Hédi Temessy
Рождение : 1925-05-06, Budapest, Hungary
Смерть : 2001-05-29
Az állomásmester felesége
The story starts in Romania in the last years of the Ceaucescu regime. The main character of the film is Petru, a ten-year-old Romanian boy. His world is one of action and dreams but, at the same time, presents an authentic vista of contemporary Central Europe.
Olga and Márta take possession of the old family estate after the political transition. Márta and Viktor arrive from abroad, Olga and her daughter come from Budapest in order to spend the summer there and have the house renovated.
This is a story of a man who wants to grasp and hold his beloved one by him and a woman who insists on that her love can't be grasped; 'she' only can deliver hers. It has written Comedy, Romance etc... but, this movie doesn't include anything funny, I believe. After I see the movie, I thought that love springs through a one's heart and it has its own spirit. It doesn't have to have any company. The matter is if it coincides its mate; that's it.
Aunt Mária
The story shows Emma's and Böbe's fight for survival, for keeping their position in society which they achieved with hard work in the previous regime. They don't want to lose their place and become village girls again.
In a small port town at the end of the 19th century children are disappearing. A mysterious man in black who stalks the town may be Death itself. And nine-year-old Laurin is suffering terrifying dreams and hallucinations of a man carrying a sack and frightened children calling for help from behind closed windows.
Vendel Imre is a driver, his wife is expecting a baby, they have two sons. Before 1945 Vendel was a military officer. In 1951 they receive a letter from the Ministry of Interior: they will be transported to a forced domicile, allowed to take 50 kg personal belongings per person with them.
Cloakroom Attendant
«Проклятие» рассказывает историю Каррера, подавленного мужчины, влюбленного в замужнюю женщину, которая поет в местном баре “Титаник”.
Makrainé Witman Emese (voice)
Laura is personnel manager in a hospital. Her father-in-law was a high ranking cadre, her mother-in-law is an influential functionary, it is only her husband - director of an archives - who is unfit for everything. Laura does not like to be home. During one of her rovings she meets her former classmate, who wants to break into the world of pop music with a new band.
The hero of the story that takes place at the beginning of the nineteenth century and recalls real historical personages is Akli Miklós, the court jester of Emperor Ferenc.
Pisti's mother
Blind luck ties the fate of two people together.
Hungary's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1984
In this dense setting, the inhabitants of a large, claustrophobic apartment reveal their darkest secrets, fears, obsessions and hostilities.
The plot of the film starts at the beginning of the century, in the heyday of the Andrássy and Károlyi families, during the ever increasing crisis of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and ends with the emigration of the Károlyi couple after the collapse of the 1918-19 revolutions. It tells the story of this historical period (war, revolution, take-over by the proletariat, dictatorship) from the view of an extremely wealthy lady, Andrássy Katinka. The authors tried to evoke the special story during which a strange and unique woman gets thoroughly involved in history through her love and at the same time keeps her own identity and self-governance.
Венгрия времён нацистского вторжения. Маленький католический мальчик Лацко усыновлён еврейской семьёй, не имеющей наследника. Он живет полной жизнью — ловит лягушек, проказничает, играет с деревенскими детьми. Но скоро его сказке должен придти конец…
Győző is a 38-year-old insurance agent. At a playground, he gets acquainted with the 40 year old Gábor, left by his wife, and with a career as an opera singer in pieces.
Две пожилые, приличные на вид дамы сели в такси и украли у шофера суточную выручку. Для Йожефа Шимона, вчерашнего инженера, а ныне таксиста, запутавшегося в долгах, это было настоящей бедой. Он берется сам восстановить справедливость, не полагаясь на полицию.
"Ripacsok" is a great movie with great soundtrack, acting, cinematography, direction, etc. The world of "artists", hamming actors, good clowns and bad clowns... A unique movie in many ways. Pál Sándor is a very good hungarian director, watch his movies (especially the slightly better "Régi idõk focija") if you have the chance.
Egy nagybankos neje
Это осовремененная версия легенды о Фаусте. Пользующийся признанием критиков сценический актер Хендрик Хофген устал от легких развлекательных театральных условностей и ищет чего-то более революционного в духе Брехта. Несмотря на эти свежие идеи, слава не раскрывает своих объятий. Отчаявшийся Хендрик продает свою душу, но не Дьяволу, а нацистам, так как жажда славы сильнее ненависти к захватчикам. Только позже, полностью попав под пяту Третьего Рейха, он понимает свою ошибку...
Márta néni
Film by Judit Elek.
1934, Germany. The ten-year-old Peter lives in a small town with his parents. His father, an underground Communist, is arrested. In the summer vacation the kids from the neighbourhood fight in two teams, which prevail in turns. One team, led by Ewald, imitates the Nazis, while the other, headed by Fritz, follows his Communist father's example.
A mediocre countryside actress is invited to a Budapest casting call. She hopes she might become the new Marilyn Monroe.
Irén and Attila, a not-so-young couple, are in love. All they want is a flat of their own where they could live together. Unfortunately, Hungary in the 70s is no place for dreams.
This double-threaded story depicts the lives of a sister and a brother in a critical phase of their lives. Virág participates in a tour of the collage choir to Finland. Upon her return home she refuses the assistance offered by Vince, leaves the collage and aborts her child by a young Finn.
Kati nevelőanyja
Three thirtysomething chemical scientists, Laci, Gyuri and Kati celebrate the success of their development program before New Year's Eve with drinking for several days. But the morning of New Year's Eve does not bring the expected recognition, because the nice, bald, old director is replaced by a young, bald, but disagreeable one. In a sodden atmosphere it becomes clear that everybody has an axe to grind in the informative discussions.
One day Novák Erzsébet kindergarten-teacher destroys her papers, cuts her hair and closes her mouth forever. She prepares for suicide namelessly, then somewhere around Normafa she accepts being taken into an asylum.
While awaiting his release from the Soviet detention camp he is being held in, a half-starved refugee (Andras Ambrus) finds that an error has been made and his name is not on the to-be-released list. It is then that he is forced to assume the identity of a dead man whose name is on the list. Ambrus at first refuses, but because he was an orphan and cannot produce evidence of his true identity, he has no other choice. However, when he returns to the outer world and the community he was raised in, he is greeted with suspicion. When he tries to claim his part-ownership of a farm from his adopted uncle, he is refused and beaten by farmhands the uncle sets on him.
This sour satire records how narrow-minded, perishable and prejudiced human relations are. Lili, an open, good-hearted, but clumsy girl gets a rusty Renault Gordini from her uncle living in France. She wants to learn driving, but makes horrible and perilous mistakes behind the wheel.
Cserépkalapos nõ
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"
Theda Bara
Three people skilfully kidnap the company director, who never takes the responsibility, takes sleeping pills and spends his time feeding ornamental fish. The kidnappers turn out to be no other than the Engineer, the Technician and the Worker, who only wanted to avoid bankruptcy this way.
The head of the nunnery is dying, and the members are divided in two groups as the election of the new head approaches. Led by Virginia, the younger nuns stand up for changing the strict religious dogmas and would like a modern school with genuine science, a bathroom to be built, and a freer spirit. Their candidate is sister Magdolna, who went to secular universities, too. The seminarists, led by Király Erzsi, also rebel against the older nuns' strict discipline and the depressed atmosphere of the institution. However, Magdolna does not want to stay involved in the fight because she is deterred by Virginia's sinful attraction towards her and the tools Virginia is using to gain victory at any price.
Mrs. Marshall
Михай Тот проработал сорок лет сторожем на складе лесоматериалов. В последнее дежурство случился пожар: склад сгорел дотла. Ущерб составляет полтора миллиона форинтов. Это был страшный удар для работавшего честно всю жизнь Михая. Неожиданно выясняется, что Михай выиграл в лотерею как раз полтора миллиона форинтов. Желая спасти свое доброе имя, он хочет внести эту сумму в государственную казну. Но это оказалось не так просто: не установлена причина пожара, не доказана вина Михая. Поэтому и взять от него деньги никто не имел права. Долго бродил Михай из одного учреждения в другое с просьбой принять от него деньги, но все было напрасно. Тогда старик пустился на хитрость...
Пять новелл, охватывающие события от Первой мировой войны до самоотверженной борьбы венгерского народа против оккупантов в 1942 году.
12 лет тому назад Аранка подобрала в вагоне поезда грудного ребенка. С тех пор они не разлучались. Аранка привыкла к тому, что рядом с ней живет веселый, смышленый мальчуган Дани, который ей стал добрым, отзывчивым другом. Но их отношения изменились, когда появился третий — тренер городского бассейна Геза. Аранка давно приглянулась ему. Геза готов был жениться на ней. Но зачем ему чужой ребенок? К тому же он узнал о том, что Дани не сын Аранки, а здесь, в городе живет его мать Эстер...
Венгерская комедия, освещающая проблемы молодёжи, ее стремления к настоящей любви и преданности. Сюжет рассказывает о столкновении хорошей, честной девушки из рабочей среды с пошлостью, с бездумным, легкомысленным отношением к жизни. Она не привыкла к трудностям, но впереди героиню ждет сложный процесс душевного взросления.
В конце 1944 года столица Венгрии Будапешт находится под властью фашистов. Советская армия уже на подходе, в городе то и дело слышны обстрелы, продовольствие на исходе, как и надежда жителей на спасение. Еврейская девушка Ютка, чудом спасшаяся от депортации, прячется в квартире знакомых. Здесь она встречает Злотана Пинтера, который скрывается от призыва, не желая воевать против советской армии. Между двумя одинокими, потерянными и никому не нужными людьми рождается светлое чувство. Но война безжалостна ко всем без исключения. Военная драма «Будапештская весна» является экранизацией одноименного романа Ференца Каринти.
Mary, daughter of Dõry
Молодой граф Янош Бутлер возвращается домой на каникулах. Он знакомится с хрупкой девочкой Пирошкой и заводит с ней тайный роман. Родители гимназиста, также как и родители девушки, против отношений. Они делают все, чтобы рассорить их, но тем не менее после окончания гимназии Янош приезжает к любимой. Их любовь пытается разрушить еще один человек — коварный барон Дери. Яноша ждет странный брак с его дочерью Марией, которая беременна от священника. Но молодой человек не собирается отказываться от своего счастья и любви к Пирошки.