Sofie Lassen-Kahlke

Sofie Lassen-Kahlke

Рождение : 1979-05-18, Copenhagen, Denmark


Sofie Lassen-Kahlke


A brother and a sister are trapped in a chaotic and emotional moment in their life. Through a series of violent acts, they do whatever they can to forget what really hurts inside.
The Christmas Family 2
Fru Knudsen
City Singler 3 - Trimmet I 3-Kanten
Семейное Рождество
Fru Knudsen
Шестилетнему мальчику Хуго очень повезло: он получил самый удивительный подарок в своей жизни на Рождество. Он обнаружил в своем доме маленького эльфа Пикси. Теперь Хуго делает все возможное, чтобы его новый друг как можно дольше задержался у него в гостях. Однако Рождество проходит, и все остальные эльфы уже перенеслись на Северный Полюс. Теперь Пикси придется ждать целый год до наступления следующего Рождества, чтобы иметь возможность вернуться домой.
Sammen hver for sig
Five people in a way too large bus, on their way across Denmark to deliver a petition in Copenhagen. The trip will be a challenge for all on board and they will face each other for better or worse. The journey will be unpredictable, funny, horrible, embarrassing, awkward and, above all, it will change everything.
The Suitcase
In the 1940s war-torn Denmark, the young girl Marie turns 10 ye$ars old. It is celebrated in the parents' bakery shop where she and her cousin Sebastian on 13 years daily work. But the normally sheltered life comes to an end as a group of soldiers storms the shop and take both Marie's father and mother with them. Together with Sebastian, Marie goes out to find her parents. Although the reality gives little chances Marie is hopeful, while Sebastian fears the day he will have to tell her the truth
City singler 2 - Frækkere i 2'eren
Sofie Lassen-Kahlke
In this sequel, City Singler 2 features the same outspoken quartet: Denmark's funniest women letting loose in this live recording at the Aarhus Concert Hall.
City Singler Sko, Håb & Kærlighed
Sofie Lassen-Kahlke
"Sex and the City" has met its match with this live show which premiered March 2010 at the Glass Hall in Tivoli. This naughty and seductive perforamance is a perfect female counterpart to the Sons of the Desert.
Anja og Viktor - I medgang og modgang
I 'Anja og Viktor – I medgang og modgang', den femte Anja og Viktor-film, er parret kommet i pengemangel. De bor sammen med deres lille datter i vennernes ramponerede øvelokale i Sydhavnen, men da kommunens ivrige mand afslører dem i at bruge øvelokalet som bolig, og de nu regulært står på gaden, hvis de ikke skaffer penge til lejligheden, er familien i en presset situation.
Robinson Tanja
Talented 16-year-old Ruben gets the chance to have what most teenagers want - fame and success. But what are the costs?
Все начинает идти неправильно, когда имеющий дурную репутацию, преступник Фрэнк Лоис и его жалкая банда воров совершают свою последнюю и самую большую кражу. Фрэнк и его сообщники по преступлению оказались в тюрьме, полиция деньги так и не нашла. Из этой истории родилась городская легенда. Со временем легенда обрастала дополнительными подробностями, и количество украденных денег росло с каждой минутой, 1,5 или все 10 миллионов! Теперь все мошенники, воры и всякое мелкое жульё ищут исчезнувшие миллионы. Так существуют они — или это только очередная городская легенда?
Anja & Viktor - Flaming Love
Finally, Viktor becomes a fireman, while Anja still do not have the great success of the advertising agency. Fortunately, they have each other and everything is bright as Anja gets a great opportunity at the office while being pregnant. Then Viktor just figure out how to be soft father, understanding man and tough firefighter at once. But how hard can it be?
Bølle Bob og smukke Sally
Linda Sand
Bully Bob is in love, but it is very difficult to say it. At the same time beautiful Sally interested in making their presence felt. When a sudden, a television crew to town she gets her chance.
Father of Four: Never Gives Up!
Dad loses his job and now the family is in the need for money. Mie and Ole is working on a talent show at their school. Little Per tries to help the family.
Lost Generation
Maj Gregersen
The film is based on Christian Kampmann's novels: "Certain Considerations", "Solid Relationships", "Clean Lines" and "Other Ways" (1973-75). The Gregersen family is a picture of inner and outer Denmark from the mid 50's to the 70's. The story begins in 1954 in the well-behaved, but not just successful, Gregersen family from the best part of the whiskey belt on the right side of Strandvejen.
Rene Linier / Andre Måder
Maj Gregersen
Visse Hensyn / Faste Forhold
Maj Gregersen
Anja after Viktor
Anja Poulsen
Third chapter, out of five, in the story about Anja (Sofie-Lassen Kahlke) and Viktor (Robert Hansen).
Cinder Rock'n Rella
Set in the rock'n roll universe of the 1950s, »Cinder Rock'n Rella« is a classic tale, about Mille, who lives with her mum and dreams of becoming a musical star. When they stake all they have on a new milk-shake bar things begin to look up and the local film studios even want a girl to play a leading part that's just up Mille's street. But mum suddenly dies, leaving Mille deep in debt to her evil auntie and cousin, who'd rather be rid of Mille once and for all. Luckily heaven sends a couple of angels and Topper, a good fairy.
Bertram & Co
Anja & Viktor
Anja Poulsen
Highschool sweethearts Anja and Viktor find themselves in a lesser state of love when Anja graduates and gets a job in the city.
Love at First Hiccough
Anja is a beautiful and very well proportioned high school senior... and still a virgin. She insists that she wants her first time to be with a guy, who knows what it's about. Her rich (and arrogant, pretentious and obnoxious) boyfriend Peter serves the purpose, and he's more than willing. In fact, he's pushing forward as much as he can, but Victor, a freshman who has a serious crush on Anja, has other plans. Her first time should definitely not be with this buffoon, and he's ready to take it VERY far!
Sunes Family
It's vacation time, but the Andersen family can't figure out where to go. Reaching agreement is not exactly the easiest for the family. Everyone has his own plans how he would like to spend the holidays. Now it's just that Sune is also hot-burned at newly-relocated neighbor Sophie (Stephanie León), so he doesn't have it easy. While trying to impress her, he is chased by a vicious motorcycle thug and is constantly on the run.
The Rascal
Torben's father and farmer Jacob make a trade. Jacob gets a gearbox and Torben's father gets peace: Torben must be at farmer Jacob on the farm the rest of his summer holidays. It was Jacob never have done ...! Absolutely terrific Danish family comedy in the best action-style. Wild bass played by Robert Hansen, known from Anja and Viktor films and family Gregersen. Moreover contributes among other Preben Kristensen, Viggo Summer and Dick Kaysø and many more ...