Bia Salgado


Costume Design
With executive production by Fernando Meirelles and direction by Fred Luz, actors Alexandre Rodrigues and Edson Oliveira are Buscapé and Barbantinho, two friends who meet again in today's City of God: bigger, more diverse and connected.
Costume Design
Reencountering the only man she ever loved is Gringa’s dream. She is the owner of a brothel in the interior of Brazil and even though she is blind and very sick, she insists on fulfilling her last wish: to go to Venice to apologize to the lover she abandoned decades ago. To take her to the Italian city, Tonho, Rita and the other girls who work for Gringa come up with a fantastic plan with help from a circus troupe.
Мальчик, который обуздал ветер
Costume Design
13-летний мальчик из Малави придумывает способ, который поможет его семье и всей остальной деревне избежать голода.
Costume Design
The Soundtrack of a life. Cris ( Selton Mello) , a young artist still trying to find his place on the tough world of arts, gets from Brazilian Government special permit to stay a month in an isolated international research station surrounded by nothing but ice. His goal is to prepare an exhibition mixing music and photography. Cris will go against his own defined concepts and values, as he spends time with other researchers discovering PLANET EARTH on an never seen perspective. This shock will result on this young artist 's evolution changing his life forever.
Costume Design
История о трех мальчиках, живущих в стране третьего мира. Они еле сводят концы с концами, копаясь в мусоре. Однажды они находят кожаную сумку, содержимое которой окунает их в ужасное приключение…
Teen's Confessions
Costume Design
Four sisters work together to raise rent money after learning they have to move to another neighborhood in this coming-of-age drama based on the series.
Последняя остановка 174-го
Costume Design
Основанная на реальных событиях 12 июня 2000 года история бедного мальчишки из фавел Рио Де Жанейро. В фильме почти нет профессиональных актёров, и тем сильнее и правдивее ужасающая картина, которая разворачивается перед нами. Последние несколько часов жизни Алесандро Ду Насименто, «захватчика автобуса номер 174», по телевизору видели миллионы зрителей.
Costume Design
Компания студентов решила провести каникулы, путешествуя по Бразилии. Экзотические пейзажи, красивые животные, интересные встречи — ничто не предвещало беды. Неожиданно у затерянного острова близ бразильского побережья их автобус терпит крушение, и молодые люди остаются один на один с джунглями. Труднопроходимые тропические леса хранят свои секреты. Туристы становятся жертвами кровавых экспериментов засекреченной военной группы.
Costume Design
Cafundó is a 35 mm color film which blends fact with fiction in the life of João de Camargo, a former black slave (1858-1942, Sorocaba, Brazil) who, in his old age, works miracles and devotes himself to assisting others in order to attain his freedom. João de Camargo represents the genesis of religious and cultural syncretism in Brazil.
My Father
Costume Design
A man who grew up an orphan finally gets to meet his father: The psychopath Dr. Josef Mengele, the Auschwitz surgeon who performed genetic experiments on concentration camp refugees during WWII.
Owner of the Story
Costume Design
A 50 year-old woman who analyses her past. She pictures herself when she was 20 years old and she re-creates the story of her life through a game of innumerous possibilities. What if she wouldn't have gone to that ball? What if... instead of meeting the man of her life, with whom she married and had kids, she would have called a girlfriend and they went to the theater? What would be her destiny? What would have happened? In the plot the present talks to the past. A young woman projects her future in a fascinating game between memories and desires.
Город бога
Costume Design
60-е годы XX века. «Город Бога» — квартал в Рио-де-Жанейро, где живут главные герои — 8-летний Ракета, мечтающий стать фотографом, и его одногодок Дадинью. Дадинью принимает участие в вооруженном ограблении, организованном живущим по соседству гангстером Кабалейрой; с согласия Кабалейры он совершает свое первое убийство. 70-е годы. Ракета постоянно балансирует между мелкими правонарушениями и честной жизнью. На счету у Дадинью уже несколько убийств. Он возглавляет банду, которой управляет, используя хитрость и хладнокровное предательство. Поняв, что настоящая власть и большие деньги может дать только контроль над торговлей наркотиками в их квартале, он безжалостно идет к своей цели. 80-е годы. Ракета наконец получает фотоаппарат и осуществляет свою детскую мечту. Мечта Дадинью тоже сбылась: в 18 лет он стал самым крутым торговцем наркотиками в Рио.
Favorite Son
Costume Design
Claudia Maccari, an Italian doctor who has a Brazilian adopted son suffering from leukemia, goes to Rio de Janeiro to find the child's biological mother for a transplant. She is reluctantly helped by a Detective.
O Viajante
Costume Designer
Fortune takes four human beings to the last frontier of passion. There, where love becomes almost inhuman and divine. As if he was a comet, Rafael, the traveler, appears at the party for the cities patron saint, in a small town in the interior of Minas Gerais. He is the one who brings passion and crime, vanishing afterwards, leaving a poetic feeling in the air, which is always deadly to the ones who stay. Mrs. Ana de Lara, the proud rich widow, and Missy, still a child, whose beauty and innocence are like the Tiê-Sangue, a red bird, are the travelers victims. There is also Master Juca do Vale, a criminal, whose passion turns him incredibly human, in this story of love, death, forgiveness and resurrection.
Sermões - A História de Antônio Vieira
Costume Design
Based upon the life story of Father Antonio Vieira, born in Lisbon in 1608 and deceased in Salvador, Bahia, in 1697. He's considered the first Brazilian writer and one of the most important aesthete of linguistic and of the Portuguese language of all times, a master in the art of metaphor, of verbal relations and analogy. He was persecuted and condemned by the Portuguese Court of Inquisition due to his position against native slavery, against the intolerance to the Jewish people and to the colonial politics of exploration.