Nataša Tapušković

Nataša Tapušković

Рождение : 1975-08-27, Kruševac, Serbia


Nataša Tapušković, maiden name Šolak is a Serbian actress.  The blonde green-eyed actress is most recognized for her role as Bosnian hostage, Sabaha, in Emir Kusturica's Life Is a Miracle, in 2004.


Nataša Tapušković


Comedy on Three Floors
Following the comical adventures of the tenants in a seemingly ordinary building in Belgrade, situation culminates thanks to bad pipes and the mysterious underground waters to a temptation that, in the end, catches them all unprepared.
Spring on the Last Lake
Frau Štilike
The film follows the celebrated writer and Nobel prize winner Ivo Andrić during WWII, when diplomats and diplomatic staff from Yugoslav missions from countries occupied by the Third Reich, including Andrić, who was ambassador of the Yugoslav diplomatic mission in Berlin, were deported to a hotel on Lake Constance.
The Tenor - Lirico Spinto
The talented Korean tenor, Bae, who penetrate the audience's hears through his delicate and powerful singing, is on the rise to stardom at the European opera scene. Sawada, a Japanese music producer, is searching for a new tenor for an upcoming performance. He watches a performance of Bae and invites him to Japan, which marks the beginning of friendship. But, the thyroid cancer strikes Bae. During an operation, the nerves of his vocal cords has be cut due to the widely spread cancer. Unfortunately, Ba ends up losing his voice at the peak of his career. Sawada cant's stand to watch Bae's miserable so he starts to look for a solution.
Monument to Michael Jackson
In a dying town in Serbia daydreamer Marko is on the verge of divorce from the love of his life, Ljubinka. When an old communist-era monument is removed from the Main Square, he comes up with the idea to build a monument to Michael Jackson in order to save his town and seduce his wife again. But the town’s mayor has his own plans.
Balkan Is Not Dead
A Macedonian family from Bitola at the turn of the twentieth century tries to survive, preserve its roots and remain together.
Inspektorka Lidija
Это история молодого человека, подающего надежды ученика средней школы, который попав под влияние идеологии неонацизма, стал болельщиком футбольного клуба Радник.
Жизнь как чудо
Главный герой — Лука — немножко сумасшедший железнодорожник, который строит тоннель между Балканами и остальным миром. Жена Луки — Джарданка — певица, сбегает с венгерским музыкантом. Их сын Милош мечтает стать футболистом, однако таланта к игре у него не слишком много. Странная семейка постепенно распадается: жена сбегает, сына забирают в армию, отец всё дальше углубляется в связующий разные культуры тоннель… Разрешится ли сложный, коварный конфликт отцов и детей? Может ли новая женщина отца стать препятствием в отношениях с сыном? Победит ли любовь, или бессильно голодное сердце, алчущее любви, против барьеров, установленных обществом?
Barking at the Stars
Comedy about teachers and students at a high school in a small provincial town. Mihailo tries to win the heart of a girl his brother is also chasing.