Jacques Aubuchon

Jacques Aubuchon

Рождение : 1924-10-30, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1991-12-28


Jacques Aubuchon


September Gun
Father Jerome
Ben Sunday, a long-in-tooth gunfighter forms an uneasy alliance with a Catholic nun. The single-minded sister wants to erect a sanctuary for a group of Apache orphans. Ben Sunday picks an ideal spot, right in the center of town--the local saloon and "bawdy house".
Loosely based on the life of Jimmy Hoffa, this traces the rise of Tommy Vanda (Joe Don Baker) from a Chicago dock worker to an influential labor leader who, like Hoffa, finds himself behind bars in a federal prison, and not long after, taken for a ride by shady men never to be seen again.
The Two-Five
Pierre Menoir
A police show pilot movie dealing with two eager-beaver cops who try to set up a major narcotics bust anonymously because their eccentric commander wants to keep his precinct out of the limelight.
The Lady's Not for Burning
A war-weary soldier who wants to die tries to convince a zealous cleric to accuse him of witchcraft and hang him instead of a beautiful condemned woman already accused of witchcraft who wants to live.
The Hoax
Chief Belkins
Two scheming ne'er-do-wells find a lost nuclear weapon in the ocean near Los Angeles. They decide to light-heartedly try and blackmail the city by asking for money from each citizen. This arouses the attention of the local authorities.
Black Water Gold
A scuba team, a marine archaeologist and a Mexican historian join forces to reach the wreck of an historic Spanish galleon before a well-armed commercial expedition does.
The Love God?
Carter Fenton
Ornithologist Abner Peacock sells off his modest-selling birdwatching periodical to a charlatan who turns it into a girlie mag, making it a massive financial success. After Peacock and the magazine are taken to court on obscenity charges, he unwillingly becomes a reluctant hero and ends up a swinging libertine.
Johnny Belinda
In post-war Cape Breton, a doctor's efforts to tutor a deaf and mute woman are undermined when she is raped, and the resulting pregnancy causes scandal to swirl.
Флот МакХейла присоединяется к Военно-Воздушным Силам
Экипаж PT-73 снова попал в беду, когда Паркера ошибочно принимают за пилота и он попадает в ВВС.
The Final Hour
Antek Wolski
two episodes of the TV series "The Virginan" edited together.
Wild and Wonderful
Papa Ponchon
Cognac, a pampered poodle and popular star on French television, creates marital problems for his pretty owner Giselle when he becomes jealous of her new husband.
Twenty Plus Two
Jacques Pleschette
A famous movie star's fan club secretary has been brutally murdered. She has in her office old newspaper clippings regarding a missing heiress. Did the secretary know something about the mystery of the heiress?
Лохматый пёс
Мальчик Вилби превращается в собаку после прочтения древнего заклинания, написанного на старинном итальянском кольце…
Дорога грома
Carl Kogan
Ветеран корейской войны возвращается домой в горы и начинает заниматься семейным нелегальным бизнесом. Ему предстоит побороться против решительно настроенных городских гангстеров, которые пытаются завладеть его бизнесом, и полицейских, которые намереваются его арестовать.
Short Cut to Hell
A hitman is found out because he was paid off in traceable stolen money. On the run, he kidnaps the girlfriend of the police detective in charge of his pursuit; she tries to convince him to surrender before it's too late.
Gun Glory
Sam Winscott
An ex-gunslinger (Stewart Granger) shunned by townsfolk is the only one who knows how to stop a ruthless cattleman.
The Way to the Gold
Clem Williams
Following his release from prison, an ex-con heads straight for a cache of gold buried somewhere in a small village.
The Big Boodle
Miguel Collada
Tough guy fights gangsters and counterfeiters in pre-Castro Cuba.
The Scarlet Hour
Fat Boy
An unhappy wife uses her powers of manipulation to draw an infatuated man into an ill-fated jewelry heist.
Серебряная чаша
Грeчecкий cкульптoр Бaзиль из Aнтиoхии призвaн ближaйшими cпoдвижникaми Хриcтa cдeлaть ceрeбряную oпрaву для cвятoй чaши Ииcуca (Cвятoгo Грaaля) и изoбрaзить пo ee oкружнocти лики aпocтoлoв и caмoгo Ииcуca. Для этoгo скульптор eдeт в Иeруcaлим, a зaтeм в Рим, чтoбы зaкoнчить рaбoту. Тeм врeмeнeм, бecчecтный шaрлaтaн и прoтивник Хриcтa — Cимoн Вoлхв пытaeтcя убeдить тoлпы в тoм, чтo oн — иcтинный Бoг, иcпoльзуя для этoй цeли oбыкнoвeнныe трюки и фoкуcы…
Operation Manhunt
Ten years after his defection from the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, Igor Gouzenko is hunted by Soviet agents. Based on a true story.
Коралловый риф
Demetrios Sofotes
Приключенческий фильм, действие которого происходит во Флориде, в греческой колонии, где живут ныряльщики, добывающие губку. Великолепные подводные съемки передают в цвете чудеса подводного мира, пейзажи морского дна, а как сняты захватывающие дух закаты и восходы! В сюжете присутствуют две линии - извечная борьба человека с морем и личное соперничество между греческими ныряльщиками из Тарпон-Спрингс и ребятами, ныряющими в неглубоких водах Ки-Уэста. Однажды отважный Гилберт Роланд начинает нырять в водах Ки-Уэста, контролируемых Ричардом Буном, а молодой Роберт Вагнер знакомится с местной девушкой. С первого взгляда вспыхнувшая страсть приводит молодую пару к побегу.