Roger Kellaway

Roger Kellaway


Roger Kellaway


Satan's Mistress
Original Music Composer
A woman in an unhappy marriage finds sexual fulfillment in her relationship with a ghostly, speechless presence who, obviously, doesn't quite say who he is.
The Two Lives of Carol Letner
A former call-girl who has left the profession behind to pursue a college career is recruited by the police to turn one more trick in order to trap the person laundering syndicate money.
Original Music Composer
Bullied by classmates, a pudgy military-school student fights back by computer with the devil.
Челюсти Сатаны
Original Music Composer
Проповедник, чьи предки были друидами, сражается с сатаной, который принял форму огромной змеи.
Running Scared
Original Music Composer
It's 1961. Two servicemen smuggle a box of military gear to USA. Leroy tries out a military camera and accidentally takes a picture of some military facilities. Army finds one of the pictures and thinks they're communist spies.
The Dark
At night the Mangler stalks the streets of Los Angeles, killing and mutilating random victims. On the trail are a TV reporter, the father of one of the victims, and a police detective, but despite their efforts only the mysterious psychic DeRenzy knows what the killer is and how to stop it.
The Mafu Cage
Two strange sisters live in a crumbling mansion, where they keep a pet ape, which belonged to their late father, locked in a cage. While one of the sisters seems to be keeping her head on straight, as it were, the other appears to be sinking further and further into barbarism and insanity.
The Mouse and His Child
Original Music Composer
A mouse and his child, the two parts of a single small wind-up toy, go on a quest to become "self-winding".
The Mouse and His Child
A mouse and his child, the two parts of a single small wind-up toy, go on a quest to become "self-winding".
Звезда родилась
Original Music Composer
Карьера рок-звезды Джона Нормана Хауарда стремительно идет на спад, и он ищет утешения в спиртном. После одного особенно постыдного концерта расстроенный музыкант идет в ночной клуб, где поет женское трио «Ореос». Пораженный талантом певицы Эстер Хоффман, Джон устраивает ей прослушивание, закончившееся контрактом со студией звукозаписи. Выходит альбом, Эстер становится звездой, выходит замуж за Джона, но беды обрушиваются на супругов по мере того, как ее карьера процветает, а его подходит к печальному концу. Джон устраивает скандал во время произнесения Эстер речи по случаю вручения награды «Эмми», выйдя пьяным на сцену. Джон разрушает свою жизнь… Эстер становится сверхновой звездой.
Director Karen Arthur's 1976 tale of a woman's mental breakdown stars Joan Hotchkis.
The Legend of Hillbilly John
A roaming hillbilly, on a quest to defy the Devil, encounters several supernatural characters and does battle with his silver-stringed guitar.
The Legend of Hillbilly John
Original Music Composer
A roaming hillbilly, on a quest to defy the Devil, encounters several supernatural characters and does battle with his silver-stringed guitar.
The Psychiatrist: God Bless the Children
Original Music Composer
A hip psychiatrist teams up with an ex-addict to combat drug addiction in a small town in this pilot for "The Psychiatrist."
Paper Lion
Original Music Composer
Sportswriter George Plimpton poses as a rookie quarterback for the Detroit Lions for a "Sports Illustrated" article.