Original Music Composer
Western Pyrenees, year 778. When his land is threatened by the ruthless armies of the Frankish emperor, a Basque warlord asks for help from his ancestral gods.
Original Music Composer
Amaia, who has just become a mother, decides to return to her parents' house along the Basque coast for guidance while her partner is temporarily away.
Original Music Composer
Euskadi 1985. It's summer time, the holidays are finally here. Marcos and his three friends, José Antonio, Paquito and Toni, anxiously await a promising summer break from the fresh view of 12-year-olds who have little care for where, how or when. They will while away the hours in the maze life has prepared for them, in an old, turbulent and trembling Euskadi. A maze of painted walls, where rubber balls and dreams bounce together; all covered by a sky tinged with the grey of prefabricated concrete, where life and death no longer keep formal relationships.
Every day, Martin fills the set he works on with excitement. However, in his personal life he feels a great emptiness.
Original Music Composer
Страна Басков, 1609 год. Чтобы оттянуть собственную казнь, обвиненные в колдовстве женщины заманивают инквизитора на шабаш ведьм.
Original Music Composer
В таинственной многоэтажной тюрьме платформа доставляет еду заключённым, но чем ниже они находятся, тем меньше шансов, что им достанется хоть что-то. Один из заключённых пытается изменить ситуацию.
Somewhere in Spain, four ETA terrorists await a phone call before carrying out a mission, while the 2010 FIFA World Cup, where Spanish soccer team is one of the favorites to win, is being held in South Africa.
A jeep drives through a port zone by night and enters an apparently abandoned warehouse...
Одетая для торжественного вечера, Аманда садится в шикарный лимузин, который ожидает её у дома. Он должен отвезти актрису на вручение главной премии в её карьере. Внезапно телефон Аманды перестаёт работать. Двери и окна лимузина блокируются. Металлический голос требует от неё не пытаться выбить стёкла. Для всех будет лучше, если Аманда станет подчиняться любым приказам голоса. В этом случае с ней не произойдёт вещей более жестоких, чем это необходимо. Закончится ли эта ночь и для кого она закончится навсегда?
Original Music Composer
На некогда прекрасном острове произошла техногенная катастрофа, и теперь добрая его половина утопает в отходах. Часть населения роется в горах мусора, выискивая медь, а часть пытается вести привычный образ жизни. Школьница-мышка Динки с друзьями мечтает сбежать с ненавистного острова и надеется, что её бывший парень — парень-птица — научится хорошо летать и заберёт её в другое место. А тот скрывается от охотников и борется с демоном, пожирающим его изнутри.
Manu Aranguren is a Basque politician who acts as a mediator for the Spanish government in its negotiations with ETA. Far from being a solemn, calculated occasion, unexpected occurrences, slip-ups or misunderstandings soon kick in to influence the dialogue. And the personal relationship between negotiators will be key in solving the conflict.
Original Music Composer
The manager of a company proposes a daring plan for keeping the workers’ morale high.
Original Music Composer
Set in the heart of Christmas, the film tells the story of Sergio, a boy who could not finish the year in worse shape. It is New Year's Eve, the heaviest snowfall in thirty years is falling, all flights are canceled and he has to take the grapes (a tradition in Spain for New Year's Eve) with the other passengers in a roadside hotel. But that's not all, because he will have to manage to get on a night what he has failed in several months: to win back her ex girlfriend Bea before she goes to work in Germany. All with the help of a group of travelers who are the worst team in the world
Seen through the eyes of Asun Casasola, mother of Nagore Laffage, we take a look at the woman's life since her daughter was murdered. The crime, committed during Pamplona's San Fermin celebrations in 2008 by a psychiatric intern, shook society and hit the media headlines as never before. The trial took place in November 2009, with the defendant being convicted of manslaughter. Asun, her family, and all those who support them, continue their struggle to see justice done and have the culprit sentenced for murder with intent. This documentary talks about Nagore's murder, converting it into an emblematic story representing the countless similar cases taking place throughout today's society.
Original Music Composer
Bilbao, Spain. After breaking up with Elisa, his girlfriend for several years, Txema meets Claudia, a gorgeous Argentinian girl, in a very awkward situation. They become friends so soon and so easily that Txema misinterprets Claudia's feelings for him.
Four young friends have parked an old rented RV next to the road. Someone is aiming at them with a rifle. When the sniper fires, everything is tinged with blood. Their holidays turn into a macabre nightmare full of horror, sex and death.