeavouring to win a prize for the first flight by a man-powered flying machine.
Alec Beaumont
A hunter stalks a killer elephant.
Capt. Swain
В 1840-х в Бостоне, когда умирает старик Флэгг, он оставляет только долги. Его внук, Джек Флэгг, мечтательный и авантюрный планирует сбежать из дома и прокрасться на борт парусника, направляющегося в богатую золотом Калифорнию. Когда его отсутствие обнаруживает его сестра Арабелла, начинаются бурные поиски. Джеку удается подняться на борт корабля, направляющегося в Калифорнию, где он встречается с нечестным судьей Хиггинсом. К счастью для Джека, его верный дворецкий, Бульвип Гриффин, последовал за ним на корабле. Наконец-то они высадились в Сан-Франциско и погрузились в сумасшедший мир калифорнийской золотой лихорадки. Сестра Джека Флэгга беспокоится о своем брате и решает поехать в Калифорнию сама, чтобы найти Джека и их дворецкого.
Henry Portman
Северная Африка, сентябрь 1942-го. Трудные времена. Идёт Вторая мировая война. Капитан Курт Бергман (Джордж Пеппард) и его люди — немецкие евреи, служащие в Специальной группе поиска, сокращённо SIG, освобождают из плена майора Дональда Крэйга (Рок Хадсон). Основываясь на старом предложении капитана, командование разработало план диверсионной операции по уничтожению в Тобруке бункеров с топливом, что должно помешать дальнейшему продвижению Африканского корпуса под командованием генерала-фельдмаршала Роммеля...
Luther Heggs, a typesetter for the town newspaper, pitches an idea for a story about a local haunted house where a famous murder/suicide occurred 20 years earlier. After the editor assigns Luther to spend one night alone in the mansion, Heggs has a number of supernatural encounters and writes a front page story that makes him a hometown hero...until the nephew of the deceased sues him for libel.
По одноименному роману Брайана Моора. Ирландец Коффи эмигрирует с семьей в Канаду, надеясь сделать блестящую карьеру. Но судьба в чужой стране сложилась неудачно.
... Michael James
A quiet little village, and especially a pretty young woman, falls under the spell of a charming, somewhat roguish stranger who suddenly appears one day.
Father Higgins
Бывший солдат Уолтер Гулик возвращается на родину в Нью-Йорк. Не сумев устроиться механиком, Уолтер начинает работать спарринг-партнёром в боксёрской школе, и вскоре окружающие начинают замечать в нём серьёзный спортивный потенциал.
Surgeon Commander Reilly
Having placed mines on the hull of a British warship whilst it is safe in harbour during the second World War , the two man crew of an Italian miniature submarine are captured and held prisoner whist the crew try and discover the nature of their mission!
Captain Windsor
"Under Ten Flags" is a WWII movie loosely based on the true story of the German navy commerce raider Atlantis, a converted Auxilliary Cruiser, and her Captain Bernhard Rogge. Atlantis, camouflaged as a merchant ship, cruised the South Seas ( Atlantic, Indian & Pacific) and sank or captured 22 merchant ships from May 1940 through November 22, 1941 when she was sunk by the British Cruiser HMS Devonshire. Rogge was one of the few German officers of flag rank who were not arrested by the Allies after the war ended. This was due to the very proper and ethical way he exercised his command of Atlantis. After the war he advanced to Rear Admiral in the West German Navy and became a high-ranking NATO commander.
A titled Englishwoman proves more than a match for the fearsome Captain Brassbound.
The good doctor is on trial before the British Medical Association Council, if he is found guilty, he will no longer be allowed to practice medicine. The story unfolds through flashbacks which depict his career and his subsequent downfall.
Prospero, the deposed Duke of Milan, who lives in exile on a remote island as a sorcerer, uses his powers to shipwreck his usurper brother on the island.
Johnny Gin
Отдыхающий англичанин наталкивается на заговор с целью убийства молодой американской туристки в Испании.
Old Man
Three elderly residents of a nursing home, fed up with their monotonous existence, engineer an escape from their drab surroundings and head for an impromptu holiday on an Irish island.
Based on the play by Ted Willis, the film is set in the years just before World War II, when England hadn't completely dug itself out of the worldwide depression. Melvyn Hayes is featured as an aimless teenager, who tries to escape his squalid surroundings by entering a life of crime. He falls in with local hoodlum Herbert Lom, who holds the rest of the slum citizens in the grip of fear including Hayes' own family. No Trees in the Street chronicles Hayes' sordid progress from nickel-and-dime thefts to murder.
Doctor Cassidy
Bridget Monaghan, a single mother who has had six children by different fathers, shocks the conservative inhabitants of an Irish village.
Brigadier (D.D.M.S.)
В 1942 году Средиземноморское побережье Северной Африки было мало похоже на курорт. Немецкая армия беспрестанно бомбила и корабли, и сухопутные силы британской армии. Испугавшись бомбежки, две молоденькие медсестры, только прибывшие на фронт, отстают от своего корабля. Капитан Энсон получает приказ на грузовике доставить девушек в Александрию. Путь будет трудным и полным опасностей.
Mr Doolan
The life of James Ignatius Rooney, a Dublin rubbish collector during the week and a Gaelic sportsman at the weekends.
Inspector Corcoran
London police and reporters from a local newspaper go after a gang of foreign criminals.
Professor Mark O'Brien
Сюжет вращается вокруг американского психолога, исследующего сатанинский культ, подозреваемого в нескольких убийствах. В деле замешан черный маг Джулиан Карсуэлл (прообразом которого был известный оккультист Алистер Кроули).
An American ex-GI takes a job as a truck driver to support his British war bride Connie. It isn't long, however, before Harry is blackmailed into joining a smuggling operation run by a conniving criminal.
Roy Shaw
Wealthy eccentric Sir Vincent Brampton and his fiancée Linda Latham hire Ken Duffield to lead them on a jungle hunt. Duffield is looking for the murderer of his son; he gets the killer and Linda.
Prison Doctor
Locked in her cell, a murderer reflects on the events that have led her to death row.
Peter Lord
Jacqueline is the daughter of Belfast shipyard worker Mike McNeil. The worker's worth is compromised by his crippling fear of heights. Dismissed from his job, he finds solace in the bottle. All seems hopeless until Jacqueline breaks through her father's self-imposed gloom and helps him to regenerate. An adaptation of the novel 'A Grand Man', by Catherine Cookson.
Mr Murch
Слепой писатель Филипп Хеннон удивлен разговорами, в которых его обвиняют в похищении людей и убийствах. На самом деле это происки полиции, которая не верит его показаниям и хочет вывести писателя из себя. Хеннон начинает собственное расследование вместе со своей невестой и секретарем. Преступник хочет его убить, и пробирается в его дом, но слепой писатель делает в комнате полную темноту, чтобы уровнять шансы. В конце концов, Хеннон избавляется от убийцы и может спокойно жениться на своей невесте…
Inspector Lindley
A circus barker stages a sensational new act, the world's longest fast undertaken by “Sapolio”, on view in a glass cage. But this act also results in several murders, a kidnapping, and a poisoning!
The British Passing Stranger stars Hollywood actor Lee Patterson as a deserting American GI. He drifts about until he falls in with a gang of gunrunners. He wants to quit, but can't until he makes enough money to support himself and his love Diane Cilento. Just before this is possible, Cilento's ex-boyfriend blows the whistle on the crooks. Just long enough not to wear out its welcome, The Passing Stranger is a passing good little film noir.
First Justice
During World War II, a German woman, Inga, goes missing and is presumed dead. Her infant son is placed in an orphanage where, years later, he's adopted by a childless couple. The adoptive parents' happiness is shattered when Inga reappears and insists on custody of her son.
Inspector Corcoran
A pair of reporters try to discover the link between three unsolved, seemingly isolated murders. The only connection between them is they all took place on the same day in three successive years. The police don't trust their instincts - but as 10th July nears again, a solicitor has started receiving threatening letters...
The whole village mourns when General O'Leary, owner of a hunting estate in South Ireland, is killed in an accident. His nephew, Jasper O'Leary, takes over the state and soon has aroused the displeasure of all, with the exception of Serena McGluskey, as much a schemer as he is a cad. Led by Thady O'Heggarty, the villagers plot to drive Jasper away. They use the occasion of "O'Leary Night", when the ghost of the first O'Leary walks the halls, to create general chaos.
Scarlett O'Hara
A boy pursues his ambition to be a jockey
Это длинный и правдивый рассказ об океане и двух кораблях. Этот рассказ описывает долгое и яростное сражение. Здесь пойдет речь о двух кораблях потому, что один был потоплен и его пришлось заменить другим. Здесь пойдет речь о двухстах пятидесяти моряках. И наконец, самое главное - это правдивый рассказ. Место действия - океан, Северная Атлантика. Карта поведает вам, как он выглядит, но не откроет, что с ним могут сделать люди и что сам он может сделать с людьми... Сначала о корабле. Первом из двух. О том, который обречен. Это корвет. Новый тип конвойных кораблей. Опытный образец, созданный для того, чтобы хоть как-то встретить отчаянную ситуацию, возникшую на горизонте. Время действия - ноябрь 1939 года. Название корабля - Его Королевского Величества корвет «Компас Роуз». И, наконец, о людях. Некоторые, как и сам этот прекрасный корабль, обречены. Герои этого рассказа — мужчины и их корабли. И единственный злодей среди них — жестокое море.
The relationship between brothers Terry and Matt, both active in the IRA, comes under strain when Terry begins to question the use of violence.
Cmdr. Robert Brennan
Men from Scotland Yard and military intelligence build a dossier on a sabotage ring.
Echo News editor
The story evolves around a radio panel game show "Twenty Questions." The panel is challenged with an anonymous question. The answer leads to a series of murders in which the killer uses the program to name his victims in advance. Two reporters spot a link between them and enlist the aid of the panel in trapping the guilty party.
Jerry McCarthy
First American film about the conflict between Jewish nationalists and the British in the creation of the state of Israel.
What happens to the saints and sinners of a small Irish village on the day the world is supposed to end.
Father Cocoran
In Ballyconnen, Emmy Baudine (Siobhan McKenna) is a beautiful but disturbed young woman who works for the local priest. When the carnival comes to town, she encounters a handsome young boxer called Dan (Maxwell Reed) and lays his face open with her fingernails when he expects sexual favours from her. Hurriedly packed off by Father Corcoran (Liam Redmond) to Yorkshire, Emmy is taken in by a farming family and manages to suppress the strange feelings of fascination and repulsion that she experiences in the presence of the opposite sex. Until, that is, the carnival comes to town and brings with it the vengeful Dan...
Martin Egan
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
Uncle Timothy
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Additional Dialogue
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.