David Westhead

David Westhead

Рождение : 1963-01-01, UK


David Westhead


Fast Freddie, the Widow and Me
Charlie Archer
Fast Freddie, The Widow and Me is a 2011 one-off Christmas special, made by STV Productions and broadcast by ITV on Tuesday 27 December 2011. The special centres around a wealthy car dealer Jonathan Donald who befriends a terminally ill teenager Freddie Copeland and makes his Christmas wish come true.
Железная леди
Shadow Minister
Биографический фильм о жизни премьер-министра Великобритании Маргарет Тэтчер. С момента когда она заинтересовалась политикой и до сегодняшнего дня.
Nancy, Sid and Sergio
DI Palmer
When God and the Devil go on a rock climbing weekend in Wales it's down time, a chance to call a temporary truce. But, when they discover Nancy slumped at the bottom of a cliff, old rivalries soon surface when she joins them for a day of adventure. As night falls, they take shelter in a remote abandoned chapel and Nancy begins to feel a creeping sense of the strange about the the two men who introduced themselves as Sid and Sergio. When day breaks she is confronted by the horrific danger of her immediate predicament and the terrifying reality of what her future could hold.
The North London Book of the Dead
Grown man, W, struggles to come to terms with the death of his domineering mother, only to discover that she's spending her dead existence very happily in a suburb of London.
The Time of Your Life
A 35 year old woman, Kate, awakes from an eighteen year coma following a tragic accident to an unfamiliar world. As she tries to make sense of what has happened her family and old school friends are reluctant to dig up the past.
Уоллис и Эдуард
Ernest Simpson
История любви, потрясшая Великобританию и весь мир. Старший сын короля Георга V, 40-летний Эдуард, в начале 1930-х годов знакомится с прекрасной Уоллис Симпсон. Их взаимная страсть приводит в ужас королевское окружение, ведь Уоллис замужем, причём вторично. После смерти отца Эдуард должен стать королём. Согласно законам, он не может сочетаться браком с Уоллис, к тому моменту вновь разведённой. Эдуард с негодованием отвергает предлагаемые премьер-министром Стэнли Болдуином варианты, и принимает мужественное решение.
Gideon's Daughter
Bill Nighy and Miranda Richardson star in a story of grief and celebrity, set in the intense spring and summer of New Labour's election victory and Diana's death. Nighy is a PR guru who has to stop and re-evaluate his world when his daughter threatens to leave his life, perhaps as revenge for his serial infidelities. Richardson plays a mother trying to bury her grief in an unconventional way after the loss of her young son.
Beneath the Skin
Dominic Hintlesham
A stalker tackles three women in London. First 23-year old likable schoolteacher Zoe Haratounian, who beats off a thief and gets declared a local heroine by the press, gets scary anonymous letters, but because she runs off from the police station when the desk officer cheerfully calls her 'our poster girl' to a colleague when recognizing her on a press cutting, it takes days before the police can even send over PC Andrew Stadden, a detective in training. She breaks up with her 'not sensitively supportive' hunky boyfriend, gardener Fred, who even gets investigated as a suspect and only has his soccer mates Maurice 'Moz' 'Hack' ...
The Lost Prince
An acclaimed British television drama about the life of Prince John – youngest child of Britain's King George V and Queen Mary – who died at the age of 13 in 1919. John suffered from epileptic seizures and an autism-like developmental disorder, and the Royal Family tried to shelter him from public view as much as possible.
Disappeared (She's gone)
Peter Vine
Harry Sands is a self made man, happily married with two children. When he learns that his daughter has gone missing in Istanbul, he flies out to find her. To Harry's horror, he discovers from Olivia's best friend, that the two of them have been working as nightclub dancers and not as the charity workers like Harry was led to believe. So begins the hunt for his missing daughter and a journey that turns into a nightmare as Harry is forced to face his own prejudices and mounting paranoia....
Красота по-английски
Послешекспировский английский театр. Все женские роли исполняют мужчины. Особенной популярностью у двора пользуется Нед Кинастон, красавец-бисексуал, первая «прима» лондонской сцены. Неожиданно король Чарльз II издает указ, позволяющий женщинам блистать на театральных подмостках. Так костюмерша Мария становится актрисой, а Нед становится просто никем. И тогда Мария решает вновь сделать из бывшей звезды настоящего мужчину…
The Key
The story of three generations told against the backdrop of the 20th century. The drama focuses on the life of Mary Corrigan, from her days as a rebellious mill worker in 1915 and her doomed love affair for a man who must fight for his country, through to her final days in the run up to the British General Election of 1997.
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
Van Den Meer
A look at the classic "Cinderella" story from the perspective of one of her 'ugly' stepsisters
Queen's Messenger
By order of Her Majesty's Secret Service, Captain Strong is given a dangerous assignment to deliver a delicate communication to the British Ambassador in Kazakhstan. As the senior officer for the elite Queen's Messenger corps, Captain Strong must pledge to protect his diplomatic cargo with his life
Donovan Quick
George Mackie
Quirky stranger Donovan (Colin Firth) blows into the Scottish village of Port Clyde. There, he rents a room with the Pannick family and ingratiates himself into their lives. Lucy (Katy Murphy) is the long-suffering matriarch of the clan, caring for her senile grandmother (Liz Smith) and mentally disabled brother, Sandy (David Brown). When the town cancels Sandy's train route to school, Donovan suggests starting their own bus line. They do, much to the consternation of local officials.
My Fragile Heart
DCI Peter Murray
Trina Lavery returns home to Stoke after 20 years, to look after her ill mother. She learns that Bernard Cleve is also living in Stoke. Bernard was accused of killing Trinas best friend many years ago but was never convicted. Another girl is killed and Bernard is again a suspect. Trina thinks he is innocent but places herself in danger in trying to prove it.
Edward Carson
Остроумие и яркий талант Оскара Уайлда стали широко известны после публикации его романа «Портрет Дориана Грея». Уайлд, вполне довольный жизнью, наслаждался плодами успеха, пока одно событие не стало для него переломным. Однажды он был представлен красивому и молодому лорду Альфреду Дугласу по прозвищу «Боззи», чья дерзость и ум очаровали Оскара. Это знакомство переросло в страстную зависимость, которая полностью поглотила и, в конечном счете, разрушила его жизнь.
Миссис Браун
Prince of Wales (Bertie)
Шотландский горец Джон Браун – преданный слуга семьи Её Величества королевы Виктории. Трагические обстоятельства, которые свели их вместе, обернулись яркой дружбой, взбудоражившей погруженный в интриги двор. Много месяцев Её Величество скорбела о скончавшемся муже и отказывалась вести государственные дела, но простому дворянину Брауну было суждено утешить овдовевшую королеву и быстро стать её самым верным и надежным компаньоном. Эта необычная дружба привела к самым необратимым личным и политическим последствиям для каждого из них.