Bo Brundin

Bo Brundin

Рождение : 1937-04-24, Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sweden

Смерть : 2022-09-04


Bo Brundin was a Swedish stage and screen actor with international reputation.


Bo Brundin


Strawberries with Real Milk
Rolf lived his whole life for his TV-show. He's neglected the people close to him year after year; he never seemed to have any time left over for his wife, his kids or his friends. One day Rolf learns that the TV-network that he so devotedly worked for is now aiming for a younger audience and his show is terminated. His life crumbles. Suddenly he finds himself contacting friends and relatives he left behind a long time ago and the people Rolf meet lead him to events that forever changes his life.
В криминальном бизнесе долг, который нельзя вернуть, оплачивается кровью. В этот смертоносный омут оказался втянут рекламный агент Митч. Виной тому стали его любовь к скачкам и рискованная ставка, которую он сделал через Бойла, букмекера, обслуживающего ирландские кварталы Нью - Йорка. Теперь, чтобы вернуть долг - 20 тысяч, которых у него нет, Митч должен выполнить «спецзаказ» Бойла - выкрасть у итальянской мафии станок для печатания фальшивых 50 - долларовых банкнот. У Митча нет выбора: если он не возьмется за «невыполнимое задание», Бойл его убьет. И Митч принимается за дело.
President Taft
Swedish painter Anders Zorn gained notoriety for his nudes. His works are currently worth millions. The film is set in the time when Zorn, already respected for his art, was commissioned to paint a portrait of the Swedish king. Though an excellent painter, Zorn's personal life is dreadful. A boozer and a womanizer who frequently cheats on his wife, Zorn constantly seeks approval for his art. When he travels to the U.S. for a tour he meets Emilie Bartlett the wife of sculptor Paul W. Bartlett with whom he begins a sporadic affair. After Paul commits suicide, Zorn and Emilie move to Sweden. Zorn disregards his wife's feelings and openly displays his affections for Emilie.
Опоздавшие к обеду
Dr. Dan Chilblains
История о двух близких родственниках, которых в 1962 году заморозили криогеном и которые, проснувшись в современном Лос-Анджелесе, обнаружили, как изменился мир… После чего им сразу же захотелось вернуться в свой родной Санта-Фе тридцатилетней давности.
Mom, I'm Leaving!
A disgruntled lion tamer flees the circus. Meanwhile, Mr. Gatorade retires.
I Saw What You Did
Mr. Marley
Two teens, Lisa and Kim, are playing games making prank calls on the phone. But when they call Adrian Lancer who has some mental problems, and say "I saw what you did", they ignite a human time bomb. Adrian has just killed someone and thinks they saw him do it. Now he is trying to find them.
One Way Ticket
Johannes, an ex-con now working as a antiques dealer, is faced with a huge debt. He is put under pressure to pay and agrees to steal the Russian crown jewels on exhibition onboard a cruise ship.
Man in the street
Inga takes a pregnancy test in the morning in her apartment and places it on the breakfast table. While waiting for the result, she confronts her French lover Richard with the responsibility for their potential children and for the future prospects of their relationship. Inga wants to push Richard to an immediate position while he wants to postpone all the decisions until the test is complete.
A bunch of homeless people becomes interested in a rehab facility for alcoholics, run by a religious foundation. They think it will be an easy and comfortable stay/cure to sober up and get fat. But they don't know what they are getting themselves into. The staff at the foundation are very eager to treat the newcomers.
Поднять Титаник
Captain Prevlov
Приключенческая драма, построенная на том, что могло бы быть, если бы было принято решение поднять затонувший в начале столетия «Титаник».
Swan Song
Bob Loomis
Sun Valley provides the backdrop to this story of a downhill ski racer who seeks to make a comeback after being branded a loser and the ski bunny who helps him regain his self-respect.
Rolf Manheim
Земля на пороге гибели от столкновения с огромным метеором. США и Россия объединяют усилия для спасения человечества и разворачивают свои уникальные спутники навстречу гигантскому космическому пришельцу.
Sven Gunnar Alm
A major routine explosion is to be carried out at a power plant, but it does not work properly.
Shoot the Sun Down
The Captain
Couple of strangers arrive in a small town, each one after a different thing.
Russian Roulette
Colonel Vostik
An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state visit by the Soviet premier. When the prisoner is kidnapped, the officer is drawn into a complicated assassination scheme.
Великий Уолдо Пеппер
Ernst Kessler
Бесшабашный Уолдо Пеппер, лётчик-ас Первой мировой войны, зарабатывает на жизнь выступлениями на авиашоу. Но однажды он встречает в небе своего старого противника — немецкого пилота Эрнста Кесслера…
Around the World with Fanny Hill
Peter Wild
In Stockholm, Fanny Hill is tired of being a housewife, and she suspects that her husband Roger, a TV-commercial director who's surrounded by starlets, is cheating on her. So, she sets a trap for him with her friend Monica, files for divorce, and heads to Hollywood, with Monica, to meet film stars. She falls into a film career, with lots of nude scenes, and as it takes her from L.A. to Hong Kong and Venice, Roger follows her, jealous, hoping to win her back. In every city, she acts and she seduces, making comedy out of both; but does her heart still belong to Roger? It's on to Munich to find out.
The Headless Eyes
Arthur Malcolm
A New York artist gouges eyes out with a spoon after the same is done to him.
Latvian soldiers seek political asylum in Sweden after their country falls under Russian control at the end of World War II. They had been forced into military service by the Nazis to fight against the Russians. Fearing reprisals from the Russians for fighting against them, they struggle desperately to stay in Sweden. After a hunger strike, suicides, and political intervention by Sweden fails to keep them from their former enemy, they are ultimately given over to the Russian authorities. The men are sentenced to hard labor in prison camps and later released, and Latvians are plunged into repression by the aftermath of the bloody war. The cycle of political unrest was still apparent more than 50 years after the conflict.