Fábio Barreto

Рождение : 1957-06-06, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Смерть : 2019-11-20


Filho de Luís Carlos Barreto, e irmão do também cineasta Bruno Barreto. Atuou no primeiro curta-metragem, "Três Amigos que Não se Separam", quando tinha nove anos; no filme também atuaram sua irmã (Paula Barreto) e a cadela Baleia, coadjuvante no filme Vidas Secas (1963). Foi assistente de direção de Carlos Diegues em Bye Bye Brasil (1979). Iniciou sua carreira no cinema aos 20 anos, dirigindo o curta-metragem A Estória de José e Maria (1977). E estreou como diretor de longa-metragem no Festival de Cannes de 1982, com Índia, a Filha do Sol (1982), inscrito na Quinzena dos Realizadores; tinha 24 anos. Seu filme O Quatrilho (1995) foi indicado para o Oscar de melhor filme estrangeiro de 1995. Trabalhou como ator em dois filmes — For all - O trampolim da vitória (1997) e Memórias do cárcere (1984) — e dirigiu 9 longas.


Лула, сын Бразилии
Правдивая история мальчика из рабочего класса, который в юном возрасте переезжает в финансовую столицу страны и становится одним из самых влиятельных политиков в истории Бразилии.
The Man Who Challenged the Devil
After being forced into a marriage and enduring a humiliating work routine in the hands of his father-in-law, Zé Araújo becomes the mythical Ojuara, an unconventional hero devoted to debauchery.
Nossa Senhora de Caravaggio
Sonhos e Desejos
A young student (Mel Lisboa), a literature professor (Felipe Camargo) and a wounded warrior who is always with his face covered (Sergio Marone) are three militants, who are confined in an apartment in Belo Horizonte. There they confront their emotional and political options, involving loyalty, betrayal and desire.
Brasília 18%
A star medical examiner is called to Brasília, the administrative capital of Brazil, to confirm the identity of a beautiful, young congressional aide's dead body. But his scientific rigor soon leads him to details of a multi-layered political scandal.
Oswaldo Cruz, o Médico do Brasil
A Paixão de Jacobina
Прекрасная Донна
Донна едва ли знала, что ждало ее в райском прибрежном местечке с красивым названием «Белые Дюны». Что-то в этом сверкают голубом океане и томных пляжах с белым песком возбудили и наэлектризовало ее чувства до предела. А эта простая, но такая прекрасная песня, слившаяся со свежим океанским бризом и так волнующая ее каждую ночь, — она явно создана для нее, но кем?
For All - O Trampolim da Vitória
1943, World War II. The northeastern coast of Brazil is an strategic region for the Allies. Giancarlo, an Italian immigrant married to a Brazilian woman, lives nearby the Parnamirin Field, the largest military base built by the USA outside of their territory. In this new base, Brazilian recruits who speak English suddenly find themselves reaching privileged positions.
Ноль с четвертью
1910 год, Бразилия. Две молодые семейные пары, иммигрировавшие из Италии, объединяют свои средства и покупают участок, чтобы построить на нём зерновую мельницу. В целях экономии пары решают жить вместе. Вскоре бизнес начинает приносить первую прибыль, а жена одного мужчины - интересоваться другим, и не безответно.
Ноль с четвертью
1910 год, Бразилия. Две молодые семейные пары, иммигрировавшие из Италии, объединяют свои средства и покупают участок, чтобы построить на нём зерновую мельницу. В целях экономии пары решают жить вместе. Вскоре бизнес начинает приносить первую прибыль, а жена одного мужчины - интересоваться другим, и не безответно.
Luzia Homem
After witnessing the assassination of her parents, Luzia is raised by a cowboy and starts behaving like the men of Brazilian "Sertão". As a grown-up, she sets out to find her parent's murderer, but ends up discovering love.
Rei do Rio
Two friends get rich running an illegal gambling business. But soon they start to compete, and become rivals.
Rei do Rio
Two friends get rich running an illegal gambling business. But soon they start to compete, and become rivals.
Воспоминания о тюрьме
Siqueira Campos
Действие фильма основано на дневниковых записях бразильского писателя Грасилиано Рамоса, которые он вёл во время тюремного заключения, попав под репрессии после восстания коммунистов против диктатуры в стране. В картине показаны представители различных партий Бразилии 1930-х годов, а тюрьма представлена как метафора общества.
Índia, a Filha do Sol
A military man picks up a Native Brazilian woman and heads to a gold panning site where he has undisclosed business to attend to.
Índia, a Filha do Sol
A military man picks up a Native Brazilian woman and heads to a gold panning site where he has undisclosed business to attend to.
The Kiss
When a pedestrian is hit by a bus, the simple clerk Arandir runs and kisses the moribund in a gesture of sympathy and unconditional pure love. Opportunist photographer Amado Pinheiro witnesses the scene and sees the opportunity to sell newspaper and, together with the despicable and abusive chief of police Cunha, accuses Arandir of homosexuality.
Prova de Fogo
Production Director
As soon as Mauro, an Administration student, discovers a strong vocation for mediumship, he drops everything to go deeper and dedicate himself to Umbanda, a religion he embraces so strongly that it makes him give up his studies. Determined to open his own spiritist center, Mauro moves to the countryside.
Bye Bye Brazil
Assistant Director
The Caravana Rolidei rolls into town with the Gypsy Lord at the mike: he does magic tricks, the erotic Salomé dances, and the mute Swallow performs feats of strength. A young accordion player is completely enamored of Salomé, and he begs to come along. The Gypsy Lord shrugs, and the accordionist and his pregnant wife, Dasdô, join the troupe.
Outlaw Love
Assistant Director
Rio de Janeiro police investigator Galvão is pursuing two trails, one professional and one personal. While he tracts a serial killer of taxi-drivers, he also seeks his estranged daughter, Sandra, who he had thrown out of the family home when she adopted a promiscuous teenage lifestyle. Lives intersect when the serial killer, Toninho, a young man of unsavoury connections, befriends Sandra, now an exotic dancer and prostitute living and working in the seamy underside of late 1970s Rio.
Mané Garrincha
A História de José e Maria