Minister Indral
An eclectic group of passengers travelling from Delhi to Mumbai aboard the Rajdhani Express has to deal with an unexpected situation.
A film unit goes for a shoot deep into a forest, they settle at a place with bare minimal facilities run by a strange and quirky man called Setu.
Kantilal Shantilal Shah
Four men form a gang with a plan of making a quick buck by kidnapping a rich girl for ransom. Not being prepared for unforeseen situation, they are forced to barge in and take shelter in a house and take the people in the house as hostages
Субшах Нагре - региональный индийский авторитет. Он, как может, пытается на своей территории сохранить дух справедливости и неприятия зла. Но с ним вступают в открытую конфронтацию арабские мафиози, не получившие согласил на деятельность в его владениях. В центр этого конфликта оказывается вовлечен Шанкар, сын Субхаша, недавно приехавший из Америки. Субхаш, понимая, что началась схватка не на жизнь, а на смерть, уговаривает Шанкара вернуться в Америку, но тот не хочет оставлять отца в трудную минуту...
Deshu, a mechanic from Dubai, comes home to Mumbai, and gets embroiled in a crime by accident. The film shows his meteoric rise from common, law-abiding man to underworld kingpin.
Ранвир Сингх Рана — крутой начальник специальной тюрьмы для особо опасных преступников внезапно лишается своего теплого местечка. Виной всему — побег из тюрьмы опасного бандита Багира. Вырвавшись на волю преступник начинает вселять ужас на близлежащие деревни. Власти объявляют особо ценный приз тому, кто сможет поймать бандита и засадить его обратно в тюрьму. Привлеченные большими деньгами на поиски Багира отправляются сотни авантюристов, не подозревающих во что они ввязались…
Netaji Dayashankar Patil
After the traumatic death of his brother, Inspector Ritesh finds that his niece has suffered a trauma and is unable to speak, while his widowed mother and sister-in-law are devastated by his sudden death. Then while apprehending some goons he finds himself surrounded by them and there is no way of calling for help. It is then a man named Marshal shows up and rescues him. Miraculously his niece also starts to speak. Ritesh finds this a good omen for his family and asks Marshal to stay on in their house, and even proposes that he marry his sister-in-law. What Ritesh does not know is that Marshal is a hired assassin and hit-man, and his next target is none other than Ritesh himself.
Bhairav Singh
Orphaned Roshni lives a poor-lifestyle with her maternal uncle, Gulal, and his wife, and they do Nautanki (singing and dancing) from village to village for a living. She is in love with Sharad and both want to get married. Lusty Thakur Gajraj Singh, who will shortly become an MLA, takes a liking to Roshni and, together with bandit Bhairav Singh, abduct Roshni in her bridal gear, killing Sharad, and having their way with her. Roshni survives, decides to complain to the Police, not only refuse to take any action, but the Police Inspector in Charge also has his way with her. Humiliated, she is left on the streets, rescued by kind-hearted bandit, Shankara, who recruits her and she swears to avenge her humiliation by killing her molesters. She unleashes a wave of terror attacks, prompting the government to assign Inspector Ramesh Kumar to arrest her at any and all costs. The question remains, does Roshni have enough time to carry out her vengeance before being arrested by Ramesh Kumar?
Four criminals escape from prison and take shelter in a village. They meet an ex army personnel who assigns them a noble but dangerous mission to reform them.
Казалось бы, что может быть общего у беззаботного городского франта Джая, наслаждающегося всеми прелестями жизни, и мрачного и угрюмого Афтаба, мелкого контрабандиста, постоянно ходящего по краю? Как оказалось, связь между ними есть, и связь эту невозможно разрушить, ведь они - сводные братья. Долгое время они и не подозревают о существовании друг друга, а когда узнают о своем родстве и встречаются, то расстаются почти врагами. Но судьба играет над ними злую шутку - они оказываются впутанными в весьма неприятную историю, и, несмотря на изначальную неприязнь друг к другу, вынуждены совместно искать выход, скрываясь одновременно и от полиции, и от бандитов.
Chudail No. 1 is a horror film where a raped girl becomes a witch to get revenge against her rapists.
An action drama depicting the enmity between two families and its aftermath. Krishna, a righteous young man, is the last survivor after his family gets brutally killed by Shibnath. Years pass by and Krishna forgets his past, but Shibnath's animosity remains fresh. What happens when Shibnath's son, Bhawani tries to reopen Krishna's old wounds once again?
Lamboo Aata
Shankar, a coolie, comes in the way of the bad guys, Bulla and his cronies. They kill his father and sister. Shankar vows revenge and eliminates all of them in bizarre and gruesome fashion.
Богатая Шарда любит бедного Винода Кумара и хочет выйти за него замуж. Но её брат гангстер Вишванатх Даярам запрещает ей, поскольку он хочет выдать сестру замуж за своего друга Нану, владельца гаража, с которым он уже устроил её брак. Вишванатх убивает Винода. Шарда, которая беременна, убегает и рожает мальчика, которого она вынуждена оставить. Вишванатх посылает своих людей, чтобы убить Шарду и её ребенка любой ценой, но она ускользает от них. Спустя годы дочь Вишванатха, Нита, влюбляется в Сагара, который является никем иным, как сыном Шарды. Вишванатх предпринимает меры для устранения Сагара.
Two close friends, Yash and Raja, share a passion for cars and beautiful women. Both come from different backgrounds, while Yash is wealthy, Raja comes from a poor family. Raja meets with Reshma, who is attending a nearby college, and falls in love with her. Reshma eventually also falls in love with him. When Yash meets Reshma, he also instantly falls in love with her. When Yash finds out that Reshma loves Raja, he has both of them tragically separated.
Gowda is a goonda whose octopus like tentacles have a hold on illegal numbers game, brewing and distribution of illicit liquor, smuggling of firearms and other contraband. To aid and abet him, he has the cooperation of a senior police officer, a minister and the entire official machinery under their control. Three brothers, Ajit (a military man - Fawzi), Bhagat - a policeman and Jai, who is unemployed are on a collision course with Gowda and his goons. Within the police, Pawar, the honest Commissioner and Bapat, his deputy are on a collision course. The Minister is orchestrating both the administrative and the Mafia bosses, and their underlings. While this is a formula film of the mid 1990's an ageing Dharmendra still puts in a credible performance.
Yeda Topi
Avinash gets into a fight with a gangster, Yeda Topi, and is accused of his murder. Thereafter, he pretends to be Dr Verma and romances his girlfriend who has a cognitive disability, Neha Khurana.
Bajrang Singh
Наемный убийца Шива скрываясь от правосудия, становится Аджаем. Уехав в другой город, он встретил и полюбил молодую вдову Судху. Ради нее он ступил на путь истины, отказавшись от преступности и насилия. Но прежняя жизнь не отпускает его..
Inspector Shinde
Ram Sinha does not know that he re-write his destiny by joining the police force and at the same time make enemy with a criminal don named Dhonga the great. Dhonga swears to avenge the death of his brother and subsequent imprisonment of 5 years jail term which Ram were responsible for. Meanwhile Ram gets marry to Anjail the sister of his assistant Inspector Kavi and both are parents to a baby boy. Years pass by and Dhonga jail term finally comes to an end; it is this opportunity he is waiting for to wreck havoc on Ram and his happy family.
Молодые влюбленные Кавита и Аклак собираются уехать из города, чтобы сбежать от старшего брата Кавиты, препятствующего их браку. Но на вокзале на них нападают хулиганы. Тогда, используя свой чудодейственный медальон, Кавита обращается за помощью к богу...
Помощник комиссара полиции, Сурадж Чоухан- серьезный и честный полицейский. Он расследует дело коррумпированных политиков, таких как министр внутренних дел Бхавани Шанкар. Брата Сураджа, Аруна, который работает криминальным репортером, безжалостно убивает Чакку Пандей. Сурадж клянется отомстить за его смерть.
Azad Deshpande
Два друга, Аникет и Адарш росли в одной семье как братья. После окончания колледжа Аникет уезжает на учебу за границу. Вернувшись домой, Аникет узнает о смерти отца, погибшего от рук наемных убийц. Долг братьев найти заказчиков убийства и покарать их.
Choudhry Devkirai
Sweet, attractive and naive Ganga lives in a small village in India, with her mom. She is in love with Shankar, who has gone to the city at the recommendation of Thakur Shamsher Singh, and would like to marry him soon. Her dreams and innocence come to an end when she is lured by Shamsher to his mansion so that she can sleep with Minister Choudhry Devkirai.
Веселый мошенник Азад, подобно Робин Гуду, грабит богатых и раздает награбленное бедным. Местные жители, постоянно страдающие от беззаконий богача Гарга, уговаривают Азада стать полицейским. Новоиспеченный инспектор полиции должен поставить на место всех бандитов в округе.
Chandrasen Azad
Lack-lustred and alcoholic Pratap Narayan Tilak is given a rude awakening when he meets with journalist Megha Dixit, and decides to instill some sense of justice and fair play within his community, and get them to assertively defend their rights and freedom. He is met with strong resistance, both from within his very own community, the police, and some very powerful and influential politicians. Unable to bear the injustice, and frustrated at his community to act proactively, Pratap decides to take the law into his own hands, resulting in chaos, violence, and uncertainty for everyone, and a path to his own grave.
Mr. Dhanraj
Сагар и Вишал Капур живут под одной крышей, хотя они и не братья. Вишал опекает Сагара больше, чем родного брата. Сагар, беспечный юнец, всегда окруженный красивыми девушками, сходящими по нему с ума. Там, где Сагар, все наполняется любовью и красотой, а Вишал — его противоположность.Жажда к деньгам и террору охватывают Вишала. Через двух своих подручных — Нагешвара и Далала — Вишал сеет ужас и борется против закона и правосудия. Для Вишала любовь можно купить за деньги.Аша любит Вишала, но Вишал со своими взглядами на жизнь разбивает ей сердце, и Аша уходит от Вишала. Продолжая свою опасную жизнь, Вишал однажды оказывается на пороге смерти, но танцовщица Баркха, самоотверженно спасает его и дает Вишалу шанс на новую жизнь…
army officer
Молодой выпускник педагогического института возвращается в свою родную школу в качестве преподавателя. Здесь он находит свою настоящую любовь, но вскоре его жизнь и жизнь его близких подвергается смертельной опасности. Школу захватывают террористы…
Reema lives a wealthy lifestyle with her widowed businessman dad, Dinkar, and her grandma. Her dad wants her to marry Vicky, but she dislikes him. On the day of the marriage, while fully dressed as a Hindu bride, Reema plans to run away. It is at this time that she see's a stranger in her house, thinking it is her dad's employee, she tries to run from him, but he catches up with her. He tells her that his name is Suraj alias Surya, an ex-convict, who has just been released from prison. As he had no money, he as unable to eat anything, and hence had broken into their house to steal money and jewelery. While on the run, they are also joined by Hero, who had attempted to rob a bank so that he could go to Bombay and become a movie star. His attempt at robbing the bank had failed and he is now on run from the police. When Dinkar is told that Reema has run away, he contacts a local gangster named Lala and asks him to locate her. Lala, in his turn asks Ranga, one of his hoodlums, to find ...
A brave cop - who has always stood up to injustice and corruption - runs afoul of an influential gangster, when he is assigned to Mumbai.
Manish Pandey
When a gangster takes over the art of karate and causes unrest in a town, one man rises to fight against them.
A multi-millionaire, Ram Khanna, is advised by a fake astrologer that he will meet and marry a woman whose name will start with "M". Ram does meet Mamta, and they both fall in love. Ram marries her, despite the fact that she is the daughter of a prostitute, Heerabai, and brings her home with her. Mamta gets a chilling welcome from Ram brother's, Murli Manohar, and his wife, Maya. Mamta decides to assert herself and takes over the household matters, forcing Murli and Maya to leave the house. Soon Mamta and Ram give birth to a baby boy. One day Ram asks Mamta to take care of a suitcase full of cash, as he has to go out of town. Mamta is lured out of the house along with the suitcase, and is brutally killed by Gulu Goli, a hired hit-man, who buries her in a secluded spot. Though physically dead and buried, Mamta's spirit is still alive and active, though she cannot be heard, nor seen by anyone. She decides to return home and expose Murli and Maya.
Lala Milavatram
Wealthy and aristocratic Thakur Pratap Singh lives in a palatial mansion, and has a dream of building a dream house, similar to the Taj Mahal, with the help of his Architect brother. In order to do this, he must first get rid of the villagers, and take possession of their respective lands. He runs into problems when Mangal and a few handful of villagers refuse to part with their lands. Pratap Singh, his brother, and some of his goons get together and convive a deadly plan that will result in the death of Mangal and the villagers who are opposed to selling their lands.