Джей Пи живет в небольшой квартире на окраине Монреаля вместе с младшим братом Винсентом, матерью Джо и своей подружкой Мел. Вместе с братом Джей Пи выходят каждый вечер на улицы города, где помогают своему дяде-наркоторговцу реализовать его товар.
The nuns of a musical convent work hard in order to prevent the religious school from closing.
Evelyne O'Neal
Пытаясь помочь другу, Луис Бернард отправляется в необыкновенное путешествие. С помощью магических артефактов, он попадает в параллельный мир, из которого он может изменить события в нашем мире…
Natacha Lamontagne
Juliette, 15, is the only child of an eminent judge and has had the best of education in the best of schools. Her father is in the limelight because he’s been chosen to preside over one of the most important trials of the past 10 years: the case of Réal Lamontagne, a notorious criminal accused of killing a child. Roméo, 17, is the son of the accused. Even though they come from diametrically opposed universes, Juliette and Roméo fall for each other.
Louis is "repo man" who is no stranger to strong-arm tactics in his work, but he has dreamed of becoming an actor since he was a child. When cousin helps him get an audition, he gets the help of a fam... read more ous actor to him secretly rehearse his scenes. He doesn't even tell his girlfriend Suzie But, Suzie also has a secret. She's pregnant and doesn't want her child to grow up in an atmosphere of violence.
Pauline Toulouse
Newly-arrived Ahmed tries to integrate his family to the canadian society, while attempting to control his son's life orientation.
Maude Graham
В городе стали находить обезображенные буквально растерзанные на куски тела молодых женщин. Поползла волна страхи и слухов о том, что объявился невероятно жестокий и кровавый маньяк-убийца. Преступник не только тешит свое самолюбие страданиями и мучениями своих жертв, но и преследует какую-то зловещую цель. Расследование убийств поручают молодой женщине – детективу полиции. Психологический портрет убийцы составлен, детективу кажется, что она может проникнуть в самые потаенные глубины подсознания психопата - преступника. Чем закончится эта дуэль, это противостояние добра и зла...
Director Charles Biname rounds out his trilogy of Canadian urban malaise films (Eldorado and Le coeur au poing being the first two works) with this film about a one night stand gone horribly, horribly wrong. Not long after Vincent (Jean-Francois Casabonne) meets the vivacious Pandore (Pascale Bussieres) at the Montreal port for a business meeting, the two are soon rolling around in a hotel room. Vincent's ardor cools for the lass when he learns of her ominous secret, and his button-down wife Ariane (Maude Guérin) walks out on him.
Six-year-old Jeremiah asks his parents what the word "sodomize" means. His father gets lost in the explanations.
A heterosexual man pretends to be gay in order to keep his career in the world of art, which causes many misunderstandings with his wife, and mother.
Emma, a lesbian conductor, is confronted with a toxic relationship with her father.