František Husák

František Husák

Рождение : 1936-05-24, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]

Смерть : 1991-11-08


František Husák
František Husák
František Husák
František Husák


О рассеянном чернокнижнике
Героиня фильма - школьница Молли - написала очерк о посещении киностудии, где проходят съёмки фильма-сказки. Молли наделена богатым воображением и с подозрением относится к своему учителю. Ей кажется, что он не кто иной как колдун, восставший от столетнего сна, чтобы помешать съёмкам фильма. Оказывается, что подозрения Молли не беспочвенны...
Father Kouba
A story about young girl Betka who is looking for a magic creature - Plivnik.
Jen o rodinných záležitostech
redaktor Úderníka
Life in communist Czechoslovakia in the early 1950s and the punishments for going against the state.
Последняя бабочка
Париж, Вторая мировая война. Французский мим Антуан Моро арестован гестапо. Его вынуждают к постановке детского спектакля в показательном концентрационном лагере. Спектакль должен быть поставлен к визиту Красного Креста, чтобы продемонстрировать хорошие условия жизни в лагере. Поначалу Моро занимается этим без особого энтузиазма. Но со временем он поближе знакомится с людьми, их жизнью в концентрационном лагере. Он понимает, что фашисты используют его в своих интересах. И в результате ставит свою версию детской сказки...
Nemocný bílý slon
Malá podmínka štěstí
The Damned House of Hajn
Sonya is the heiress to the riches of a Czech noble family—the Hajns. Petr, a social climber marries her, ignoring some shady goings-on—in particular, an insane uncle who prowls the mansion believing himself invisible, a peccadillo the family indulges. The uncle’s stalking every corner of the house, popping out of cupboards and out from behind curtains slowly takes its toll on the young bride.
Táta k příštím Vánocům
Útěk ze seriálu
The World Knows Nothing
The story takes place in the Czech-German border region in 1938. The hero Tomás Jakl marries but the marriage is not very lucky and falls apart. His German friend forced him to enter the Nazi party.
The Last Theft
Old woman
A man breaks into a large, seemingly abandoned old house to plunder the gold received. But the house is really abandoned?
A Hungarian Fairy Tale
Shot in B&W, Gyula Gazdag's film follows the surreal and often comic quests of young Andris, an orphan searching for a father who doesn't exist, and Orban, a government clerk who's had enough of oppressive bureaucracy.
Přátelé Bermudského trojúhelníku
Hele, on letí!
As Good as Poison
Všichni musí být v pyžamu
kontrolor Řehoř Maršíček
Pod nohama nebe
Babička se zbláznila
Daisies for the Lady of the Manor
otec Katky
Fifteen-year-old Kateřina will once again spend the holidays at the Castle Krabonoš, where her parents are both wardens. She finds it dull because she's got to sit at the castle's ticket office and sell tickets. That is, until the arrival of the new tour guide, Petr, a young history student. She falls in love at first sight. But for Petr she's just a young crazy girl. Katka tries to get Petr's attention in various ways, but all in vain. She makes a last ditch effort by pretending to steal some rare castle steins from the castle's collection. It's only after some detectives arrive that Katka realizes that she may have overdone it, but she finally manages to get Petr to notice her.
The Divine Emma
The opera lady singer Ema Destinnová is in all her splendor at the American stages. But in Europe there rages war and she decides to return home to Bohemia.
Brother for All the Money
Honza and Zuzana are very young husband and wife. They have a little daughter of whom willingly occasionally take care the grandparents and Honza's fifteen-year-old brother Martin. Zuzana continues studying and Honza devotes all weekends as an amateur competitor to the motor-cycles at the speedway. Zuzana is not interested in motor-cycles. Martin holds responsible for his brother's marriage and at the advice of his friend Magda, who is of the same age, invites her sister-in-law to the club of Hucul horses so that she does not feel bored. But by misfortunes and unexplained quarrels both young husband and wife start being jealous of one another.
Alarm in the Clouds
In defiance of all the laws of physics Mr. Tau is walking on the wing of an aircraft flying close to Prague. Young Alenka is enthusiastic, but the other passengers are horrified. The security inspector Málek believes the report from the crew to be a code alerting him to a hijack, and orders an emergency landing. In the confusion at the airport the fairytale Mr. Tau disappears into one of the halls.
Řeknem si to příští léto
Čarovné prstýnky
Běž, ať ti neuteče
Boty plné vody
(segment "Silvestr 1948")
Three short stories ("Zelenáči 1945", "Silvestr 1948" and "Zimní vítr 1951") about members of the SNB units guarding the Šumava border in the post-war years. Ivo Toman had artistic supervision over the debutants. The theme of the third short story was made in 1959 for the film "Entry Forbidden" by František Vláčil, who was also starting at the time.
Čas lásky a naděje
Pomerančový kluk
Who Looks for Gold?
Pepík Němec
When he returns to Prague from a stint in the Army, Lada does not seem to fit in anywhere, and he cannot get the hang of the system of deliberately underperforming on the job. His girlfriend tries to keep him in the city with a variety of stratagems, but he eventually takes a job as a truck driver on a dam-building project. He uses the truck to visit his girl on weekends. Ingenuous, he is unaware that the truck is being used for black-market smuggling, and that his girlfriend two-times on him when he cannot arrange to leave on time for his weekend.
Joachim, Put It in the Machine
zřízenec na psychiatrii Arnošt Holna
A sincere provincial young man, Frantisek Koudelka leaves to work in Prague. For the trip he buys a computer made horoscope with biorhythms charts, marked according to his date of birth, there are trappy, precarious, unsuccessful and even critical days and few successful days. The clumsy luckless person Frantisek has finally a guidance for his life.
People from the Subway
Three short stories. Prague finally sees the approval of the subway construction. Thousands of individuals took part in preparing, course and finalizing construction of subway and their lives crossed at certain points of this construction.
Homolka and Pocketbook
Ludva Homolka
The husband and wife Ludva and Hedus Homolkas with their twins Péta and Máta and Ludva's parents - the granny and grandpa - arrive in the snowy Spindleruv Mlýn for a holiday. They promise to each other that they will not spoil the quite expensive holiday by quarrels. If somebody hurts the other one he/she will kneel as a punishment.
Die gestohlene Schlacht
About Show-White
Sixth-grade pupil Katka daydreams during a math class about being Snow White and being freed by a prince who looks very much like Dzery from the eighth grade. Katka, her girl friends Lenka and Martina, and her fellow-pupils Franta, Joska and freckled Vrabcák, have spent five years going to the same little one-class school in their home mountain village of Pastvina. Their kind teacher Smetácek was very understanding about their games and fantasies, but he didn't teach them much about arithmetic. They are now laughed at for their ignorance by the strict Bidlo, their new teacher at the near-by little town. As he does every year, Smetácek is preparing a theatre performance with the local children. Katka suggests the fairytale about Snow White
Hostinec U létavého draka
Medvěd pro hosta
Hogo Fogo Homolka
Ludva Homolka
The Homolka family celebrates a great occasion: they were finally able to buy a car. They immediately begin to drive for small trips to Hradcany, to the airport, and plan further trips. Their euphoria is spoiled by a letter from their great-grandmother. Their great-grandfather is dying and the family is expected to come along to say goodbye. The annoyed Homolkas therefore set off to the South Bohemian village where the grandparents live.
Пан, вы вдова
После того, как солдат отрубает руку брату короля, король решает распустить армию, а Генштаб готовит военный переворот. Не по собственной воле в дворцовые интриги вмешивается Стюарт Гампл, астролог уникальной газеты «Темп», которая сообщает о событиях, прежде чем они умудряются случиться. Очень скоро Гампл пал жертвой мятежной военщины, но при этом остался жить, правда, уже в другом обличье…
The Great Unknown
Three detective stories, three different views of life and death... Collection of three horror short stories.
Case for a Rookie Hangman
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) has had a car accident and continues his journey across the unknown countryside on foot. On the road he finds a dead rabbit dressed like a man and takes a watch from its waistcoat breast pocket. The half-ruined house that he enters reminds Lemuel of his childhood and brings up a painful memory of a dearly loved girl Markéta who was drowned years ago. Gulliver finds himself in Balnibarbi, a country where he doesn't understand the laws and habits and so continually offends against public decency. It is a day when people are ordered to keep their mouths shut and they force their visitor to follow suit. He faces harsh interrogation and finds it difficult to explain that he is not the rabbit Oscar whose watch has been found in his possession.
Behold Homolka
This light comedy finds a Czech taxi driver taking his family on a weekend outing in the country. His wife, daughter-in-law, son and two grandchildren are the passengers who disturb the solitude of two young lovers. While the women attend the horse races, the father sits home getting drunk and watching football. The overweight daughter-in-law is upset because she has blown her chances to become a ballerina. All members of the family are caught up in their own individual problems in this realistically portrayed family comedy
První láska
Crime in the Night Club
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
The Garden
Man in rubber coat
Frank visits his friend Josef, who introduces him to his pedigree rabbits and his wife Mary. Frank is more interested in the slightly unsettling fact that Josef and Mary's garden fence is entirely made up of living people holding hands. Finally, Frank asks Josef how he manages to keep the fence together..
Muž, který stoupl v ceně
The Valley of the Bees
Cast out by his father, young Ondrej joins the Order of the Teutonic Knights, where he is raised by strict monk Armin. After years of hardship, Ondrej escapes from the Order when he is wrongly punished, and sets out for his former home. Arriving to discover his father to be dead, Armin now not only assumes control of his fathers properties, but seeks to marry his former stepmother.
Маркета Лазарова
Jiří (voice)
Фильм рассказывает о событиях середины XIII столетия, о времени, когда рыцари разбойничали на дорогах, когда христианство сводило счеты с верой в языческих богов, о времени, когда цена человеческой жизни сводилось к нулю.
Конец агента W4C (при содействии собаки пана Фоустки)
Бухгалтер пан Фоустка совершенно неожиданно получает задание захватить материал фантастической ценности - микрофильм плана использования Венеры в военных целях. За этим микрофильмом охотится знаменитый агент одной державы. Его позывной - "W4C". Пану Фоустка надо его опередить и во чтобы то ни стало захватить микрофильм…
Wedding Under Supervision
A comedy about two bumbling policemen investigating an alleged rape in a small Czech town. One of the alleged rapists is supposed to get married the day he's locked up.
Hotel for Strangers
A gifted poet checks into a Gothic hotel in hopes of meeting the woman with whom he has long been enamored. He is surrounded by a variety of offbeat characters like the hefty homosexual cook, shadowy clerks, snooty waiters, and valets prone to violence. He finally meets the woman of his dreams only to lose her and ultimately meet with tragedy.
Murder Czech Style
The protagonist (Rudolf Hrusinsky) is a dull, fat, shy government clerk indulging in voyuerism and ego fantasies. In love with another clerk (Kveta Fiolova), he is urged on in his pursuit by a commiserate executive. The story is told in a flashback sequence as the cuckolded Hrusinsky attempts suicide by gassing himself in his bathtub. The "Murder" of the title is not a murder as such, rather the murder that Hrusinsky remembers planning upon discovering his wife's unfaithfulness with his supposed friend and advisor. Both plots failing in his mind, he loses himself in fantastic reveries of his funeral and of hypocritical mourners. ' Deciding (perhaps) that this is not the way out either, he gives up the attempt and imagines a life of reconciliation and eventual affluence.
Поезда под пристальным наблюдением
1944 год. Оккупированная фашистами Богемия. На маленькой железнодорожной станции начинает работать молодой паренек Милош Хрма. Новичок пытается во всем равняться на диспетчера Губичку, у которого и на работе все в порядке и на сердечном фронте: редкая дама не попадает в объятия Губички. Милош же влюблен в кондуктора Машу. Но пока разгораются любовные страсти, Восточный фронт становится все ближе и ближе. Партизаны дают о себе знать все чаще и чаще, и немецкое командование отдает приказ взять под особое наблюдение все поезда, идущие в сторону фронта…
Nápady čtenáře detektivek
Milenci z kiosku
Můj přítel Kolja
Všichni moji synové
Večer tříkrálový aneb Cokoli chcete
Poslední adresa
Cínový vojáček
Theatre Play
Pět z milionu