Sally Forrest

Sally Forrest

Рождение : 1928-05-28, San Diego, California, USA

Смерть : 2015-03-15


Sally Forrest (born Katherine Feeney) was an American film, stage and TV actress of the 1940s and 1950s. Forrest began her film career in the 1940s as a chorus dancer in MGM musicals. She made her acting debut in Not Wanted, written and produced by Ida Lupino. The film's controversial subject of unwed motherhood was a raw and unsentimental view of a condition that was rarely explored by Hollywood at that time. Forrest starred in two more Lupino projects, Never Fear and Hard, Fast and Beautiful, as well as other film noir films, including Mystery Street, directed by John Sturges, and the star-studded While the City Sleeps, directed by Fritz Lang. Her musical background and training as a jazz and ballet dancer brought roles in the transitional musicals that rounded off the golden age of MGM; most notable was Excuse My Dust. Most of her films were made under contract to MGM, which prided itself as family entertainment, but RKO, headed by the eccentric and controlling Howard Hughes, presented a very different creative challenge. Son of Sinbad, now a cult classic, was one of his many pet projects where he had a personal interest in re-designing the star's skimpy wardrobe. With each rehearsal, Forrest noticed her harem dance costume slowly disappearing, until it was barely compliant with the Motion Picture Production Code.[citation needed] In 1953, after moving to New York with her husband, writer and producer Milo Frank (who was hired to be head of casting for CBS), her film work transitioned to theatre and TV. She starred on Broadway in The Seven Year Itch, and appeared in major stage productions of Damn Yankees, Bus Stop, As You Like It and No No Nanette. Later she returned to Hollywood and continued working at RKO and Columbia Pictures. Her final film was RKO's While the City Sleeps in 1956, a murder mystery co-starring Dana Andrews, Rhonda Fleming, Vincent Price and her frequent collaborator Ida Lupino.


Sally Forrest


Howard Hughes: His Women and His Movies
A reclusive millionaire who owed his fortune to his father, Howard Hughes staked his fame on many things, including his credits as a producer, director and aviator. But he is perhaps best known for his skills as a Casanova, reportedly romancing Jean Harlow, Ginger Rogers, Lana Turner, Rita Hayworth and Bette Davis. Actor Billy Zane narrates this documentary, which offers a glimpse of the man behind the glamour.
Ride The High Iron
Elsie Vanders
A recent war veteran accepts a job in public relations, but he becomes increasingly unhappy with his career choice. Originally filmed for TV but released theatrically.
Пока город спит
Nancy Liggett
Смерть медиамагната Амоса Кайна вызывает борьбу за власть между руководителями подразделений его империи. Тем временем нью-йоркские женщины становятся жертвами серийного убийцы, прозванного "Помадный убийца". Репортер Эдвард Мобли в этих обстоятельствах становится ключевой фигурой в расследовании этого дела.
Сын Синдбада
Сына Синбада и его друга Омара заключают в тюрьму, потому что они слишком часто навещают гарем калифа. Тем времен калиф узнаёт, что Таммерлейн Безжалостный разрушит его город, если он не сдастся. Но с помощью пороха сын Синбада и Омар спасают город. Им в том помогают 40 девушек, которые все оказываются дочерьми 40 разбойников.
Code Two
Mary Hartley
Three young men train to become motorcycle cops.
Richie Loomis
A young crusading reporter in a small town tackles civic corruption.
The Strip
Jane Tafford
Drummer Stanley Maxton moves to Los Angeles with dreams of opening his own club, but falls in with a gangster and a nightclub dancer and ends up accused of murder.
Excuse My Dust
Liz Bullitt
Joe, inventor in an American Small town of 1895 has problems with his new invention, a car, driven with a gasoline motor. Everybody is making fun about his "crazy invention", only his girl friend believes in him. When he's halfway successful, another woman tries to win his heart, and his girl-friend thinks he has quit with her. But on a race for those new horse-less vehicles, he gets in trouble and only his former girl friend is able to help him.
Загадочная дверь
Blanche de Maletroit
The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.
Hard, Fast and Beautiful
Florence Farley
When most people look at Florence Farley, they see a pretty teenager. But when Milly Farley looks at her daughter she sees something else: a tennis prodigy who could be Milly’s ticket to money and fame.
Долина мести
Lily Fasken
Среди бескрайних просторов зеленых долин, окруженных заснеженными вершинами непреступных гор дикого запада, есть небольшой поселок, в котором проживает семья фермеров Строби. После многомесячного отсутствия Оуэн Дэйбрайт, главный погонщик ранчо и его сводный брат Ли Строби возвращаются домой. Их ожидают новости и среди прочего они узнают что Лили — официантка из местной таверны родила ребенка от Ли. Однако молодая мать не сознается, кто отец ребенка, а новоиспеченный отец и вовсе не желает признать ребенка своим, ведь у него уже есть семья. Оуэн, последние годы ведя хозяйство на ферме за двоих, потому что его сводный брат не очень то хотел иметь лишние мозоли, решает покинуть эти места в поисках новой жизни. В это же время в городок прибывают два разгневанных брата Лили, с целью найти незаконного отца ребенка и: или заставить его женится на ней, или убить.
My Blue Heaven
Radio star Kitty Moran, long married to partner Jack, finds she's pregnant, but miscarries. For a change, the couple turn their act into a series on early TV and try to adopt a baby. Finally they acquiring a girl in a somewhat back alley manner.
Таинственная улица
Grace Shanway
На пляже обнаружен скелет. Дело поручено лейтенанту Мораласу, который вынужден обратиться за помощью к криминальным медэкспертам Гарварда. Из фильма можно почерпнуть статистику исчезновений и краж в Америке на тот момент.
Minor Role (uncredited)
The wife of a psychoanalyst falls prey to a devious quack hypnotist when he discovers she is an habitual shoplifter. Then one of his previous patients now being treated by the real doctor is found murdered, with her still at the scene, and suspicion points only one way.
Never Fear
Carol Williams
A dancer who has just gotten engaged to her partner and choreographer and is about to embark on a major career is devastated to learn that she has contracted polio.
Dancing in the Dark
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
Flame of Youth
Miss O'Brien
Outside the Wolf Club, wayward high school student Geraldine “Jerry” Briggs waits in the parking lot, while her partner in crime, Al, steals hubcaps from parked cars. When a patron named Steve Miller notices his hubcaps missing, he phones the police, and Jerry is apprehended.
Scene of the Crime
A cop investigates the shooting of another policeman... that may have been involved in crooked activities.
Not Wanted
Sally Kelton
After a beautiful but unsophisticated girl is seduced by a worldly piano player and gives up her out-of-wedlock baby, her guilt compels her to kidnap another child.
Mr. Belvedere Goes to College
A middle-aged genius goes to college for the first time.
Возьми меня с собой на бейсбол
Эдди О’Брайян и Деннис Райян – профессиональные игроки в бейсбол, но в глубине души они - конферансье водевиля. Неприятности в их размеренной жизни и карьере начинаются когда, в очередной раз, выходя на бейсбольное поле, друзья узнают, что у их команды новый владелец по имени – К. С. Хиггинс. Удивлению и возмущению парней нет предела, но главный сюрприз ждет команду впереди: оказывается Хиггинс – это красивая женщина! Сражение полов начинается. В итоге после курьезных историй и запутанных любовных интриг главные герои находят свою половину. Эдди О’Брайян обретает любовь красавицы Хиггинс, а весельчак Деннис Райян открывает своё сердце девушке по имени Шерли Делвин, которая знает толк в бейсболе.
The Kissing Bandit
Fiesta Specialty Dancer (uncredited)
Ricardo, the milquetoast son of a Mexican bandit, would rather lead a quiet life in Boston. But the family would rather that he follow in his father's footsteps and become "The Kissing Bandit".
Are You With It?
Dancer (uncredited)
Milton Haskins, a math genius known for his infallibility with numbers, quits his job with an insurance company when he discovers he made a mistake, and hooks up with a traveling carnival. His knowledge of mathematics makes him a natural as an assistant at the wheel of fortune. His fiancée begs him to return to his job but he refuses, so she joins the carnival and becomes a striptease artist. When Milton attempts to drag her off the stage, a brawling mêlée breaks out and the entire troupe is arrested by the local police. The carnival is sold but Milton reveals that the new owner has conspired to defraud the insurance company. The insurance company has to accept the carnival in lieu of the money owed, and they allow Milton and his fiancée, Vivian, to stay with and help run the carnival.
Till the Clouds Roll By
Showgirl (uncredited)
Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous songs from his musical plays by contemporary stage artists, including a condensed production of his most famous: 'Showboat'.