Priyanshu Chatterjee
Рождение : 1973-02-19, New Delhi, India
Priyanshu Chatterjee is an Indian actor and former model known for his works in Bollywood, and Bengali cinema. He made his Hindi film debut in the box-office big success Tum Bin in 2001. He will next be seen in the Bengali film, Mayamrigaya (2022), as Rabindranath Tagore.
Satyajit Ray
Upcoming Bengali Movie Based on Bengali matinee idol Uttam Kumar. The story revolves around the unexplored life of Uttam Kumar.
Barun Rai
Harmesh and Soumili move into their dream home, unbeknownst to the spate of mysterious suicides plaguing the area and local police force. Perplexed and alarmed by the high rate of unexplained deaths, the pair seek answers from Detective Barun Rai, a specialist investigator famed for unravelling paranormal crimes.
Shikara is the untold story of Kashmiri Pandits' forced exodus. It is the story of resilience in the face of insurmountable odds. It is also the story of a love that remains unextinguished through 30 years of exile. A timeless love story in the worst of times.
Maj. Vijay Oberoi
Set in Dubai, the story explores the bond between two friends, an Indian and a Pakistani, who play as the doubles partners in Tennis.
An extraordinary story of a small boy and his journey from orphanage to being a son of an IAS officer and his fight against terrorism to save his dear friends.
Emergency has been declared in India. Maharani Gitanjali from one of Rajasthan's princely states has already lost her privy purse. Now, she fears that she will lose the last treasure chest of gold which has been forcibly taken away from her. So she asks her trusted lieutenant, Bhawani to step in and plan a heist.
The world is full of fascination and obsessions. Different people have different desires and goals in life. For some its power, for some its money, for some its someone and for some its plain crazy love.The real question is that to what level can one rise or fall for his/her dream or aspirations. Mirza Juuliet is the story of such strong emotions like love, hatred, lust, trust, friendship, deceit, manipulation and above all a mixed confusion of all these emotions.
Kahani met her Prince Charming Nirbhay in Goa for the first time and fell in love. So far their journey together has been excellent and today is their first wedding anniversary.
The film tells the story of an old colonial house and how its inhabitants save it from the hands of money hungry promoters in modern day Calcutta.
Majaz- Ae Gham-e-Dil Kya Karun is a biopic on the life of Asrarul Haq Majaz Lakhnavi. This film depicts the story of a poet and his throes with professional life, setback with love and fragmentation with family. The film brings back the classic era of lost realms related to culture, heritage and relationships. It is a love story circumscribed with different shades of issues which twists the life of the characters.
Free as a bird. To wander. To nestle. To take flight. We are not. As India gained its much awaited independence in 1947, a race faced another struggle. Bengal was divided and hundreds of thousands of Bengalis were displaced and divided on the basis of their religion. The Hindus were forced out as East Bengal was made a part of Pakistan and the same fate lay in store for the Muslims of West Bengal. Millions became refugees in their own homeland, and thousands still bear the cross and the scar. The film is a human saga of a truncated land and how people are trying to relive their destiny.
Arka finds an ancient inscription carved upon the stone and is determined to unravel the mystery behind it with the help of his paternal uncle and a linguist named Barsha. They embark upon a mission to find the missing filmmaker which takes them to the far flung village of Gorang. Their journey takes a new turn when they realize that not only they are being hunted by another unknown group of people for the metal piece but the metal piece itself is a treasure map.
Антуан — знаменитый композитор, сочиняющий музыку к фильмам. Его приглашают в Индию поработать над музыкальным сопровождением к индийской версии «Ромео и Джульетты», где он знакомится с Анной, женой французского посла. Он прагматичен и циничен, она восторженна восточной духовной философией: совершенно разные, они быстро привязываются друг к другу.
Vikram Diwan
Siya appears to be the bone of contention between warring businessmen Aditya and Saurav. But this one runs deeper than your average love triangle.
Barkhaa is a Bollywood Romantic film, directed by Shadaab Mirza and produced by Shabana Hashmi. It stars Sara Loren in lead titular role. The film also stars Taaha Shah, Shweta Pandit, Priyanshu Chatterjee and Puneet Issar in prominent roles. The film was extensively shot in Himachal Pradesh, India. Marketing of the film was done by Hash Entertainment and is distributed under the banner of Zahara Productions. It was released on March 27, 2015.
Sanjay Kumar Singh
A young, beautiful and rich girl, Dimpy Singh, approaches Samrat Tilakdhari, a private investigator, with a strange case. Their garden got ruined for reasons that appear natural but are not known; leading horticulturists have examined the fading plants but they have not been able to identify the probable reason. Further, her father's favorite horse died; once again the reason for the pre-mature death remains a mystery. That's not the end; Dimpy's father Mahendra Pratap Singh, otherwise a very strong and balanced man, has been experiencing deteriorating health. All these aspects when combined makes the case sound weird and that grabs the attention of Samrat. Samrat along with his assistant friend, Chakradhar Pandey, visits the huge estate of Mahendra Pratap Singh. As he starts investigating, he discovers lots of mysterious facts.
Four youngsters and a couple take matters into their own hands when a few felonious individuals encroach upon innocent people's land in their village.
The film is a taut thriller, set in the backdrop of a jail. It is a modern story of reformation. The film provokes thoughts about the nature of human being while infusing hope that it is good in every human being. When a reluctant Jyotsna, an artist with her assistant Ragini arrive in Calapor Central Jail to conduct an art program for prison inmates, initiated by a very sincere and committed reformist Jail Superintendent, Karunakar, the agonizing part of a criminal husband who cheated her and a delinquent son who ran away, returns to torment her. With adversity comes an opportunity; a second chance that Jyotsna as a mother cannot afford to lose or fail to succeed.
Agni Bose
A citified executive meets an idealistic journalist who challenges his values as he negotiates with tribal peoples to acquire their land for mining.
Priyanshu Chatterjee
An eclectic group of passengers travelling from Delhi to Mumbai aboard the Rajdhani Express has to deal with an unexpected situation.
Whenever love leaves, it leaves traces. Those traces cling on to old times and familiar spaces.
Inder loves to make merry with his friends Preet and Bittu. They face a huge challenge when they have to deal with a corrupt policeman, causing them to learn how to take their lives seriously.
Jyotindranath Tagore
Фильм о жизни и духовных исканиях Лалона (1772г. – 17 октября 1890 гг.), известного бенгальского поэта, певца-баула, композитора, факира, философа, мистика и социального реформатора. Его поэзия считается классикой бенгальской литературы. Лалон повлиял на многих мыслителей своего времени, включая Рабиндраната Тагора.
Imtiaz Chowdhury
An award-winning aging actress reflects on her life while writing a suicide note.
Arun Bakshi
Сын легендарного Раджа Капура Риши решил заняться политикой и приехал в свою родную деревню, чтобы заручиться поддержкой ее жителей. Он обещает жителям деревни, что будет здесь жить постоянно, построит вокзал и проведет электричество, однако выясняется, что у него совсем другие планы...
Vijay Nath
Рассказ о взаимоотношениях между призраком умершего старика и мальчиком Банку. Семья приезжает жить на Виллу Натх в Гоа. Этот дом все обходят стороной из-за живущего там призрака. Бхутнатх — имя, которое дал призраку мальчик Банку (от Бхут — призрак, Натх — имя владельцев виллы). Банку не верит, что призраки существуют, поэтому не испугался, когда увидел страшного старика. Он решил, что это — ангел, и очень скоро они становятся друзьями. Прияншу Чаттерджи исполняет роль сына Бхутнатха, который должен помочь душе отца найти покой.
The film explores two lovers and their relationship in their last life that had come to a tragic end, and in 2007 the pair confronts each other again in the current incarnation.
Two lovers, Prashant and Kiran, form a team to expose the corrupt politicians in Maharashtra. However, everyone gets shocked when he decides to enter politics and contest upcoming elections.
Advocate Digamber Puri
Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry and Vasundhara Das.
Arpit Oberoi
Анупама, для друзей просто Анну - студентка колледжа искусств из богатой и счастливой семьи впервые познала горе, когда в результате событий 11 сентября погибла ее старшая сестра Ану и ее муж. Боль потери так потрясла ее, что она стала умственно неполноценной. Чтобы помочь ей справиться с проблемой, спустя два года родители знакомят ее с известным производителем рекламных роликов Арпритом Оберои, который становится ее женихом. Позже его приглашают на работу в международный проект и он уезжает в США. Тем временем, Ану пытается узнать, что такое терроризм, почему люди делают это... и она встречает члена антитеррористической организации Амана. Очарованная целью его работы, она влюбляется в него...
Mihir Shandilya
Фильм начинается с показа телевизионного шоу. Главная героиня шоу - Джулия рассказывает о своей нелегкой жизни. О том, как она, наивная девушка, приехала из Гоа в Бомбей и постепенно стала первоклассной девочкой по вызову.
Shekhar Kapoor
Job-hunting, on his way from Goa to Mahabuleshwar , Shekhar Kapoor ends up at Laila's Bar, is mistaken for a contract killer by Pratap Singh and Laila, and is instructed to kill Sonali, ...
Сын крупного предпринимателя Джай с первого взгляда безумно влюбляется в учительницу младших классов Тийю. Но у девушки есть любимый молодой человек Радж и Джайю приходится отступить. Через несколько лет, в течении которых Тийя выходит замуж за Раджа и у них рождается сын, по роковому стечению обстоятельств Джай становится виновником аварии в которой погибает Раджа и получает тяжелую травму Тийя.
Samar Dev
A suspended cop ends up in Calgary searching for a criminal, where he falls in love with daughter of a successful Indian businessman and a protective father who takes a while to accept his future son-in-law.
Shekhar Malhotra
Молодой предприниматель Шенкар по нелепой случайности становится виновником смерти своего коллеги Амара, приехавшего в Индию из Канады на несколько дней. Под гнётом собственной вины Шенкар отправляется в Канаду, чтобы хоть как-то помочь родственникам Амара. Здесь он знакомится с Пийей - невестой Амара. Шенкар влюбляется в Пийю, но сможет ли он рассказать ей правду о гибели жениха, да и полиция разыскивает его, как обвиняемого.
Rabindranath Tagore
Serial killing. United Kingdom. Rabindranath Tagore.
Rabindranath Tagore
The film is based on Rabindranath Tagore's novel Dui Bon which was first published in 1933 and is among one of Tagore's last three works.
Little Baby is a story of unconditional love between a father and daughter. Sasha is a 19 year old girl who loves to experiment with her life and in this, she forgets she has a loving father and a mother.