Gwei Lun-mei

Gwei Lun-mei

Рождение : 1983-12-25, Taipei, Taiwan


Gwei Lun-mei (Chinese: 桂綸鎂; pinyin: Guì Lúnměi; born 25 December 1983) is a Taiwanese actress. She started her acting career in 2002, with the film Blue Gate Crossing. Gwei then appeared in a few more films before achieving wide recognition for the film Secret, directed by Jay Chou, in which Gwei played the character of Lu Hsiao-yu. In 2012, Gwei starred in Girlfriend, Boyfriend, a coming-of-age drama in which three teenagers navigate their attraction to one another – from their high school years into their adulthood. Set partly against the Taiwan's martial law period (1949–87) and partly against the newfound freedom that the once-oppressed protagonists are struggling to cope with, the film charts the tortured emotional lives of its three characters, played by Gwei, Joseph Chang and Rhydian Vaughan, over the decades.


Gwei Lun-mei
Gwei Lun-mei
Gwei Lun-mei
Gwei Lun-mei


City of Lost Things
GPS (voice)
16-year-old teenager Leaf runs away from home, skipping classes and ending up in a peculiar place called City of Lost Things. There he meets Baggy, a 30-year-old plastic bag. Baggy never sees himself as just another piece of junk. He has a purpose in his life - to lead his tribe to flee City of Lost Things. But he needs the help from Leaf to fight the dreadful army of the Armors.
Battle Dog Attack
A Leg
Yu-Ying Qian
“Leg” follows the journey of a wife who battles to keep her husband’s body intact after he dies of a leg amputation.
Night Light: Making of The Wild Goose Lake
Feature length making-of documentary of The Wild Goose Lake.
Озеро диких гусей
Liu Aiai
Чжоу Цзэнун — лидер небольшой банды, которая занимается кражей мотоциклов. Во время одной из разборок он случайно убивает полицейского и становится целью номер один для полиции и властей. В бегах Чжоу встретит проститутку Лю Айай — оба загнаны в тупик и ищут выход.
On Happiness Road
Lin Shu-Chi (voice)
Chi earned her American dream after persevering with her studies in Taiwan. Following her grandmothers’ death, Chi returns to her family on Happiness Road, where she begins to feel nostalgic about her childhood and starts to contemplate the meaning of “life” and “home”. What is happiness? Will Chi find her own happiness?
Большой звонок
Liu Lifang
Группа мошенников, привыкших разводить людей на деньги по телефону и интернету, сталкивается с бандой коллег по преступному цеху с куда более низкими этическими стандартами. Чтобы вывести убийц на чистую воду, мошенникам придется использовать внедренного в банду полицейского агента.
Прекрасная авария
Li Yuran
Успешная адвокатесса живёт одна в огромной квартире, всю себя посвящает карьере и не планирует заводить ни мужа, ни детей. И вот однажды она попадает в аварию, погибает и оказывается в небесной канцелярии. А там выясняется, что произошла ошибка, и ей ещё рано умирать. В канцелярии решают - чтобы вернуть свою жизнь независимой женщины, она должна пожить в теле домохозяйки с двумя детьми. Оказаться там, где она быть не хотела, конечно, тяжело. Но всё меняется, и она обретает счастье.
Forêt Debussy
The Daughter
Deep in the barren mountains, a mother and a daughter live an isolated quiet life. The Daughter looks lean and fragile. She seems unreactive toward her surroundings, confining herself in her own wretched world. The Mother is like a guardian angel who always protects her and takes care of everything. Before living in seclusion, The Daughter was a pianist who lost her husband and son. The Mother decided to take her away and hid her in the mountains where no one could ever find them, believing it is the only possible way for her daughter to survive, Nevertheless, they have to face nothing but themselves ever since, as well as to confront the endless forest…
The Moment: Fifty Years of Golden Horse
Herself / Narrator
In 2013, the Golden Horse Film Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary. The ministry of Culture commissioned director Yang Li-chou to make a documentary about the history of Golden Horse. What is unique to this film is that it's not an ode to celebrities but about the role cinema plays in ordinary people's lives. It's a love letter to cinema, filmmakers and audiences.
One Step Away
Directed by famed Television director Zhao Baogang, is his debut movie set during the Republican era where a soldier and a dancer fall in love. However the consequences of war drive them apart
Черный уголь, тонкий лед
Wu Zhizhen
Действия фильма начинаются в 1999 году в Китае. В небольшом провинциальном городке жизнь течет медленно и однообразно, пока полицейские не обнаруживают часть человеческой руки, а потом и сам труп. В ходе расследование полицейские находят еще несколько тел, после чего дело приобретает серьезный оборот. Местные жители очень напуганы происходящим, тем более что полиции так и не удается раскрыть серию жестоких убийств, поскольку выпавший снег скрывает все следы. Спустя несколько лет полицейские вновь сталкиваются с серийным убийцей, который совершает преступления очень похожие на те, что так и остались нераскрытыми. В ходе расследования детективам удается установить, что все жертвы так или иначе были связаны с одной местной женщиной, работающей в химчистке...
Christmas Rose
Jane / Li Jing
Paralyzed at a young age, Jing is a kind piano teacher who leads a quiet life. One day, she accuses her doctor Zhou of molesting her during a typical medical examination. Zhou is promptly arrested, charged and put on trial. The prosecutor of the case is Tim, an idealistic lawyer who joined the law world to punish the guilty. However, as Tim's investigator Nam helps him peel back the pieces, the more complex the case becomes. Soon, Tim begins to question the truth surrounding Jing's story.
Girlfriend Boyfriend
Mabel, Liam and Aaron have been friends since childhood. Their bonds of friendship are tested when, years later, they realize their friendship is the only reason they have made it through emotional hardships and extreme tragedies.
Врата дракона
Tribal Princess
Согласно древней легенде, каждые 60 лет сильнейшая песчаная буря смывает песок, под которым спрятан Золотой город, полный сокровищ. В ожидании бури в гостинице Врата Дракона собирается разномастная компания охотников за сокровищами Золотого города. Тут и император одной из китайских провинций и тайный министр другой провинции и две банды наемных убийц. Все они жаждут завладеть сокровищами, а ситуация усложняется тем что кое у кого из постояльцев отеля есть личные счеты друг к другу. Приключения начинаются!
Starry Starry Night
Adult Xiao Mei
There was once a young girl named May who felt alienated from everyone around her. May is worried about her mother and father, whose marriage is on the rocks, and she yearns to return to the woods where her grandfather lives. One day, May befriends a boy as lonely as she is. When reality catches up, they run away to a beautiful world that belongs only to them. Both imaginatively escapist and heartbreakingly realistic, their journey speaks to kids and adults alike with the pain of solitude, the sorrow of loss, and the warmth of hope.
Kiss, His First
Shanghai, two months ago... What would you risk to help a loved one?
Любовь в космосе
Huang Yulan/Lily
Этот фильм повествует о романтических отношения трех молодых сестер и их матери. Каждая из женщин удачлива во всем, кроме любви… Где они только не искали себе половинку: в Пекине, Сиднее и даже на луне!
Rest on Your Shoulder
Bai Lan
In an unspecified time when epidemics run rampant, botanist Yan Guo and his fiance-assistant Baobao move to Moon Island, a nature reserve, to research the curing properties of rare plants. As is customary, they pray to the magical Eros Tree to cement their love, unaware that they have to undergo a severe trial, in which Baobao must remain unseen to Yan for three years in exchange for his life.
10 Plus 10
Li, the young woman (segment "Key")
10+10 is a project initiated by the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival to demonstrate the solidarity between Taiwanese film-makers. 20 directors are invited to make a 5-minute short film each on the theme of the “Uniqueness of Taiwan,” but allowed total freedom in all other aspects.
Полицейский Дон Ли привык работать со стукачами, но слишком уж часто он бывает на грани провала, слишком часто операции срываются, вот почему мир теперь кажется ему лишь чередой предательств. Но знакомство с Гаем дает ему еще один шанс изменить свои взгляды на жизнь.
Рай океана
Ling Ling
Главный герой узнает, что неизлечимо болен раком. Его сын — беспомощный аутист. И умирающий отец должен успеть как-то устроить его жизнь до своего ухода туда, откуда не возвращаются…
Taipei Exchanges
Doris simply wanted to open a refined, stylish coffee shop in a bohemian Taipei neighborhood, but when she's stuck with a load of useless gifts from the opening celebration, her younger sister Josie turns the café into a burgeoning bartering business. There, even a soulful song (by Japanese singer Atari Kosuke in a cameo) is a tradable commodity. One day, a traveler brings in 35 soaps from around the world with a story for each of them, awakening Doris' imagination about the outside world that she has never seen.
Séance familiale
A french TV crew breaks into a Taiwanese family in Taipei for a real TV program during a weekend. After a short thought and seducing by the possible winnings, Lin's family accepts to be followed by the cameraman Pierre for two days. Little by little, Pierre's camera has become a new way of communication in this family. Everyone delivers their way of life and thinking, and maybe a little secret.
All About Women
Tie Ling
A series of intertwining stories focus on the lives and transformations of three women and their romantic relationships.
On Mother's Day in Taipei, Chen Mo makes a date for dinner with his wife, hoping to bring their estranged relationship back together. While buying a cake on his way home, a car unexpectedly double parks next to his car, preventing his exit.
Самый длинный путь
Xiao Yun
Tang goes on a trip to Taitung to record the sounds of nature, hoping the tape may save his relationship with his girlfriend who is leaving him. What he does not know, is that she has already moved away and another girl, Yun, has moved into that apartment. Yun is trapped in a hopeless love triangle, and troubled by all the issues she faces in life. After listening to the tape that Tang sent, she feels as if the kindness of nature is calling her, and travels to Taitung to find the mysterious man who sends her the tape.
Lu Xiao Yu
В первый день в новой школе во время прогулки внимание Луня привлекает соло на пианино. Он следует за музыкой и в старом классе музыки встречает красивую девушку. Это Юй, одна из одноклассниц Луня. Она всегда опаздывает в школу и садится за последнюю парту. Они становятся близкими друзьями и проводят много времени вместе. «Что за мелодию ты играла при нашей первой встрече», — спрашивает Лунь. «Это мой секрет», — шепчет ему в ответ Юй.
The Passage
Passionate about life and art, young researcher Ching is in love with museum historian Tung-Heng, but he is absorbed in his work. Then Tao arrives in Taiwan to view an item of historical calligraphy, and they realize why he pursues calligraphy.
Sound of Colors
Zhong Qing's unrequited love
Ming a marriage consultant who runs into the charming but blind Yeuk through a little help of a guardian angel. The wheel of fortune is set in motion after the lonesome Ming discovers that he is blind one day. Nobody else than Yeuk who is used to make her way through the labyrinth of the metropolis without relying on the power of sight every day becomes Ming's loyal helper. Will Ming's gift of seeing ever return and if so, will he stay together with Yeuk?
Вдоль моста Блю Гэйт
Meng Ke Rou
Ученица старших классов Юджэн влюблена в Шихао из школьной команды по плаванию. Он влюблён в её одноклассницу и лучшую подругу Кероу. А Кероу... она, кажется, любит Юджэн.