Joe Fria

Joe Fria


Joe Fria


Darby finds herself in trouble with the law, and is sentenced to house arrest. Now she must serve thirty days in the home she used to share with her ex-boyfriend, that he now shares with his new fiancee.
Стражи Галактики. Часть 2
Все в сборе: землянин Питер Квилл (Звездный Лорд), молчаливый громила Дракс, зеленокожая наемница Гамора, живое дерево Грут и говорящий енот. Герои не изменяют себе и с завидной регулярностью продолжают попадать в немыслимые ситуации, выпутываясь из них почти без ущерба (а иногда даже с пользой) для окружающих. На этот раз им предстоит раскрыть одну из самых главных тайн во всей Галактике: кто же на самом деле отец Питера Квилла?
Alex Vrbronski
A penniless hermit, a straight-laced telemarketer, and a sinister astronaut road trip their way across the country.
First Comes Like
After they both swipe right, Jeff and Kate start to build a personal relationship through the most impersonal of ways: technology. From flirty texting to their first Skype date, they find themselves drawn to each other but are scared of actually making the choice to meet in person. Because in today's dating scene, first comes like and then comes, should we meet?
Эксперимент «Офис»
Tyson Moon
В чьём-то извращённом социальном эксперименте группа из 80-ти американцев заблокирована в многоэтажном корпоративном офисном здании в Боготе (Колумбия), и по внутренней телефонной связи компании неизвестный голос приказывает им участвовать в смертельной игре — «Убей, или будешь убит».
Clark doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about the world. He barely cares about himself. But after an incident with an old bowl of spaghetti and a malfunctioning microwave, he becomes a superhero that can fight crime with the power of spaghetti. However, you have to pay him.
Sparky & Mikaela
The exploits of a Wonder Woman wannabe and a vulgar raccoon.
Half human, half chimpanzee. 100% abomination.
Anonymous Source (uncredited)
Телерепортер Анжела Видал и ее оператор делают репортаж о ночной смене лос-анджелесского пожарного управления. Рутинный вызов в охваченное огнем здание приводит их к оцепленному полицией дому, из стен которого доносятся страшные крики. Оказывается, что живущая здесь женщина заразилась неизвестным вирусом. И когда власти объявляют карантин, изолируя всех, кто оказался в помещении, внутри здания, единственным свидетельством произошедшего остается злополучный репортаж.
Леденец любви
Lawsuit Guy (voice)
Преуспевающая пара из Лос-Анджелеса решает заняться благотворительностью и организовывает кампанию по раздаче бездомным леденцов на палочке с воодушевляющими слоганами на обёртках. По их мнению, таким образом, они смогут вдохновить бездомных найти работу, перестать употреблять наркотики и даже угонять самолёты и взрывать дома.
Les Superficiales
The adventures of a 1960s Parisian Street gang.
Black Eyed Sue
Schuyler and Osbourne Crawl must resolve a curse that was put on their father for his part in the slaughter of a Native-American village. The curse, invoked by a woman their father would only refer to as Black Eyed Sue, can only be broken if one of the two sons sacrifices himself. Taking their father's word to heart, they naively set out to undertake this grisly task.
Black Eyed Sue
Schuyler and Osbourne Crawl must resolve a curse that was put on their father for his part in the slaughter of a Native-American village. The curse, invoked by a woman their father would only refer to as Black Eyed Sue, can only be broken if one of the two sons sacrifices himself. Taking their father's word to heart, they naively set out to undertake this grisly task.
Black Eyed Sue
Schuyler and Osbourne Crawl must resolve a curse that was put on their father for his part in the slaughter of a Native-American village. The curse, invoked by a woman their father would only refer to as Black Eyed Sue, can only be broken if one of the two sons sacrifices himself. Taking their father's word to heart, they naively set out to undertake this grisly task.
Black Eyed Sue
Schuyler and Osbourne Crawl must resolve a curse that was put on their father for his part in the slaughter of a Native-American village. The curse, invoked by a woman their father would only refer to as Black Eyed Sue, can only be broken if one of the two sons sacrifices himself. Taking their father's word to heart, they naively set out to undertake this grisly task.
Black Eyed Sue
Schuyler Crawl
Schuyler and Osbourne Crawl must resolve a curse that was put on their father for his part in the slaughter of a Native-American village. The curse, invoked by a woman their father would only refer to as Black Eyed Sue, can only be broken if one of the two sons sacrifices himself. Taking their father's word to heart, they naively set out to undertake this grisly task.