Jacob Ericksson

Jacob Ericksson

Рождение : 1967-01-07, Sala, Västmanlands län, Sweden


Jacob Ericksson


Парк развлечений
Grå man
Два парка развлечений соперничают за внимание посетителей. В ход идут фокусы, магия, трюки, а также воровство, шпионаж и предательство. Они готовы удивлять любой ценой. Юноша и девушка из враждующих кланов вопреки запрету полюбили друг друга.. Есть ли у этой истории шанс на счастливый конец?
All Inclusive
A trip to Croatia to celebrate Inger's 60th birthday. The whole thing sounded like a great idea until Inger caught her husband having an affair. When the plane takes off for Split the depressed Inger and her two daughters, much too sensible Malin (35) and chaotic Tove (32) are on board. Tove has to struggle to be included in Inger and Malin's circle, the sister's rivalry over their mother is so strong it quickly escalates into a competition of who can comfort Inger the best.
Трагедия на сельском кладбище
A murder investigation takes detective Christer Wijk to a small village, where he needs to separate rumors and facts to trail the murderer.
A Thousand Times Stronger
The arrival of a new girl causes a stir in classroom social structure.
Among Us
An accident overthrows Ernst and Cecilia's well-ordered life. Chance rules in Ernst's rational world while Cecilia is searching for a deeper meaning in what has happened. As they drift further and further apart a suspicious stranger with exceptional gifts changes their lives in an unexpected way.
A story from the time when television first came to Sweden. Edvin, a bachelor, lives with his mother in a small village. The municipality has decided to build a new road where Edvin's house is located. One day Edvin get a large package in the mail arrives. It is a television set.
Девушка, которая взрывала воздушные замки
Christer Malm
Лисбет Саландер находится под неусыпным наблюдением в отделении интенсивной терапии шведской городской больницы. Она борется за жизнь и не только в физическом смысле: когда она почувствует себя достаточно хорошо, ей предстоит предстать перед судом по обвинению в трех убийствах и в покушении еще на одно. С помощью своего друга, журналиста Микаэля Блумквиста, она должна будет доказать свою невиновность и опознать продажных политиканов, из-за злоупотреблений которых страдают простые люди.
Девушка, которая играла с огнём
Christer Malm
Поздно вечером в своей квартире застрелены журналист и его подруга — люди, изучавшие каналы поставки в Швецию секс-рабынь из Восточной Европы. Среди клиентов малопочтенного бизнеса замечены представители властных структур. Кажется очевидным, каким кругам была выгодна смерть этих двоих. Микаэл Блумквист начинает собственное расследование гибели своих коллег и друзей и вдруг узнает, что в убийстве подозревают его давнюю знакомую Лисбет Саландер, самую странную девушку на свете, склонную играть с огнем — к примеру, заливать его бензином.
Wallander 17 - The Thief
Homes are being burgled in Ystad and three neighbors form their own vigilante group. Soon Wallander is convinced the group has committed a double murder, although no bodies have been found.
Девушка с татуировкой дракона
Christer Malm
Микаэль Блумквист — талантливый журналист, который верой и правдой добивается справедливости в самых скандальных делах — неожиданно терпит фиаско в своей деятельности, в результате чего вынужден отбыть срок лишения свободы.В то же время влиятельный человек Хенрик Вангер поручает ему дело о пропаже его племянницы, которая таинственным образом исчезла из имения Вангеров, и о которой вот уже множество лет нет никаких новостей. А попытки Хенрика разыскать родственницу так же не приводят к положительным результатам.
Детективное агентство Лассе и Майя. Возвращение Хамелеона
Conny Kameleont
Когда в городе начинают происходить мистические события, юные детективы Лассе и Майя без раздумий берутся за дело! Жители городка Валлиби находятся в приподнятом настроении - в разгаре традиционный осенний праздник, и скоро будет объявлен победитель конкурса "Самый известный житель города". Все прочат победу начальнику полиции, но когда публике представляют изготовленный заранее бюст победителя, восторг толпы сменяется шоком. Кто-то подменил бюст на зловещий череп. Это происшествие стало первым в цепочке странных событий, случившихся в городе. Юные детективы Лассе и Майя немедленно принимаются за дело.
Well, We Were Lucky with the Weather – Again
Almost 30 years has passed and Gösta and Gun are retired. This summer they're going on a trip to their sons wedding in Göstas new RV.
Патрик 1,5
Lennart Ljung
Шведская парочка геев решает усыновить ребёнка, но вместо ожидаемого 15-месячного младенца в их доме по ошибке оказывается 15-летний подросток-хулиган.
A doctor is pulled into Stockholm's underbelly after his brother gets caught up in a botched drug deal.
Brothers: The Return
Hoffa floats ashore in Estonia after his stolen getaway boat has exploded. He tries to begin a new life in Estonia, but the longing for his family back home becomes too big and he decides to get back to Sweden. Now a tough struggle begins to get himself home to the family, a family that has moved on with their lives and also thinks that he's dead. A past as a bank robber and a fugitive is not making the journey easier. Along the way back to Sweden more problems arise that makes it even harder for him to meet his family again. Meantime back in Sweden his family is struggling with difficulties which they don't know how to solve. The time is running out and things don't look good at all.
Ulf Sand, the Minister
The Time-Bomb waiting to go off reflects the fear of the times in which we live. It’s central character, an important government minister, finds himself squeezed between the pressures of political office and the very real, personal security threat that gives rise to his deepest, innermost fears. Fear is a strong and intractable human mechanism, the expression and form of which has changed throughout time. Once it was the darkness and its’ unknown power that terrified but today that fear has other faces.
27 sekundmeter snö
Sven Nilsson
In 1939 ten people on an outing are caught in a mountain cabin during a snow storm together with the cabin's hostess. The first night one of them is killed, and it can not have been someone from the outside so the killer must be someone in the cabin...
Pelle Oskarsson
The Victoriastadium is totally destroyed in a bomb attack and Christina Furhage, head-responsible for the Olympic Games in Stockholm, dies with it. Why did someone destroy the stadium and why is Christina murdered? The police desperately seek for clues that will lead them to the perpetrator but without any luck. As the Olympic Games draws near the situation becomes more desperate. Annika Bengtzon, a reporter for Kvällsposten, se a connection that no one else sees and without understanding it she starts a carousel that in the end will threaten her own life.
The Unknown
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
Shit Happens
A young couple, Sophia and Freddie has just got their first baby, but this little thing makes their lives way to complicated and difficult for them to handle. They both have jobs, Sophia is an actress and Freddie a balloon-flier, which makes it tough to be home with the baby and such. They also have to deal with Sophia´s family, which includes a depressed dad, a close to senile mother, and two eccentric sisters. The family life is nothing what Sophia and Freddie expected.
Polisen, Göran
Little Tsatsiki, son of a single mother in Sweden, has never met his father, a Greek fisherman. Tsatsiki befriends a nice but straight-laced motorcycle policeman renting one of their rooms and decices he is the right guy for his mother, an amateur rock singer in love with her band's bass player.
Rika barn leka bäst
The film director
Six women get fired from a bank while the director gets a huge raise.
Adam & Eva
Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, when Eva finds out that he has a mistress, she leaves him. Adam tries to convince himself that he is free again, but soon realizes that he is still in love with Eva, and must win her back...
Swedish TV-Movie
One in a Million
Elias, husband of Cissi
Torsten Södergren lives in a normal house with his normal family in a completely normal city. Every morning he greets his normal neighbours before getting into his normal car and drives the usual way to his ordinary work at an ordinary bank. But one day he is fired from his work after twenty years of loyal service. Now he is prepared to do anything to get it back...