Nick Fraser


Говорит Трумен Капоте
Executive Producer
Хроника великого литературного провала на фоне светского Нью-Йорка.
Price Wars
Executive Producer
Profits et pertes : enquête sur les spéculateurs de la crise et du chaos
Production Director
Tokyo Idols
Executive Producer
This exploration of Japan's fascination with girl bands and their music follows an aspiring pop singer and her fans, delving into the cultural obsession with young female sexuality and the growing disconnect between men and women in hypermodern societies.
Accidental Anarchist
Executive Producer
Carne Ross was a government highflyer. A career diplomat who believed Western Democracy could save us all. But working inside the system he came to see its failures, deceits and ulterior motives. He felt at first hand the corruption of power. After the Iraq war Carne became disillusioned, quit his job and started searching for answers.
Freedom For The Wolf
Executive Producer
The Real Story of Fake Democracy. Filmed over three years in five countries, FREEDOM FOR THE WOLF is an epic investigation into the new regime of illiberal democracy. From the young students of Hong Kong, to a rapper in post-Arab Spring Tunisia and the viral comedians of Bollywood, we discover how people from every corner of the globe are fighting the same struggle. They are fighting against elected leaders who trample on human rights, minorities, and their political opponents.
Любовники и деспот
Executive Producer
Hong Kong, 1978. South Korean actress Choi Eun-hee is kidnapped by North Korean operatives following orders from dictator Kim Jong-il. Her ex-husband, film director Shin Sang-ok, undertakes her search, but soon after he is kidnapped as well. In 1983, after living through years of tribulations, Kim Jong-il puts them in charge of the North Korean film industry in the hope of gaining international recognition.
What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
Executive Producer
Can you imagine what it means to grow up as the child of a mass murderer? Hans Frank and Otto von Wächter were indicted as war criminals for their roles in WWII. Nazi Governors and consultants to Hitler himself, the two are collectively responsible for thousands of deaths. But what stood out to Philippe Sands were the impressions they left on their sons. While researching the Nuremberg trials, the human rights lawyer came across two men who re-focused his studies: Niklas Frank and Horst von Wächter. The men hold polar opposite views on the men who raised them.
After the Dance
Executive Producer
In this funny and moving documentary, acclaimed film-maker Daisy Asquith tells the very personal story of her mother's conception after a dance in the 1940s on the remote west coast of Ireland. By exploring the repercussions of this act, Daisy and her mother embark on a fascinating and emotional adventure in social and sexual morality. Her grandmother, compelled to run away to have her baby in secret, handed the child over to 'the nuns'. Daisy's mum was eventually adopted by English Catholics from Stoke-on-Trent. Her grandmother returned to Ireland and told no-one. The father remained a mystery for another 60 years, until Daisy and her mum decided it was time to find out who he was. Their attempts to find the truth make raw the fear and shame that Catholicism has wrought on the Irish psyche for centuries. It leads Daisy and her mum to connect with a brand new family living an extraordinarily different life.
Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic
Executive Producer
Mike Epps, Richard Pryor Jr. and others recount the culture-defining influence of Richard Pryor - one of America's most brilliant, iconic comic minds.
Education, Education
Executive Producer
Documentary about Chinese higher education: the pressure to get into state-sponsored schools, and the marketing of private colleges that may not provide the education they promise.
Have You Heard from Johannesburg: The Road to Resistance
Executive Producer
This first story in a six part series covers almost twenty years of history. It is a story of escalating violence and repression, one nation on a collision course with the rest of the world. When the United Nations adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, South Africa marches in the opposite direction and begins to implement a series of laws segregating its people by race in every aspect of life, prompting the non-white majority led by the ANC to protest. The non-violent movement picks up supporters all over the world, starting first with a network of Gandhites in Britain, Sweden, and the United States. But Apartheid hardens in the face of this resistance. By the fateful year of 1964, Nelson Mandela is jailed for life, and the entire leadership is forced underground, imprisoned or killed. The movement is effectively shut down in South Africa as hundreds escape into exile.
Secrets of the Tribe
Executive Producer
What happens when western anthropologists descend on the Amazon and make one of the last unacculturated tribes in existence, the Yanomami, the most exhaustively filmed and studied tribe on the planet? Despite their "do no harm" creed and scientific aims, the small army of anthropologists that has studied the Yanomami since the 1960s has wreaked havoc among the tribe - and sparked a war within the anthropology community itself.
Как «Битлз» потрясли Кремль
Executive Producer
В августе 1962 года режиссер Лесли Вудхед снял двухминутный фильм в Ливерпульском клубе "Cavern" с группой рокеров под названием «Битлз». Он организовал их первые выступления в прямом эфире на местном шоу в Манчестере и смотрел, как феномен "Fab Four" охватил весь мир. Двадцать пять лет спустя, снимая фильмы в России, Вудхед узнал о том, что, хотя им никогда не удавалось играть в Советском Союзе, легенда «Битлз» впиталась в жизнь целого поколения детей. Этот фильм знакомит с поколением советских Битлз и рассказывает о том, как "Fab Four" изменила их жизнь, включая вице-премьера Путина Сергея Иванова, который объясняет, как «Битлз» помогли ему выучить английский язык и показали ему другую жизнь.
Prodigal Sons
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Kimberly Reed returns home for her high school reunion, ready to reintroduce herself to the small town as a transgender woman and hoping for reconciliation with her long-estranged adopted brother Marc. Things are complicated by the shocking revelation that Marc may be the grandson of Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth, forcing Kim and her family to explore questions of sexual orientation, identity, severe trauma and love.
Executive Producer
7 августа 1974 года французский канатоходец Филипп Пети совершил то, что позже назвали «художественным преступлением века». Он 45 минут разгуливал по канату, натянутому между башнями Всемирного торгового центра в Нью-Йорке. Это стало вершиной его карьеры, в которой уже были аналогичные проделки с собором Парижской Богоматери и мостом Харбор-Бридж в Сиднее. Документальная лента режиссера Джеймса Марша — это не только гимн смелому человеку, но еще и дань эпохе, уничтоженной 11 сентября 2001 года.
Гонзо: Страх и ненависть Хантера С. Томпсона
Co-Executive Producer
В «Гонзо» описывается золотая эпоха Томпсона — с 1965 по 1975 годы, со всеми ее главными вехами: двусмысленными отношениями с полубандитской байкерской группировкой «Ангелы Ада», попыткой попасть на пост шерифа города Аспен в 1970-м, знаменитой историей поездки в Лас-Вегас и написания «Страха и ненависти», наверное, главной книги о закате 60-х и беспросветности поисков «американской мечты», скандальным участием в президентской компании сенатора Джорджа МакГоверна в 1972 и многими-многими другими. Разобраться с томпсоновским мифом помогают его близкие и друзья, включая писателя Тома Вульфа и автора знаменитых гротескных иллюстраций к произведениям Томпсона, художника Ральфа Стэдмана. А рассказывает историю доктора Томпсона его близкий друг — Джонни Депп, сыгравший альтер-эго писателя в «Страхе и ненависти в Лас-Вегасе» Терри Гиллиама.
American Experience: The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer
Executive Producer
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a national hero, the brilliant scientist who during WWII led the scientific team that created the atomic bomb. But after the bomb brought the war to an end, in spite of his renown and his enormous achievement, America turned on him - humiliated and cast him aside. The question the film asks is, "Why?"
Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos
Executive Producer
In the 1970s the North American Soccer League marked the first attempt to introduce soccer to American sports fans. While most teams had only limited success at best, one managed to break through to genuine mainstream popularity - the New York Cosmos. The brainchild of Steve Ross (Major executive at Warner Communications) and the Ertegun brothers (Founders of Atlantic Records), the Cosmos got off to a rocky start in 1971, but things changed in 1975 when the world's most celebrated soccer star, the Brazilian champion Pele, signed with the Cosmos for a five-million-dollar payday. With the arrival of Pele, the Cosmos became a hit and the players became the toast of the town, earning their own private table at Studio 54. A number of other international soccer stars were soon lured to the Cosmos, including Franz Beckenbauer, Rodney Marsh, and Carlos Alberto, but with the turn of the decade, the team began losing favor with fans and folded in 1985.
The Liberace of Baghdad
Held up in a heavily fortified Baghdad hotel, Iraq's most famous pianist Samir Peter tries to survive the "peace" of post-war Iraq as he waits for his visa that will grant him a new life in America.
За что мы сражаемся
Executive Producer
Оказалась ли американская внешняя политика целиком во власти идеи военного превосходства? Стали ли вооруженные силы слишком важными в американской жизни? Ответы в фильме.
The Beauty Academy of Kabul
Executive Producer
What happens when a group of hairdressers from America travel to Kabul with the intention of telling Afghan women how to do hair and makeup? This engaging, optimistic documentary tracks a unique development project: a shiny new beauty school, funded in part by beauty-industry mainstays, which sets out to teach the latest cutting, coloring, and perming techniques to practicing and aspiring Afghan hairdressers and beauticians. The American teachers, all volunteers, include three Afghan-Americans returning home for the first time in over twenty years. The Beauty Academy of Kabul offers a rare glimpse into Afghan women’s lives, and documents the poignant and often humorous process through which women with very different experiences of life come to learn about one another.
David Grubin's probing and perceptive biography reassesses the remarkable and tragic life of Bobby Kennedy, whose early life was spent in the shadow of his elder brother John. After JFK's assassination, he discovered his own identity in the forefront of American politics before his career was also tragically curtailed by an assassin's bullet.
Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
Narrator (voice)
This true, astonishing story describes how King Leopold II of Belgium turned Congo into its private colony between 1885 and 1908. Under his control, Congo became a gulag labor camp of shocking brutality. Leopold posed as the protector of Africans fleeing Arab slave-traders but, in reality, he carved out an empire based on terror to harvest rubber.
Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
This true, astonishing story describes how King Leopold II of Belgium turned Congo into its private colony between 1885 and 1908. Under his control, Congo became a gulag labor camp of shocking brutality. Leopold posed as the protector of Africans fleeing Arab slave-traders but, in reality, he carved out an empire based on terror to harvest rubber.
Control Room
Executive Producer
A chronicle which provides a rare window into the international perception of the Iraq War, courtesy of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular news outlet. Roundly criticized by Cabinet members and Pentagon officials for reporting with a pro-Iraqi bias, and strongly condemned for frequently airing civilian causalities as well as footage of American POWs, the station has revealed (and continues to show the world) everything about the Iraq War that the Bush administration did not want it to see.
Writer Nick Fraser travels the continent in search of a better understanding of the European Union. On the way he visits the European Parliament in Strasbourg, talks to Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, and follows MEPs to Romanian orphanages
Kurt & Courtney
Executive Producer
After rocker Kurt Cobain's death, ruled a suicide, a film crew arrives in Seattle to make a documentary. Director Nick Broomfield talks to lots of people. Portraits emerge: a shy, slight Kurt, weary of touring, embarrassed by fame, hooked on heroin; an out-going Courtney, dramatic, controlling, moving from groupie to star.