Michal Dočolomanský
Рождение : 1942-03-25, Nedeca, Slovenský štát [teraz Poľsko]
Смерть : 2008-08-26
Michal Dočolomanský (* March 25, 1942, Nedeca, Slovak state, today Poland - † August 26, 2008, Bratislava) was a Slovak actor, singer, moderator and imitator.
His father Rudolf (1899 - 1954) worked as a teacher in Transylvania, Romania, among Slovaks there. There he married Florian (1915-1995), a Romanian woman who was sixteen years younger than him. They had a total of 10 children. In 1942, they moved to the village of Nedeca, which then belonged to the Slovak state, where the son Michal was born in the same year. At the end of the Second World War, the family moved to Slovakia. Initially they lived in Mlynčeky (Kežmarok district), then in the village of Nebojsa (now part of Galanta, where his father worked as a primary school principal. They moved to Svätý Jur after his death in 1954. The mother died in 1995 and is buried with her husband at the cemetery in Slávič Valley.
After graduating from elementary school, Michal Dočolomanský trained as a car mechanic. As a child, he devoted himself to amateur theater in Svätý Jur, and his hobbies were also gymnastics, and later gliding. He graduated in acting in 1964 at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and has been a member of the Slovak National Theater since then.
He died on August 26, 2008 in the morning at the Department of Pneumology and Phthisiology of the University Hospital with a polyclinic in Ružinov, Bratislava. He succumbed to lung cancer at the age of 66.
He has acted in many Slovak and Czech films, in television series such as Sváko Ragan (1976), The Eleventh Commandment (1977), The Engineering Odyssey (1979), Insurgent History (1984), Elizabeth's Court (1986), Mountain Service (1998) and films Three Chestnut Horses (1966), Generation (1969), Copper Button (1970), Zypa Cupák (1976), Studio (1990) and many other television productions.
In the successful play Na skle maľované, he played the title role of Jánošík from 1974 to 2002 (the performance recorded 642 reruns). In the Slovak version, he spoke all the characters of the Polish evening film Macko Uško.
- 1982 - Deserved Artist Award
- 31 August 2007 - Ľudovít Štúr 1st Class Council - for extraordinary services to the development of Slovakia and the spread of goodwill abroad
Memorial plaque at the birth house in Nedec, July 10, 2010, in memoriam
otec Jakuba
Jakub, a young, small time drug dealer, wakes up to find the police storming the apartment building while his parents are both away on holiday. After flushing all of his "secret stashes" in the toilet, he finds out they are actually there to investigate the death of the girl upstairs, a close childhood friend of his and the family. He slowly retraces the past week that she has been lying dead in her flat and remembers that he asked her to "receive a package" unbeknownst to her from his drug dealer, Pexeso.
Jules Massanet's lyrical opera is transformed into a superb film production by Petr Weigl, shot on location in Prague, with music conducted by Libor Pesek. First produced by the Vienna Opera in February 1892, "Werther" rapidly confirmed Massanet's position on the French opera scene and achieved enormous popularity outside France, notably in Italy, America and England. The tragic story tells of Werther's intense passion for Charlotte, who has married his best friend, Albert, fulfilling a pledge to her now deceased mother. But Werther's letters of love bring Charlotte to his side when he promises to take his own life.
A family saga taking place mostly in a small Slovak village over a period of thirty years (1887–1917). The first part captures the life of Martin Pichandu in the development of his craft, masonry; in the second part, his son is center stage living in a period of socio-political crisis, which ultimately results in the first World War. After originally airing on Czechoslovakian television in 1983 as a four-part 226-minute mini-series, this production received a 163-minute theatrical release in 1984.
1. profesor
Kráľ Martin
kráľ Svetoslav
Королю предрекли, что его дочь выйдет замуж за сына бедняка. Королю не понравилось такое пророчество, но вскоре он узнал, что его будущий зять находится под защитой Солнечного Короля и, несомненно, достоин стать мужем принцессы.
hrabě Teleke z Tölökö
Молодой граф Телеке приезжает в горы со своим слугой, чтобы развеяться после перенесенного горя- утраты невесты, известной певицы Сальзы Верде. Ему приходится пережить целый ряд неприятностей, связанных с тайной карпатского замка, из которого раздаются чарующие звуки арий в исполнении Сальзы. Оказывается, профессор Орфанчик, которого держит в своих руках жестокий барон Горц, погубивший Сальзу, изобрел звуковоспроизводящую аппаратуру.
Marek Oban
Two men of principle face each other. One is backed by a whole, however poor village, the other by the law. It is a conflict that reaches it's climax in the closing shoot-out. Instead of the Wild West, the gunshots go off on the Slovak-Polish border. Michal Docolomansky as the horse smuggler and Radoslav Brzobohaty as the customs officer from Prague meet in Holly's Night Riders in a western-like confrontation set in the insecure years of the newly founded Czechoslovak Republic.
Perhaps the most successful Slovak musical.
Detective Nick Carter / Larry Matejka
Прославленный американский сыщик Ник Картер прибывает в Прагу, чтобы расследовать таинственное исчезновение в семье графини Тумовой. В компании с грубоватым комиссаром пражского угрозыска Ледвиной, Картер выходит на след злодея вырастившего огромный плотоядный цветок Аделу, которым совсем не прочь побаловать свое прожорливое растение не только домашними животными, но и человечиной.
Rub (voice)
Ing. Pavol Javorský (voice)
The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in private her life.
Engineer (voice)
Elo Šándor
Who could forget the Favorites figure Svákov Ragan in acting creations neopakovatel'ného Jozef Kroner? Three-part television film Sváko Ragan, created according to stories Ela Sándor already at its first introduction many years ago, soon won favor with audiences. Brought not only good fun, but also an attractive view of a world Myjavská site with many rustic Alpine traditions and characters and witty dialect used, especially Myjavský and Brezovský. Above all this, however, it is dominated by the ability to invent Svákov Ragan was even in the most uncomfortable situations ... Brezovskí tanners have been known not only to the quality of its products, but ischopnosťou their products at fairs successfully foreground. Highly after the fairs and markets in the near and distant surroundings Birch Nachod and Sváko Ragan and no wonder that their business has seen wandering the lot but cheerful and made many hilarious but also less hilarious "deal" ...
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
1943. Captain Ian Nalepke, Chief of Staff of the Slovak regiment, bearing protection of military facilities in the small town of Belarus contacts the partisansand passes to them the obtained information about upcoming operations of the German forces.
Artuš Villáni
A tragicomedy about people who are able to make use of the war situation for their own benefit. The Gavora family of four leave their secure village home blinded by the vision of a big career and easy earning of money in the capital city.
A dramatic story of three friends happily spending time on their own in a mountain cottage in the High Tatras. On the arrival of the wife of one of them their perfect friendship is put to a test.
George (voice)
The story of Czech pilots in RAF service during the Battle of Britain, and the ongoing aerial battle in Northern Europe. It tells the story of the crews of the RAF’s No. 311 Squadron, which was mainly crewed by escaped Czech airmen, and their bombing raids during the Second World War.
Man 1 (segment "The Sixty-Year-Olds")
"Using the same, three times repeating dialogue – dramatic conversation between man and woman – Jerzy Skolimowski from Poland, Slovak director Peter Solan and Czech director Zbynìk Brynych shot three different stories. The result was an extraordinary experiment in the world cinema, which we can call an insight in the relationships of men and women of different age groups, an analysis of love and marriage of those who are at the beginning, in the middle or going towards the end of their life."
Пытаясь забыть обиду, нанесенную любимой, Горн строит себе хижину на острове, где обитает небольшая колония, которую не так давно образовал уже спившийся авантюрист Ланфиер. Построив дом и вернув покой, Горн не знает, поощрять ли интерес к нему местной красавицы Эстер… Неожиданно Его Величество Случай ставит героя перед выбором: забыть прошлое и начать всё сначала или вернуться и отомстить обидчице за унижение. — Что он выберет?
The film could have been a lyrical evocation of the ČSSR's first generation: the youngsters born during the war, who grew up in a state violently at pains to find and define itself, and were now ready to break away from the nation-builder ethics of their elders – but Grečner turned it into an anxiety-riddled existentialist vision of a whole globe in fear.
A movie built up of three stories about life in a small Slovak town. The Prosecutor: the district attorney is a jazz orchestra soloist at the same time and that is much disliked by the local provincial society. The Defender: is about a young doctor's relation to his patient, who is open about his reactionary opinions. The Judge: it is only after long years that the old judge realizes that his own marriage is in jeopardy.
Fajolo (voice)
Это лирический рассказ о юноше и девушке, которые встречаются на крыше панельного дома на фоне бесцветного меланхолического пейзажа телевизионных антенн. Они одинаково смотрят на жизнь, родителей, с которыми невозможно говорить, встречаются с одинаковыми трудностями. Общность взглядов и положений роднит их, они начинают испытывать друг к другу симпатию. На время они расстаются, но потом встречаются вновь, предчувствуя на пороге зрелости, что то, что их связывает, нелегко порвать. В фильме, как и в отношениях его героев, нет ничего определенного, есть только реальность, в которой почти все метафора. Ибо уловить истинное чувство почти так же трудно, как поймать солнце в сеть.