Robert Hunger-Bühler
Рождение : 1953-05-07, Hefenhofen, Switzerland
An adult woman puts herself up for adoption and forms a bond with the misanthropic patriarch of her adoptive family. Based on a true story.
In the late 1960s, when the young Jewish businessman’s son Victor Dessauer fails to secure just punishment for the Nazi concentration camp commandant who tortured his parents, he resolves to take the law into his own hands.
Dr. Reto Zanger
Dr. Reto Zanger
When Borchert receives an anonymous message that a certain Franz Brosi is innocent, law firm boss Dominique can hardly believe it. After all, Brosi was her first client as a public defender a few years ago and had actually confessed. The two are investigating the case.
Grey house facades roll by like monstrous walls. Numerous identical windows, creating lines of lights as they pass by steadily. The bike courier Michel pushes through crowded streets of a dystopian city of the future. On behalf of the monopoly Clinair, he delivers oxygen tanks that are now necessary.
Dr. Reto Zanger
Thomas Borchert is already looking forward to his goddaughter Jenny, who is completing a practical semester in Albania. At the airport, as part of the baggage check, half a kilo of hashish is seized from her, which Jenny claims she did not know anything about. Borchert and Dominique Kuster want to find out who could have put the hash on her. They also have to solve the murder of an entrepreneur who was involved in crooked business.
Dr. Reto Zanger
Lawyer Dominique Kuster can feel a professional success for herself when her underage client Stefan, the oldest of three foster children, receives mitigating circumstances. After the court hearing, however, she found out that the foster father Christian Hunziker had a fatal accident in a car. An autopsy reveals that it was murder. Someone has swapped the dead man's insulin for ineffective water. Christian's wife Martina comes under suspicion.
Dr. Reto Zanger
Borchert wants to toast three years of successful cooperation with his superior Dominique Kuster and her father, Reto Zanger. The evening is canceled because Reto Zanger is called to Geneva at short notice for a mandate. His daughter is therefore supposed to represent him at a court hearing in Zurich. The trial takes a dramatic turn when inmate Alexander Böni takes those involved as hostages.
Markus Wolf
Татьяна Лешке - двойной агент, завербованная от Главного управления разведки ГДР в ЦРУ. Всю жизнь ей приходится скрываться под именем Саскии Штарке и жить чужой жизнью. Удастся ли Татьяне помочь своей стране, или ЦРУ узнает о ее секретах?
Amidst the preparations for her 35th wedding anniversary, Meredith is surprised by the discovery that she is HIV-positive. Only her husband André could have been the carrier of the virus.
Dr. Reto Zanger
The lawyers Borchert and Kuster are investigating a case involving a young student who has come under the crosshairs of a terrorist group.
Dr. Reto Zanger
Anton Schneider says goodbye to his wife Luise in tears and dies. Schneider was seriously ill with multiple sclerosis and was diagnosed by neurologist Dr. Hoffer medically treated. Luise Schneider reports the doctor and accuses him of incorrect treatment of her husband, which ultimately led to his death. The mandate against Dr. Hoffer takes over Dominique Kuster, who entrusts her employee Thomas Borchert with the investigation.
Dr. Franz Kaufmann
Четыре молодых еврея переживают Третий Рейх в середине Берлина, так безрассудно живут, что становятся «невидимыми».
A young woman who moves to Paris and has a brush with disaster. The grown-up at last, an accomplished woman, who thought she was safe from her own past. Gradually, these characters come together to form a single heroine.
Ewald Hassel
Dr. Reto Zanger
Успешная предпринимательница Мария достигла всего, кроме самого желаемого - собственного ребенка. Она решает претворить это в жизнь сама и отправляется в отчаянное и опасное путешествие, чтобы исполнить свою мечту.
Dr. Weiß
To fulfill the last will of his mother, the young JAKOB ADLER needs to meet his biological father, who is inmate of a forensic psychiatric hospital for murdering his own brother for over 25 years. Jakob wants to talk to the doctor in charge DR WEISS before and unfolds the true scale of the tragedy that happened long time ago.
Oberstaatsanwalt Walter Friedberg
Фильм посвящен «Освенцимским процессам» — под таким названием в немецкую историю вошли суды над охранниками, надзирателями и прочим персоналом концлагеря Освенцим (Аушвиц), которые проходили во Франкфурте-на-Майне в 60-е годы. Молодой прокурор Йоханн Радманн обнаруживает сведения, изобличающие преступную деятельность бывшего персонала концлагеря. При поддержке генерального прокурора Фрица Бауэра (реальная фигура) он начинает расследование, в результате которого на скамье подсудимых оказалась целая «команда» лагерных палачей. Основная тема фильма — конфликт между теми, кто желает забыть прошлое во имя национального примирения в условиях «экономического чуда» и теми, кто стремится к установлению справедливости.
Dr. Joseph Seydlitz
Terminally ill, Lea surprises her family with her wish to die, consciously and controlled, on her own birthday. Her mother tries everything to prevent the plan. But things turn out differently. Tragic and dignified.
Hundreds of thousands of Indian men and women – indigenous inhabitants and landless farmers – demand their right to existence by making a 400 kilometre protest march from Gwalior to Delhi. How can one fight for one’s rights without using violence? With such an important contemporary question, the film spreads far beyond the borders of India. It shows the multiple facets of this imposing protest march and focuses as well on the daily realities of these proud people.
Heinrich Rothmund
According to the Swiss documentary filmmaker Richard Dindo (1944), the media want to make us believe that Swiss non-alignment during World War II was only a thin veneer around Nazi sympathies and anti-Semitic feelings. This stirred his interest in the story of Paul Grüninger, a Swiss policeman who in the late thirties provided false travel documents to hundreds of Jews who had fled from Austria.
Erzähler (german voice)
Документальный фильм о жизни пчел, об их загадочной массовой гибели в последние годы по всему миру, об опасностях, которые несет им сегодняшняя цивилизация, и о том неоценимом вкладе, который они вносят в обеспечение человечества продовольствием, участвуя в опылении сельхозкультур. Автор фильма берет интервью у ученых и описывает уникальное устройство пчелиной жизни, заглянув в самые укромные уголки улья и в неповторимый образ жизни пчел.
Adeles Vater
A teenage girl helps an escaped fugitive flee Germany into France, after extracting a promise that he will help her commit suicide.
Roland Cordes
Супружеская пара Оливер и Свенья Стив только что переехали во Франкфурт-на-Майне: банковскому служащему Оливеру предложена здесь новая перспективная должность. Оба полны оптимизма и радостных надежд. Однажды на светском приеме Свенья знакомится с высоким боссом Оливера Роландом Кордесом. Вскоре Кордес осознает, что испытывает по отношению к Свенье непреодолимую страсть. Оливеру совершенно для него неожиданно предлагают руководящую должность в Индонезии…
In Anita's dreams, her father Martin is larger than life - even after he has died. Is she the only one seeing the strange things that happened to her family in the days before the funeral? Or is it really Martin's look she feels on her neck when she sits at the piano?
A crime comedy directed by Urs Egger.
Dr. Bardot
A experimental short based on Igor Strawinskis "Le sacre du printemps" by Oliver Herrmann.
In Dichterliebe (2000), a film by Oliver Herrmann based on Robert Schumann’s song-cycle of the same name, the boundaries between song recital and reality blur. The chosen setting – a night club in the centre of Berlin – creates the intimate, dark salon atmosphere in which the songs might also have been performed at the time they were written. Returning to origins in this way, the film departs from the concert atmosphere in which song-recitals are normally performed nowadays.
It all begins with a mistake, an error with serious consequences: in a hospital the new-born babies of an Austrian couple and a Turkish family of immigrant workers are mixed up and go home with the wrong parents. By the time the mistake comes to light, it emerges that the Turkish family, including the baby, has been deported. The despairing Austrian couple begins a confusing odyssey through Turkey in order to track down the unsuspecting family to their native village. But they are not at all convinced that the babies have been mixed up. It is decided that the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test done. It is decided that the blood work is done in Vienna due to the better medical resources, but that will be far from simple. It will involve an illegal smuggling of the Turks across the Austrian border.
Der Gast
Psychoanalytic study of the artist and social critic, Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Psychoanalytic study of the artist and social critic, Pier Paolo Pasolini.
case worker / attorney
Fragmented stories about the big city, loneliness and the need to communicate.
Judit is up to her neck in art studies and the elitist art community but chucks it all to pursue a successful career as a billiard professional -- not exactly a likely alternative in real life, but certainly more lucrative. Just as she is finally at the apex of her chosen second field, Judit encounters male jealously and/or aggression in the form of intentional snubs from this different class of snobs, or in the worse instances, rape. Director Kitty Kino portrays many of the male figures in this film as weak, or drunk, or simply offensive, and because of the emphasis on those traits, the film will raise objections from some viewers. On the other hand, many women might see this film and feel that at least it brings up the difficulties women can face in getting ahead in a male-dominated arena, instead of side-stepping or ignoring the role of male prejudice.
Psychopath (voice)
В основу сценария положено реальное дело серийного убийцы Вернера Книзека, а внутренний монолог героя построен на цитатах из признаний другого маньяка, Петера Кюртена, известного так же как "Вампир из Дюссельдорфа"...