

Рождение : 1932-09-29, Mumbai, India

Смерть : 2004-07-23




Ghar Bazar
Action - Having delivered a child before marriage, Gul entrusts the baby to her driver, Kishan, to whom she gives money for her daughter, Sona. When Gul decides to see Sona, she discovers that Kishan & Sona have disappeared. *Subtitles not available for this feature* - Mumtaz Ali, Mumtaz Begum, Shail Chaturvedi
Любовь и ненависть
Бадру берется устроить свадьбу своего друга Махеша и сироты Решмы. Радости молодоженов нет предела, когда у них рождается сын Лаки, который со школьной скамьи влюбляется в свою одноклассницу Лату. И кажется, что счастью молодых ничто не сможет помешать…
Любовь и ненависть
Bakrewale Baba
Бадру берется устроить свадьбу своего друга Махеша и сироты Решмы. Радости молодоженов нет предела, когда у них рождается сын Лаки, который со школьной скамьи влюбляется в свою одноклассницу Лату. И кажется, что счастью молодых ничто не сможет помешать…
Zakhmi Dil
Jaidev Anand is a celebrity, and lives a fairly isolated life. One day he comes to the rescue of a young woman, Vandana Acharya, and falls in love with her. Vandana respects him, but falls in love with another man, Abhimanyu. This news shatters Jaidev, but he decides not to tell Vandana anything. Then the jeep in which Abhimanyu and Vandana were traveling is attacked by an assailant named D.K., and as a result Abhimanyu gets killed. Jaidev is sorry for Vandana, but gets his hopes up enough to propose to her, and to his joy, she accepts. The plans are on for an early marriage, but before that could happen Vandana meets a single mother, Gayetri, and her son. It is then she finds out that Jaidev is already married, and also has a son. What possible reason could Jaidev have for not sharing this information with Vandana?
Babu Maushaye
Шьяма – молодой миллионер. Его мать умирает, он решает исполнить её последнюю просьбу и для этого едет в Индию, что бы найти себе жену. После этого он собирается вернуться в Англию, где он живёт. Однако дядюшка Шьяма имеет свои планы на этот счёт.
Vijay, a young man, resorts to gambling to free his lover, Shanti, whom Sanga holds captive, but he soon runs out of luck and gets arrested.
Хочу жениться на дочери миллионера
Два простачка Амар и Прем, прочитав в прессе статью о приезде в Индию потенциальной невесты, да еще к тому же и миллионерши, решили попытать себя в роли женихов. Оба конечно же и не подозревают, что в страну приехали две девушки, которые решили ради шутки поменяться местами, и одна из них стала Равиной — дочерью миллионера, а вторая Каришмой, ее подругой. Все бы было хорошо, пока этот обман не всплыл наружу и молодые люди не узнали, кого же они любят на самом деле…
Shreemaan Aashique
Kalidas and Suman Mehra would like their only son to be like the rest of young men, have fun, mingle, stay late nights, and have a girlfriend. But he, Dushyant Kumar, is different, he is pious, worships a lot, sleeps by 8 pm, and is up at 4 am to begin his day by prayers, abstinence from all viles, especially women. Dushyant is influenced by a heart-broken Professor Vishwamitra, who failed in his love relationship with Gayetridevi, and as such has organized several male youth, and made them take a vow of celibacy. Kalidas sends his son to Mannali, where he meets with a young woman by the name of Shakuntala (Shaku), and both fall in love. When he returns home, he intends to introduce Shaku to his parents, seek their blessings and get married, but finds his life in turmoil when he sees Vishwamitra holding hands and romancing Shaku. When Vishwamitra finds out that Shaku is interested in Dushyant, he takes a vow to create misunderstandings between the two lovers, and thus marry Shaku.
Если бы...
Djinn (scene in "Aladdin")
Ритеш — неудавшийся актер, который опустился на самое дно и погибает от пьянства. Паджа, его жена, также давно ни во что не верит. Она перебивается случайными заработками и работает то уборщицей, то посудомойкой. Но главное их несчастье — смертельно больной сын…
Andheri Raat Mein Diya Tere Haath Mein
Yamraaj (Gulshan Grover), has a major hold in the underworld, and has got his own stylish life fall of luxuries. Seeing this, Birju (Mithun Chakraborty) and Krishna (Jackie Shroff), dream to become Yamraaj one day. Inspector Dharamveer (Prem Chopra), warns them not to indulge in completion of this dream, but they wont listen to him. They start working for Yamraaj, and slowly impress Yamraaj with their work and get lots of money and other luxuries. One day an incident makes Krishna feel whether this life is good or the life they were living before this was better. He decides to part ways from this underworld and live the normal life of humanity. Now, Birju is alone to reach to his goal of becoming Yamraaj while Krishna starts helping police. Will Yamraaj let Krishna live? Will Birju get to reach his dream? What was that incident that changed Krishna alive? Will Birju and Krishna solve their fight? This is what the story is all about.
Dr. Suri
Молодой человек Сандип решил оставить дом богатого отца и жить самостоятельно. Он влюбляется в певицу Бхейри, которая также не остается равнодушной. Однако перед свадьбой в их жизни появляется Авинаш, который утверждает, что он муж Бхейри и у них есть взрослая дочь. А в это же время отец Сандипа хочет жениться на молоденькой девушке Каджри.
Karim Lalla
Все как в сказке! Бедный, но талантливый юноша стал эстраднойзвездой. И все это произошло благодаря очаровательному меценату — дочери фабриканта. А дальше все тоже как в сказке — гастроли, записи, съемки в кино. И, конечно, любовь. И богатая юная меценатка — уже его невеста! Но вдруг наш герой стал неузнаваем. Холоден, язвителен, высокомерен. И с невестой своей порывает. Почему?..
Добро и зло
Constable Hanuman Singh
Кайлашнат очень честный человек. Он никогда не возьмет чужого и всегда действует, исходя из строгих принципов. Однажды он находит брошенного ребенка у статуи бога Шивы. Он приносит ребенка себе в дом. Жена Кайлашната, Малти встречает его с радостью, ведь до сих пор она не могла иметь детей.
Три брата
Jaggan / Jackson
Еще в детстве жизнь разлучает братьев Чату и Раджу с их старшим братом Хари. Чату упорно работает, чтобы дать возможность младшему Раджу безбедно жить и получить образование в университете. Но Раджу встает на преступный путь, занимаясь контрабандой. За его ошибки приходится расплачиваться Чату. В самый критический момент судьба сводит троих братьев вместе…
A wealthy businessman is murdered for the sake of wealth. His daughter Sapna is in love with Vinod. Dhanpat Rai, the businessman's cousin, despises Sapna's relationship with Vinod and sends her to a hostel. However the two decide to go straight with Dhanpat Rai and head to his grand manor. Soon the lovers find Dhanpat Rai dead and stuffed in a suitcase. Sapna and Vinod pair up with the police to speed up the investigation. Meanwhile the other members in the manor are being brutally killed by a burnt-face assailant, who has plans of his own.
Sundara Satarkar
its 1981 marathi movie
Man Pasand
Playback Singer
Kamli belongs to a poor family. She sells datuns for a living. She sells them in local suburban trains as well as on railway platforms. One day she meets a bachelor named Pratap, who would like her to become a lady, and be educated, to which she agrees. She thinks that Pratap is in love with her, little does she know that she is the subject of a bet between Pratap and his friend, Kashinath, who both find her crude, crass, loud, and uncouth, so much so that both doubt that she can be transformed into a lady.
Man Pasand
Kamli belongs to a poor family. She sells datuns for a living. She sells them in local suburban trains as well as on railway platforms. One day she meets a bachelor named Pratap, who would like her to become a lady, and be educated, to which she agrees. She thinks that Pratap is in love with her, little does she know that she is the subject of a bet between Pratap and his friend, Kashinath, who both find her crude, crass, loud, and uncouth, so much so that both doubt that she can be transformed into a lady.
Взгляд с небес
Дев Ананд в этой картине выступает в роли пилота, который вмешивается в проделки банды, совершившей ограбление банка и убийство. За это время он встречает и побеждает большое количество преступников, но не забывает и о личной жизни.
Фильм-легенда о противоборстве старого Абдуллы-отшельника и благородного вождя мусульманского племени, храброго шейха Мохаммеда аль Камаля с жестоким Кхалилом, главарем банды, бесчинствующей среди мирного населения.
Widower Amar is well-off financially and lives in a house with his daughter and servant Dayal. His sister and brother-in-law want him to marry again so that his daughter can have the love and care of a woman. Amar reluctantly agrees. Together they set out to check out two sisters, Shobha, and Sheela. Amar goes as Dayal, and Dayal goes as Amar, as Amar is not sure if a step-mother will be able to bestow care and love as a real mother. They arrive at the household of Durga, Shanti Swarup, Renu, Sheela, and their servant Geeta. They begin to settle down, Dayal in a spacious room, and Amar in the servant's quarters, which consists of an untidy room with no electricity. It is not long before Amar finds out that he is attracted to Geeta, and not to the two sisters, but in his present state, he cannot reveal himself and openly propose marriage. In the meantime, Durga starts getting suspicious about Amar and starts wondering if Amar is actually a servant or a crook.
Констебль Джанту
Констебль Джанту смел и отважен, хотя и очень наивен. Влюбившись в слепую продавщицу цветов Сунайну, он хочет жениться на ней. Но дядя девушки не собирается отпускать племянницу и готов на всё, чтобы разлучить молодых людей.
Констебль Джанту
Констебль Джанту смел и отважен, хотя и очень наивен. Влюбившись в слепую продавщицу цветов Сунайну, он хочет жениться на ней. Но дядя девушки не собирается отпускать племянницу и готов на всё, чтобы разлучить молодых людей.
Констебль Джанту
Констебль Джанту смел и отважен, хотя и очень наивен. Влюбившись в слепую продавщицу цветов Сунайну, он хочет жениться на ней. Но дядя девушки не собирается отпускать племянницу и готов на всё, чтобы разлучить молодых людей.
Песни дождя
Sawan Ke Geet is a movie directed by K. Bhattacharya featuring Sanjeev Kumar, Rekha.
Daulat Singh and Bhairav Singh are bandits in India and live a violent lifestyle. Daulat is married to Shanta and has two children, Vijay and Geeta. One Diwali he accidentally kills a man, leaving behind a son and his mother almost destitute. Moved by their plight, he surrenders to the Police, is arrested, tried in Court, and sentenced to life in prison.
Balraj Sahani plays a professional Artist with wife Achala Sachdev and son Manoj Kumar caught in the trap of Rehman and Shashikala who for the payment of a large Life insurance policy frame him in the murder of Rehman - who escapes to a world of crime after becoming a dead man for the world.
Abdul Rehman
Separated by tragedy, two virtually inseparable childhood friends meet again, only to fall in love this time.
Advocate Jai Saxena lives in a small flat with his mom. One day his mom hires a maidservant named Imarsi, but later they find out that she is an impostor, and fire her. A few days later she comes knocking on their door in the dead of night, claiming that she is the sole heiress of Rai Bahadur Tulsinath's estate, and that someone is out to kill her. Jai wants to believe her, but his mother disbelieves her and wants her out of their lives, as she feels that this is nothing but another trick on her part to fool them. When the police are notified, the Saxenas are told that this woman's real name is Ragini, a homicidal killer, wanted by the police. Will Jai be convinced that he was offering to shelter a fugitive from the law?
Playback Singer
A young couple struggle with poverty, but a job opportunity which cancels their financial woes leads to new tests of character
Kunwara Baap
Born without any knowledge of his parentage, Mahesh drives a bicycle rickshaw for a living in a town in India, prays to Bhagwan Shri Kishan, and lives in an unhealthy shanty hut. He is friendly with Sheela, who works as a maidservant, hopes to marry her someday, much to the chagrin of Kalu Dada, who lusts after Sheela. One night while returning home he comes across an abandoned male baby near Bhagwan Shri Ganesh's Mandir. He looks for the family of this child, asks for help from the Mandir's Poojary, as well as a Mullah and a Hawaldar, all in vain. When he tries to abandon the child, he is literally forced to adopt him, and when he does so, he faces considerable opposition from his neighbors, and ends up hating the child.
Kunwara Baap
Born without any knowledge of his parentage, Mahesh drives a bicycle rickshaw for a living in a town in India, prays to Bhagwan Shri Kishan, and lives in an unhealthy shanty hut. He is friendly with Sheela, who works as a maidservant, hopes to marry her someday, much to the chagrin of Kalu Dada, who lusts after Sheela. One night while returning home he comes across an abandoned male baby near Bhagwan Shri Ganesh's Mandir. He looks for the family of this child, asks for help from the Mandir's Poojary, as well as a Mullah and a Hawaldar, all in vain. When he tries to abandon the child, he is literally forced to adopt him, and when he does so, he faces considerable opposition from his neighbors, and ends up hating the child.
Pocket Maar
After the passing away of son and daughter-in-law, prominent businessman, Rai, undertakes to look after his grand-daughter, Asha, with a lot of love and affection. When she grows old enough to be a ravishing beauty, he is anxious to get her married to the right man before he passes away. He finds out that Asha has a boyfriend by the name of Madan Malhotra, and although he has never met him, he disapproves of him, but finally gives in to Asha's wishes. When Madan returns from abroad, Rai is pleasantly surprised at Asha's choice and welcomes Madan with open arms. Shortly thereafter on his birthday, Rai formally announces their engagement. When Rai does not know is that Madan is not who he claims to be but is, in fact, a thief and pick-pocket by the name of Shankar, who has been hired by Asha to impersonate the real Madan. Watch what happens when the real Madan returns and attempts to assert his love for Asha.
Ujala Hi Ujala
Saraswati Prasad
Story of Anuradha who is an alcoholic
An action-filled thriller, the film tells of a harassed man who joins a smugglers gang to earn the dowry for his sisters marriage. The smuggler tries to molest his sister, who commits suicide. The hero takes his revenge.
Anokhi Ada
A ruthless gangster worms his way into the affections of a timber merchant. Using lies, deceit and murder he plots to usurp the place of the merchant's son, steal his inheritance and his girl.
Do Phool
A wealthy man disowns his two irresponsible sons to teach them a lesson. One of them plays a prank by claiming that he has murdered his brother but soon, a mysterious body stuns everyone.
Garam Masala
Rajkumar Suraj Kumar
Lusty womanizer, army Captain Kishore, wants a gypsy dancer for himself, and is ready to kill anyone who tries to get in the way. But his plans are foiled when the woman kills herself, leaving behind an injured father, the head of the gypsies, and a younger sister by the name of Jugnu. Jugnu swears to avenge her sister's death, and seeks training from Robert Taylor, and becomes an expert in weapons and fist-fighting. She assumes the guise of a masked male and calls herself "Garam Masala", and inflicts terror in Captain Kishore's life and army. Garam Masala's attempts to kill Kishore are foiled when she is captured. She is rescued by a mysterious masked male, who disappears into the night. Kishore is clearly baffled by the appearance of two masked men, and asks his men to search high and low for them. In the meantime, Kishore returns to his kingdom, which has it's King missing for several years, and the prince - a puppet in the hands of Kishore and his men.
Haar Jeet
Kamal, a governess, falls in love with Ashok. Things, however, take an odd turn when Ashok marries her friend, Radha. Soon after the marriage, Radha meets with an accident.
Bombay to Goa
Bus Conductor Khanna
The lives of Atmaram and his wife are turned upside down when they see their daughter, Mala's pictures in a magazine. They arrange for Mala's marriage with the son of Ramlal. Mala is opposed to marrying anyone who she has not met, and is at the same time thrilled that the two persons she trusted, one Sharma, and the other Verma had actually submitted her pictures to a magazine, and were now willing to sign her up for a Bollywood movie. Mala is not able to understand her parents' opposition on her way to fame, and runs away from home with a lot of money to Goa.
Ищу тебя
Ананди – уже несколько лет вдова и живет одна в маленькой деревне. Однажды к ней приезжает Арун Групта, который утверждает, что является ее родственником и буквально упрашивает ее переехать в город к его семье. Оказавшись в городе, Ананди понимает, что жизнь там совсем не такая, как в деревне. Также она осознает, что Арун привез ее к себе вовсе не из любви, а для того, чтобы возложить на нее домашние обязанности и заботу о детях. Ананди уезжает в полуразрушенный дом и живет в надежде, что когда-нибудь у нее будет кто-то, для кого она станет настоящей семьей. Суждено ли этому случиться?.
Barber Safachat
Умирая, Рукмини доверила заботу о сыне Притаме своему брату Тхакуру, так как ее муж Рана сидит в тюрьме за убийства и грабежи. Тхакур воспитал Притама вместе со своим сыном Анилом, сказав Ране, что его жена и сын умерли. Прошли годы, молодые люди выросли и выбрали себе невест: Притам - дочь судьи Шаран, а Анил - танцовщицу кабаре Сариту. Вскоре после двойной помолвки Анил погибает в автомобильной катастрофе. Сарита признается, что беременна от Анила и ради спасения чести своей семьи Притам вынужден жениться на невесте своего брата. Но ни Притам, ни Тхакур не знают, что Сарита является сообщницей Раны, который поклялся уничтожить всю семью Тхакура…
Dharam Singh is a honest farmer in rural India, and lives with his sister, Bela, who is now of marriageable age. One day both brother and sister witness a murder, and haul the killer to the...
Main Sunder Hoon
Sundar, a waiter, is in love with Radha but does not have the courage to tell her. When he becomes a successful comedian, he confesses his feelings to her, only to find that she loves someone else.
Lakhon Mein Ek
An abused homeless male and a mentally-challenged woman become friends.
Johar Mehmood in Hong Kong
Two swindlers keep trying to one up each other and get rich but finally learn there are more important things when they are enlisted in a scheme to marry an innocent girl in order to retrieve secret plans from a bank vault.
Sunil lives a middle-classed lifestyle in a village in India along with his widowed mom, Janki. He is studying Medicine in the city, is in love with his childhood sweetheart, Shanta, and everyone expects them to get married soon. However, Janki does not approve of Shanta, finds her uncouth and illiterate, and instead approves of Shobha and arranges Sunil's marriage with her. Shanta's mom, Parvati, falls seriously ill so much so that Sunil returns home, promises to wed her daughter, and she passes away. Sunil returns to the city to continue and finish his studies. After sometime he becomes a fully qualified doctor and returns to the village to open his own dispensary. It is here that he will learn that Shanta is now married to the wealthiest man in the village, Lakshmipati, who is not only a widower, father of a deceased child, but also much older than Shanta. Watch what happens when an embittered Sunil confronts Shanta to find out why she betrayed him and their promise to her late mom.
Woh Din Yaad Karo
Pyarelal / Kalluram / Nachappa
Man Mandir
Hit by endless misfortunes, the orphaned siblings Deepak and Laxmi struggle to make a life for themselves
Naya Zamana
A hopeful writer, poor but educated Anoop attacks the ruthless exploitation of the lower classes by the rich with his fiery speeches. But his uncompromising principles could stand in the way of the connections he'll need if he hopes to reach a larger audience with his message. A liaison with a wealthy family could bring the exposure and success Anoop desires, but at what cost?
Satya 'Mastana'
A poor and lonely woman strikes up a friendship with a rich but neglected child, but her parents refuse to let their child see her - until she falls gravely ill.
Deep Sharma lives a very poor lifestyle with his widowed mom, Radha, and a younger brother, Ashok, who he would like to become a Judge. Unable to fend for themselves in the small town, Deep relocates to Bombay, where he attempts to sell poetry, to no avail. Then he is asked to write stories about an imaginary bandit, Sangram Singh, which he agrees to do so under the pen name of his friend, Jani Babu. Shortly thereafter he gets very popular, so much so that his girlfriend, Lajwanti's dad, the former King Maheshwari Prasad, consents to let him marry his daughter. Then things get complicated when a bandit who calls himself Sangram Singh goes on a crime-spree throughout the region.
Samaj Ko Badal Dalo
Two close friends, Vimla and Chhaya, part ways when their friendship turns bitter. Years later, when Chhaya is arrested for a crime, Vimla, a lawyer, faces a moral dilemma.
Soldier as Thakur Daler Singh
When soldier Deepak learns that his uncle Thakur has snatched his property, he threatens him to return his ancestral estate. However, things change when the former is accused of the latter's murder.
Due to disagreements in the King's household, his wife and son decide to move away from his kingdom. Years later, the King passes away and the palace decides to locate the Prince, so that he can claim his rightful place on the throne. They locate three young men, all claiming to be the prince. The Palace officials put them to the test, and one by one, all of them pass various tests imposed on them, leaving the officials in a quandary, as to who the real prince is between these three young men.
Badi Didi
Bollywood family drama from director Narendra Suri and featuring music from Ravi.
Jai is hired to locate the daughter and wife of a wealthy man after they vanish under mysterious circumstances
Tumse Achha Kaun Hai
In order to get medical treatment for his sister, a brother faces challenges when he is hired to subdue three out-of-control heiresses.
Простой деревенский мужик влюбляется в свою новую соседку. Он обращается за помощью к своим друзьям из музыкального театра, чтобы отвлечь прекрасную девушку из соседнего дома от ее учителя музыки.
Master Pillai
Простой деревенский мужик влюбляется в свою новую соседку. Он обращается за помощью к своим друзьям из музыкального театра, чтобы отвлечь прекрасную девушку из соседнего дома от ее учителя музыки.
Chamanlal 'Charlie' Singaporie
Mamta lives a poor lifestyle with her husband, Dinu, and two sons, Mohan, and Sohan. When Ram Lal, the wealthy Zamindar, Kanta Prasad Gupta's Munim, comes to them to take Sohan to Mrs. Sharda Gupta for ten days, they reluctantly permit him to do so. After 10 days, Gupta himself approaches them and begs them to let his wife keep Sohan for life. They tearfully agree. Then Mohan gets into trouble, and Dinu scolds him, only to find out that Mohan has run away from home. A search proves futile, and the couple continue to live a childless life. Now 17 years later, Mamta is seriously ill, and asks Dinu to bring Sohan back. Dinu goes to the Zamindar's house where he meets a young man who identifies himself as the real son, Suraj, and informs him that Sohan has been asked to leave. A devastated Dinu loses his memory and roams listlessly on the streets of Calcutta, unable to remember anything.
Sadhu Aur Shaitaan
Kind-hearted yet naive Bajrang (Mehmood) drives a taxi (laila) and helps anyone he can. He is devoted to another kind-hearted gentleman and long-time bank employee by the name of Sadhuram
Do Kaliyan
Proud, wealthy, and haughty Kiran meets with down-to-earth middle-class fellow collegian, Shekhar, and after several clashes and misunderstandings, both fall in love and decide to get married. Shekhar meets with Kiran's dominating mom and mousy dad, and is told that he must successfully pass a test that will be put to him through Kiran's mom, to which he agrees.
After completing his college, dark-skinned Adivasi Shekhar returns home and finds that his mother, Savli, has passed away. Distraught, he is consoled by Father Abraham, who also tells him that his mother had an affair with wealthy Ramgarh-based Thakur Pratap Singh, who refused to marry her even after she became pregnant. Shekhar decides to avenge his humiliation and sets forth to expose Pratap. Upon arrival in Ramgarh, he finds that he has a fair-skinned look-alike half-brother, Dilip, as well as a sister, Neelu. Dilip meets him, hires him as a office staff person, and asks him to impersonate him in order to meet Deepa, the only daughter of wealthy Vinodbabu, and Shekhar agrees to do so. Shekhar meets Deepa and both are attracted to each other. Shekhar decides to tell her the truth about himself, and returns to Ramgarh. Once there, he finds history repeating itself as Dilip is in love with an Adivasi belle, Jhumki, but is refusing to marry her.
Shortly after independence India faces terrorists attacks in Assam. A group of concerned citizens, who are not connected with the government, decide to do something to stop this carnage. Spy Sunil Mehra (Dharmendra) must travel to Beirut and foil the terror group.
Chandan Ka Palna
Mahesh Chandra Mukhopadhyay
Ajit lives with his mother, and comes from a very wealthy family. He meets with beautiful Shobha and both fall in love with each other. Ajit's mom is delighted and agrees to meet with Harikishan Rai, Shobha's father, to finalize their marriage. The marriage takes place with great pomp and ceremony. A few years later, Ajit notices a change in Shobha's behavior. She changes her lifestyle, adopts a more liberal outlook, takes to drinking alcohol, and has an hair-cut. Ajit and his mom are perplexed and appalled at this change, and want to find out, but Shobha refuses to tell them anything. One day, Shobha and Ajit's mom have an argument, and Shobha angrily lifts up her hand to slap her, only to be stopped by Ajit, who asks Shobha to leave immediately. Shobha leaves and returns to her father's house, leaving Ajit and his mother behind wondering what had changed Shobha so much, and whether to get Ajit married a second time or not.
Mehrban is a 1967 Hindi language film written and directed by A. Bhimsingh. It is a remake of Bhimsingh's own Tamil film Padikkadha Medhai (1960) which itself was a remake of the 1953 Bengali film Jog Biyog, based on the novel of the same name by Ashapoorna Devi.
Patthar Ke Sanam
Rajesh works for Meena's father. Meena and her friend Taruna decide to play a prank on him. Both women pretend to fall in love with him, but he finds out, resulting in acrimony.
Dil Ne Pukara
Asha lives a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay with her widowed dad, who would like her to get married to Dr. Prakash. While vacationing in Kashmir, she meets with a young man, Rajan, and both fall in love with each other. When she returns home and attends Dr. Prakash's birthday party, she gets a pleasant surprise when she finds out that Rajan is Prakash's friend. Rajan introduces Asha to his mom, while Asha introduces Rajan to her dad, and both parents approve of their match. Before they can get engaged, Rajan had promised his late father that he would obtain a degree from Oxford University, and be back after one year. He decides to travel by boat, which meets with an accident and there are no survivors. A shocked and devastated Asha finds out that Rajan's death has killed her dad, and she throws herself in her work as a doctor, working side by side with Prakash.
Around The World
A man accompanies his uncle to Tokyo but finds himself in a dilemma when he must travel to Europe immediately, with only $8 at his disposal.
Pati Patni
Gauri (Nanda) belongs to a woman's group, but does not welcome certain changes being imposed on the group by Lali (Shashikala). Lali has already influenced Sundari (Leela Mishra) and Kala (Mumtaz), much to the unhappiness of thier hapless husband and dad, Dhanprasad (Om Prakash). Gauri meets with Dhanprasad's nephew, Amar (Sanjeev Kumar), both fall in love, and get married. Amar gets involved in an accident and gets crippled. Gauri now gets to be the bread-winner when she gets with Gupta (Sujit Kumar), and both start getting friendsly. Meanwhile, Lali leads Sundari and Kala to more reckless independence. Amar starts suspecting Gauri and Gupta of having an intimate relationship, and their marriage bond is at breaking point.
Pyar Kiye Jaa
Widower Ramlal lives a wealthy lifestyle near Poona, India along with two daughters and a son. His daughter, Malti, is a Science Graduate; Nirmala, a matriculate, and the son, Atma, who wants his dad to finance a Hindi film which he himself will produce under the banner of 'Wah Wah Productions'
Chandu 'Rotiwala'
Seema lives a wealthy lifestyle with her widowed mom in Bombay, India. Her mother is a compassionate soul who rents out several rooms in a self-owned building, which is occupied by very poor and nearly destitute people. Seema's mom often ends up looking after her tenants financially and also gives them ample time to find money to pay the rent. Seema, who wants a luxurious lifestyle, has sold the building to Bihari, and is all set to evict the tenants forcibly. Watch what happens when Seema's mother and Rajan decide to confront her to try and stop this sale.
Pinjre Ke Panchhi
Businessman Sonu Sharma belongs to a wealthy family and lives with his widowed mother. He suddenly becomes ill, is hospitalized and looked after by a young nurse, Heena, who he falls in love with. After he gets discharged both of them get married in a secret temple ceremony. Thereafter, he asks Heena to resign from her job, re-locate to a small town where he has rented a house called "Madhu Villa", and he will join her soon. Upon arrival at Madhu Villa, Heena is met by Sonu's brother, Laalu, and their paternal uncle. Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and still Sonu has not arrived. Quite unknown to Heena, Sonu has no brothers nor even any uncles. The two masquerading are actually two escaped convicts, one of who is awaiting the death sentence, and there no guarantee that Sonu may ever return to live with her.
Biwi Aur Makan
Four young men re-locate from a village in India, to a big city. While attempting to access accomodation, they are repeatedly told that rooms will only be rented to married couples, not to bachelors. Frustrated at this, two of them disguise themselves as women, and pose as wives for the other two males. They are able to secure accomodation with the Mishra family. Complications arise when the two "women" fall in love with Mishra's two lovely daughters - with results that can only be described as hilarious.
Daadi Maa
Parvati seeks to heal the breach between her husband and his mother
Love in Tokyo
Gayetridevi sends her son, Ashok to get her grandson from Japan. Gayetridevi had an elder son, who married a girl of Japanese origin without her blessings. She wants Ashok to get married to Sarita, but Ashok does not show any interest in Sarita. In Japan, Ashok meets with Asha and both fall in love. Asha's uncle wants Asha to marry Pran, but Asha does not like Pran and runs away with Ashok. Pran runs down Ashok with his car, and Ashok is hospitalized and may lose his eye-sight. Gayetridevi will soon find out which of the two girls - Asha - who she does not approve of - or Sarita, will take of her blind son.
Bahu Beti
Shanta, a widow who wants to question the orthodox society, falls in love with Shekhar, a poet. In her quest to fight the system, Shanta's father-in-law, a retired judge, supports her.
Johar-Mehmood in Goa
Rahim Mohammad Salauddin
Mary and Peter fall in love with each other and are about to get married, when Peter is asked to re-join his regiment to go to war. Shortly thereafter, he is missing, believed to be dead, leaving behind a devastated Mary who subsequently gives birth to twins, and leaves them on the doorsteps of two Goan households, and becomes a nun. Twenty four years later, India is a free country, while Goa is under the rule of the Portugese, Mary is the Mother Superior; Peter, who is still alive, is the Deputy Superintendent of Police in Goa, who has been entrusted the task of apprehending two revolutionaries by the name of Ram and Rahim - none other than his very own sons. Watch what happens when duo unleash a series of attacks against the oppressive Portugese regime, including robbing the Bank of Portugal, disrobing an arrogant Superindent of Police, Alburqueue, then setting his house on fire, joining hands with dreaded bandit Daler Singh, and abducting the daughter of the Goa's Hakim, Rita.
The Butler
Кханна, богатый человек, нанимает убийцу, чтобы убить своего соперника, Соханлала. Затем Ханна сообщает по телефону племяннице жертвы Аше о его смерти. Пока Аша кричит, в комнату входит злоумышленник и застреливает Ханну. Несколько дней спустя Аша выигрывает поездку в другую страну с шестью другими: барристером Ракешем, Дхарамдасом, Кишаном, доктором Ачарьей, Мадхусуданом Шармой и Китти Келли. Самолет с шестью победителями и членом экипажа Ананд вынужден совершить вынужденную посадку на неизвестном острове. Однако как только Ананд и все пассажиры выходят из самолета, он взлетает, оставляя всех в затруднительном положении. Загадочная невидимая женщина начинает петь песню. Песня звучит в разные моменты времени во время фильма, а женщину не видно. Затем группа замечает особняк и входит в него. В особняке никого нет, кроме дворецкого. Дхарамдас находит дневник, который показывает, что все они причастны к преступлению и что все они будут убиты...
Aakash Deep
Shankar, who saw his poor father die a disappointed death, works very hard and goes on to become a mill owner. His brother Madhu, however, prefers to run their father's old tea stall.
The Munim (Clerk) in Ranimaa's family lives with his son, Kaushal and daughter, Madhavi. After he passes away, Ranimaa brings up both children as her own, along with her only son, Rajesh. Years later, Rajesh has grown up and is of marriageable age. He meets with beautiful Bhanu Saxena and both fall in love with each other. Shortly thereafter, in a boating accident, Kaushal passes away, leaving behind a devastated Madhavi, Rajesh, who blames himself for his death, and Ranimaa. A few months later, Rajesh gets married to Bhanu and she moves in with them. Bhanu dislikes Madhavi and would like her out of the way, she goes to the extent of accusing her of having an affair with her husband.
Do Dil
Manu is the princely heir to the kingdom ruled over now by Ranimaa. He likes to know what his going on, and changes his princely get-up, and dresses up as an ordinary man, and goes around the territory. He meets up with gorgeous Bijli, and both fall in love. When Bijli introduces him to her dad, he identifies himself as Badal. Then he notices that soldiers from his palace are molesting the young women from this community. After his return to the palace, he finds out that the soldiers had been acting on the orders of Kunver Pratap Singh, and he immediately puts a stop to this. This angers Pratap Singh, and he plans to avenge this humiliation, with a plan so devious that will endanger the lives of Manu, the Ranimaa, as well Bijli and the people in her community.
Bhoot Bungla
Rekha and her uncle Shyamlal are the only survivors in their family which has a long and painful history of death under bizarre and suspicious circumstances while living in their ancestral property. Rekha and Shyamlal leave their ancestral property in fear and settle down in the city where Rekha meets a jovial and rowdy bunch of youngsters belonging to the Youth Club. Members of the Youth Club decide to unravel the mystery of Rekha's ancestral property and hope to find out if those deaths are freak accidents or an ancient curse.
Bhoot Bungla
Rekha and her uncle Shyamlal are the only survivors in their family which has a long and painful history of death under bizarre and suspicious circumstances while living in their ancestral property. Rekha and Shyamlal leave their ancestral property in fear and settle down in the city where Rekha meets a jovial and rowdy bunch of youngsters belonging to the Youth Club. Members of the Youth Club decide to unravel the mystery of Rekha's ancestral property and hope to find out if those deaths are freak accidents or an ancient curse.
Bhoot Bungla
Rekha and her uncle Shyamlal are the only survivors in their family which has a long and painful history of death under bizarre and suspicious circumstances while living in their ancestral property. Rekha and Shyamlal leave their ancestral property in fear and settle down in the city where Rekha meets a jovial and rowdy bunch of youngsters belonging to the Youth Club. Members of the Youth Club decide to unravel the mystery of Rekha's ancestral property and hope to find out if those deaths are freak accidents or an ancient curse.
Beti Bete
Munna / Mahesh
A widower with three young children finds himself in debt. Blinded, in an industrial accident, he loses his job and is admitted to hospital. Upon returning home, he overhears the heartless landlord criticising him for not dying instead of "merely" blinding himself because, if he were dead, the children could be looked after in an orphanage. He decides not to enter the house and disappears. Left alone, the children are evicted. They lose contact with one another after one is left on a train and another is kidnapped. Years pass. The children grow up in different homes under different circumstances. But fate has decreed that the family shall not be forever parted. Written by van Goethem
Khan Mustafa/Zingarro
A faithful retainer tries to foil the plot to replace his country's queen with a look-alike.
Beena falls in love with Rajan after he rescues her from some goons. Soon they marry and she is pregnant. The trouble starts when Beena spends the night with Gopal. What compels her to do this?
On the lookout for employment, Ashok sees photographs of beautiful Asha and decides to accept employment as an estate's manager.
Sanjh Aur Savera
Shankar Chaudhry, a wealthy man gets married to Maya assuming she is the daughter of Ambala-based Advocate Madhusudan. He is shocked to realize that Maya and her brother Prakash have cheated him.
Brahmachari Shwetant
Chitralekha is a 1964 historical-philosophical Hindi film, directed by Kidar Sharma, starring Ashok Kumar, Meena Kumari and Pradeep Kumar. It was based on 1934 Hindi novel by the same name by Bhagwati Charan Verma about Bijgupta serving under the Maurya Empire and the king Chandragupta Maurya (340 BCE – 298 BCE) and his love for courtesan Chitralekha. Set in the back drop of the middle age society. The portrayal of the three tools wisdom, knowledge and power become superfluous in the absence of strength of character.
Phoolon Ki Sej
Nirmal Verma and Karuna are attracted to each other, while the former is touring that part of the country. They get very intimate, he promises to return, and even leaves his address with her but she misplaces it. Both do meet after 5 years, and after formal introductions - get married; and she re-locates to live with him and his doctor brother, and Bhabhi, Janki. Shortly thereafter Nirmal and the rest of the family are baffled when they find out Karuna secretly leaves the house and goes to an unknown location - when confronted - she refuses to divulge anything.
Ramdas is a trusting individual, and trusts everybody around him. When times turn bad for him, he entrusts the life of his son, Bansi, to his trusted employee, Ronaklal, and departs. He regularly sends money to Ronaklal to provide for the upkeep of his son, but Ronaklal uses this money to educate his son, Deepak, keeps Bansi uneducated, and makes him do a lot of manual work. Years pass by, Ronaklal is now crippled, and is dependent on Bansi, as Deepak has left him, got married to a wealthy girl, and lives with his in-laws. Ronaklal is unable to show his face to Ramdas, and avoids him, and Bansi has grown up without knowing who his real father is. Will Ronaklal be able to tell Ramdas the truth when he returns, or will be just let Deepak be the sole heir to all the estate and the property?
Advocate Mahesh
Shekhar is a Lothario. He's also the son of the Public Prosecutor. After his philandering has exhausted his parents' patience, he takes a fancy to Saradha and contrives to put her in a compromising position. She cannot escape from marrying him after her father accepts the Public Prosecutor's proposal of a union between their offspring. Shocked by his bride's contempt for his behaviour, Shekhar resolves to wait until his wife accepts him of her own volition. When she contracts pneumonia he gains the opportunity to win her love. However, an encounter with an old flame lands him in jail and Shekhar finds himself facing his father across a courtroom, charged with murder.
Dil Ek Mandir
Lallu Lal
Dr. Dharmesh (Rajendra Kumar) and Sita (Meena Kumari) are in love, and hope to marry on Dharmesh's return from abroad. When Dharmesh returns, he is devastated to find that Sita has married someone else. He then decides to devote the rest of his life at a cancer clinic. One of his patients is Ram (Raaj Kumar), who is critically ill, and has to be operated upon. Things progress well, until Dharmesh meets Ram's wife - none other than Sita. Dharmesh now has to battle with his conscience, and his medical ethics to save Ram or to let him pass away, so that he can marry Sita.
Laagi Nahi Chhute Ram
An educated man falls in love with a simple woman from a village. However, they face a lot of difficulties in their relationship.
An unemployed young man named Deepak (Pradeep Kumar) saves Aarti Gupta (Meena Kumari), a hardworking and dedicated doctor, from drowning, and the two eventually fall in love with each other, although she is already engaged to Dr. Prakash (Ashok Kumar). Although Aarti's father firmly disapproves of this relationship, Deepak and Aarti marry. She moves in with him and his family, which includes his brother, Niranjan (Ramesh Deo), his sister-in-law, Jaswanti (Shashikala), their three children, and Deepak's father (Jagirdar). That leaves the humiliated Prakash determined to get Aarti back, whatever he may have to do. He manages to bring a discord in their marital life, so much so that Deepak asks Aarti to leave, and she returns home to her father. This is followed by Deepak having a serious accident, when Prakash is the only surgeon who can operate on him.
Dil Tera Diwana
Wayward, brash, and disobedient Mohan (Shammi Kapoor) is sent by his angry dad Diwan Badriprasad (Ulhas) to a retired army captain Dayaram (Om Prakash) to learn some discipline and respect. But Mohan asks his friend Anokhe (Mehmood) to switch places with him, and Anokhe agrees to do so. Mohan meets with Meena (Mala Sinha), who lives with her blind dad (Manmohan Krishan). Anokhe is welcomed as Mohan by Captain Dayaram and his daughter Malti (Shubha Khote) in their household. Eventually both Malti and Anokhe fall in love. Things start to get even more muddled when Captain Dayaram finds out that Anokhe is married to another woman, and that Anokhe drives a rickshaw. The police are notified and they are asked to arrest Mohan - they arrest 3 Mohans. Who is the real Mohan?
Pyase Panchhi
Gangaprasad Trivedi would like his son, Kiran Kumar, to get married and settle down. He even goes to the extent of selecting a bride, Sheela Chaturvedi. But Kiran has fallen in love with Jyoti, who is trapped by her Father. This intagled mess results in a hilarious musical dramedy.
While Shekhar (Rajendra Kumar) falls in love with and weds Bela (Saroja Devi), the daughter of a wealthy businessman, Shekhar's sister elopes with a common thief whose family is planning to discredit her sibling. When an expensive necklace disappears, Bela's suspicions about her spouse put their union in jeopardy in this affecting film directed by T. Prakash Rao. The supporting cast includes Jayshree Gadkar and Shubha Khote.
Chhote Nawab
Chhote Nawab
Romantic comedy about a wealthy milk-drinking Peter Pan-type
A lawyer holds the eyewitness evidence to catch a killer, but the identified criminal is the lawyer's own mentor, prospective father-in-law, and also the judge who presides over the case.
Shriman Satyawadi
An honest man instills in his only child the adage, 'Honesty is the best policy.' When the boy grows up, he has to fight for the truth and it remains to be seen if he can keep his ideologies alive.
Kaagaz Ke Phool
The film tells, in flashback, the story of Suresh Sinha, a famous film director and his relationship with an aspiring actress.
Younger Sister
Chhoti Bahen is the story about the delicate but powerful bond of love. Rajendra and Shekhar lose their parents, and the all they have is each other, and their younger sister Meena. Though in love, Rajendra swears that he will not marry till his younger brother and sister are settled. Shekhar falls in love with a rich girl Shobha. Meanwhile, Meena's marriage is fixed. Misfortune strikes when Meena meets with an accident and is blinded forever. Shekhar, pressed on by an impatient Shobha, marries her and they go away to live with her rich father. Rajendra loses his job. To support his poor blind sister, he is desperate for a job.
The new owners of Deepak Mahal meet with its caretaker, Mattu, who narrates the story of its' former owners: Bijondra - the only child of a wealthy Hindu Brahmin Zamindar; and Banani - the only child of a single father, Banjara Sardar Tinkari. Starting with the move to evict the Banjaras from his father's property, flute-playing Bijondra meets with and falls in love with pretty dancer, Banani - leading to being asked to leave by his enraged father; while Banani's father plans her marriage to Banjara Madhal.
Ramesh J. Singh
After an hospital accident, a wealthy male is compelled to adopt a prostitute's son. The lead protagonist is played by Raj Kapoor.
Vijay's brother
Vijay, a destitute poet, searches for true love while attempting to get his work published. With the assistance of two women in his life, his dream comes true - but at a cost that causes Vijay to rethink his worldview.
Уша Сингх живет в Бомбее. У нее всегда всё было хорошо с деньгами, и она ни в чём не нуждалась. Живет девушка со своим отцом, который недавно закончил свою военную карьеру. На одном из праздников она знакомится с парнем по имени Суреш. Они случайно встречаются несколько раз, и вскоре между ними вспыхивают настоящие чувства. Но совсем скоро выясняется, что Уша больна раком мозга. Жить ей осталось совсем недолго, однако Суреш не бросает её одну в такой тяжёлой ситуации. Но забота его - всего лишь представление, которое разыгрывается специально для состоятельного отца девушки.
Uncredited (Cameo in 'Denewala Jab Bhi Deta')
Кардилал набрал очень много долгов, по которым не в состоянии рассчитаться. Пытаясь найти много денег за короткий срок, он вынуждает Рама Фантуша переписать дорогую страховку на его имя. Фантуш - добрый парень, и Кардилал совершенно не сомневается в своем успехе. Но, как оказывается позднее, Кардилал совершил очень большую ошибку, когда подселил Рама Фантуша к себе домой, ведь в доме также живет его красивая дочь Нила.
Mem Sahib
Hardeep Kumar
Meena, a wealthy, educated girl, has been promised in marriage to Sunder, a sheltered young man who has received an extremely traditional religious education. Displeased, Meena sets out to find a more suitable candidate, but is taken in by Manohar, a gold-digging conman. Finding Sunder to be clueless about the world, Manohar is soon manipulating him as well as Meena in his schemes to gain possession of Meena's fortune.
Inspector is a 1956 Bollywood thriller film directed by Shakti Samanta. It starred Ashok Kumar, Geeta Bali and Pran.
Sher Singh
A newspaper editor, Shrivastav, is killed when he was about to expose the underworld links of a very rich and influential person. C.I.D. Inspector Shekhar is assigned to this case, an investigation of which leads him to suspect Dharamdas and his men. But Dharamdas spins a web of lies and deceit, and Shekhar himself becomes a suspect, and is arrested by the police, and loses his job, leaving Dharamdas and his men to carry on undeterred.
Аджай Мукерджи был озорным и упрямым мальчиком. Много беспокойства причинял он своими проделками жителям деревни.
A group of freedom-fighters face betrayal and go on the run from police in British-occupied Hindustan.
Два бигха земли
Богатый помещик, владелец почти всех земель в округе, решил построить фабрику. Однако выполнению его затеи мешает трудолюбивая и дружная семья бедного крестьянина Шамбху Мехето, чей небольшой клочок земли вклинивается во владения помещика. Полиция требует от Шамбху уплаты долга, иначе грозит отобрать у него землю. Чтобы заработать деньги, необходимые для уплаты долга, Шамбху с маленьким сынишкой едут в Калькутту. Но там они лишь пополняют огромные толпы таких же нищих, жаждущих найти работу людей.
Любовь матери
В бедной индийской семье делается все, чтобы вывести в люди двух сыновей - Раджу и Бхану. Старательный и скромный Раджу готовится стать адвокатом. Умный и способный Бхану бездельничает и этим приносит родителям немало горя. Однако, когда отцу грозит позор и тюремное заключение, именно Бхану приходит на помощь отцу и, взяв его вину на себя, попадает в тюрьму.
Shin Shinaki Boobla Boo
Shin Shinaki dreams of killing Taishi, the man who killed her parents. When the villain dies, she transfers her vengeful energies on to the man’s son.
Young Shekhar
A former theater owner and his crippled daughter live in poverty until a chance encounter with a young pickpocket brings romance for the petty criminal and daughter as well as a chance by the father to get back at the villainous new theater owner who ousted him from the business years before.
The Search
Shatrughan Sinha in a dynamic role.