Finn Atkins

Finn Atkins

Рождение : 1989-06-21, Nottingham, England, UK


Finn Atkins


Walk Like a Panther
A group of 1980s wrestlers are forced to don the lycra once last time when their beloved local pub is threatened with closure.
Вошедшие незримо: Сестры Бронте
Charlotte Brontë
Центральным сюжетом станут сложные отношения сестёр с их братом Брануэллом, который в последние три года жизни — после пагубной любовной связи — начал много пить, употреблять опиаты и увлекся азартными играми. Этот период стал очень сложным для семьи Бронте, однако именно в эти годы были написаны всемирно известные романы сестёр.
Karen O'Shea
Multi-award-winning writer Jimmy McGovern's brand new film based on the UK's controversial joint enterprise law. Jimmy McGovern's gritty drama stars Nico Mirallegro as guileless 17 year old Johnjo O'Shea, who goes from innocent bystander to accessory to premeditated murder after giving a few friends a lift.
Goth Girl
Tom,a junior doctor under suspension for fatally removing the wrong lung from a patient and nick-named Dr. Death,is working in Leeds as a paramedic with the knowing Julie,who sells sex aids from the back of the ambulance. After dealing with a man whose pet alligator bit his fingers off and a Goth who threw up so much an exorcist was brought in,Tom redeems himself by reviving an unconscious man. But he still has to deal with Rob Krizzo,the scruffy - and useless - lawyer engaged to fight his case and who accidentally injects him,not to mention Terence,from whose anus he once removed a mobile phone and who is now lustfully stalking him.And then girl-friend Lucy,another doctor,seems to be about to throw him over.
The Village
Marie Schwarz
A mysterious series of suicides fills the people of a small town with anxiety. Shortly before her eighteenth birthday, Kirsten sets out to solve the mystery.
Bullying of younger teens by older teens goes wrong.
Райское озеро
Молодая парочка едет за город, чтобы провести романтический уикенд на берегу Райского озера вдали от людей, в диком лесу. Стив и Дженни планируют пожениться, прожить долго и умереть в один день. Никто из них не думал, чем закончится эта поездка.
Once Upon a Time in the Midlands
Dek, a decent but somewhat dull man, enjoys a happy existence with beloved girlfriend Shirley. They live together with her 12-year-old, Marlene: her daughter by the delinquent Jimmy, who flew the coop years ago and hasn't been heard from since. Dek loves Shirley so much that he proposes to her on national television.
Better or Worse?
Explores the world of eight-year-old Rachel as she embarks upon a series of experiments attempting to make sense of her defective eyesight