Tudor Aaron Istodor

Tudor Aaron Istodor

Рождение : 1984-05-24, București, România


Tudor Aaron Istodor


Night Patrol
Women and men in the middle of the night, without their own clothes, without personal papers and money, without their car keys and mobile phones. In a deserted city the only solution would be, regardless of how far home is, to walk alone all the way there.
Печальная сатира об эпохе Интернета. Румынское эхо знаменитой истории о первом громком случае онлайн-буллинга. В 2005 году одной собачке случилось сделать кучу в сеульском метро. По неизвестной нам причине хозяйка собаки отказалась убирать какашку. Злодеяние собачки и необъяснимое бездействие дамы оказалось зафиксировано на камеру и стало причиной грандиозного онлайн-скандала.
Клаустрофобы. Начало
В заброшенном бункере, где в римские времена был храм подземного божества Сорануса, а во время войны нацисты устроили себе убежище, группа молодых людей организует костюмированную вечеринку-игру. По ее сюжету, Четвертый рейх занимается генными экспериментами и проводит первые игры на выживание. Участники сталкиваются с подлинным и древним злом.
Havana, CUBA
Havana, CUBA (2019) An ever-quiet taxi driver meets five different people over the course of one night
The Fixer
Romanian-born Radu Patru is a trainee at a prestigious French news network. Serving as a translator and general problem solver, or "fixer," for the headlining journalists during his trial period, he's looking to make his big break. He sees his opportunity when two underage Romanian prostitutes are repatriated from France, creating an international scandal. Taking advantage of his language skills and local connections, Radu is prepared to do whatever it takes to interview one of the young girls. But as he ventures into tricky moral ground, he must stop to ask himself if, as an aspiring journalist, he can live with the consequences of his actions, and if, as a father, he's setting a good example for his son.
Диван Сталина
Фильм о молодом советском скульпторе, которому поручено создать статую Сталина. Ответственное задание превратит скромного художника в объект пристального внимания КГБ и позволит узнать о «вожде народов» куда больше, чем он сам рассчитывал.
Why Me?
“Why me?” focuses on some of the aspects of the New Romanian Cinema, using its own aesthetics. The short film describes the ridicule situation three film-makers create when all their paths to “glory” seem to be blocked. The only solution they find to their problem is an extreme one.
Навязчивые ритмы
Марго отказалась от блестящей музыкальной карьеры ради отношений с Фурио, и теперь старается сохранить то, что осталось от их прежней любви. Одновременно с этим ее возлюбленный Фурио пытается закончить реставрацию старинного дворца, но задача оказывается невыполнимой из-за бесконечных преград, возникающих на его пути.
Девица Кристина
The film is an adaptation of the well known short story "Miss Christina" by Mircea Eliade. Moscu arrived at the mansion with his girlfriend, Sanda, the young artist Egor Paşchievici notes that her entire family worships Miss Christina, her aunt murdered in unclear circumstances when she was just 20 years old, during the riots of 1907. Egor is inexplicably drawn into a portrait of Miss Christina and begins to dream. Soon, however, the boundary between dream and reality is blurred and Miss Christina, love Egor, is brought back to life through occult rituals even by her family. When realized, however, that life is in danger Egor Sanda decides to fight the ghost.
A Month in Thailand
In Bucharest on a winter’s morning, a couple make love. Adina wants to move in with her boyfriend Radu as soon as possible. He, on the other hand, is slightly more reluctant but appears to simply tolerate her plans. Today is New Year’s Eve and Radu and Adina have a lot to do: the two have planned a visit to Adina’s parents followed by a party with friends. While buying last-minute gifts at the supermarket, Radu thinks he spots ex-girlfriend Nadja, who he has never forgotten. In one small moment, Radu’s insecurities about Adina come bubbling to the surface. No sooner have the corks begin to pop, the relationship comes to an abrupt end. This is followed by the perfectly timed offer from Radu’s friend Alex to hit the town with him and his friends. Radu accepts the offer in the hope that Nadja is also out. Director Paul Negogescu draws a portrait of Radu with precision and subtle irony – and captures the atmosphere of a New Year’s evening with great authenticity.
Зеленая луна
Группа мечтающей о счастье молодежи отправляется в поездку, во время которой героев ждет много неожиданностей.
Ashes and Blood
Exiled from her country since her husband's murder ten years earlier, Judith lives in Marseille with her three children. After having refused to see her family for years, Judith, in spite of her fears and secrets, allows herself to be influenced by her children's wishes and accepts an invitation to their cousin's wedding. They set off to spend a summer in the old country, discovering their roots and their past. But Judith's return revives old hatreds between rival clans. The spiral of violence is inexorably set in motion, blood will tell...
Уик-энд с мамой
15 лет назад, Луиза решила начать все заново в Испании. Она оставила свою 3-летнюю дочь Кристину, находящуюся в опеке родственников. Когда она вернется в Румынию, женщина узнает некоторые шокирующие истины, которые были скрыты от нее: Кристина сбежала из дома и является наркоманом. Луиза пытается спасти свою дочь, и тем самым искупить ошибки своей юности. Чтобы сделать это, у нее есть один лишь уик-энд…
A story which might take place in anybody's life. The death of a person starts a chain reaction which involves the neighbours. A satire of the world we live in based on a true story.
A young, and, as yet unsuccessful journalist is assigned to write an article about a teacher at his old school who is suspected of sexual misconduct. He approaches a former fellow-pupil for help. Their meeting has unexpected consequences.
Radu Ana is born on a Friday, the 13th and is the most unlucky man on Earth. Things, however, are subject to change.
The Paper Will Be Blue
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.
Tertium Non Datur
In the Ukrainian steppe, toward the end of World War II, the German and Romanian troops are retreating in the face of the unstoppable Red Army. A Romanian military unit has set up its headquarters in a deserted school. A visit of high-ranking Wehrmacht officers is suddenly announced. Hope is awakened: will they receive new orders? But disappointment comes quickly.