Vivek Shauq

Vivek Shauq

Рождение : 1963-06-21, Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Смерть : 2011-01-10


Vivek Shauq was an Indian actor, comedian, writer and singer. He had acted in Hindi and Punjabi films, television serials, theatre and television commercials. He was also a popular writer and singer. Shauq was also involved with the Sant Nirankari Mission. He was fluent in Urdu. He was also the founding member of Nonsense Club. He died of a heart attack on 10 January 2011 in Mumbai, at the age of 47. He is survived by his wife and three children.


Vivek Shauq
Vivek Shauq


The Lion of Punjab
Balwant Rai's Personal Assistant
A man single-handedly fights against the forces of injustice.
Любовь как игра
Прем женился на женщине своей мечты - Шитал, у них растет любимая дочка... Они счастливы вместе. Но в один день в их доме в качестве соседки поселяется роковая красотка Твинкл. И Прем попадает под ее чары... Выдержат ли испытания чувства Према?
Apni Boli Apna Des
Amrita's husband
Punjab-based Satkar Kaur initially resents fellow-collegian Sahibdeep Singh, believing that he won a number of competitions by resorting to unfair means, but eventually falls in love with him. When her sister, Amrita, invites her to visit London, she does so, and is introduced to Sharandeep, who loves her. Satkar is thrilled when she finds out that Sahibdeep also has re-located there and has taken up singing as a career. She looks forward to meeting him but faces heartbreak when she finds out that he has a gorgeous girlfriend, Raman Kaur, the only daughter of aspiring politician, Bikramjit Singh; while back home Sahibdeep's father, Arjun, faces trauma and humiliation of losing their family home due to unpaid debt
Chak de Phatte
Goldie Kakkad
Four Punjab-based men attempt to immigrate abroad by wooing a Canadian resident.
Piya's father
Студентам-лоботрясам Самми и Али предстоит служба в армии, что они считают пустой тратой времени. Стремясь получить зачёт по дисциплине «Кино», они решают снять любительский фильм про то, почему не стоит служить в армии. Знакомый репортёр отдает им 3 письма солдат, погибших в индо-пакистанских вооруженных конфликтах. Чтобы отдать письма семьям, ребята путешествуют по стране, и с каждой новой встречей всё более проникаются патриотическими настроениями. Возвращаются домой ребята уже совсем другими людьми..
Sat Sri Akal
"The movie is a humble tribute commemorating 300 years of Gurta Gaddi Diwas (Coronation) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib," Sahni stated and added that the movie revolves around traditional values, love, sentiments, and colossal faith towards the almighty God. "The film tends to enlighten one on how Guru Granth Sahib is practical Guru in this modern world," he claimed and mentioned that for the first time, the "true to life" ambience of pilgrimage places like Sri Harmandar Saheb (Amritsar), Sri Hazur Saheb (Nanded) and Sri Bangla Sahib (Delhi) would be shown on 35 mm format
Sajna Ve Sajna
.After a freak accident in Scotland, Bali (Sagoo) is left in a coma. His doting grandfather, Kartar Singh (Tahil), travels to the Punjab for blessings of a speedy recovery for his grandson. Accompanying him on his holy journey is Manpreet (Jhangiani), a traditional village belle. Kartar returns to Scotland with Manpreet, envisaging her to be the daughter-in-law he always dreamed of, but finds Bali awake and harbouring intentions to marry dancer Charlene (Zoe Szypillo). Can Manpreet win Bali's heart the traditional Indian way?
Мой друг Бобби Деол
В небольшом провинциальном городке живет маленький мальчик по имени Нанхе. Он живет только с мамой и помогает ей во всем. Нанхе очень обаятельный и добрый мальчик. Он каждый день делится со своими мечтами и мыслями со своим другом – известным болливудским актером Бобби Деолом. Конечно же, пока это всего лишь его мечта и фантазия. Но Нанхе верит, что однажды так и будет. Нанхе каждый день пишет письма своему другу, мечтая встретиться с ним наяву. И вот однажды произойдет чудо – мечта сбудется.
Waman Pandit
Фильм рассказывает историю простой семьи – Свами, его жены Радхи и их сына Ананда. У Свами есть страсть – он коллекционирует пятирупиевые монеты. И мечта – он мечтает купить кресло-качалку. Радха любит смотреть телевизор и мечтает, чтобы их сын получил хорошее образование и работу в США. В конце концов семья переезжает из деревни в Мумбаи, и мальчик идет учиться. Но Радха заболевает и умирает. Все заботы о сыне берет на себя его отец. В конце концов, он выполняет мечту своей жены, и Ананд получает приглашение работать в Америке. Но он не хочет ехать, потому что его отцу отказывают в получении визы…
Mitti Wajaan Maardi
Before passing away, U.S.-based widower Surjit Singh informs his doctor son, Varyam, that he has a step-mother, Santoh, who lives in Punjab along with a daughter, Rani, who he did not provide for nor communicate, and that he was compelled to marry his U.S.-citizen mother as he was in the county illegally. He instructs him to take his ashes there and let Santoh immerse them. Surjit subsequently passes away, and Varyam travels to Punjab to fulfill his father's last wish. Upon arrival, he will soon start learning Punjabi from gorgeous Preet; running the village dispensary, as well as meet Santoh and Rani without informing them of his identity and intent. His intentions to make amends with them will be misunderstood as he will be expected to get married to Rani; while the local Police will be compelled to re-investigate the mysterious disappearance of a male named Kirpal.
Shahji Ki Advice
This movie will definitely tickle your funny bone as Jaspal Bhatti brings a very unusual consultancy. This is a consultancy that offers unusual solutions to everyday problems and extraordinary solutions to unusual problems. In short keep laughing your way to health.
Предчувствие любви
Nawab Sharif
Не ждал, Адитья, что, прилетев в Канаду с невестой Сонией, он безумно влюбится в незнакомку Джийю, чей жених Каран богач…
Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai
Jaipur-based Durga has been blind as far as she can remember, and helps her dad make clay statues of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. When her dad passes away, she and her mom continue making clay statues to make a living. Then one day Durga is involved in an accident and is rescued by a young man named Babu. Both of them fall in love with each and want to get married. But before that could happen, Dubai returned Rana, another man who wants to marry Durga, kills her mom and then Babu himself. A devastated Durga undergoes eye surgery through Swiss-based Dr. R.K. Prasad and regains her sight. Dr. Prasad takes her with him to live in Switzerland and this is where multi-millionaire Raj enters her life and wants to marry her.
Meri Vahuti Da Viyah
Hypochondriac Ghuggi (Gurpreet Ghuggi) overhears another patient's prognosis and believes he's got only a short time to live. Expecting his wife (Upasana Singh) to soon be a widow, he encourages a visiting college friend, Sikander (Smeep Kang), to put the moves on her. Vivek Shauq co-stars in this uproarious comedy from director Ksshitij Choudhary.
Жизнь так прекрасна
Mr. Vishal Sharma
Адитья вместе со своими племянниками проживает в огромном особняке, на который постоянно находятся покупатели. К несчастью, жизнь Адитьи заканчивается трагически, он попадает под автомобиль, спасая маленького мальчугана. Но на небесах он уговаривает бога разрешить ему на время вернуться призраком на землю для решения оставшихся проблем…
The Municipality of Hoshiarpur not only honors it's Assistant Commissioner of Police Pratap Singh but also promotes him as the Commissioner. While Pratap's brother-in-law is also a police officer, his son, Nishant, quite comically, wants to be a bandit, and much to Pratap's chagrin, wants to follow in the steps of Sholay's Gabbar Singh. Things get out of control after a bank is robbed, and the police launch a man-hunt for the robbers, whose leader they believe is none other than Nishant.
The Municipality of Hoshiarpur not only honors it's Assistant Commissioner of Police Pratap Singh but also promotes him as the Commissioner. While Pratap's brother-in-law is also a police officer, his son, Nishant, quite comically, wants to be a bandit, and much to Pratap's chagrin, wants to follow in the steps of Sholay's Gabbar Singh. Things get out of control after a bank is robbed, and the police launch a man-hunt for the robbers, whose leader they believe is none other than Nishant.
Businesswoman Sia Malhotra lives a wealthy lifestyle in Bangkok, along with her twin, Ria, who is deaf and dumb due to a neurological disorder. She meets with Raj Oberoi, and both fall in love. Their endeavors to cure Ria are all in vain. Sia plans to travel to the United States to improve her business, and has no one to look after Ria. So she decides to get married to Raj so that he could move in with Ria and look after her. Raj agrees, and both obtain a marriage certificate from Pattaya City Hall, and Sia departs for America. Sia does not know that after her return she will be a suspect in the brutal killing of a female Caucasian, Diana, and will not be permitted to leave Bangkok; and she will face further trauma and shock when she finds that her husband has been sexually molesting her handicapped sister.
Harry (Taxi Driver)
Avinash Malhotra (Bobby Deol) is married to Sanjana (Lara Dutta). One night Sanjana is murdered, and Avinash is arrested for the murder of his wife.
Asa Nu Maan Watna Da
Calgary-based businessman Kanwaljit Singh Tilon sends money home to his brother, Deep, to invest in some property. Now with his wife; son, Mehr; and medical-student daughter, Aman; he returns home to Kapurthala to live with Deep for a year. They are very well received by Deep and his wife, Harbans, with Mehr and Aman both finding life partners in the outspoken Palli and Dr. Balvinder. Things change dramatically after Kanwaljit announces that he will not be returning to Canada, and will reside there permanently.
Kuch To Gadbad Hai
Ajay R. Marwah
Justice Balwant Khanna lives a comfortable lifestyle with his wife, Devika, and two sons, Sanjay and Jai. He has placed a lot of faith in his sons hoping that they will marry girls of equal status. Unfortunately, Sanjay falls in love with an orphan by the name of Rashmi and marries her. Balwant reluctantly accepts her as his daughter-in-law, but warns Jai that there will be no more orphan daughter-in-laws welcome in the Khanna household. Then chaos breaks out when Mr. Kapoor and Mrs. Kapoor arrive to fix the marriage of their daughter with Sanjay. Chaos gives way to confusion when the Kapoors claim that Rashmi is their daughter. While Devika instantly accepts Rashmi, Balwant takes his own time to accept her as his daughter-in-law. Then Jai announces that he has married a girl named Neha, the daughter of Gopal Das. Shortly thereafter Rashmi invites her friend, Riya and her husband Ajay to live with them as paying guests.
Zinda Dil
The Movie Directed by Mohan Baggad.
Любовь над облаками
Сюжет фильма - традиционный треугольник любви. Главная идея - любовь всегда выиграет. Новое в таком старомодном фильме - это убойное трио красивых людей. Каджал - современная сильная духом девушка. Радж - ее близкий друг детства. У Каджал есть «пунктик» - она увлекается самолетами и в глубине души видит своим избранником пилота. Об этом она сообщает Раджу, но не знает, что он тайно влюблен в нее и готов на все ради ответного чувства. Однажды он получает вызов из воздушной академии и поступает на 18-месячные курсы, чтобы затем взять с собой Лару и показать ей весь мир с высоты птичьего полета. Но по возвращении с обучения внутри у него все переворачивается, когда он узнает, что любимая женщина принадлежит другому.
Praan Jaye Par Shaan Na Jaye
Aman Joshi (Aman Verma) is on a research assignment. His subject is the chawl dwellers in Bombay City. He rents a small tenement there and talks to the people living there. He soon gets involved in their lives, and even gets attracted to plain-looking Saundarya (Divya Mirza), who he transforms into a beauty, after a cosmetic makeover. Aman's kindness is mistaken for generosity by all the chawl dwellers, and they swarm him for his money, trying to get loans and gifts, to improve their lives. Then the lives of this small community are turned upside down, when the owner announces that he intends to tear the building down.
Kash Aap Hamare Hote
Jay's friend
Yashwantraj Mankotia (Om Puri) has brought up the daughter of his late friend, Amrita (Juhi Babbar) with love and affection as his own daughter. He plans to marry her to his only son, Randeep (Sharad Kapoor), who is settled in Canada. Randeep is reluctant to visit India to see his father, but does so when his father feigns heart trouble. Randeep is upset that he has to leave his business. He gets even more upset when his father proposes marriage with Amrita. Randeep reluctantly agrees to marry Amrita in order to get his father's inheritance. After the marriage, Randeep and Amrita travel to Canada, where Amrita finds that Randeep has a live-in girlfriend/spouse/business partner by the name of Simone (Saadhika).
Baaz: A Bird in Danger
Havaldar Chautala
In a small town, Nainital, India the police is on the look-out for a serial killer. All the killer's targets are of astonishing beautiful young girls; with an ulterior motive. Evidences found at the crime scenes are a dragger and a pair of rubber gloves. The three men under suspect are Mayor Jai Singh Dabral, DSP Harshvardan and a painter by profession Raj Singh; the problem is the police do not have evidence to incarcerate any of these men.
Jee Aayan Nu
Operating a Television Network from Vancouver, Sardar Jasbir Singh Grewal, arranges the marriage of his only child, Simar, with Mulhapur-based, Inder Veer Singh, the son of his friend, Arjun, much to the chagrin of his snobbish wife, Kuldip. Simar and Inder find themselves compatible, and an engagement ceremony is arranged. It is during this event that they find out that Inder has no intention of re-locating to Canada, and the ceremony is canceled. After sometime, Inder decides to visit the Grewals in order to try and convince Simar to return to India, and also visit his married sister, who he has not seen for over 7 years, as well as a former girlfriend, Jaspreet, who also live in Vancouver. Once there, he witnesses the plight of his sister, Jaspreet, and other Punjabis, making him question whether Canada is really the perceived 'heaven on Earth'; what C.B.C.D. really means; little knowing Simar has no intention of ever settling down in India.
Мученики, 23 марта 1931
Bhagwati Charan
Фильм рассказывает о жизни и борьбе пламенного патриота Индии Бхагата Сингха, ставшего легендой еще при жизни. Тёмной ночью 1931 года из центральной тюрьмы Лахор, через черный ход, было вывезено и тайно сожжено тело. Этот инцидент вызвал в Индии народные волнения. Кем же был тот человек, который вызвал такой страх у всесильной Англии?
Maa Tujhhe Salaam
Capt. Purushottam
Bollywood superstar Sunny Deol plays Maj. Pratap Singh, who's in command of an Indian battalion guarding his country's border with Pakistan in this action-packed thriller from director Tinnu Verma. When Singh's girlfriend -- intelligence agent Sonia Khanna (Tabu) -- informs him that self-styled Pakistani leader Lala aims to rule Kashmir as a sovereign state, Singh finds an unexpected ally in a mercenary (Arbaaz Khan) once loyal to Lala.
DCP Raksekhar Azad (Raj) is an invincible cop with a great aim. He arrests a terrorist by the name of Khan. But Khan lands in a prison cell that looks cushier than the Buckingham Palace. However, this gets Raj promoted, and he is congratulated by none other than his father-in-law, who is also a very high ranking policeman. Then all of a sudden, Raj finds out that many policemen would like to see Khan go free. He discusses this issue with his father-in-law, and to his surprise, does not find any support from him. Disagreements and arguments ensue, and as a result, his father-in-law gets killed. The Police suspect Raj of killing him, they begin the process of arresting him, he runs away, while Khan is all set to get freed to do whatever he likes.
Darmiyaan Singh
Не имея возможность уехать в Пакистан в 1947 во время разделения стран, Сакина остается в Индии. Здесь она находит защиту у сингха Тары, выходит за него замуж и в счастливом браке рожает ему сына. Но, узнав, что живы родители, эмигрировавшие в Пакистан, она едет туда, чтобы встретиться с ними. Однако, как только она оказывается на родине, ее отец, крупный политический деятель, ненавидящий Индию и имеющий свои планы на будущее дочери, делает все возможное, чтобы она не могла вернуться в Индию и соединиться с семьей…
Классный игрок
Ravi (as Vivek Shauq)
Журналистка Пайял полюбила обаятельного гангстера Девраджа. Неизвестные убивают её брата Рави и обвиняют в этом Девраджа. Главному герою приходится приложить немало сил, чтобы выйти победителем в смертельной игре...