Self - Filmmaker (archive footage)
Hawaii, May 1977. After the success of Star Wars, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg meet to find a new project to work on together, the former as producer, the latter as director. The story of how the charismatic archaeologist Indiana Jones was born and how his first adventure, released in 1981, triumphed at box offices around the world.
Self - Filmmaker (archive footage)
The incredible story of the mythical Russian-American actor and filmmaker Yul Brynner (1920-85), the most exotic sex-symbol since Rudolph Valentino; the story of the atypical destiny of an international nomad: from the Parisian cabarets to the stages of Broadway and the Hollywood studios. The rise to fame of a multidisciplinary genius who became a king of the screen.
THE RED SEA MIRACLE 2 continues to raise big questions about biblical miracles. Introducing the second film in a new two-part series by Patterns of Evidence’s award-winning filmmaker, Timothy Mahoney. How could thousands of feet of water be parted at the Red Sea? Or was the sea merely parted by the act of wind in nature, through a shallow Egyptian lake? Mahoney investigates these locations to see if any have a pattern of evidence matching the Bible. People of faith will be inspired and skeptics will have much to think about as Mahoney reveals two decades of documentary research including if divers found the remains of Pharaoh's army on the seafloor. This cinematic journey leads him to inquire… “Do miracles still happen today?”
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle , is the first in a two-part film series by Patterns of Evidence’s award-winning filmmaker, Timothy Mahoney. In this investigation he examines the journey to the crossing location, looking at two competing views of the Red Sea Miracle. One he calls the “Egyptian Approach,” which looks near Egypt. The other he calls the “Hebrew Approach,” which looks far from Egypt to the Gulf of Aqaba where divers have been searching for the remains of Pharaoh’s army on the seafloor. The investigation raises giant questions about the real location for the crossing site and its implications on your view of God. The answers to these questions point to one of two very different realities.
Self - Filmmaker (archive footage)
История The Satanic Temple, противоречивого движения, сочетающего религию и активизм с очевидной целью поставить под сомнение базовые основы американского общества.
Himself (archive footage)
The silent cinema had already created colossal movies based on ancient civilizations, but it is in the 1950s when peplums reach their apogee in Hollywood. Then, peplums take root at Cinecittà studios, in Rome, where cheap cinema is produced with bodybuilders as heroes. The genre decays in the late 1960s, but rises again decades later, when a modern classic is released in 2000.
Filmmaker Peter Brosnan digs up the set of the 1923 film 'The Ten Commandments', long buried in the sands of California's Central Coast.
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Self (archive footage)
Before the G, PG and R ratings system there was the Production Code, and before that there was, well, nothing. This eye-opening documentary examines the rampant sexuality of early Hollywood through movie clips and reminiscences by stars of the era. Gloria Swanson, Mary Pickford, Marlene Dietrich and others relate tales of the artistic freedom that led to the draconian Production Code, which governed content from 1934 to 1968. Diane Lane narrates.
(archive footage)
An unprecedented anthology of never-before-told true stories by and about some of Hollywood's most interesting stars, legends, and wannabes, and takes readers inside Hollywood's inner sanctum to show how casting decisions are made, who makes them, and who has the final word.
(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Executive Producer
Во время англо-американской войны 1812 года генерал Эндрю Джексон располагает только 1200-ю солдатами для защиты Нового Орлеана от Британских кораблей, хотя знает, что британский флот в составе 60 кораблей и 16 тысяч человек вскоре прибудет, чтобы взять город. В этой ситуации особой стратегически важной зоной становится остров около города, но на беду он находится в руках последнего большого пирата Жана Лафита. Это самый известный среди флибустьеров пират, разбойник с повадками джентльмена и сердцем патриота. Его неотразимость разбила сердца всех женщин вокруг, а мужчины признавали его лидерство безоговорочно. Хотя Лафит никогда не нападает на американские суда, губернатор ненавидит его за то, что он продает товары без налогов, а граждане любят его по той же самой причине. Когда большое сражение становится неотвратимо, Лафит разрывается между двумя фронтами. Его сердце принадлежит Америке, но его люди убеждают его сотрудничать с теми, кто наверняка победит…
Во время англо-американской войны 1812 года генерал Эндрю Джексон располагает только 1200-ю солдатами для защиты Нового Орлеана от Британских кораблей, хотя знает, что британский флот в составе 60 кораблей и 16 тысяч человек вскоре прибудет, чтобы взять город. В этой ситуации особой стратегически важной зоной становится остров около города, но на беду он находится в руках последнего большого пирата Жана Лафита. Это самый известный среди флибустьеров пират, разбойник с повадками джентльмена и сердцем патриота. Его неотразимость разбила сердца всех женщин вокруг, а мужчины признавали его лидерство безоговорочно. Хотя Лафит никогда не нападает на американские суда, губернатор ненавидит его за то, что он продает товары без налогов, а граждане любят его по той же самой причине. Когда большое сражение становится неотвратимо, Лафит разрывается между двумя фронтами. Его сердце принадлежит Америке, но его люди убеждают его сотрудничать с теми, кто наверняка победит…
Cecil B. DeMille
An inaccurate retelling of the life of silent filmmaker and comedian Buster Keaton.
Фильм повествует о знаменитом библейском персонаже Моисее, о его рождении, возмужании, культовом исходе евреев из Египта…
Фильм повествует о знаменитом библейском персонаже Моисее, о его рождении, возмужании, культовом исходе евреев из Египта…
Фильм повествует о знаменитом библейском персонаже Моисее, о его рождении, возмужании, культовом исходе евреев из Египта…
Executive Producer
На окраине маленького городка упал метеорит. Это событие будоражит воображение местных жителей. Это же первый Контакт, но… марсиане пришли не с миром. Долгое время они пристально изучали землю, чтобы начать вторжение. Всего за пару дней все города были разрушены, армии всего мира потерпели поражение. Кажется, что гибель человечества неизбежна. Спасения нет! А доктор Клайтон Форрестер пытается уберечь свою возлюбленную Сильвию от кошмара, творящегося вокруг. Неужели человечество будет стерто с лица земли?
Photographer (uncredited)
Peter Potter Jr. returns to claim his father's gold, which is nowhere to be found.
Фильм рассказывает о самом гигантском передвижном цирковом шоу на планете, в котором участвовало одновременно более двух тысяч человек, актеров и ассистентов. Все грандиозное зрелище располагалось под огромным натяжным шатром одновременно на трех аренах и вмещало тысячи зрителей. Небывалое количество диких животных, декораций и технических средств перевозилось по всей Америке специальными железнодорожными составами. В фильме всем этим огромным коллективом управляет один человек — крепкий и решительный парень Брэд Брейден. Чтобы гарантировать хорошие сборы, он нанимает акробата на трапеции Себастьяна, отдав ему главную роль в шоу, вместо акробатки Холли. С этой минуты между ними начинается соревнование за звание лучшего акробата под куполом гигантского цирка.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает о самом гигантском передвижном цирковом шоу на планете, в котором участвовало одновременно более двух тысяч человек, актеров и ассистентов. Все грандиозное зрелище располагалось под огромным натяжным шатром одновременно на трех аренах и вмещало тысячи зрителей. Небывалое количество диких животных, декораций и технических средств перевозилось по всей Америке специальными железнодорожными составами. В фильме всем этим огромным коллективом управляет один человек — крепкий и решительный парень Брэд Брейден. Чтобы гарантировать хорошие сборы, он нанимает акробата на трапеции Себастьяна, отдав ему главную роль в шоу, вместо акробатки Холли. С этой минуты между ними начинается соревнование за звание лучшего акробата под куполом гигантского цирка.
Фильм рассказывает о самом гигантском передвижном цирковом шоу на планете, в котором участвовало одновременно более двух тысяч человек, актеров и ассистентов. Все грандиозное зрелище располагалось под огромным натяжным шатром одновременно на трех аренах и вмещало тысячи зрителей. Небывалое количество диких животных, декораций и технических средств перевозилось по всей Америке специальными железнодорожными составами. В фильме всем этим огромным коллективом управляет один человек — крепкий и решительный парень Брэд Брейден. Чтобы гарантировать хорошие сборы, он нанимает акробата на трапеции Себастьяна, отдав ему главную роль в шоу, вместо акробатки Холли. С этой минуты между ними начинается соревнование за звание лучшего акробата под куполом гигантского цирка.
Cecil B. DeMille
Молоденький писатель Джо Гиллис сидит на полной «мели», его преследуют кредиторы, ему не на что поесть, ему кажется, что жизнь кончилась. Машина, на которой он отправляется бездумно и бесцельно неизвестно куда, вдруг резко виляет в сторону (лопнула шина!) и влетает во двор особняка знаменитой в прошлом, но увядающей в настоящем кинозвезды Нормы Десмонд…
Narrator (uncredited)
Самсон — израильский богатырь, прославившийся в войнах с филистимлянами. Однажды на него напал лев, и Самсон растерзал его голыми руками. Много раз враги израильтян, филистимляне, покушались убить его, но всегда безуспешно. Любовь к филистимлянке Далиле погубила Самсона. Узнав, что сила героя заключается в его длинных волосах, она во время сна остригла ему волосы и передала в руки филистимлян.
Язычники, выколов глаза, посадили Самсона в темницу. Согласно Ветхому Завету однажды мучители вывели Самсона на всенародное поругание в свой языческий храм. Самсон попросил отрока, водившего его за руку, подвести его к двум колоннам, на которых держалось все здание, чтобы прислониться к ним. Помолившись Богу, он уперся в столбы руками и сдвинул их с места. Здание обрушилось. Под развалинами здания погибли все филистимляне, бывшие там, а с ними и сам Самсон.
Самсон — израильский богатырь, прославившийся в войнах с филистимлянами. Однажды на него напал лев, и Самсон растерзал его голыми руками. Много раз враги израильтян, филистимляне, покушались убить его, но всегда безуспешно. Любовь к филистимлянке Далиле погубила Самсона. Узнав, что сила героя заключается в его длинных волосах, она во время сна остригла ему волосы и передала в руки филистимлян.
Язычники, выколов глаза, посадили Самсона в темницу. Согласно Ветхому Завету однажды мучители вывели Самсона на всенародное поругание в свой языческий храм. Самсон попросил отрока, водившего его за руку, подвести его к двум колоннам, на которых держалось все здание, чтобы прислониться к ним. Помолившись Богу, он уперся в столбы руками и сдвинул их с места. Здание обрушилось. Под развалинами здания погибли все филистимляне, бывшие там, а с ними и сам Самсон.
Самсон — израильский богатырь, прославившийся в войнах с филистимлянами. Однажды на него напал лев, и Самсон растерзал его голыми руками. Много раз враги израильтян, филистимляне, покушались убить его, но всегда безуспешно. Любовь к филистимлянке Далиле погубила Самсона. Узнав, что сила героя заключается в его длинных волосах, она во время сна остригла ему волосы и передала в руки филистимлян.
Язычники, выколов глаза, посадили Самсона в темницу. Согласно Ветхому Завету однажды мучители вывели Самсона на всенародное поругание в свой языческий храм. Самсон попросил отрока, водившего его за руку, подвести его к двум колоннам, на которых держалось все здание, чтобы прислониться к ним. Помолившись Богу, он уперся в столбы руками и сдвинул их с места. Здание обрушилось. Под развалинами здания погибли все филистимляне, бывшие там, а с ними и сам Самсон.
A short documentary.
Self - Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Несправедливо осужденная в Англии Марта Хейл продана в рабство в Северную Америку, где она встречает капитана Кристофера Холдена.
Несправедливо осужденная в Англии Марта Хейл продана в рабство в Северную Америку, где она встречает капитана Кристофера Холдена.
Несправедливо осужденная в Англии Марта Хейл продана в рабство в Северную Америку, где она встречает капитана Кристофера Холдена.
Cecil B. DeMille
Dozens of star and character-actor cameos and a message about the Variety Club (a show-business charity) are woven into a framework about two hopeful young ladies who come to Hollywood, exchange identities, and cause comic confusion (with slapstick interludes) throughout the Paramount studio.
Self (uncredited)
Jens Månsson has big financial problems and realizes that he probably has to leave his dear Skåne farm Gåsabo. But suddenly, he inherits a fortune from his brother John in America.
A look back at 25 years of Columbia's series of newsreels chronicling the film industry and the lives of Hollywood stars. Clips from earlier films in the series are featured, along with a montage of film greats who have passed away in the intervening years.
Биографический фильм о реально существующем персонаже, докторе, спасшем от японцев пару дюжин раненых американских солдат.
Voice of Narrator (uncredited)
Биографический фильм о реально существующем персонаже, докторе, спасшем от японцев пару дюжин раненых американских солдат.
Биографический фильм о реально существующем персонаже, докторе, спасшем от японцев пару дюжин раненых американских солдат.
1840-е. Ки-Уэст полон службами спасателей, которые зарабатывают подъемом грузов с затонувших кораблей. Владелец судна Локси Клейборн подозревает в нечестной игре спасателя Кинга Катлера — тот всегда оказывается в нужном месте, стоит произойти кораблекрушению…
Himself - Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
1840-е. Ки-Уэст полон службами спасателей, которые зарабатывают подъемом грузов с затонувших кораблей. Владелец судна Локси Клейборн подозревает в нечестной игре спасателя Кинга Катлера — тот всегда оказывается в нужном месте, стоит произойти кораблекрушению…
1840-е. Ки-Уэст полон службами спасателей, которые зарабатывают подъемом грузов с затонувших кораблей. Владелец судна Локси Клейборн подозревает в нечестной игре спасателя Кинга Катлера — тот всегда оказывается в нужном месте, стоит произойти кораблекрушению…
Cecil B. DeMille
Уильям Уэбстер, бывшая звезда вестернов, известный как "Бронко Билли", с возрастом был вынужден оставить карьеру актера и пойти работать вахтером на киностудии Paramount Pictures. Тем не менее, он сказал своему сыну Джонни, который служит на флоте, что является исполнительным вице-президентом студии, ответственным за кинопроизводство. Когда Джонни во время очередного увольнения на берег вместе со своими друзьями-моряками прибывает в Голливуд, Вебстер, не желая, чтобы сын узнал правду, решает разыграть перед ним небольшой «спектакль».
The edition of Screen Snapshots celebrates 25 years of production. It looks at the content of edition #1, then a tribute to movie people who have died in those 25 years. Finally there are tributes to the Screen Snapshots series by Cecil De Mille, Walt Disney, Louella Parsons and Rosalind Russell.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
Self (archive footage)
A "March of Time" presentation of the evolution of movies compiled primarily from film clips of silent movies through the early sound pictures to the present (1939) date. Industry executives such as Jack and Harry Warner, Walt Disney, Cecil B. DeMille, et al are seen taking bows in the live (non-archive) footage.
This film tells the history of the United States from pre-Revolution through 1939.
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
В августе 1814 года британскими войсками был захвачен и сожжен Президентский дворец в Вашингтоне. Под ударом — Новый Орлеан. Сенатор Кроуфорд от Луизианы вместе с британскими морскими офицерами планирует привлечь на свою сторону знаменитого пирата Жана Лафитта. Он не присягал на верность ни одной стране, но явно питает слабость к американцам, предпочитая не нападать на суда под американским флагом. Однако пираты есть пираты и однажды один из его капитанов нападает на американский корабль и, ограбив его, топит вместе с пассажирами. Спасается только одна молоденькая голландская девушка Гретхен, которая влюбляется в Лафитта.
В августе 1814 года британскими войсками был захвачен и сожжен Президентский дворец в Вашингтоне. Под ударом — Новый Орлеан. Сенатор Кроуфорд от Луизианы вместе с британскими морскими офицерами планирует привлечь на свою сторону знаменитого пирата Жана Лафитта. Он не присягал на верность ни одной стране, но явно питает слабость к американцам, предпочитая не нападать на суда под американским флагом. Однако пираты есть пираты и однажды один из его капитанов нападает на американский корабль и, ограбив его, топит вместе с пассажирами. Спасается только одна молоденькая голландская девушка Гретхен, которая влюбляется в Лафитта.
Отгремела гражданская война между севером и югом США. Солдаты возвращаются домой, но торговцам оружием это невыгодно: из-за перемирия их склады завалены новыми семизарядными винтовками и ящиками с патронами — милитаристы вопреки закону решают продать ружья индейцам, которые обороняют свои земли от вторжения бледнолицых на западе.
В это же время на пристани встречаются два верных друга — две живые легендыАмерики: следопыт — разведчик прерий Баффало Билл и меткий стрелок, и великий мастер покера Дикий Билл Хикхок. Именно этим крепким парням предстоит вступить в схватку с индейцами и вывести на чистую воду незаконных продавцов оружия…
Semi-documentary of a typical "extra girl" on a C.B.DeMille film.
Иерусалим захвачен войском Саладина - владыки Сирии и Египта. Жителей продают в рабство. Третий крестовый поход уже начался. Король Англии Ричард Львиное Сердце решает принять участие в походе, чтобы избежать женитьбы на принцессе Франции, дороге он женится на Беренгарии, но она попадает в плен к Саладину, и тот отвозит ее в Иерусалим. Жизни Ричарда грозит смертельная опасность.
48 год до н.э. Клеопатра приветствует прибытие Юлия Цезаря, стараясь укрепить свою власть в Египте под протекторатом Рима. Но Цезаря убивают, и она передает свою привязанность Марку Антонию, ослепляя его роскошью своего двора…
48 год до н.э. Клеопатра приветствует прибытие Юлия Цезаря, стараясь укрепить свою власть в Египте под протекторатом Рима. Но Цезаря убивают, и она передает свою привязанность Марку Антонию, ослепляя его роскошью своего двора…
Malaya tropical island romantic love triangle adventure thriller, about a cruise ship where Bubonic plague breaks out. Four people are able to leave the ship in a tiny boat and make it to a desert island, where many adventures ensue and, of course, the two men fight over the beautiful young schoolteacher who is with them.
Malaya tropical island romantic love triangle adventure thriller, about a cruise ship where Bubonic plague breaks out. Four people are able to leave the ship in a tiny boat and make it to a desert island, where many adventures ensue and, of course, the two men fight over the beautiful young schoolteacher who is with them.
The making of Cleopatra (1934), showing pre-production, DeMille directing a scene, and the addition of music to the soundtrack.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Comedian Lloyd Hamilton escorts a group of beauty contest winners to various Hollywood night spots.
A modern-day tale of gangsterism and revenge. After a notorious mobster murders a Jewish tailor and is let off for the crime, a band of outraged high-school students turns into vigilante crusaders hell-bent on punishing the wrongdoers. Memorable pre-Code moment: the students torturing a gangster by dangling him over a pit filled with rats.
A modern-day tale of gangsterism and revenge. After a notorious mobster murders a Jewish tailor and is let off for the crime, a band of outraged high-school students turns into vigilante crusaders hell-bent on punishing the wrongdoers. Memorable pre-Code moment: the students torturing a gangster by dangling him over a pit filled with rats.
В этом фильме представлена жизнь античного Рима. В 64 г. н. э. император Нерон решил возложить ответственность за пожар в городе на христиан.
Префект Марк увлечен милой девушкой-христианкой, Мерсией. Когда императрица Поппея понимает, что ее виды на Марка встречают преграду, она решает с Нероном предать всех христиан смерти.
В этом фильме представлена жизнь античного Рима. В 64 г. н. э. император Нерон решил возложить ответственность за пожар в городе на христиан.
Префект Марк увлечен милой девушкой-христианкой, Мерсией. Когда императрица Поппея понимает, что ее виды на Марка встречают преграду, она решает с Нероном предать всех христиан смерти.
Jim Wyngate, an English aristocrat, comes to the American West under a cloud of suspicion for embezzlement actually committed by his cousin Lord Henry. In Wyoming, Wyngate runs afoul of cattle rustler Cash Hawkins by rescuing the Indian girl Naturich from Hawkins. Wyngate marries Naturich, but then learns that his cousin Lord Henry has been killed and has cleared his name before dying. As Wyngate has long loved Lady Diana, Lord Henry's wife, he is perplexed at his situation. But fate takes a hand and resolves matters as Wyngate could not have predicted.
Radio Newscaster (voice) (uncredited)
Анджела и Боб Брукс - супружеская пара из высшего общества. К сожалению, Боб - неверный муж. Но у Анджелы есть план, как вернуть любовь мужа. На борту великолепного дирижабля состоится изысканный бал-маскарад. Анджела будет присутствовать и замаскируется под таинственную Мадам Сатану. Спрятавшись под маской и надев соблазнительное платье, Анджела попытается соблазнить своего ничего не подозревающего мужа и преподать ему урок.
Анджела и Боб Брукс - супружеская пара из высшего общества. К сожалению, Боб - неверный муж. Но у Анджелы есть план, как вернуть любовь мужа. На борту великолепного дирижабля состоится изысканный бал-маскарад. Анджела будет присутствовать и замаскируется под таинственную Мадам Сатану. Спрятавшись под маской и надев соблазнительное платье, Анджела попытается соблазнить своего ничего не подозревающего мужа и преподать ему урок.
Анджела и Боб Брукс - супружеская пара из высшего общества. К сожалению, Боб - неверный муж. Но у Анджелы есть план, как вернуть любовь мужа. На борту великолепного дирижабля состоится изысканный бал-маскарад. Анджела будет присутствовать и замаскируется под таинственную Мадам Сатану. Спрятавшись под маской и надев соблазнительное платье, Анджела попытается соблазнить своего ничего не подозревающего мужа и преподать ему урок.
Self (Guest Appearance)
A matinée idol and a bumbling manager fight for the love of a would-be starlet. Estrellados is the Spanish version of Free and Easy (1930) with Hispanic/Spanish-speaking actors.
Director Cecil B. DeMille (uncredited)
Gopher City Kansas hosts a beauty contest. The winner, Elvira Plunkett, and her mother go to Hollywood. The Chamber of Commerce also provides Elvira with an agent, Gopher City's own Elmer J. Butz. Elmer likes Elvira and the shy Elvira likes him, but Mrs. Plunkett, a formidable woman, has little use for hapless Elmer. On the train west, they meet movie star Larry Mitchell, who takes a shine to Elvira and helps her meet MGM directors once they get to Tinsel Town. Elmer, meanwhile, wants to help Elvira with her career and he also wants to be her man. Movie stardom does come to the Gopher City entourage, but to whom is a surprise. And who will win the lovely Elvira's hand?
Wealthy Cynthia is in love with not-so-wealthy Roger, who is married to Marcia. The threesome is terribly modern about the situation, and Marcia will gladly divorce Roger if Cynthia agrees to a financial settlement. But Cynthia's wealth is in jeopardy because her trust fund will expire if she is not married by a certain date. To satisfy that condition, Cynthia arranges to marry Hagon Derk, who is condemned to die for a crime he didn't commit. She pays him so he can provide for his little sister. But at the last minute, Derk is freed when the true criminal is discovered. Expecting to be a rich widow, Cynthia finds herself married to a man she doesn't know and doesn't want to.
High school students led by the Girl and Boy turn from Christianity toward secret atheistic meetings. When a girl is accidentally killed by a stairway collapse, the Girl and Boy go to reform school where they are treated brutally.
High school students led by the Girl and Boy turn from Christianity toward secret atheistic meetings. When a girl is accidentally killed by a stairway collapse, the Girl and Boy go to reform school where they are treated brutally.
Executive Producer
Young John Gallagher wants to be a newspaper reporter. One day he witnesses a murder committed by a mysterious man with only four fingers on one hand. He gives his account of the murder and a description of the killer to his hero, newsman Henry Callahan, resulting in his getting a job on the paper as an office boy. When circumstances arise that result in Callahan losing his job on the paper, he and Gallagher set out to discover the identity of the killer and help Callahan get his job back.
Footage from the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film 'The Circus'.
Babe Scott, a cabaret dancer who is constantly searching for sensational material to shock her customers, conceives of burlesquing a Salvation Army girl and attends mission meetings on the East Side for atmosphere. There she meets Jerry Wilson, an honest truckdriver and friend of the Army captain. Although the act is a success, Babe is disillusioned to find Lonnie, a fellow worker who has been romancing her, stealing her money and making overtures to Big Bertha, the hard-boiled club hostess.
The exploits of Brigadier Gerard who helps expose Foreign Minister Talleyrand as a traitor to Napoleon.
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
Barbara Fiske, a beautiful girl of social standing, is about to be married to Lloyd Van Courtland. On the eve of their marriage, she foolishly pays a visit to a colorful steamship captain aboard his ship.
The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
A sheep farmer brings his new wife to his father's ranch and the old man takes an instant dislike to her.
The film stars actor Rod La Rocque as 'Jerry Cleggert', a good-natured descendant of an infamous clan of pirates who resides aboard the rickety ship Jasper B. Cleggert is informed that in order to inherit a large inheritance, he must marry by his twenty-fifth birthday - otherwise he would relinquish all claims to his impending fortune. Jerry soon meets his ideal would-be bride Agatha Fairhaven (Mildred Harris) and the two immediately fall in love. Complications arise when Jerry's cousin, the dastardly lawyer Reginald Maltravers (Snitz Edwards) claims Agatha as his own. The courting couple suffer a series of mishaps on the way to altar; they are waylaid en route by a trio of bandits, escape from a runaway taxi cab, and outrun a mob of unscrupulous state authorities.
During the Russian Revolution Princess Vera, though betrothed to Prince Dimitri, is attracted to the peasant Feodor.
During the Russian Revolution Princess Vera, though betrothed to Prince Dimitri, is attracted to the peasant Feodor.
Jim Warren, a crook, is married to Norma, but there was a flaw in their marriage papers and he must marry her again to protect their unborn child. He returns home and gives her some money but it has been stolen and she is sent to jail as an accomplice. To get her out, he is forced to marry another woman and Norma, thinking Jim has deserted her marries Phil Powers, and gives birth to Jim's daughter. Years later, Jim meets his daughter in the midst of a blackmail scheme against Norma over her earlier imprisonment. The daughter shoots the blackmailer, and Jim takes the blame.
Railroad foreman Murray Sinclair is dismissed by George McCloud, division superintendent, for ransacking wrecks. Sinclair along with his henchmen, retire to his ranch and forays against the railroad. "Whispering Smith," engaged by the railroad to restore order, is hesitant in dealing with Sinclair when he falls in love with Marion, Sinclair's wife, who is separated from her husband and operates a small shop in Medicine Bend. Dicksie, McCloud's sweetheart, overhears Sinclair threaten McCloud, and she rides through a storm to warn him; Smith, with the aid of Bill Dancing, tracks down Sinclair and his men, and Bill kills the villain. Dicksie and McCloud marry and take Marion under their protection.
This unusual melodrama with comic touches was based on Octavus Roy Cohen's novel The Iron Chance. Alan Beckwith (Rod La Rocque) is a war hero who is very much down on his luck. He makes a deal with big-time bootlegger Andrew North (Gustave von Seyffertitz) -- if North will give him a large sum of money, Beckwith will kill himself at the end of a year's time. He is to marry a girl of North's choosing and take out an insurance policy naming her as beneficiary; North will collect from the widow. The plot thickens when Beckwith and Beverly (Marguerite De La Motte), the girl North has him marry, actually fall in love. Beverly's brother, Johnny (Ray Hallor), teams up with Beckwith to steal one of North's cargos of rum. North and his men catch them and things look bad until revenue officers -- called on by Beverly -- show up. The North gang is rounded up and Beckwith looks forward to a long life with his wife.
A beautiful con artist marries Hayes Hallan, the owner of a pearl-rich island. No sooner has the couple said "I do" than Beatrice's partners in crime show up, claiming to be the bride's parents.
Malena's apparent frigidity toward her husband Kenneth is a result of injustice done in an earlier incarnation when he was a knight and she was a gypsy headed for burning at the stake. This becomes evident when their unconscious minds travel back from a train wreck in the American plains to Elizabethan England.
Supervising Producer
An American soldier falls in love with a French maiden but their romance is thwarted when the Yanks return home. Years later she comes to America to put on a fashion show and find her long lost lover.
Femme fatale Flora marries a titled European to save the family planation. Her husband and a rival fall to their deaths in a glacier. Next Flora weds her sister Margaret's love Admah. She bleeds him dry, until he goes to prison.
Kerry Harlan (La Rocque) is unable to work because he was injured in a battle with a shark, so his youthful wife Amy (Reynolds) becomes a fashion model. While she is away from home, Bertha, the wife of his surgeon, is trying to force her attentions on Kerry and is accidentally killed in an attempt to evade her husband. After the scandal Amy is courted by Tony Channing, but she returns to her husband and finds him near death from gas fumes. Because they both attempted to make suicide, their spirits are rejected by "the other side," and learning the truth from Bertha's spirit they fight their way back to life. This film is presumed lost.
At the center of the story is Ann Land. Ann is a small factory worker and has only ever dreamed of great fame, recognition as an artist and applause ...
At the center of the story is Ann Land. Ann is a small factory worker and has only ever dreamed of great fame, recognition as an artist and applause ...
Фильм состоит из двух частей. В первой рассказывается об исходе евреев из Египта и получении Моисеем скрижалей с Десятью Заповедями на горе в Синайской пустыне. Во второй части - наше время. В семье, глубоко верующей матери два сына. Джон разделяет религиозные взгляды своей матери. Дэн, материалист до мозга костей, скептически относится к религии и Богу в целом и к Десяти Заповедям в частности. Как далеко способно зайти его неверие и к каким результатам оно в итоге приведет?
Фильм состоит из двух частей. В первой рассказывается об исходе евреев из Египта и получении Моисеем скрижалей с Десятью Заповедями на горе в Синайской пустыне. Во второй части - наше время. В семье, глубоко верующей матери два сына. Джон разделяет религиозные взгляды своей матери. Дэн, материалист до мозга костей, скептически относится к религии и Богу в целом и к Десяти Заповедям в частности. Как далеко способно зайти его неверие и к каким результатам оно в итоге приведет?
Michael Ramsay only has time for gathering his fortune in wheat. His wife seeks comfort elsewhere and, to avoid a scandal, her daughter Matilda assumes her mother's guilt. Ramsay nearly goes broke but gets rich again; his wife returns.
Michael Ramsay only has time for gathering his fortune in wheat. His wife seeks comfort elsewhere and, to avoid a scandal, her daughter Matilda assumes her mother's guilt. Ramsay nearly goes broke but gets rich again; his wife returns.
Cecil B. DeMille
Angela comes to Hollywood with only two things: Her dream to become a movie star, and Grandpa. She leaves an Aunt, a brother, Grandma, and her longtime boyfriend back in Centerville. Despite seeing major movie stars around every corner, and knocking on every casting office door in town, at the end of her first day she is still unemployed. To her horror, when she arrives back at their hotel, she finds that Grandpa has been cast in a movie by William DeMille and quickly becomes a star during the ensuing weeks. Her family, worried that Angela and Grandpa are getting into trouble, come to Hollywood to drag them back home. In short order Aunt, Grandma, brother, boyfriend and even the parrot become superstars, but Angela is still unemployed...
Society-girl thrillseeker Lydia's fun comes to an end when she accidentally causes the death of motorcycle policeman.
Documentary short film depicting the filmmaking activity at the Paramount Studios in Hollywood, featuring dozens of stars captured candidly and at work.
Though betrothed to fellow socialite Richard, Iris weds her chauffeur Tom leaving Richard to marry the family laundress' daughter Shamrock. Class differences lead to divorces and remarriages.
In a Mexican border town Arthur befriends cantina girl Poll. She falls for him but he still loves the dancer Rosa. When the cigar Poll gives him explodes and blinds him, Arthur is duped into thinking Poll is Rosa and marries her. When his vision is surgically restored, he leaves for Siam to find Rosa.
Socialite Anatol Spencer, finding his relationship with his wife lackluster, goes in search of excitement. After bumping into old flame Emilie, he lets an apartment for her only to find that she cheats on him. He is subsequently robbed, conned, and booted from pillar to post. He decides to return to his wife and discovers her carousing with his best friend Max.
Mary Maddock works as a seamstress to bring home money while her husband Steve, unemployed, has no real prospects of earning money. Mary's employers, are trying to strike an oil related business deal with a rich man by the name of Nelson Rogers. The deal does not seem to be on the table, as Mr. Rogers is leaving town shortly and does not have the time to work out the details of such a deal. In an order to entice him to stay, Mrs. Mallory - wife of Mr. Mallory who is proposing the business deal - convinces Mary to be her guest at a dinner party with the intent of making Mr. Rogers fall for her and thus stay long enough for Mr. Mallory to make him agree to a business deal.
Mary Maddock works as a seamstress to bring home money while her husband Steve, unemployed, has no real prospects of earning money. Mary's employers, are trying to strike an oil related business deal with a rich man by the name of Nelson Rogers. The deal does not seem to be on the table, as Mr. Rogers is leaving town shortly and does not have the time to work out the details of such a deal. In an order to entice him to stay, Mrs. Mallory - wife of Mr. Mallory who is proposing the business deal - convinces Mary to be her guest at a dinner party with the intent of making Mr. Rogers fall for her and thus stay long enough for Mr. Mallory to make him agree to a business deal.
Mary Maddock works as a seamstress to bring home money while her husband Steve, unemployed, has no real prospects of earning money. Mary's employers, are trying to strike an oil related business deal with a rich man by the name of Nelson Rogers. The deal does not seem to be on the table, as Mr. Rogers is leaving town shortly and does not have the time to work out the details of such a deal. In an order to entice him to stay, Mrs. Mallory - wife of Mr. Mallory who is proposing the business deal - convinces Mary to be her guest at a dinner party with the intent of making Mr. Rogers fall for her and thus stay long enough for Mr. Mallory to make him agree to a business deal.
Wealthy cripple Markley finances the education of blacksmith's daughter Ruth. When she returns to their small town he asks to marry her, but she runs off with city worker Jim Dirk who is then killed in a subway accident. Markley offers to marry her in name only to protect her new son.
Wealthy cripple Markley finances the education of blacksmith's daughter Ruth. When she returns to their small town he asks to marry her, but she runs off with city worker Jim Dirk who is then killed in a subway accident. Markley offers to marry her in name only to protect her new son.
Robert and Beth Bordon are married but share little. He runs into Sally at a cabaret and the Gordons are soon divorced. Just as he gets bored with Sally's superficiality, Beth strives to improve her looks. The original couple falls in love again at a summer resort.
Robert and Beth Bordon are married but share little. He runs into Sally at a cabaret and the Gordons are soon divorced. Just as he gets bored with Sally's superficiality, Beth strives to improve her looks. The original couple falls in love again at a summer resort.
When an aristocratic family and their servants are shipwrecked, the butler becomes their ruler.
When an aristocratic family and their servants are shipwrecked, the butler becomes their ruler.
Dr. Edward Meade and friend Richard Burton both love Sylvia Norcross. Both enlist in the military, but Meade stays back to care for deformed children. Sylvia thinks him a coward and marries Burton. After Burton is presumed dead, Meade and Sylvia are to wed, but Burton returns maimed and scarred.
Leila porter comes to dislike her husband James, a glue king who is always eating onions and looking sloppy. But after she divorces him and marries two-timing playboy Schuyler Van Sutphen the now-reformed James looks pretty good.
Framed for embezzlement, an English nobleman flees to America, eventually finding romance in Wyoming with a young Native-American. This is the 1918 remake of the 1913 original, the first feature length Hollywood film. It is considered to be a lost film with only one reel still extant.
Yvonne von Krutz, a Belgian, lives with her German husband Karl, whom she was forced to marry, and her spirited little brother Jacques in a farmhouse on the Belgian countryside. With the German invasion of Belgium, Karl joins the German forces, and Jacques is taken to a reformatory to be trained as a munitions worker. When Karl is taken prisoner, Capt. Jefferson Strong, an American engineer, assumes the German's identity and discovers an underground supply of explosives near the von Krutz farm. By means of a tunnel, the Americans plan to mine the explosives. To save Jacques and a group of children from the munitions factory, however, Jefferson sends them across the American lines through the tunnel, but they lose their way, and he is forced to disable the mine. Jefferson is court-martialed, but King Albert of Belgium, who has befriended little Jacques, intercedes on his behalf. Learning that Karl has been killed, Jefferson pursues his budding romance with Yvonne.
A married couple, each in love with another, attempts to unentangle themselves from their marriage in order to be with the one each truly loves. But the more they untangle one knot, the faster more confusing knots appear.
A married couple, each in love with another, attempts to unentangle themselves from their marriage in order to be with the one each truly loves. But the more they untangle one knot, the faster more confusing knots appear.
Charles Murdock neglects his fat and lazy wife for another woman; When his other love interest becomes involved in a murder, he leaves for Paris.
Charles Murdock neglects his fat and lazy wife for another woman; When his other love interest becomes involved in a murder, he leaves for Paris.
Charles Murdock neglects his fat and lazy wife for another woman; When his other love interest becomes involved in a murder, he leaves for Paris.
John Trimble has embezzled and obtains another identity by having a mutilated body buried in his place. He is later arrested for murdering himself. During the trial his mother, before dying from shock, asks him to keep his identity secret since his wife is now married to the Governor and expecting a child.
Fishermaid Marcia Manot finds an emerald which once belonged to a Norse queen and is cursed. Greedy American Silas Martin marries her, then sets her up for divorce. She kills him and weds his business manager Sterling, but a detective learns about Silas' death.
Henry de Spain is determined to find the man who murdered his father. He becomes sort of an outsider with Duke Morgan's gang, cattlemen, and outlaws. Nan, daughter of the head of the clan, secretly loves Henry and when he is wounded in a fight with the Morgan clan, she helps him escape. This angers her father and he declares that she shall marry her cousin. Nan dispatches a message to Henry for assistance and he brings her safely to his clan. Nan then learns that her father was the murder of Henry's father. She returns to her father to learn the truth and together they go to Henry and reveal the murder's name. After a thorough understanding and forgiving, Henry and Nan are married.
Cortez sends Alvarado to Montezuma who throws him into a dungeon from which he is rescued by Tecza who loves him. He is recaptured when her lover Guatemoco finds Alvarado hiding in her chambers. Tecza next leads Cortez into the city, thus causing the destruction of her nation and securing the love of Alvarado.
Cortez sends Alvarado to Montezuma who throws him into a dungeon from which he is rescued by Tecza who loves him. He is recaptured when her lover Guatemoco finds Alvarado hiding in her chambers. Tecza next leads Cortez into the city, thus causing the destruction of her nation and securing the love of Alvarado.
Cortez sends Alvarado to Montezuma who throws him into a dungeon from which he is rescued by Tecza who loves him. He is recaptured when her lover Guatemoco finds Alvarado hiding in her chambers. Tecza next leads Cortez into the city, thus causing the destruction of her nation and securing the love of Alvarado.
A young American has her ship torpedoed by a German U-boat but makes it back to her ancestral home in France, where she witnesses German brutality firsthand.
A young American has her ship torpedoed by a German U-boat but makes it back to her ancestral home in France, where she witnesses German brutality firsthand.
A young American has her ship torpedoed by a German U-boat but makes it back to her ancestral home in France, where she witnesses German brutality firsthand.
A young American has her ship torpedoed by a German U-boat but makes it back to her ancestral home in France, where she witnesses German brutality firsthand.
A young girl travels west to live with her uncle during the California Gold Rush only to find that he has been killed by Indians and his identity assumed by an outlaw.
A young girl travels west to live with her uncle during the California Gold Rush only to find that he has been killed by Indians and his identity assumed by an outlaw.
A young girl travels west to live with her uncle during the California Gold Rush only to find that he has been killed by Indians and his identity assumed by an outlaw.
A young girl travels west to live with her uncle during the California Gold Rush only to find that he has been killed by Indians and his identity assumed by an outlaw.
A newswoman meets a man who has bet his colleagues he can make her beautiful.
A WWI English officer is inspired the night before a dangerous mission by a vision of Joan of Arc, whose story he relives.
A WWI English officer is inspired the night before a dangerous mission by a vision of Joan of Arc, whose story he relives.
A WWI English officer is inspired the night before a dangerous mission by a vision of Joan of Arc, whose story he relives.
The father of San Francisco waif Meg runs an illegal liquor club and supports "English" Hal in scheme to blackmail a wealthy girl. Meg is put on probation to Benjamin Merton, father of the girl to be blackmailed. When she discovers her father's plan she reveals all, risking expulsion from her new home and the company of its very attractive son Tom.
Ramon loves Catalonian peasant Maria Rosa. He uses a knife belonging to her love Andreas to kill fisherman Pedro, so Andreas goes to jail for ten years. Maria will wait for him, but Ramon convinces her Andreas dies in prison so she agrees to marry him. On their wedding day Ramon is paroled. Maria then stabs Ramon.
Nora is nursemaid to a wealthy family and in love with their chauffeur Nolan. When she hides her mistress' lover in her room, jealous Nolan shoots him and Nora, who refuses to tell about her mistress affair, is dismissed.
During the California gold rush, four unsuccessful miners assume that a woman prospector will give in without a fight, so they jump the claim of Kate Kenner and take her gold away from her. Afterward, although she is Sheriff Dan Deering's sweetheart, Kate decides to take the law into her own hands.
Jack Hale, a revenue agent, is sent into the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia to track down illegal alcohol producers.
Jack Hale, a revenue agent, is sent into the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia to track down illegal alcohol producers.
Jack Hale, a revenue agent, is sent into the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia to track down illegal alcohol producers.
Despite her well-bred upbringing, Mary had disobeyed her family’s wishes and married Steve Denby, a petty thief whose penchant for booze has left them destitute. Mary answers an ad to be a society woman’s seamstress and is hired by Mrs. Hillary. Mr. Hillary is trying to close a deal with Roger Manning and entices him by inviting him, as a dinner guest, to meet the “prettiest girl in the world.” Upon learning that the “prettiest girl” is indisposed, Mrs. Hillary, realizing that Mary had good upbringing, enlists Mary as a substitute. Naturally Mary and Manning fall in love, and, since the deal still isn’t signed, the Hillary’s hire Mary’s services for the weekend.
Despite her well-bred upbringing, Mary had disobeyed her family’s wishes and married Steve Denby, a petty thief whose penchant for booze has left them destitute. Mary answers an ad to be a society woman’s seamstress and is hired by Mrs. Hillary. Mr. Hillary is trying to close a deal with Roger Manning and entices him by inviting him, as a dinner guest, to meet the “prettiest girl in the world.” Upon learning that the “prettiest girl” is indisposed, Mrs. Hillary, realizing that Mary had good upbringing, enlists Mary as a substitute. Naturally Mary and Manning fall in love, and, since the deal still isn’t signed, the Hillary’s hire Mary’s services for the weekend.
Despite her well-bred upbringing, Mary had disobeyed her family’s wishes and married Steve Denby, a petty thief whose penchant for booze has left them destitute. Mary answers an ad to be a society woman’s seamstress and is hired by Mrs. Hillary. Mr. Hillary is trying to close a deal with Roger Manning and entices him by inviting him, as a dinner guest, to meet the “prettiest girl in the world.” Upon learning that the “prettiest girl” is indisposed, Mrs. Hillary, realizing that Mary had good upbringing, enlists Mary as a substitute. Naturally Mary and Manning fall in love, and, since the deal still isn’t signed, the Hillary’s hire Mary’s services for the weekend.
Despite her well-bred upbringing, Mary had disobeyed her family’s wishes and married Steve Denby, a petty thief whose penchant for booze has left them destitute. Mary answers an ad to be a society woman’s seamstress and is hired by Mrs. Hillary. Mr. Hillary is trying to close a deal with Roger Manning and entices him by inviting him, as a dinner guest, to meet the “prettiest girl in the world.” Upon learning that the “prettiest girl” is indisposed, Mrs. Hillary, realizing that Mary had good upbringing, enlists Mary as a substitute. Naturally Mary and Manning fall in love, and, since the deal still isn’t signed, the Hillary’s hire Mary’s services for the weekend.
Opera singer Renee Dupree is in love with struggling composer Julian who falls very seriously ill. She goes to impresario Mueller for the money Julian needs but is saved from sacrificing her virtue when a jealous lover kills Mueller.
Opera singer Renee Dupree is in love with struggling composer Julian who falls very seriously ill. She goes to impresario Mueller for the money Julian needs but is saved from sacrificing her virtue when a jealous lover kills Mueller.
Женщина из высшего буржуазного сословия не в состоянии отдать бездумно проигранные ею на бирже казенные деньги; она занимает крупную сумму у богатого бирманского коллекционера, который в нее влюблен. За это он требует, чтобы она ему отдалась. Она соглашается… И все бы было хорошо, только вот, надо же, у Эдит Харди (так зовут главную героиню) вдруг появляется возможность не отдаваться, а отдать долг. Бирманец с таким оборотом событий категорически не согласен…
Женщина из высшего буржуазного сословия не в состоянии отдать бездумно проигранные ею на бирже казенные деньги; она занимает крупную сумму у богатого бирманского коллекционера, который в нее влюблен. За это он требует, чтобы она ему отдалась. Она соглашается… И все бы было хорошо, только вот, надо же, у Эдит Харди (так зовут главную героиню) вдруг появляется возможность не отдаваться, а отдать долг. Бирманец с таким оборотом событий категорически не согласен…
Женщина из высшего буржуазного сословия не в состоянии отдать бездумно проигранные ею на бирже казенные деньги; она занимает крупную сумму у богатого бирманского коллекционера, который в нее влюблен. За это он требует, чтобы она ему отдалась. Она соглашается… И все бы было хорошо, только вот, надо же, у Эдит Харди (так зовут главную героиню) вдруг появляется возможность не отдаваться, а отдать долг. Бирманец с таким оборотом событий категорически не согласен…
Chimmie is sent to Death Valley CA as part of a railroad scheme. He's to pretend to have discovered gold there, then set a new transcontinental record heading east. It doesn't quite work out that way.
Chimmie is sent to Death Valley CA as part of a railroad scheme. He's to pretend to have discovered gold there, then set a new transcontinental record heading east. It doesn't quite work out that way.
Chimmie is sent to Death Valley CA as part of a railroad scheme. He's to pretend to have discovered gold there, then set a new transcontinental record heading east. It doesn't quite work out that way.
Chimmie is sent to Death Valley CA as part of a railroad scheme. He's to pretend to have discovered gold there, then set a new transcontinental record heading east. It doesn't quite work out that way.
Hot-blooded gypsy Carmen attempts to seduce Don Jose, a lawman sent to thwart a gang of illegal smugglers in Spain. Carmen's plan backfires when Don Jose's passion for the gypsy girl escalates into a jealous rage as she spurns him for her bullfighter beau, Escamillo, with tragic results.
Hot-blooded gypsy Carmen attempts to seduce Don Jose, a lawman sent to thwart a gang of illegal smugglers in Spain. Carmen's plan backfires when Don Jose's passion for the gypsy girl escalates into a jealous rage as she spurns him for her bullfighter beau, Escamillo, with tragic results.
Hot-blooded gypsy Carmen attempts to seduce Don Jose, a lawman sent to thwart a gang of illegal smugglers in Spain. Carmen's plan backfires when Don Jose's passion for the gypsy girl escalates into a jealous rage as she spurns him for her bullfighter beau, Escamillo, with tragic results.
Pregnant tenement dweller Maggie Schultz is being used by burglars....
Pregnant tenement dweller Maggie Schultz is being used by burglars....
Pregnant tenement dweller Maggie Schultz is being used by burglars....
Bowery hooligan Chimmie is saved from false arrest by socialite dogooder Fanny. She takes in him, his brother and mother as servants. His brother schemes to steal the good lady's silver.
Bowery hooligan Chimmie is saved from false arrest by socialite dogooder Fanny. She takes in him, his brother and mother as servants. His brother schemes to steal the good lady's silver.
Bowery hooligan Chimmie is saved from false arrest by socialite dogooder Fanny. She takes in him, his brother and mother as servants. His brother schemes to steal the good lady's silver.
Bowery hooligan Chimmie is saved from false arrest by socialite dogooder Fanny. She takes in him, his brother and mother as servants. His brother schemes to steal the good lady's silver.
An old sheik punishes his son Jamil for robbing a caravan by giving his horse to the wronged merchant. The horse is sold to a Turkish general then given to a Christian missionary Mary Hilbert. Jamil takes it from her but then, after falling in loves, save her and her father. When his father dies, Jamil must relinquish Mary to become the new sheik.
An old sheik punishes his son Jamil for robbing a caravan by giving his horse to the wronged merchant. The horse is sold to a Turkish general then given to a Christian missionary Mary Hilbert. Jamil takes it from her but then, after falling in loves, save her and her father. When his father dies, Jamil must relinquish Mary to become the new sheik.
An old sheik punishes his son Jamil for robbing a caravan by giving his horse to the wronged merchant. The horse is sold to a Turkish general then given to a Christian missionary Mary Hilbert. Jamil takes it from her but then, after falling in loves, save her and her father. When his father dies, Jamil must relinquish Mary to become the new sheik.
Two American grandfathers in France try to arrange marriages for their grandson and granddaughter by promising them money. The young ones refuse and run off to join a theatrical group where they fall in love and marry as their grandparents had intended.
Set during the Balkan Wars, The Captive tells the story of Sonia, a young woman living in Montenegro and left to care for her younger brother Milos and the family farm when older brother Marko goes off to battle. Unable to handle the day-to-day tasks following her brother’s tragic death, help comes in the form of Mahmud Hassan (House Peters, Prisoners of the Storm) a captured Turk nobleman now a prisoner of war. Tasked with helping Sonia, their initial frosty relationship soon melts into love. As the war rages on Sonia, Mahmud and Milos will face near-insurmountable obstacles in their quest for a better life amidst the hell of war.
Set during the Balkan Wars, The Captive tells the story of Sonia, a young woman living in Montenegro and left to care for her younger brother Milos and the family farm when older brother Marko goes off to battle. Unable to handle the day-to-day tasks following her brother’s tragic death, help comes in the form of Mahmud Hassan (House Peters, Prisoners of the Storm) a captured Turk nobleman now a prisoner of war. Tasked with helping Sonia, their initial frosty relationship soon melts into love. As the war rages on Sonia, Mahmud and Milos will face near-insurmountable obstacles in their quest for a better life amidst the hell of war.
Set during the Balkan Wars, The Captive tells the story of Sonia, a young woman living in Montenegro and left to care for her younger brother Milos and the family farm when older brother Marko goes off to battle. Unable to handle the day-to-day tasks following her brother’s tragic death, help comes in the form of Mahmud Hassan (House Peters, Prisoners of the Storm) a captured Turk nobleman now a prisoner of war. Tasked with helping Sonia, their initial frosty relationship soon melts into love. As the war rages on Sonia, Mahmud and Milos will face near-insurmountable obstacles in their quest for a better life amidst the hell of war.
Set during the Balkan Wars, The Captive tells the story of Sonia, a young woman living in Montenegro and left to care for her younger brother Milos and the family farm when older brother Marko goes off to battle. Unable to handle the day-to-day tasks following her brother’s tragic death, help comes in the form of Mahmud Hassan (House Peters, Prisoners of the Storm) a captured Turk nobleman now a prisoner of war. Tasked with helping Sonia, their initial frosty relationship soon melts into love. As the war rages on Sonia, Mahmud and Milos will face near-insurmountable obstacles in their quest for a better life amidst the hell of war.
In Montegro brothers Stefan and Michael kidnap American heiress Delight Warren. Stefan marries her so he can claim her wealth, but then they fall in love.
In Montegro brothers Stefan and Michael kidnap American heiress Delight Warren. Stefan marries her so he can claim her wealth, but then they fall in love.
As the Civil War begins Ned Burton leaves his Southern love Agatha Warren and joins the Union army. He is later protected and saved from death by Agatha in spite of her loyalty to the South.
As the Civil War begins Ned Burton leaves his Southern love Agatha Warren and joins the Union army. He is later protected and saved from death by Agatha in spite of her loyalty to the South.
A saloon hostess loves Ramerrez, a notorious highwayman. Sheriff Jack Rance, who loves the girl too, instigates a card game that will determine the fate of all three of them. If she wins, the girl's lover will go free; but if she loses…
A saloon hostess loves Ramerrez, a notorious highwayman. Sheriff Jack Rance, who loves the girl too, instigates a card game that will determine the fate of all three of them. If she wins, the girl's lover will go free; but if she loses…
A saloon hostess loves Ramerrez, a notorious highwayman. Sheriff Jack Rance, who loves the girl too, instigates a card game that will determine the fate of all three of them. If she wins, the girl's lover will go free; but if she loses…
Carmen, a maid, steals a locket belonging to the Aragon princess Maria Theresa and sells it to Gaines, a New York art collector, not knowing that the locket contains the clue to the Aragon family fortune's whereabouts. Based on the 1909 Broadway play of the same name by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard.
Carmen, a maid, steals a locket belonging to the Aragon princess Maria Theresa and sells it to Gaines, a New York art collector, not knowing that the locket contains the clue to the Aragon family fortune's whereabouts. Based on the 1909 Broadway play of the same name by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard.
Carmen, a maid, steals a locket belonging to the Aragon princess Maria Theresa and sells it to Gaines, a New York art collector, not knowing that the locket contains the clue to the Aragon family fortune's whereabouts. Based on the 1909 Broadway play of the same name by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard.
Esra Kincaid takes land by force and, having taken the Espinoza land, his sights are set on the Castro rancho. Government agent Kearney holds him off till the cavalry shows up and he can declare his love for Juanita, called “the Rose of the Rancho.”
Esra Kincaid takes land by force and, having taken the Espinoza land, his sights are set on the Castro rancho. Government agent Kearney holds him off till the cavalry shows up and he can declare his love for Juanita, called “the Rose of the Rancho.”
Esra Kincaid takes land by force and, having taken the Espinoza land, his sights are set on the Castro rancho. Government agent Kearney holds him off till the cavalry shows up and he can declare his love for Juanita, called “the Rose of the Rancho.”
Edward Abeles and Theodore Roberts as a couple of prospectors who get involved with greedy city types on a business trip to New York.
Soda jerk Harvey is the most popular man in Blakeville NY and deliriously happy through three years of poverty-stricken marriage to Nellie. After a musical comedy troupe comes through, Nellie becomes an actress. When she then falls for a millionaire and goes to Reno for a divorce, Harvey takes their child Phoebe home where her later illness brings her parents back together.
Soda jerk Harvey is the most popular man in Blakeville NY and deliriously happy through three years of poverty-stricken marriage to Nellie. After a musical comedy troupe comes through, Nellie becomes an actress. When she then falls for a millionaire and goes to Reno for a divorce, Harvey takes their child Phoebe home where her later illness brings her parents back together.
Soda jerk Harvey is the most popular man in Blakeville NY and deliriously happy through three years of poverty-stricken marriage to Nellie. After a musical comedy troupe comes through, Nellie becomes an actress. When she then falls for a millionaire and goes to Reno for a divorce, Harvey takes their child Phoebe home where her later illness brings her parents back together.
Soda jerk Harvey is the most popular man in Blakeville NY and deliriously happy through three years of poverty-stricken marriage to Nellie. After a musical comedy troupe comes through, Nellie becomes an actress. When she then falls for a millionaire and goes to Reno for a divorce, Harvey takes their child Phoebe home where her later illness brings her parents back together.
A good-natured but chivalrous cowboy romances the local schoolmarm and leads the posse that brings a gang of rustlers, which includes his best friend, to justice.
A good-natured but chivalrous cowboy romances the local schoolmarm and leads the posse that brings a gang of rustlers, which includes his best friend, to justice.
Graehme, Ned Stewart's father, was accused of adultery and killed being innocent. Ned decided to avenge his father, but got captured and sent to the long journey to death "la longue traverse".
Theatre Play
After Gasper La Sage and his cohort, Blink Blunk, are released from prison, they make plans for another robbery. The scheme, which requires La Sage to pose as a gentleman, fails. Blunk is arrested, but La Sage goes free. Some time later, La Sage goes to England where he blackmails Lt. Hugh Butterworth, an officer who misappropriated money intended for the widow of a fellow officer, and who owes La Sage money for gambling debts. As payment, La Sage wants Hugh to arrange for him to marry Eleanor, Hugh's sister. Hugh tells his friend Lord Chumley about La Sage, however, and Chumley is able to learn about La Sage's past when he overhears Blunk, now out of jail, threaten his former friend. After La Sage intensifies his suit for Eleanor, Chumley is finally able to discredit him by tearing open his shirt and revealing the mark of the prison. With La Sage out of the way, Chumley and Eleanor announce their engagement as do Hugh and his faithful sweetheart, Jessie.
The first movie adaptation of the famous novel where a young man has to spend a fortune on 60 days to inherit an even larger sum of money. Considered to be a lost film.
Blamed for the theft of an orphans fund, Captain James Wynnegate flees to the West where he makes a new life with the Indian woman Nat-U-Rich.
Blamed for the theft of an orphans fund, Captain James Wynnegate flees to the West where he makes a new life with the Indian woman Nat-U-Rich.
Blamed for the theft of an orphans fund, Captain James Wynnegate flees to the West where he makes a new life with the Indian woman Nat-U-Rich.
Himself Introduction
“The Fallbrook Story,” is a 20-minute film of Cold War-era uneasiness in which director Frank Capra rails against what he calls the evils of Big Bureaucracy. In 1951, Capra lived in Fallbrook, California on his 1,000-acre Red Mountain Ranch farm filled with olive groves. The federal government, which had purchased the old Rancho Santa Margarita land in 1941 to build Camp Pendleton, was concerned that ranchers upstream would take or pollute the Santa Margarita River, which ran through Camp Pendleton. Capra’s film documents how Fallbrook residents fought back against the federal government.