Hamburger Cook
As ratings for Jack Crandall's lifeless airborne traffic reports plummet, a super-size St. Bernard on the lam stows away in his chopper. Crandall's new co-pilot helps send ratings sky-high, but the canine's chronic kleptomania generates girl trouble, jewel thievery, and loads of laughs.
When an injury bars him from pursuing his trade, Revolutionary War-era silversmith's apprentice Johnny Tremain (Hal Stalmaster) finds a new life in the ranks of the Sons of Liberty army, taking part in the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere's legendary ride. Based on the novel by Ester Forbes, this Disney classic was originally crafted for "Walt Disney Presents" in two segments, which have been blended into a single film for viewing.
The tranquility of a small town is marred only by sheriff Tod Shaw's unsuccessful courtship of widow Ellen Benson, a pacifist who can't abide guns and those who use them. But violence descends on Ellen's household willy-nilly when the U.S. President passes through town... and slightly psycho hired assassin John Baron finds the Benson home ideal for an ambush.
Reporter (uncredited)
Oil heiress Mame Carson takes an incognito cruise so that men will love her for her body, not her money.
Soda Jerk (uncredited)
Bill Miller is an unsuccessful Broadway performer until his handlers convince him to enhance his act with a stooge—Ted Rogers, a guy positioned in the audience to be the butt of Bill's jokes. After Ted begins to steal the show, Bill's girlfriend and his pals advise him to make Ted an equal partner.
Eddie Thompson
A bandleader, desperate to get his band's instruments out of hock, promises the pawnshop clerk--an aspiring songwriter--that he'll let the band's female singer do the clerk's songs at a local club if he will let the band "borrow" their instruments at night. The clerk's girlfriend, however, thinks that the band singer is after more than her boyfriend's songs.
Eddie Gavin
The Robinson family are spending two weeks of summer vacation at a resort in the Catskills. Older daughter Patti vies with her friend, Valeria, for the affections of Demi Armendez but Patti is at a disadvantage because her parents think she is too young for boys. But with Patti singing at an amateur show and a dance, her adventures in quest of Armendez ends happily.
Based on a collection of stories with the focus on young John Humperkink "Dink" Stover, a student at the Lawrenceville Prepatory School, in 1896, whose family, in Eastcester, New York, have just about given up on his education because he is an incorrigible student. He gets into one situation after another and incurs the dislike of his classmates, who think he is cowardly but he changes their opinion when he challenges several of them to a fight. When he returns home for the summer, he meets Miss Dolly Travers and increases his 'hatred of women' because she does not accept his schoolboy pranks. Back at school, in the fall, he is more difficult than ever until his philosophy is changed by a teacher.
Usher (uncredited)
Классическая комедия о выживании преданного отца с того момента, когда дочь объявляет о своей помолвке до того, пока последний гость покинет свадебный банкет. Адвокат Стэнли Бэнкс оказывается неподготовленным, когда его дочь Кэй объявляет о своей помолвке с Бакли Данстэном, в то время как жена Элли и сын Томми с энтузиазмом воспринимают новость. Для Стэнли обретение «сына» не повод терять дочку, которая выросла и живет своей жизнью. Может быть, все уладится, если Стэнли примет Бакли и переживет свадьбу.
Male Quartette Member (uncredited)
Добрый старый Чикаго, на рубеже девятнадцатого и двадцатого веков. На углу одной из тихих улиц расположился уютный магазинчик музыкальных инструментов Оберкугена. Небольшим штатом магазинчика уже много лет руководит сам господин Отто Оберкуген. Старший управляющий и главный продавец Эндрю Дэлби Ларкин — симпатичный молодой человек, влюблен в девушку, с которой ведет длительную переписку.
Fred Beehouse
Dinah Sheldon is a student at an exclusive girl's school who starts campaigning for women's rights. Her minister father and her boyfriend Tom Wade do not approve.
Benjie Briggs
Bob Watson and Ricky Adams, and the Hughes twins, Skipper and Patricia, cannot register at Opalocka University until they find lodgings in the school's overcrowded quarters. They pretend they are married to get the last two units in the married veteran's housing project, with the girls in one unit and the boys in the other. A noisy kid, Junior Ormsbee, the nephew of the landlords, voices his suspicions and nearly gets them evicted. And a U.S. Senator, investigating veteran's projects, adds new complications.
Miles Bradbury
Socialite Cathy Abbott is working in the chorus of a Broadway show instead of being enrolled at an exclusive girl's school as her parents think. When the show closes, she brings two of her chorus friends home with her. In addition to trying to make her friends acceptable to the snooty society of which her family is part, she is also being blackmailed by a rival.
Ulysses S. Jones
A psychology professor comes up with a theory that women have a desire to be subjugated. A newswoman, using a pseudonym, accuses him of advocating wife-beating. There is trouble, when he falls in love with her, unaware of who she is.
Elevator Operator
Set in an apartment building whose occupants include Arthur Earthleigh, a meek and mild type married to the beautiful-but-domineering Mae; a Bohemian artist, David Galleo and his always-there model, Deborah Tyler; and Olive Jensen, a Greenwich Village type who is always slightly-but-continuously inebriated, and whose motto is "love and let love." She calls on George while his wife is out, and when she passes out during his attempts to get her out before his wife returns, he thinks she is dead and deposits her on Galleo's terrace. Galleo takes advantage of the situation by using it in a blackmail scheme against Arthur, which is shaky, at best, as Olive refuses to stay dead.
Aided by her eccentric friends, a young woman goes looking for her missing brother.
Mike Bailey
Three sisters go to Atlantic City with hopes of finding rich husbands.
Charlie Briggs
After struggling to become a success, Betty Miller and her all-girl orchestra finally hit pay dirt when crooner Herbie Fenton comes on board. Problems arise when Betty and her girls try to find backers to invest in Herbie and they sell 125 percent of him.
Pvt. Motley
Robert L. Scott has dreamed his whole life of being a fighter pilot, but when war comes he finds himself flying transport planes over The Hump into China. In China, he persuades General Chennault to let him fly with the famed Flying Tigers, the heroic band of airmen who'd been fighting the Japanese long before Pearl Harbor. Scott gets his chance to fight, ultimately engaging in combat with the deadly Japanese pilot known as Tokyo Joe.
Oliver Griffith
A ranch owner fires his ranch hands and brings in women to replace them. The owner's daughter wants the male hands back and comes up with a plan to do it.
Dizzy Stevens
Teenager Henry Aldrich and his pal Dizzy decide to try and earn extra money by starting a babysitting service.
High-school student Henry Aldrich hopes to improve his grades by finding a sweetheart for his unmarried teacher.
Basil "Dizzy" Stevens
Henry and his pal Dizzy become Boy Scout leaders, but a spoiled brat in their troop quickly proves to cause them no end of trouble.
Вторая мировая война. Пилот бомбардировщика майор Пит Сэндидж погибает во время боевого вылета. Неожиданно он обнаруживает себя в потустороннем мире, способным следить за происходящими на земле событиями, но, не имея возможности вмешиваться в них. Он становится ангелом-хранителем для молодого пилота ВВС капитана Теда Рэндалла. Но вскоре Сэндидж замечает, что Рэндалл влюбляется в его бывшую невесту Доринду. Что делать Сэндиджу: прекратить оберегать Рэндалла или дать ему возможность обрести человеческое счастье с Дориндой?
Dizzy Stevens
Henry Aldrich and his high-school pals investigate a local haunted house.
Dizzy Stevens
Teenager Henry Aldrich decides to take matters into his own hands when his high school principal forbids the student band from playing swing music.
Dizzy Stevens
Teenager Henry Aldrich becomes a hometown celebrity when he wins a date with a sexy movie star. The sixth entry in the "Henry Aldrich" series of eleven films.
Press agent Jimmy Gates gets an idea while watching a New York parade, for a returned war hero Sergeant Buzz McAllister, with his chief client, singer Judy Ames; Dona Drake, leader of an all-girl orchestra; his photographer Foggy, and his secretary Myrt. Jimmy, thinking Judy needs publicity in order to get a singing job on a radio program, thinks that a romance between her and the war hero would be just the ticket.
Willie Webster
In this musical, a gang of college students decide to play a little trick by creating the perfect student. The fictional gal has everything a university would ever want. The trouble begins when the campus psych professor becomes determined to meet this girl. If the gang cannot bring her forward, they will be expelled. They hire a New York actress to portray the imaginary girl and all is well at the end. Songs include: "It Seems I've Heard That Song Before," "You're So Good to Me" "If It's Love," "Man," "Gotcha Too Ta Mee," "You Got to Study, Buddy." All the songs were penned by Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne who went on to become one of Hollywood's top song-writing teams.
Cadet Korner
Сюзан Эпплгэйт, устав от года проведенного в Нью-Йорке и безуспешного поиска работы, возвращается домой в Айову. К несчастью, у нее не хватает денег на билет, и она вынуждена выдать себя за 12-летнюю девочку, чтобы купить билет за полцены. В поезде, вычисленная контролерами, она прячется в купе майора Филипа Кирби, который близорук и верит ей. Влюбившись в майора Сюзан следует за ним в военную школу, однако, дальнейшее осложняется появлением его невесты и тем, что близорукий майор все еще считает Сюзан - 12-летней «Сю-Сю»...
Dizzy Stevens
Appointed editor of his high school newspaper, hapless Henry becomes intrigued by a series of mysterious fires. A mild, timid little fellow named Nero Smith shows up to tip off Henry as to the time and place of the next conflagration. Henry prints the story-and is immediately accused of being the firebug himself!
Basil A. "Dizzy" Stevens
After accidentally sinking a borrowed motorboat, teenager Henry Aldrich scrambles to raise the replacement cash the boat's owner demands. The catch: Henry only has two days to come up with the funds, or the boat's angry owner will turn him over to the police.
Bill, Mimograph Operator
Hubert Abercrombie Gumm, a flighty, eccentric screwball acquires a job as an executive at a radio station at the insistence of his only-slightly less eccentric aunt Fannie Handley, who is married to one of the company owners. After mixing up the script pages to the various radio programs, Hubert sets out to get the name of a returning explorer on a contract for the radio station. Other than the title, this film has no connection at all to the 1934 W.C. Fields film of the same title even though some sources give the plot of the Fields' film as the plot of this film.
Dizzy Stevens
Henry Aldrich finds himself in a heated election for high-school class president.
Bellboy (uncredited)
Действие происходит в страшный период начала Второй Мировой войны, во время создания зачастую смертоносного пикирующего бомбардировщика. Свободе и даже существованию США грозят Германия и Япония. Лейтенант Дуг Ли, хирург морского флота США, пытается спасти пилотов от потери сознания во время бомбардировки. Оружие, способное защитить свободный мир, стоит пилотам-испытателям жизни. Полюбив Линду Фишер, лейтенант Ли и коммандер Джо Блейк вынуждены забыть о соперничестве, а одному из них придется отправиться в смертельно опасный полет для тестирования нового пневмокостюма - изобретения Ли, способного повлиять на исход войны.
Crawford Cortland
A group of neighborhood teenagers discover some suspicious goings-on near a naval base in San Diego, and suspect that a foreign espionage ring is at work trying to find out military secrets.
A troubled youth is offered the opportunity to serve as a Senate page in Washington, DC.
Steve is a shy quiet man who is an executive for a shipping firm. He meets Dot at the Opera where she had his seats and the next day she shows up as his temporary secretary. Then Coffee Cup comes to town to see Dot, his gal. When Steven is with Cecilia, everything is boring. When he is with Dot and Coffee Cup, everything is exciting and he falls for Dot. But Coffee is getting out of the Navy in a few days and he plans to marry Dot.
College Boy with Zinc Oxide on His Nose (uncredited)
Беспечные друзья-трубачи Дэнни О’Нил и Хэнк соседи по комнате и конкуренты за лидерство в джаз оркестре любимого колледжа. Вдобавок они являются самыми 'старыми' студентами в университетском городке. Однажды ребята встречаются с менеджером налоговой службы Эллен Миллер, которая вызывает их на разбирательство по поводу не погашения задолженности по векселю. Однако встреча с трубачами-весельчаками в налоговой инспекции оборачивается для девушки увольнением. Парни, не моргнув глазом, приглашают невольную жертву на должность их гастрольного агента. Эллен оказывается талантливым менеджером и быстро раскручивает их оркестр на разных площадках. Ее талант организатора замечает продюсер из Нью-Йорка и приглашает к себе на работу. Здесь на Бродвее Эллен убеждает своего шефа прослушать двух своих приятелей из провинции, на вакантное место в оркестре Арти Шоу. Для Дэнни и Хэнка эти музыкальные 'смотрины' станут стартом в череде множества приключений…
Capitalizing on the famous radio 'feud' between comedians Jack Benny and Fred Allen. The two stars play versions of themselves, constantly at each other's throats due to real and imagined slights.
John Grant
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
Leo - Office Boy
Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
Walter (uncredited)
A girl decides to consult her natural father, whom she's never seen, for advice on her mixed-up love life.
When private tutor Thomas Arnold (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) becomes headmaster at Rugby, a boy's preparatory school in England, he puts into place a policy of strict punishment for unruliness and bulying. Arnold finds an ally in Tom Brown (Jimmy Lydon), a new student who is subjected to hazing and abuse by a group of older boys and is pressured by his friends to keep quiet about it. Fed up, he leads his fellow classmates in an underground rebellion against their tormentors. But certain unspoken rules still apply at the school and Brown loses his hero status when he is accussed of breaking the Rugby code of silence.
«Матюшек и Ко.» — магазин подарков и сувениров на углу. В штате есть сотрудник — Альфред Кралик, симпатичный молодой человек, который влюблен в девушку, которую он никогда не видел, и даже не знает имени (их «роман» завязался через почтовый ящик, по переписке).
Shy Youth (uncredited)
Проходит время водевилей, на смену пришли сначала, движущиеся картинки, а потом и звуковое кино. Водевильные актеры продолжают играть по старинке, но публике нужно другое действо и на смену старшего поколения артистов приходят молодые, вооруженные своими песнями, танцами, взглядами на жизнь, которые не только отодвигают старшее поколение на задворки, но и занимают их место под солнцем. Правда, они не забывают стариков и не говорят: "Уйдите с дороги", а пытаются поддержать родителей. Хотя вопросы, затронутые в мюзикле, вполне злободневны и сегодня, и будут злободневны и завтра. Смена поколений всегда проходит весьма болезненно.
Office Boy
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
Charles, Journalism Student (uncredited)
While participating in a contest at a local newspaper in which school children are asked to submit a news story, local attorney Carson Drew's daughter Nancy intercepts a real story assignment. She "covers" the inquest of the death of a woman who was poisoned. Nancy doesn't think the young woman accused of the crime is guilty and corrals her neighbor Ted into searching for a vital piece of evidence and stumbles onto the identity of the real killer.