A modern adaptation of Satyajit Ray's classic short story
Love in Bombay (also marketed under the title Love in Mumbai) is a Hindi film produced and directed by Joy Mukherjee. The film was originally made in 1971 and starred Waheeda Rehman, Sonia Sahni, Rehman, Kishore Kumar, and Ashok Kumar. The film was not released and was discovered by Mukherjee's son after his death in March 9, 2013. But it has released on August 2, 2013, that is,42 years after it was made.
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A police inspector and a London returned crime journalist, amongst others, are baffled by a modern day Robin Hood, who robs the rich and distributes the wealth amongst the poor and needy.
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В этой замечательной мелодраме Сими Гаревала «Прощание», известному индийскому актеру Митхуну Чакраборти досталась роль профессионального убийцы по имени Арджун Рай. Некий гангстер Джагдиш Чопра решает расквитаться с ненужным ему человеком. Для этого он обращается к Арджуну и нанимает его, чтобы тот убил лишнего человека. Но по какой-то случайности Арджун допускает ошибку, раньше он никогда не допускал подобных промахов…
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Шива едет в город, чтобы заработать денег на свадьбу своей сестры Кусум. Он встречает Шакти, угонщика автомобилей, и они становятся друзьями. Прячась от полиции, Шакти приезжает в деревню Шивы, где встречает Кусум. Они влюбляются друг в друга, но Шакти вынужден уехать обратно в город. Когда Шива возвращается в деревню и обнаруживает, что Кусум беременна, он клянется убить бросившего ее Шакти.
When his car breaks down, Amitabh Bachchan finds himself in a busload of students. Shortly, the students, debating heatedly whether man is greater or a woman, put the question to their esteemed guest.
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Ритеш — неудавшийся актер, который опустился на самое дно и погибает от пьянства. Паджа, его жена, также давно ни во что не верит. Она перебивается случайными заработками и работает то уборщицей, то посудомойкой. Но главное их несчастье — смертельно больной сын…
История о противостоянии добра злу в лице полицейского по имени Саксена. На той стороне баррикад: алчные коррумпированные высокие чиновники, которые любыми способами пытаются убрать честного и порядочного полицейского со своего грязного пути..
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A young man, Swaroop, moves to Bombay and is immediate mugged and left without shelter. He meets a man who helps him find a place to stay and a job, but Swaroop doesn't know that the man is a notorious gangster.
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Инспектор полиции Виджай полюбил очаровательную Арти, но не решился сразу же высказать свои чувства. Приехавшему из Америки другу Виджая также очень понравилась Арти и он не долго думая предложил ей стать его женой. Состоялась помолвка и все были счастливы, кроме Виджая... И свадьба состоялась бы, но на Арти положил глаз ее бывший начальник, бабник и негодяй. Он похитил Арти и лишил ее чести. Арти решилась все рассказать своему будущему свекру, надеясь на понимание, но..
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Основные действия картины «Дом и мир» разворачиваются в доме богатого землевладельца Нихила, в начале ХХ века. Нихил живет богато и очень счастливо, он женат на прекрасной женщине Бимале, с которой у них полное взаимопонимание. Но однажды в его доме появляется революционер Сандил. Трагическая история любви Сандила и Бималы не оставят никого равнодушными
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Shakti and Shaitan Singh are two brothers who belong to a gang of bandits, headed by the their dad, Bahadur Singh. One day while on a looting rampage in Jamalpur Village, Shakti is wounded and takes shelter with Harkishen and his daughter, Lali. He loses consciousness for several days, while the rest of the bandits think he is dead. When Shakti regains his senses he and Lali fall in love with each other, but Lali wants him to lead a honest life, and it is only then that he can marry her.
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Индийский вариант саги о трех мушкетерах. Вместо короля — великий махараджа, вместо французов — индусы. Но интрига отнюдь не уступает замыслу Александра Дюма! Правитель убит, власть и его несметные богатства стали причиной раздора. Темные силы пытаются во что бы то ни стало прибрать все это к своим рукам… Отважная троица противостоит силам зла и в неравной схватке пытается спасти страну, несметные сокровища и, естественно, свои жизни!
Известный музыкант Дипак знакомится с простой кашмирской девушкой Джоти. Их объединяет любовь к музыке и взаимное влечение. Вскоре они решают пожениться. Однако у отца Дипака и его близкого друга-бизнесмена совершенно иные планы. Они давно договорились связать своих детей брачными узами. Но музыкант не проявляет никакого интереса к этому союзу и к влюбленной в него Аше. К тому же Дипак узнает, что его отец имеет вторую семью, жену и дочь, о существовании которых никто не подозревал. Исправляя ошибки отца, Дипак теряет свое счастье. Его постигает та же участь. Он женится на бойкой богачке Аше, решив, что навсегда утратил любимую Джоти..
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Gauri, an average girl from a village, falls in love with a wealthy man from the city, Samir. The unusual couple go through a series of turmoil after Samir goes abroad to study law.
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Coming from a decent upper middle-class family, Vikram Saxena meets with gorgeous Seema Singh, and both fall in love. But their respective families have other plans for them. While Vikram is able to convince his advocate dad, Shyam Sunder, to change his mind, Seema is unable to do so, and her marriage is being planned with a U.S. resident. Things take a turn for the worst when the police arrest Vikram with arson, with evidence that he had burned down a property belonging to Seema's dad, Colonel Ram Mohan Singh. Due to this, Vikram's dad comes forward to defend him, and Seema will not have anything to do with him anymore. Shyam Sunder realizes that the only way he can save his son from being imprisoned is to have him certified as insane, but will have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life, as well as the the stigma this will place on his family for years to come.
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Как известно, встречи бывают разные. Одни проходят незаметно, не оставив в памяти никакого следа, другие способны изменить всю жизнь. Именно такая, роковая, встреча сломала судьбу богатой женщины Аши и весьма осложнила существование бедного механика из гаража Джая. Но если для Аши, занимающей в доме мужа положение красивой игрушки, знакомство со скромным и симпатичным юношей становится потрясением, перерастающим во всепоглощающую страсть, не признающую никаких преград, то Джай, увы, остается равнодушен. Его сердце давно уже отдано другой, и он отнюдь не спешит променять свою милую и преданную Роби на своенравную миллионершу.
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Деньги дают власть и могущество — так считал герой этого фильма. И ради внука, рано осиротевшего, он, скромный служащий, ставит себе цель — разбогатеть. Любой ценой. Забыв про совесть, честь. Но принесло ли огромное состояние, нажитое преступным путем, счастье любимому и единственному наследнику?
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Troyee is the story of a simple man (Mithun), his life, love and relationship.
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Безоблачная любовь молодых людей — богатой девушки Симы и новоиспеченного адвоката Дипака. Мечты о свадьбе, о будущем. Однако вмешивается отец Симы. В результате происходят непоправимые события в их жизни. Дипак, во имя репутации сестры, принимает на себя убийство. Сима, уже как судебный обвинитель, приговаривает невиновного Дипака к пожизненному заключению. Спустя некоторое время, принимая во внимание безупречное поведение, Дипака выпускают. Выйдя из тюрьмы, Дипак видит сына, тоже ставшего адвокатом. Казалось бы, за все заплачено. Но случается еще одно убийство. И вновь на скамье подсудимых Дипак. Теперь его обвиняет прокурор, его сын.
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Сима, привлекательная и популярная актриса, влюблена в Аруна, наследовавшего богатое имение. Однако она убита горем, когда узнает, что Арун, так любивший летать, разбился в авиакатастрофе. С того момента неудачи слово преследуют Симу. Отец покидает ее. Она лишается работы в театре, нужда вынуждает ее определить младшего брата в общежитие. Она остается одна, без какой-либо определенности в будущем. Симу насилуют, она вынуждена работать в дешевых ночных барах. И вдруг, словно как подарок судьбы, она встречает Аруна. Сможет ли она, наконец, обрести любовь и счастье или судьба вновь готовит ей неприятности?.
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Kamli belongs to a poor family. She sells datuns for a living. She sells them in local suburban trains as well as on railway platforms. One day she meets a bachelor named Pratap, who would like her to become a lady, and be educated, to which she agrees. She thinks that Pratap is in love with her, little does she know that she is the subject of a bet between Pratap and his friend, Kashinath, who both find her crude, crass, loud, and uncouth, so much so that both doubt that she can be transformed into a lady.
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Durgadevi rules her household with her brother, Makhanlan, and treats daughter Shanti worse than she treats servants; her other daughter is Roopa. When the younger women are approached for marriage, Durgadevi refuses.
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Трое друзей — Винод, Ашок и Рандхир — с детства мечтали придумать новый, самый быстрый в мире поезд. И спустя много лет Виноду удалось осуществить эту детскую мечту. И в день торжественного выхода этого поезда в первый рейс Дели-Бомбей в нем встречаются давно потерянные друзья и возлюбленные, а также враги и соперники
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Two students are framed for molesting a girl and must leave college. To make ends meet, they pose as tutors to a young lady who they both fall for.
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Ratnadeep revolves around a person who was fed up with his job and to get out of that situation, he applied for two months leave. The story follows when on the last day of his job he found the dead body of a man belonged to very rich family and the body resembled him, which brought new adventures in his life.
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Sudarshan Sahni would like his son, Raju, to marry his Europe-based friend's daughter, Rita, but Raju is in love with Anu, and both plan to marry each other. Anu's dad, Pradeep Rai Choudhry, does not approve of Raju, and warns Anu not to have anything to do with him, in vain though. Both Anu and Raju elope, and get married and re-locate to a small and remote village, where they spend several months in perfect harmony. It is then that their respective parents come to know of their location, and descend on them to bring them back to their world.
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Каждый день шахтеры спускаются в шахту на работу, главное для них это выбраться обратно. Но пока они даже не подозревают, что люди, которые остались наверху решили сотворить с ними нечто ужасное. Главные герои фильма: Виджай – работник шахты, когда его уволили из военно-морских сил; Рави – талантливый инженер, который тоже погибнет и Мангал – беглый преступник.
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A student in a prestigious college, Vishal Khanna believes he lives a wealthy lifestyle along with his businessman brother, Karan. Vishal meets with and falls in love with Neeta, the only daughter of wealthy widower, Gulabchand. Gulabchand meets with Karan and both finalize Vishal and Neeta's marriage. Then things spiral out of control when Gulabchand is killed while Karan is run over by a lorry, and ends up losing both his legs. Vishal undertakes to look after the now crippled Karan, but has more surprises to face when Police Inspector Yadav informs him that Karan was never a businessman, but a trapeze artiste in Amar Circus, and is also a suspect of a daring robbery and the murder of Gulabchand.
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Рам и его сестра Рата, сироты. Они живут в Бомбее и будущее их весьма туманно. Однако старый друг их семьи подкидывает молодым людям веселую работенку. Много забавных приключений придется пережить героям, пока они не смогут добиться желаемого богатства и почета...
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Anmol and Sunita are living a happy married life. But Sunita is suffering from a serious heart condition and has to go for a dangerous operation or risk her life. She can't go for children as this will make her condition more bad. Sunita falls in love with a orphan girl Bhavna and wants to adopt her But Anmol wants her to recover soon and have their own children and more ever gets upset with Bhavna with her childish behavior.
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The movie starts with two innocent and kind hearted guys named Heeralal and Pannalal. They are famous among criminals as they have helped police in capturing them several times. Heeralal is in search of his parent’s killer but has no idea of him at all. Pannalal is in search of his father. Heeralal meets with a girl named Ruby and falls in love with her. Pannalal falls in love with Ruby’s friend, Neelam.
Kalicharan, who is a renowned criminal has decided to teach a lesson to Heeralal and Pannalal for interfering in their business. But instead Kalicharan is forced to run from the police. Police commissioner, Premlal is very happy with the guys and wants to protect them from Kalicharan and his friend, Panther’s anger.
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Чтобы захватить власть в королевстве, Шамшер Сингх и Нахар Сингх убивают Гопала Сингха и его жену. Они думают, что их сыновья тоже погибли. Шамшер становится правителем, но через несколько лет выясняется, что мальчики живы...
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An honest lawyer, Vishwanath is implicated and imprisoned at the behest of powerful underworld don, GNK and his associates. After his release from prison, Vishwanath decides to seek vengeance, but finds out that it is virtually impossible to do this through due process of law. So he decides to change his identity, hire a gang of crooks and assassins, to carry out his vendetta. Not realizing that in doing this he is alienating himself from the love of his life, Soni; and making himself a wanted man by the police, leaving his crippled sister, Munni and mom, Shanti to fend for themselves, and at the mercy of GNK and his associates.
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Navendhu Kumar lives a poor lifestyle with his handicapped father, Mohan, housewife mom, two unmarried sisters, Leela and Rajni, a younger brother, Kundan, and a sweetheart in Meena. He works for Avinash Gupta, however, when differences occur, he is framed by Gupta for breaking and entering, arrested by the police, tried in Court, and exiled from the town for a period of 12 months. After he leaves, the family is almost destitute and are exploited by Gupta. Then some months later, a young man, Anand, comes to visit them, informing them that Navendhu has sent him. He gives them some money for day to day expenses, gets some clothes for everyone, and a wheelchair for Mohan. He arranges the marriage of Rajni with her boyfriend, Ajay, despite strong opposition from Gupta, and falls in love with Leela. What the Kumar family do not know is that Anand is a fugitive on the run from the police in Bombay, and he harbors a dark secret that will change their lives forever.
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Доктор Сунил Гупта и его жена Арти живут каждый своей жизнью. Обиженная невниманием мужа, Арти уезжает в их пригородный особняк в Кхандале. Она не знала, что ее муж нанял для украшения дома декоратора Винода , в котором узнает своего сокурсника по колледжу искусств. Винод, влюбленный в Арти, видя как она несчастна, предлагает ей бежать и начать жизнь заново. Во время ссоры Арти берет револьвер и стреляет в Винода, он падает вниз по лестнице и умирает. Сестра Арти, Видья, помогает ей избавиться от тела. Через несколько дней приезжает Сунил, он приводит в дом потерявшего память мужчину, в котором Арти узнает Винода.
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Жизнь Биджи рушится после трагической гибели ее возлюбленного Раджу. Однако, когда она встречает Викки, ее ждет еще больший шок.
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Шанти и Рада были представителями среднего класса. Шанти была обычным клерком в офисе, а Радж работал инженером в большой строительной компании. Они крепко любили друг друга. Но однажды Рада узнал, что его мать получила предложение о его женитьбе, и не просто о женитьбе на дочери босса, но и предложение стать партнером в компании. Все его мысли о будущем с Шанти улетучились на глазах.Он даже отказался принять Шанти, когда она пришла навестить его с сообщением, что она ждет от Раджа ребенка. Чтобы избежать позора, Шанти была вынуждена покинуть город и родить незаконнорожденного сынаВиджая . Перед тем как покинуть этот свет она добивается от сына клятвы, что он будет избегать несправедливости и никому не будет мстить. Но как только Виджай подрос, он сразу же направился в город в поисках своего отца Раджа, который теперь стал большим боссом Р.К.Гуптой.
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Главарь преступной группировки Дон после стычки с полицией ранен и умирает в больнице. Полицейский комиссар с целью полностью разгромить банду решает внедрить в нее своего агента. На этот раз на роль преступного авторитета готовят имеющего некоторое сходство с оригиналом Виджая Бхогала. Ему подготовили своеобразную легенду: после стычки с полицией Дон попал в больницу и там его вылечили от огнестрельного ранения, но только преступник потерял в результате амнезии память. В таком виде новый Дон попадает в банду и тут его подстерегает первое несчастье: его планирует убить участница группировки Рома. Дон пытается узнать причину ненависти Ромы и выясняет, что его предшественник недавно убил брата и двоюродную сестру Ромы. И завертелась вокруг несчастного Дона интрига…
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Викас Чандра и Арти — молодожёны. Разрешив ряд проблем, они, в конце концов, перемещаются в свежую жилплощадь и, на первый взгляд, вполне рады, хотя 1 вечер полностью меняет их жизнь... Способны ли молодые люди разрешить все преграды на пути к собственному счастью, либо это окажется крушением их взаимоотношений, продемонстрирует время...
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The entire plot is woven around Indian family values, enterprise and meteoric rise in business.
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Два молодых выпускника Кану и очаровательная Тимси решают создать семью, едва переступив порог Университета. Против этой затеи восстают родители как со стороны новоявленного мужа, так и со стороны молоденькой невесты. Ведь им-то прекрасно известны все плюсы и минусы замужества. Но молодые люди непреклонны и они добьются своего. Чтобы выглядеть привлекательно в глазах жены, Кану решает выйти из тени преуспевающего отца и открыть собственное дело — рекламное агентство. Первое время и дома и на работе все спорится у молодого обаятельного Кану. Пока он принимает решения принять на работу в офис талантливого дизайнера Нишу.
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A convicted murderer saves the lives of the passengers who meet with a train accident in a desert and protects them from a gang of criminals.
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Болливудский продюсер Мани Бабу снимает в своём фильме знаменитого актера Рави Кумара. Во время съёмок межну ними возникает спор, вечером режиссёра находят убитым, а нож оказывается в руках у Рави. Рави убегает от полиции и попадает в руки разбойника Шер Сингха. Разбойник оказывается фанатом актёра и соглашается ему помочь
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A young couple strapped for cash get in over their heads trying to repay a loan.
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На бедную семью, которой и так не везет в этой жизни, посыпались одно несчастье за другим. Глава семейства вынужден был податься в бега, он скрывается от бандитов. Его жена от горя ослепла и сильно заболела. А их маленькие сыновья оставшись без присмотра родителей, потерялись. У каждого мальчика судьба сложилась по-своему. Мальчики вырастают, но они пока даже не подозревают друг о друге. Но, все-таки судьба благосклонна к ним и братья встретятся и обретут друг друга.
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На глазах Аджита убивают отца, не выдержав позора после изнасилования, умирает сестра Лакшми, падает в реку его младший брат. Аджит клянется отмстить всем трем своим обидчикам. На следующий же день он убивает одного из них и уезжает в Бомбей. Годы спустя он становится известным под именем Раджа Сааб и по-прежнему жаждет мести, но два других негодяя, Дхарамдас и Санграм Сингх ускользают от него. Однажды, когда у него ломается автомобиль, к нему подходит молодой человек, желающий помочь. Аджит, увидев знакомую татуировку, признает в нем своего младшего брата. Однако на самом деле этот юноша – единственный сын Санграма Сингха, который хочет узнать уязвимые места Аджита и убить его.
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Полицейский Шанкар пробует новый подход к снижению преступности. Он надеется на исправление бандитов в ответ на человеческое отношение и помощь. Так, он уничтожает улики о причастности Раджа к убийству, пожалев мужчину и его семью, за что оказывается уволен и посажен в тюрьму. Спустя несколько лет он выходит на свободу другим человеком, готовым присоединиться к преступной банде Раджа, который за это время нарастил своё влияние. Теперь Шанкару нужно доказать преступникам, что он достоин стать их сообщником.
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Rajesh Khanna and Sharmila Tagore play the roles of estranged lovers and are busy sacrificing for each other.
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Мелкие воры и аферисты Ахмед и Мохан подрабатывают лжесвидетелями в бомбейских судах. Встреча с Кабир Дасом, кого они ложно обвинили в убийстве, полностью меняет их мировоззрение. Они пытаются стать честными людьми, а заодно и найти настоящего убийцу…
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This is the story of Murari who wants to become a filmstar. He runs away from his house and goes to Mumbai to become a superstar. When he reaches Mumbai his whole world turns upside down. Fortunately he finds a friend in Mr Dubey who also is a struggler to get a break in films. They face hardships and at times they have to sleep in local trains. By the Gods grace Murari (Asrani) gets work as Junior Artist and works hard remembering the words Dharmendra told him once when they had met. His hard work pays off and one day he becomes the superstar of the film industry. But what about the flip side? Will he forget his old friends who had helped him during his struggle?
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The Kapoor family consists of Kishorilal, his wife Lajjo, son, Prakash, and daughter, Geeta. Kishorilal and Geeta toil hard to ensure that Prakash gets a good education so that he can study in America, return home, and repay the loans that the family has taken. Prakash does get to complete his studies, he also travels to America, upgrades, and returns home to be employed as Kishorilal's boss. Then Prakash gets married to Reena, who comes from a wealthy family, and moves in with them. Geeta confides in Reena that she has met a young man by the name of Ranjit, both are in love and want to get married. The entire family is overjoyed, but their joys are short-lived when Ranjit's dad, Mayadas, asks him to get married to the daughter of a wealthy man, when he refuses, he is asked to leave.
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Счастливо и беззаботно живут два брата Виджай и Аджай. Их отец в борьбе за справедливость пытается разоблачить неугомонных контрабандистов, но сам становится их жертвой, сгорая в огне своего родного дома. Не выдерживает суровых испытаний и их мать. Братья же, спасясь от бандитов, будут разлучены. Проходят годы. Виджай с детских лет таит ненависть к контрабандистам, выполняя миссию Робин Гуда: под именем Факира он грабит нечестных людей и раздаёт всё беднякам. За его головой охотятся не только ограбленные им бандиты, но и полиция. Аджай же сам становится мишенью для нашего Робин Гуда.
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Shekhar is a poor orphan who along with his trusted lieutenant Birju runs a garage. Shekhar dislikes women, has lost his faith in God and enjoys to spend time with his friends Bill and Harry. One night, When Birju introduces him to Kanchan, a runaway, he refuses to have to do anything with her, but when he finds out that her uncle, Shivraj, has offered a reward for her return, he decides to befriend her and both fall in love. The two get married and are blessed with a son. Their harmonious life enters trouble when Shekhar is given a suitcase by his friend, Bill, who eventually ends up dead. Shekhar finds stolen diamonds inside the suitcase and decides to keep them, much to Kanchan's displeasure. After being betrayed by one of his own in pursuit of the diamonds, Shekar finds out that two gangs, headed by Munne Khan and George Shekhar have abducted Kanchan and his son. How far will Shekhar go to set things right and rescue his family?
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Фильм повествует о молодом поэте Амите. Также наш фильм рассказывает историю юной и красивой Пуджи. Это история о том, как эти два молодых и влюбленных сердца мечтали о своем счастливом будущем вместе. Но жизнь планирует судьбу каждого человека по-своему. И так случилось, что планы молодых влюбленных сердец были нарушены решением родителей Пуджи, выдать ее замуж за Виджайя...
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Полная версия о благородном мстителе в маске, который наводит ужас на коррумпированную мексиканскую аристократию и помогает крестьянам. Каждый раз после набега он оставляет знак Z, первую букву своего имени. За ним охотится зловещий и жестокий капитан Уэрта, который и не догадывается, что изнеженный аристократ и таинственный Зорро, блистательно владеющий шпагой, одно и тоже лицо.
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Полицейскому управлению удалось напасть на след банды и схватить самого главаря — Габбар Синха. Но ни в одной камере нет таких стен, которые могли бы удержать его. Преступник бежит из тюрьмы и жестоко расправляется с семьей инспектора полиции. Чтобы отомстить кровавому насильнику и защитить мирную деревню от банды разбойников, инспектор Тхакур нанимает двоих смельчаков. У него свой счет к главарю банды, но месть смирится перед законом…
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Bhola Nath is a young petty criminal/robber/pickpocket whom works with a female acomplice and his former lover, Sharmii. Bhola unknowlingly is the illigetimate son of a police officer, named Kumar, whom has been tracking a shadowy gangster, named Amanarchard Rathore, whom Kumar imprisoned 20 years before and has now been paroled and resumed his life of crime. Bhola was abducted by Amanarchard's henchmen as a little boy, but escaped and was raised by a veteran thief named 'Mr. John,' while his Lt. Kumar and his wife and other son have long belived that their other son was dead. Bhola and Sharmii stumble upon a manuscript for a book titled 'Chori Mera Kaam' during one of their robbery excursions belonging to Mr. John's former partner in crime which they sell to a shady publisher, named Parvin Bhai, which becomes a nationwide best seller. But it attracts unwanted attention from the police, the local mob, and the original writer himself.
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Колониальная Индия.Последние годы английского владычества. Кампания народного неповиновения набирает силу. Молодой поэт Раджеш далёк от политики, он влюблён в красавицу Камини, но смерть старшего брата, исповедовавшего идеи ненасильственного сопротивления, от британской пули, делает его мстителем, он берётся за оружие. Отказавшись от возлюбленной, он прославляется как неумолимый мститель и борец за независимость. Все силы армии и полиции брошены на его поимку,он загнан. Будучи ранен, он вынужден обратиться за помощью к лучшему другу-полицейскому инспектору, который принимает и прячет его в собственном доме. Его друг недавно женился и его жена-бывшая возлюбленная Раджеша.
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A young couple struggle with poverty, but a job opportunity which cancels their financial woes leads to new tests of character
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Ананда Бабу - профсоюзного активиста, оклеветали, и он умер, не вынеся позора. Долгие годы на жене и детях висело клеймо «предателя». Дети вырастают и сами выбирают свои дороги. Рави Варма становится инспектором полиции, Виджай - гангстером. Полоса отчуждения пролегла между ними, но это не помешает им найти виновников и отомстить за гибель отца..
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During a jail riot instigated by convict Jaggu (Joginder), the Jailer, Arun Mehra's (Dev Anand) life is threatened and another convict, Dinesh (Satish Kaul), risks his life to save Arun. Arun and his mother, Mrs. Mehra (Sulochana) find out that Dinesh is on death-row for killing noted Professor Ashok Verma. Arun does not believe that Dinesh is guilty and so he arranges his escape from prison. As a result Arun has not only the police, including his own father, Inspector General of Police Mehra (Pran) after him on a manhunt but also underworld don Master (Ajit) and his men; and a cold-hearted female assassin (Zeenat Aman) who has reserved two bullets in her gun for Arun and Dinesh.
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Дхун - учитель музыки в школе, где он в детстве сам был учеником, бросает свою работу после неудачной любви. Он отправляется высоко в горы в поисках музыки с более глубоким смыслом. В придорожном кафе он встречает Пужу и многих других интересных людей.
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After the tragic passing of his parents, Raj Kumar is also separated from his elder brother. He ends up hungry and penniless in Bombay, and is taken in by a pickpocket thief, Usmanbhai, who trains Raj to be a master at picking pockets and stealing. It is in this atmosphere that Raj grows up and calls himself Raju Tardeo, for this is the area allocated to him to carry on stealing. Raju comes to know that a wealthy woman named Kamini has run away from home, and a reward has been placed in all newspapers. He finds her, pretends to fall in love with her, steals her necklace, and takes her back home to her oppressive uncle, who wants her to get married to Ranjeet.
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An Indian ruler struggles to rescue her family and liberate her land from the British.
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Kalyani lives in a small tenement with three sons, Vijay, Nandu, and Bhola, all of whom are unemployed, slackers and trouble-makers. One day Nandu gets into serious trouble with Shantilal, who summons the police, and has him arrested. Kalyani goes to the Police Station to plead with the In-Charge Officer to release Nandu, to no avail. She then goes to Shantilal to try to persuade him to withdraw the charges, also to no avail.
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Superintendent of Police, Rajesh, is asked to take charge of a police station in Goa, and manage it. Rajesh is aware that his friend, Shekar, also lives there, and he is anxious to see him. Upon arrival in Goa, Rajesh and Shekar are delighted to see each other. Shekar is in love with Seema, and Seema too loves him. However, Seema's mom, Lajwanti, does not approve of Shekar, and would like Seema to marry Rajesh. When Shekar comes to know about this, he steps away, so that Rajesh and Seema can marry each other. When Rajesh finds out about Shekar's sacrifice, he decides to let Seema marry Rajesh, and shortly thereafter the marriage takes place. While Shekar and Seema go off on their honeymoon, Rajesh commences his investigation into smuggling activities off the coast of Goa, and his investigations lead him to a suspect by the name of Tiger. Little does Rajesh know, that Tiger is none other an alias for Shekar, who will do anything to protect himself from Rajesh and the police.
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Виджай, оказался в тюрьме по обвинению в преступлении, которого он не совершал. Особую пикантность всей этой ситуации придает тот факт, что свидетелем на стороне обвинителя выступила его девушка Рекха. Виджай был поражен предательством Рекхи, но в заключении он все-таки решился совершить побег. Спланировав вылазку вместе со своими сокамерниками, он оказывается на свободе. Теперь он вернется в дом своей девушки для того чтобы выяснить с ней отношения и узнать страшную правду.
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Film from 1974 with Shashi Kapoor
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Inder and Rama fall in love with each other but due to a twist of fate, Inder marries someone else. However, things take an unexpected turn when Inder and Rama meet again after a few years.
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Story of Anuradha who is an alcoholic
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An action-filled thriller, the film tells of a harassed man who joins a smugglers gang to earn the dowry for his sisters marriage. The smuggler tries to molest his sister, who commits suicide. The hero takes his revenge.
A multimillionaire, who has no heir, decides to leave his wealth to the person who has the longest beard.
A multimillionaire, who has no heir, decides to leave his wealth to the person who has the longest beard.
A multimillionaire, who has no heir, decides to leave his wealth to the person who has the longest beard.
A multimillionaire, who has no heir, decides to leave his wealth to the person who has the longest beard.
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A multimillionaire, who has no heir, decides to leave his wealth to the person who has the longest beard.
A multimillionaire, who has no heir, decides to leave his wealth to the person who has the longest beard.
Himself / Jailor / Constable Kishori Lal / Constable Rafat Lal / Gypsy
A multimillionaire, who has no heir, decides to leave his wealth to the person who has the longest beard.
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Preeti, a wealthy woman, is in an intimate relationship with Prem, but her father disapproves and devises a plan that leads to their breakup. Years later, Preeti is reunited with Prem in a completely different situation.
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Рави Верма - очень талантливый поэт, ставший известным в широких кругах. Однажды он теряет любимую, которая бросает его и разбивает ему сердце. Рави разочаровывается в жизни после этого случая и совершенно перестаёт верить женщинам. Постепенно он опускается на социальное дно. Теперь Рави регулярно прибегает к услугам куртизанок и заливает своё горе литрами алкоголя. Но однажды он встречает Джиоти, которой удаётся вытащить поэта из этого глубочайшего кризиса. Постепенно ей удается собрать по кусочкам его разбитое сердце.
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Identical twins are separated at birth. One grows up as a farmer in tough surroundings and hard work; while the other grows up with a wealthy family.
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Дискотеки … Вечеринки … и молодежь семидесятых. Мир меняющихся ценностей — где слова не имеют никакого значений. Семидесятые — время людей, у которых слишком много денег, но их слишком мало, чтобы сделать жизнь значительной. Рина ищет смысл жизни в наркотическом дурмане. Ни привязанность ее мужа, доктора Самара, ни смерть ее дедушки не могли вырвать ее из пропасти. Только, когда она стала матерью, а ребенок издал первый крик, Рина поняла ужас, в котором жило её, увязшее в наркотическом дрёме, сознание. Она поклялась покончить с этим… Но, позволит ли окружающее её зло сделать так? Хватит ли ей самой сил и желания?.
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Действие фильма концентрируется на поисках чего-то настолько ценного, что от него зависит безопасность нации. Щеголь и интриган как раз подходит для этого. И с помощью танцовщицы из кабаре ему удается спасти страну, после того, как он побеждает бесчисленное множество разношерстных негодяев.
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Numerous plot lines intersect in this comedic romp about a female Victoria-carriage driver who disguises herself as a boy, and the hunt for the stash of diamonds hidden in her Victoria.
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На экране старая как мир история о двух сестрах-близнецах, разлученных в раннем детстве. Гита, похищенная цыганами, стала бродячей танцовщицей. Зита, воспитанная богатым дядюшкой, — богатой наследницей. Но потом, пройдя через массу забавных приключений и недоразумений, они встретились, чтобы к финалу каждая обрела долгожданное счастье и любовь.
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Madhu marries Ravi Anand, the son of a mere employee in her Thakur brother's household, and this results in her brother breaking all relations with her. Madhu moves in with Ravi, and his younger brother, Vijay. Years later, she gives birth to a son, and attempts to reconcile with her brother, to no avail. Then Vijay meets Neeta and both fall in love. Little does Vijay know that Neeta is none other Thakur's daughter, who has already been promised to Benny Sinha.
Kishore Kumar
The lives of Atmaram and his wife are turned upside down when they see their daughter, Mala's pictures in a magazine. They arrange for Mala's marriage with the son of Ramlal. Mala is opposed to marrying anyone who she has not met, and is at the same time thrilled that the two persons she trusted, one Sharma, and the other Verma had actually submitted her pictures to a magazine, and were now willing to sign her up for a Bollywood movie. Mala is not able to understand her parents' opposition on her way to fame, and runs away from home with a lot of money to Goa.
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A woman accept a new job only to discover she is now the boss of the man she married in secret a few years ago.
Music Director
When a difficult man falls blind, he alienates his family and caretakers even further.
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When a difficult man falls blind, he alienates his family and caretakers even further.
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Social film dealing with the topics of child marriage and widow remarriage.
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Shekhar lives a wealthy lifestyle with in widowed mother, Gauri, in Jamuna Nagar, India and manages an estate. The region is being terrorized by a tiger which was wounded by him and has since become even more fearless and a man-eater. Shekhar's attempts to entrap and kill it are all in vain. Then Shekhar meets with Meena and both fall in love with each. Their marriage cannot take place as Meena's father, Gokuldas, had killed Shekhar's dad. But when Mohan kills Gokuldas, the past is forgiven and the couple are allowed to get married.
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Sunil is a collegian and comes from an upper class family. His parents want him to marry the girl of their choice, but he rebels, and refuses to do so. He wants to marry beautiful fellow collegian, Mamta. But will his parents let him have his own way?
Sunil is a collegian and comes from an upper class family. His parents want him to marry the girl of their choice, but he rebels, and refuses to do so. He wants to marry beautiful fellow collegian, Mamta. But will his parents let him have his own way?
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An army captain falls for an outgoing young woman, but unknowingly weds her shy twin sister.
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Door Ka Rahi is story of a person named "Prashant" who is on the travel for the wellness of society, and the end of Journey is to watch. The angle of the movie focused on expressing the internal feelings.
Door Ka Rahi is story of a person named "Prashant" who is on the travel for the wellness of society, and the end of Journey is to watch. The angle of the movie focused on expressing the internal feelings.
Door Ka Rahi is story of a person named "Prashant" who is on the travel for the wellness of society, and the end of Journey is to watch. The angle of the movie focused on expressing the internal feelings.
Door Ka Rahi is story of a person named "Prashant" who is on the travel for the wellness of society, and the end of Journey is to watch. The angle of the movie focused on expressing the internal feelings.
Door Ka Rahi is story of a person named "Prashant" who is on the travel for the wellness of society, and the end of Journey is to watch. The angle of the movie focused on expressing the internal feelings.
Door Ka Rahi is story of a person named "Prashant" who is on the travel for the wellness of society, and the end of Journey is to watch. The angle of the movie focused on expressing the internal feelings.
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Американская писательница Люция Лайн приезжает в Бомбей на премьеру фильма, снятого по ее новелле. Драматург Харри приглашает ее на экскурсию, но американка уже положила глаз на восходящую звезду индийского кино Викрама. Правда, Викрам женат, но это не помешает Люции добиваться его взаимности любыми средствами.
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A chance meeting between an Assistant Scientist, Shekar, and an established stage dancer and singer, Anjana, results in love. While Shekar has a mother who lives separately, Anjana has been orphaned at an early age. Shekar's mom approves of Anjana, and both get married. Anjana stops her involvement in dancig and singing, and both spent the next several months on relative harmony. Then Anjana finds that Shekar is spending more and more time in the laboratory than with her, and she decides to take up dancing and singing, which does not auger well with Shekar. Arguments ensue, and both decide to live separately. When Shekar's mom comes to visit Shekar, both he and Anjana compromise to live together to fool his mother. Will they succeed in pulling wool over her eyes?
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Neeta loves Sudhir, but Naina tries to convince her that Sudhir's love is a scam to get her money.
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A man learns that the people who raised him are not his biological parents.
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Govind, Nazir and Joseph decide to give up the world of crime when a little girl enters their life.
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Раджа Викрам Пратап - отец-диктатор, который железной рукой управляет своим домом и семьей. Его жена Яшода, сыновья Махендра и Сурендра во всем повинуются богатому патриарху. Сурендра почтителен и покорен, а Махендра бунтует исподтишка, но до смерти боится отца. Он любит музыку и танцы, часто нарушает строжайшие запреты и мечтает вырваться на свободу. В семье происходит трагедия, в результате которой послушный Сурендра восстает против отца и уходит из дома. Свобода опьяняет бывшего затворника. Он попадает под влияние Ратана, расчётливого и скользкого типа. Подражая Ратану, Сурендра пускается во все тяжкие. Знакомство с Малой заставляет его прийти в себя. После разговора с отцом, Сурендра начинает проявлять странный интерес к бедной девушке Рани, которая танцует и поет на улицах. Это вызывает недоумение и крайне беспокоит Яшоду и Малу.
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An Assamese film.
Vidyapathi / Guru
Простой деревенский мужик влюбляется в свою новую соседку. Он обращается за помощью к своим друзьям из музыкального театра, чтобы отвлечь прекрасную девушку из соседнего дома от ее учителя музыки.
A man faces many trials and tribulations while taking care of his son who has a hearing impairment. He goes through many hardships to emerge victorious for his son.
Pandit Dinanath Shastri
Kind-hearted yet naive Bajrang (Mehmood) drives a taxi (laila) and helps anyone he can. He is devoted to another kind-hearted gentleman and long-time bank employee by the name of Sadhuram
A man and his assistant go on a business trip, which results in a comedy of errors.
Deepak Raj
Banwari steals Rs.10000 from his employer Manoharlal. Manohar files a police complaint, Banwari is caught and sent to jail. He breaks jail, kills Manohar and abducts his daughter Geeta as a revenge. Banwari brings up Geeta as Sangeeta, a famous stage dancer, as his daughter and makes money through her stage shows but he still wants Manohar's wealth and intend to blackmail Sangeeta's mother Kamla once she is found. Deepak, an educated but unemployed young man, is madly in love with Sangeeta but cannot approach her as she is a celebrity. He gets a chance one day and soon they fall in love.
Raja returns from war only to learn that tragedy struck his family while he was away. He decides to help his son by leaving his village and seeking treatment for him.
Playback Singer
Widower Ramlal lives a wealthy lifestyle near Poona, India along with two daughters and a son. His daughter, Malti, is a Science Graduate; Nirmala, a matriculate, and the son, Atma, who wants his dad to finance a Hindi film which he himself will produce under the banner of 'Wah Wah Productions'
Shyam / Rai Bahadur Ganga Prasad
Widower Ramlal lives a wealthy lifestyle near Poona, India along with two daughters and a son. His daughter, Malti, is a Science Graduate; Nirmala, a matriculate, and the son, Atma, who wants his dad to finance a Hindi film which he himself will produce under the banner of 'Wah Wah Productions'
This is the story of two Akalmands, whose aim is one but the paths they go are different. These two keep on clashing with each other, but when these two get together, they are ready to clash with the whole world
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A tourist guide meets an unhappy married woman who wants to take up dancing. With his motivation, she becomes a successful dancer but success corrupts the man's mind.
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Rekha and her uncle Shyamlal are the only survivors in their family which has a long and painful history of death under bizarre and suspicious circumstances while living in their ancestral property. Rekha and Shyamlal leave their ancestral property in fear and settle down in the city where Rekha meets a jovial and rowdy bunch of youngsters belonging to the Youth Club. Members of the Youth Club decide to unravel the mystery of Rekha's ancestral property and hope to find out if those deaths are freak accidents or an ancient curse.
A wrongful conviction leads Romi to prison for 14 long years in jail, after his release he roams 8 long years being rejected by society and cannot find a job or assistance, then turns to violent crime. His gang is offered a large sum of money to smuggle national secrets out of the area, so he kidnaps a young child and forces her sister Roopa (Ameeta) to carry the goods. Roopa would rather die than become a traitor, loses control of her car and is cast into the river, washing ashore in the same village with Radha and Ram. Meanwhile, unemployed Kishore (Kishore Kumar) decides he will play detective to find the lost girl Radha and her sister, tracks her to the village and falls in love. Romi and his gang also track Roopa, and they flee to the city to save her sister, where Ram becomes employed as a wrestler. Romi tracks them down, kidnaps Radha, and realizes that it is his long lost family. He decides he will sacrifice himself to save them to show that his heart is still honest.
Shankar (Kishore Kumar) is employed in army and is visiting his village on leave. He is informed that he has lost his wife and father in an accidental fire. His child, Ramu, is unable to talk. Shankar sets off to city to get Ramu treated. Instead, he ends up in Meena's (Supriya Choudhury) house after a quarrel with Thakur leaves him wounded on the road. Meena begins to have feelings toward Shankar and Ramu. Thakur, on the other hand, has plans to get Meera married to his son. The only roadblocks for him are now Shankar and his son Ramu.
Shankar (Kishore Kumar) is employed in army and is visiting his village on leave. He is informed that he has lost his wife and father in an accidental fire. His child, Ramu, is unable to talk. Shankar sets off to city to get Ramu treated. Instead, he ends up in Meena's (Supriya Choudhury) house after a quarrel with Thakur leaves him wounded on the road. Meena begins to have feelings toward Shankar and Ramu. Thakur, on the other hand, has plans to get Meera married to his son. The only roadblocks for him are now Shankar and his son Ramu.
Shankar (Kishore Kumar) is employed in army and is visiting his village on leave. He is informed that he has lost his wife and father in an accidental fire. His child, Ramu, is unable to talk. Shankar sets off to city to get Ramu treated. Instead, he ends up in Meena's (Supriya Choudhury) house after a quarrel with Thakur leaves him wounded on the road. Meena begins to have feelings toward Shankar and Ramu. Thakur, on the other hand, has plans to get Meera married to his son. The only roadblocks for him are now Shankar and his son Ramu.
Shankar (Kishore Kumar) is employed in army and is visiting his village on leave. He is informed that he has lost his wife and father in an accidental fire. His child, Ramu, is unable to talk. Shankar sets off to city to get Ramu treated. Instead, he ends up in Meena's (Supriya Choudhury) house after a quarrel with Thakur leaves him wounded on the road. Meena begins to have feelings toward Shankar and Ramu. Thakur, on the other hand, has plans to get Meera married to his son. The only roadblocks for him are now Shankar and his son Ramu.
Kavi Sudarshan
Shobha Mathur lives a wealthy lifestyle with her Professor dad, who is now carrying out experiments on various issues. One day while doing so, he makes an employee named Manohar drink a potion, which results in his death. Rajan comes to their rescue, gets rid of the body, and starts blackmailing Mathur, which can only end when Shobha marries Rajan. Then one day Shobha meets a poet by the name of Sudarshan and both of them fall in love. When he asks for her hand in marriage, Shobha refuses. The next day Shobha finds a note addressed to her from Sudarshan in which he has stated that he is going to kill himself. Thereafter, every night she starts to hear Sudarshan's voice, blaming her for his death, as his soul is unable to find solace. With Sudarshan out of the way, Rajan readies himself for marrying Shobha - and it looks like he may have his way with the Mathurs after all - without having to encounter any more obstacles.
Raja's frequent brush with crime forces his sister Rani to disown him, and she decides to work in Dr. Mohan's house. However, Dr. Mohan finds out the truth about Rani and her brother.
A man is devastated when his beloved is seemingly killed in a train crash, so his colleagues suggest he goes for a picnic to cheer himself up.
Randhir / Kishore
Randhir has been an orphan, and lived all his younger life in an orphanage. When he grew up, he took to stealing as a career, and has been on the run from the police since then. One day he comes across a dead body, which resembles his face, and he assumes that person's identity, leaving the police to conclude that Randhir is dead. Randhir, now with a new identity finds out that his name is Kishore, who is wealthy beyond his imagination. He begans to live the easy life, and even has a pretty girlfriend, who he indeeds to marry. But then murphy's law steps in, and Randhir soon realises that he has landed himself in a soup, when the police come looking for Kishore, to charge him with murder.
Vijay/Munna/Vijay's mom in photograph
A diamond thief hides his loot on an innocent child, but the child turns out to be an adult posing as a youngster to purchase a half-priced train ticket. Now, the thief will have to outwit the eccentric in a series of wacky misadventures.
After winning a lottery, Asha and Bela round up a holiday to find suitable husbands. But they end up being framed for stealing a precious necklace.
Playback Singer
1959 Bollywood Drama Comedy
1959 Bollywood Drama Comedy
Manmohan 'Manu' Sharma
Three woman-hating brothers face changes in their respective lifestyles when two of them fall in love.
Shankar and Buddhu are identical twins. Shankar, unbeknownst to Buddhu, has found love with a painter; Buddhu meanwhile falls in love with the painter’s sister, who works at his office. As neither sister knows her lover has a twin, and Buddhu is unaware of Shankar’s romance, confusion ensues.
Binda, an old musician in a village near Bombay, has brought up his son Rajan, in the hope that one day Rajan will become a great musician.
Kishore Kumar Sharma
Kishore is a conman who has little respect for the rich. He learns that the person responsible for his friend's death is the same who led to his own father's death. He swears to bring him to justice.
R.K. Raju, a private investigator is assigned the task of locating the missing daughter of a wealthy Hindu couple. His investigation take him to different locales, and he comes across Miss Mary, the girl closely resembling the one he is looking for.
A good-hearted man is framed by his philandering cousin for murder.
The story is about a house consisting of three families who live in it. It is three stories linked by the house.
Kishore's dad is a miser, busy accumulating money by hook or by crook. He lives in a palatial house with his wife and Kishore. He would like Kishore to marry the only daughter of a very wealthy man, so that he gets a hefty dowry, as well as the vast property and assets when the woman's parents pass away. Kishore is exactly the opposite of his dad. He loves to squander his dad's hard-earned money, and has no use for it at all. He dislikes the rich woman his father wants him to marry, and runs away from home. He meets Mala and both fall in love with each other. Kishore wants Mala to marry him, but Mala will only marry when their respective families approve of them, so Kishore has to come up with a scheme to pull wool over his money-minded father - which he does - with hilarious results.
Playback Singer
A rich businessman, Dayashankar Kumar (Shivraj), who is a widow, lives with his two young sons Ashok and Raj. When he catches the younger boy Raj stealing money, he punishes him and threatens to cut off his fingers. A frightened Raj runs away from home. Years pass and the older brother Ashok (Ashok Kumar), becomes the owner of his father's business and property, running Superior Motors, which also extends to Bombay. Ashok is married to Lakshmi (Nirupa Roy) and is a caring and loving husband. They have a young son, Munna (Daisy Irani).
Raj Kumar (Raja)
A rich businessman, Dayashankar Kumar (Shivraj), who is a widow, lives with his two young sons Ashok and Raj. When he catches the younger boy Raj stealing money, he punishes him and threatens to cut off his fingers. A frightened Raj runs away from home. Years pass and the older brother Ashok (Ashok Kumar), becomes the owner of his father's business and property, running Superior Motors, which also extends to Bombay. Ashok is married to Lakshmi (Nirupa Roy) and is a caring and loving husband. They have a young son, Munna (Daisy Irani).
Kishore / Kishu / Krishnaswami
Two jobless men become entangled in a series of chases and conflicts when they try to hang on to an extremely valuable coat that a fleeing criminal dropped in their apartment.
Film starring Kishore Kumar, Meena Kumari and Kumkum
Meena, a wealthy, educated girl, has been promised in marriage to Sunder, a sheltered young man who has received an extremely traditional religious education. Displeased, Meena sets out to find a more suitable candidate, but is taken in by Manohar, a gold-digging conman. Finding Sunder to be clueless about the world, Manohar is soon manipulating him as well as Meena in his schemes to gain possession of Meena's fortune.
A joint family consisting of four brothers, their wives, and their respective children, living under one roof. Some of the brothers are professionls, one a lawyer, a doctor, and others businessmen. They are a happy family, living and sharing each other's joys and sorrows. Then one day, an arguement breaks out over a glass of milk, and the entire family is thrown into chaos, and the only resolution seems to be nothing but dividing the entire property amongst the brothers and their respective families.
Anand D. Khanna / Anandkumar Swami
В Нью-Дели приезжает молодой человек - Ананд, родом из Пенджаба (северо-запад Индии). Он долго ходит по городу в поисках комнаты, но никто не хочет принять к себе пенджабца. Один желает, чтобы его квартирант был бенгалец, другой - гуджаратец, третий - мадрасец. Совсем было отчаявшемуся Ананду один из его приятелей дает совет - выдать себя за мадрасца. Ананд переодевается, говорит, что он - уроженец Мадраса, и тут же находит себе комнату.
Аджай Мукерджи был озорным и упрямым мальчиком. Много беспокойства причинял он своими проделками жителям деревни.
A couple of gangsters mistake CID Inspector Mohan for a civilian and propose a business plan to him. When he refuses their offer, they plan to make his life miserable.
Raj Kumar Ashok Sagar
Raj Kumar Ashok belongs to a rich and aristocratic family. His parents want him to marry the best of the best girls money could find. Ashok's dad then spends a lot of money to invite proposals from all over India. But Ashok loves Kokila, who belongs to a poor family and sells flowers for a livelihood. Ashok decides to carry on his love with Kokila and at the same time witnesses the hilarious goings-on at his residence when the dads, mom, and the brides-to-be assemble - all from different parts of India - all speaking a different language. And with this multi-lingual medley, misunderstandings are bound to happen - and they do. His parents eventually select Roopa to be the bride. What will happen to the budding romance of Ashok and Kokila?
Playback Singer
Художник Гопал как-то спросил своего друга геолога: — Скажи мне, Шанкар, какую ты хочешь невесту?
Скромный Шанкар ответил: — Я бы хотел чтобы она немножко пела, ну хоть чуть-чуть. И чтобы она была красива. Вот только и всего…
Случай свёл его с девушкой редкой красоты. Но вот беда: Шивани (так звали её) была из бедной семьи и уже сосватана за нелюбимого, но богатого старика. Узнав об этом, Шанкар решает расстроить свадьбу и жениться на Шивани. Он так торопился осуществить своё внезапное решение, что даже не успел поговорить со своей невестой. Поговорить… Да если бы он и пожелал, это не удалось бы: лишь после свадьбы ему стало известно, каким страшным недугом страдала его жена…
Ratan Kumar Chaudhary
Фильм, поставленный по повести Субодх Басу, рассказывает о судьбе молодого безработного парня, который, отчаявшись найти службу, решил покончить с собой. Но в последний момент, когда юноша уже собирался осуществить свое намерение, любимая девушка спасает его.
Raja lives a wealthy lifestyle with his somewhat upper Caste Hindu, eccentric, woman-hating dad, Hazurdas, and mom. He is friendly with Kishore, and both are aspiring doctors. On their way to college, they meet with two young women, Rani Mehra and Kamini.
Playback Singer
В бедной индийской семье делается все, чтобы вывести в люди двух сыновей - Раджу и Бхану. Старательный и скромный Раджу готовится стать адвокатом. Умный и способный Бхану бездельничает и этим приносит родителям немало горя. Однако, когда отцу грозит позор и тюремное заключение, именно Бхану приходит на помощь отцу и, взяв его вину на себя, попадает в тюрьму.
Playback Singer
Carlos and his sister Maria live along the Indian coast in a fishing village. Tony and Lisa are 2 newcomers and soon Maria and Tony fall in love. This does not go down well with Simon who loves Maria.
Fed up of Dilip's involvement with gold digging actress Nayantara, Dilip's uncle pretends to be gravely ill in hopes of guilting him into marrying a decent girl. Dilip convinces reluctant Kiran to pretend to be his fiancée. Dilip and Kiran soon fall in love, and Nayantara decides to intervene.
A stridently nationalistic story of India’s freedom struggle, presented through the experiences of a Bengali family from 1885, when the Indian National Congress was established, to 1947. Important events incorporated into the plot were Gandhi’s satyagraha (1920), the Simon Commission (1928), Vallabhbhai Patel’s Bardoli satyagraha (1928) and the 1942 Quit India agitations. Krishan Chander’s script, Sachin Shankar’s choreography and the acting styles owed much to the IPTA theatre of the 40s. The film, made at Bombay Talkies, was produced by the distributors of the Chicago Radio PA systems label. Kishore Kumar plays the militant hero of this quasi-documentary. Motwane included old documentary footage purchased from Kohinoor and Krishna Film, as well as a shot of Rabindranath Tagore singing his Jana Gana Mana composition, one of India’s national anthems (Arunkumar Roy’s Of Tagore and Cinema, 1994, traces this footage to Ufa, shot when Tagore visited Munich)
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Pyar is a movie directed by V.M. Vyas featuring Raj Kapoor, Nargis.
Hindi film from 1948
A Hindi-language film starring Rehana, Kishore Kumar, and Pran.
A 1958 Hindi-language film starring Kishore Kumar, Nutan and Mala Sinha.