Lillian West

Lillian West


Lillian West


К востоку от рая
Townswoman at Carnival (uncredited)
Эта картина по праву считается классикой Голливуда и главным фильмом Джеймса Дина — блестящего актера, бунтаря и знаменитости своего времени. Его, еще до окончания съемок, уже прозвали вторым Брандо. «К востоку от рая» — экранизация знаменитого романа Стейнбека, романа о семейной драме юноши, который ревнует и страдает, видя как его отец отдает незаслуженное предпочтение другому своему сыну — любимцу. И чем сильнее его отчаяние, чем оно безнадежней, — тем сильнее желание обрести забытую родительскую любовь.
Where Danger Lives
Mrs. Bogardus
A young doctor falls in love with a disturbed young woman and apparently becomes involved in the death of her husband. They head for Mexico trying to outrun the law.
Дурная слава
Woman (uncredited)
1946 г. американский суд приговаривает Иогана Губермана к двадцати годам тюрьмы как германского шпиона за измену Родине. Его дочь Алисия знакомится на вечеринке с агентом ФБР Дэвлином, который получает задание от руководства раскрыть нацистский заговор в Рио де Жанейро. Дэвлин решает воспользоваться помощью девушки для выполнения своего задания, и она принимает его предложение. Так начинается их бурный «шпионский» роман. Они вступают в контакт с нацистским агентом Александром, за которого Алисия должна выйти замуж, чтобы узнать о секретных планах немецкой организации, в которой состоит Александр.
Рискованный эксперимент
Salesgirl (uncredited)
В 1903 году доктор Бэйли встречает в поезде очень странную женщину, а позже узнает, что она умерла при загадочных обстоятельствах. Через своего друга он знакомится с семьей Бедеро, все члены которой выглядят замкнутыми или неврастеничными. Вопреки своим намерениям, он все глубже увязает в кругу этой семьи, и причиной тому - необыкновенная красота Алиды Бедеро.
Remember the Day
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
West Point Widow
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
The Man I Married
An American vacations in Europe with her husband and watches him turn into a Nazi.
Лиллиан Расселл
Этот фильм рассказывает об истории жизни одной из самых популярных актрис и певицы конца 19-ого и начала 20-ого столетия, известной своей красотой, стилем и голосом Лиллиан Расселл, урожденной Элен Луиза Леонард. Она родилась в городе Клинтон, штат Айова в семье Чарли Леонарда — владельца газетного бизнеса и Синтии Леонард. В восемнадцать лет она с матерью переезжает в Нью-Йорк, где мать возглавляет движение феминисток и начинает вести активную борьбу за пост мэра города, но терпит неудачу на выборах. Тем временем карьера дочери идет в гору. Благодаря стараниям бабушки девушка берет уроки у известного преподавателя пения Леопольде Дамроше. Однажды ее голос услышал знаменитый импресарио Тони Пастор, пораженный ее голосом и красотой, он немедленно приглашает ее играть в свой театр на Бродвее под новым именем Лиллиан Расселл.
That's Right - You're Wrong
Ms. Brighton (Uncredited)
J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
Our Leading Citizen
Bridge Player
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
The Jones Family in Hollywood
Father goes to an American Legion convention in Hollywood and the family goes along, visiting a studio a causing havoc on the set.
East Side of Heaven
Nurse (uncredited)
A man finds himself the father, by proxy, of a ten-month-old baby and becomes involved in the turbulent lives of the child's family.
История Александра Грэхема Белла
Sanders' Nurse
Alexander Graham Bell falls in love with deaf girl Mabel Hubbard while teaching the deaf and trying to invent means for telegraphing the human voice. She urges him to put off thoughts of marriage until his experiments are complete. He invents the telephone, marries and becomes rich and famous, though his happiness is threatened when a rival company sets out to ruin him.
Давайте жить
District Attorney's Secretary (uncredited)
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Everybody's Baby
Nurse (uncredited)
The Jones family encounters new theories of childrearing when an author arrives in town to lecture on the topic.
Love Is News
Marie - Maid in Tony's Bathroom (uncredited)
When a crafty reporter uses false pretenses to get a story out of heiress Tony Gateson, she turns the tables on him, telling the press that they are engaged. Suddenly he's front page news, every salesman is at his doorstep, and he loses his job. A series of misadventures ensues with him alternately back on his job and fired and her ex-fiancé showing up.
Живем один раз
Mother (uncredited)
Эдди Тэйлор осужденный в третий раз за тяжкие преступления выходит из тюрьмы. Но общество не благосклонно к бывшему преступнику и отвергает его, парень не может найти работу и снять нормальное жилье. Жестоким ударом судьбы становится, сообщение об обнаружении шляпы с его инициалами на месте ограбления банка, где погибли шесть человек охраны. Полиция арестовывает невиновного Эдди, парню грозит пожизненное заключение, все улики против него. Герой решает бежать.
The Girl on the Front Page
The heiress to a powerful newspaper owner gets a job at the paper under an assumed name and helps break up a blackmail racket.
"Chick" Thompson is a puppet-master in a traveling carnival whose wife dies in childbirth and leaves him with an infant son he names "Poochy." His father-in-law and the baby's grandfather sues him for custody of the baby and Chick takes his son and hides out for a couple of years. He joins his former assistants, Daisy and "Fingers", in a circus act only to find that the persistent grandfather is still on his trail.
Двадцатый век
Charwoman (uncredited)
Оскар Джаффе — успешный Бродвейский режиссер и продюсер, он ставит спектакли, которые собирают немалые деньги. Его боятся и уважают, успех постановок гарантирован, когда он говорит, все должны молчать. Его слово — закон. Однажды, во время очередной репетиции новой постановки, среди актеров-новичков он находит будущую звезду Бродвея Лили Гарлэнд. Эта девушка на три года становится его музой и их семейный дуэт «продюсер и актриса» возглавляет рейтинг успешных пар на театральных подмостках Нью-Йорка. Быстро текущее время и желание новых ощущений берет свое и в один из дней Лили решает порвать с театром ради карьеры в Голливуде. Фабрика грез манит красотку своими перспективами. Такой поворот сюжета не нравится Оскару: во-первых, жена — актриса приносит немалую прибыль его бизнесу; во-вторых, он все-таки, несмотря ни на что, ее любит.
All of Me
Jennie (uncredited)
A professor tires of the direction his life is going and wants to move west, but his girlfriend doesn't understand why he is so dissatisfied.
The Right to Love
A woman becomes estranged from her daughter when the girl learns that she is illegitimate.
Седьмое небо
События разворачиваются в Париже накануне Первой мировой войны. Молодая девушка Diane терпит побои от своей старшей сестры, которая обвиняет её во всех неудачах. В очередной момент насилия над Diane ей на помощь приходит молодой красавец Chiko — работник городской канализации. Путём хитрой авантюры дабы запутать полицию, Diane попадает в дом Chiko, где и рождается между ними светлое чувство. Влюблённые готовы пожениться, но начинается война, добавляя драматизма в и без того нелёгкую жизнь бедных парижан.
Paid Back
Dorothy Britton
Wealthy orphan Carol Gordon marries the executor of her estate, though she does not love him. Soon afterward, trying to help a friend who is being blackmailed, she is misunderstood by her husband to be herself compromised.
Mrs. Doyle
While in an army camp waiting to be discharged, Lt. Frank Hayden sees a fellow officer, Capt. Kincaid, attacking a girl. He stops Kincaid, thrashing him soundly in the process. However, to avoid a court-martial for striking a fellow officer, Hayden deserts and flees to the desert. He comes across Tom Doyle, who is stranded and dying of thirst, and takes Doyle back to his home. He meets and falls in love with Doyle's daughter Kitty.
Prudence on Broadway
Mrs. Allen Wentworth
Prudence's ( Olive Thomas ) parents send her from their Pennsylvania Quaker colony to a fashionable girls seminary, hoping she can learn about the devil's tricks, instead she engages in girlish pranks, but uses her pure appearance to escape blame. Later, Prudence visits her New York aunt, a society matron, and soon attracts an array of male admirers. She falls in love with wealthy Grayson Mills, but John Melbourne, who lives off of his wife's wealth, plots to seduce her. After Melbourne loans Prudence $200 to pay a gambling debt, he forces her to go to a roadhouse by threatening to show her stern father her canceled check. At dinner, Prudence produces a love letter which Melbourne had earlier written to an actress, and says that if she is not back by midnight, her hotel clerk will show Melbourne's wife his nineteen other love letters. After Melbourne hurries her back, he discovers that she only had the one letter. Prudence now becomes engaged to Grayson.
The Silk Lined Burglar
Gentleman crook Boston Blackie answers a want ad for an expert safecracker placed by Doris Macon, who claims a moral right to the safe's contents. She hires Blackie, and they break into the house where the safe is kept. Blackie blows up the safe just as owner Captain von Hoffmeier returns home. Doris disappears with papers from inside the safe, while Blackie takes phonograph records, which, when played with a special needle, reveal secrets that implicate von Hoffmeier as a German political spy.
Everywoman's Husband
Delia Marshall
A young woman whose domineering mother almost ruins her marriage eventually learns that mother does not always know best when her father commits suicide.
Society for Sale
Vi Challoner
Successful model, Phyllis Clyne, convinces a down-and-out nobleman, Billy, to pass her off in society as titled gentry. They fall in love and when it turns out that her late father actually was a lord, they decide they now can marry.
Limousine Life
Gertrude Muldane
After leaving her sweetheart Jed Bronson, and small country town life, Minnie Wills (Olive Thomas) obtains a job as a model in a stylish Chicago shop and soon attracts the attention of Moncure Kelts, a wealthy playboy. Enchanted by her beauty and innocence, Moncure proposes, but once she has accepted, he loses interest in her and soon becomes desperate to get rid of her. With her emotions very much under control, Minnie agrees to break off the engagement in exchange for a limousine, a large wardrobe, and a large check, and then returns to Three Oaks. Overjoyed to see her, Jed proposes, and after their marriage, Minnie convinces him to establish a business in Chicago. The plan proves highly successful, and later, when the couple encounters Moncure on the street, Minnie thanks him for giving them their start in life.
The Gown Of Destiny
For the Governor's Chair